use of org.xwiki.mail.internal.MemoryMailListener in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class JavaIntegrationTest method sendTextMail.
public void sendTextMail() throws Exception {
// Step 1: Create a JavaMail Session
Session session = Session.getInstance(this.configuration.getAllProperties());
// Step 2: Create the Message to send
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
message.setRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(""));
// Step 3: Add the Message Body
Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart("mixed");
// Add text in the body
multipart.addBodyPart(this.defaultBodyPartFactory.create("some text here", Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("mimetype", "text/plain")));
// We also test using some default BCC addresses from configuration in this test
this.configuration.setBCCAddresses(Arrays.asList("", ""));
// Ensure we do not reuse the same message identifier for multiple similar messages in this test
MimeMessage message2 = new MimeMessage(message);
MimeMessage message3 = new MimeMessage(message);
// Step 4: Send the mail and wait for it to be sent
// Send 3 mails (3 times the same mail) to verify we can send several emails at once.
MailListener memoryMailListener = this.componentManager.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
this.sender.sendAsynchronously(Arrays.asList(message, message2, message3), session, memoryMailListener);
// Note: we don't test status reporting from the listener since this is already tested in the
// ScriptingIntegrationTest test class.
// Verify that the mails have been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 3);
MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();
// Note: we're receiving 9 messages since we sent 3 with 3 recipients (2 BCC and 1 to)!
assertEquals(9, messages.length);
// Assert the email parts that are the same for all mails
assertEquals("subject", messages[0].getHeader("Subject", null));
assertEquals(1, ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getCount());
BodyPart textBodyPart = ((MimeMultipart) messages[0].getContent()).getBodyPart(0);
assertEquals("text/plain", textBodyPart.getHeader("Content-Type")[0]);
assertEquals("some text here", textBodyPart.getContent());
assertEquals("", messages[0].getHeader("To", null));
// Note: We cannot assert that the BCC worked since by definition BCC information are not visible in received
// messages ;) But we checked that we received 9 emails above so that's good enough.
use of org.xwiki.mail.internal.MemoryMailListener in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class PrepareMailRunnableTest method prepareMailWhenContentStoreFails.
public void prepareMailWhenContentStoreFails() throws Exception {
Properties properties = new Properties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
MimeMessage message1 = new MimeMessage(session);
MimeMessage message2 = new MimeMessage(session);
String batchId1 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
String batchId2 = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
ExecutionContext context1 = new ExecutionContext();
XWikiContext xContext1 = new XWikiContext();
context1.setProperty(XWikiContext.EXECUTIONCONTEXT_KEY, xContext1);
ExecutionContext context2 = new ExecutionContext();
XWikiContext xContext2 = new XWikiContext();
context2.setProperty(XWikiContext.EXECUTIONCONTEXT_KEY, xContext2);
MemoryMailListener listener1 = this.mocker.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
PrepareMailQueueItem item1 = new PrepareMailQueueItem(Arrays.asList(message1), session, listener1, batchId1, context1);
MemoryMailListener listener2 = this.mocker.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
PrepareMailQueueItem item2 = new PrepareMailQueueItem(Arrays.asList(message2), session, listener2, batchId2, context2);
MailQueueManager mailQueueManager = this.mocker.getInstance(new DefaultParameterizedType(null, MailQueueManager.class, PrepareMailQueueItem.class));
// Make the content store save fail
MailContentStore contentStore = this.mocker.getInstance(MailContentStore.class, "filesystem");
doThrow(new MailStoreException("error")).when(contentStore).save(any(String.class), any(ExtendedMimeMessage.class));
// Prepare 2 mails. Both will fail but we want to verify that the second one is processed even though the first
// one failed.
MailRunnable runnable = this.mocker.getComponentUnderTest();
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
// Wait for the mails to have been processed.
try {
} finally {
MailStatusResult result1 = listener1.getMailStatusResult();
MailStatusResult result2 = listener2.getMailStatusResult();
// Despite the errors, both process should be ended with known total number of mails
// This is the real test: we verify that there's been an error while sending each email.
MailStatus status1 = result1.getByState(MailState.PREPARE_ERROR).next();
assertEquals("MailStoreException: error", status1.getErrorSummary());
MailStatus status2 = result2.getByState(MailState.PREPARE_ERROR).next();
assertEquals("MailStoreException: error", status2.getErrorSummary());
use of org.xwiki.mail.internal.MemoryMailListener in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class SendMailRunnableTest method sendMailWhenSendingFails.
public void sendMailWhenSendingFails() throws Exception {
// Create a Session with an invalid host so that it generates an error
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("", "xwiki-unknown");
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
MimeMessage msg1 = new MimeMessage(session);
ExtendedMimeMessage message1 = new ExtendedMimeMessage(msg1);
String id1 = message1.getUniqueMessageId();
MimeMessage msg2 = new MimeMessage(session);
ExtendedMimeMessage message2 = new ExtendedMimeMessage(msg2);
String id2 = message2.getUniqueMessageId();
MemoryMailListener listener = this.mocker.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
String batchId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
listener.onPrepareBegin(batchId, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
((UpdateableMailStatusResult) listener.getMailStatusResult()).setTotalSize(2);
SendMailQueueItem item1 = new SendMailQueueItem(id1, session, listener, batchId, "xwiki");
SendMailQueueItem item2 = new SendMailQueueItem(id2, session, listener, batchId, "xwiki");
MailQueueManager mailQueueManager = this.mocker.getInstance(new DefaultParameterizedType(null, MailQueueManager.class, SendMailQueueItem.class));
// Simulate loading the message from the content store
MailContentStore contentStore = this.mocker.getInstance(MailContentStore.class, "filesystem");
when(contentStore.load(session, batchId, id1)).thenReturn(message1);
when(contentStore.load(session, batchId, id2)).thenReturn(message2);
// Send 2 mails. Both will fail but we want to verify that the second one is processed even though the first
// one failed.
MailRunnable runnable = this.mocker.getComponentUnderTest();
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
// Wait for the mails to have been processed.
try {
} finally {
// This is the real test: we verify that there's been an error while sending each email.
Iterator<MailStatus> statuses = listener.getMailStatusResult().getByState(MailState.SEND_ERROR);
int errorCount = 0;
while (statuses.hasNext()) {
MailStatus status =;
// Note: I would have liked to assert the exact message but it seems there can be different ones returned.
// During my tests I got 2 different ones:
// "UnknownHostException: xwiki-unknown"
// "ConnectException: Connection refused"
// Thus for now I only assert that there's an error set, but not its content.
assertTrue(status.getErrorSummary() != null);
assertEquals(2, errorCount);
use of org.xwiki.mail.internal.MemoryMailListener in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class SendMailRunnableTest method sendMailWhenMailRetrievalFails.
public void sendMailWhenMailRetrievalFails() throws Exception {
// Create a Session with an invalid host so that it generates an error
Properties properties = new Properties();
Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(properties);
MimeMessage msg1 = new MimeMessage(session);
ExtendedMimeMessage message1 = new ExtendedMimeMessage(msg1);
String id1 = message1.getUniqueMessageId();
MimeMessage msg2 = new MimeMessage(session);
ExtendedMimeMessage message2 = new ExtendedMimeMessage(msg2);
String id2 = message2.getUniqueMessageId();
MemoryMailListener listener = this.mocker.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
String batchId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
listener.onPrepareBegin(batchId, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
((UpdateableMailStatusResult) listener.getMailStatusResult()).setTotalSize(2);
listener.onPrepareMessageSuccess(message1, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
SendMailQueueItem item1 = new SendMailQueueItem(id1, session, listener, batchId, "xwiki");
listener.onPrepareMessageSuccess(message2, Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap());
SendMailQueueItem item2 = new SendMailQueueItem(id2, session, listener, batchId, "xwiki");
MailQueueManager mailQueueManager = this.mocker.getInstance(new DefaultParameterizedType(null, MailQueueManager.class, SendMailQueueItem.class));
// Simulate loading the message from the content store
MailContentStore contentStore = this.mocker.getInstance(MailContentStore.class, "filesystem");
when(contentStore.load(session, batchId, id1)).thenThrow(new MailStoreException("Store failure on message 1"));
when(contentStore.load(session, batchId, id2)).thenThrow(new MailStoreException("Store failure on message 2"));
// Send 2 mails. Both will fail but we want to verify that the second one is processed even though the first
// one failed.
MailRunnable runnable = this.mocker.getComponentUnderTest();
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable);
// Wait for the mails to have been processed.
try {
} finally {
// This is the real test: we verify that there's been an error while sending each email.
Iterator<MailStatus> statuses = listener.getMailStatusResult().getByState(MailState.SEND_FATAL_ERROR);
int errorCount = 0;
while (statuses.hasNext()) {
MailStatus status =;
// Note: I would have liked to assert the exact message but it seems there can be different ones returned.
// During my tests I got 2 different ones:
// "UnknownHostException: xwiki-unknown"
// "ConnectException: Connection refused"
// Thus for now I only assert that there's an error set, but not its content.
assertEquals("MailStoreException: Store failure on message " + ++errorCount, status.getErrorSummary());
assertEquals(2, errorCount);
use of org.xwiki.mail.internal.MemoryMailListener in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class JavaIntegrationTest method sendMailWithCustomMessageId.
public void sendMailWithCustomMessageId() throws Exception {
Session session = Session.getInstance(this.configuration.getAllProperties());
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session) {
protected void updateMessageID() throws MessagingException {
if (getMessageID() == null) {
message.setRecipient(RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(""));
message.setText("Test message Id support");
message.setHeader("Message-ID", "<custom@domain>");
MailListener memoryMailListener = this.componentManager.getInstance(MailListener.class, "memory");
this.sender.sendAsynchronously(Arrays.asList(message), session, memoryMailListener);
// Verify that the mails have been received (wait maximum 30 seconds).
this.mail.waitForIncomingEmail(30000L, 1);
MimeMessage[] messages = this.mail.getReceivedMessages();
assertEquals("<custom@domain>", messages[0].getMessageID());