use of org.xwiki.model.reference.SpaceReferenceResolver in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreateActionRequestHandler method loadAvailableTemplateProviders.
* @param spaceReference the space to check if there are available templates for
* @param context the context of the current request
* @param templateClassReference the reference to the template provider class
* @return the available template providers for the passed space, as {@link Document}s
private List<Document> loadAvailableTemplateProviders(SpaceReference spaceReference, DocumentReference templateClassReference, XWikiContext context) {
List<Document> templates = new ArrayList<>();
try {
QueryManager queryManager = Utils.getComponent((Type) QueryManager.class, "secure");
Query query = queryManager.createQuery("from doc.object(XWiki.TemplateProviderClass) as template " + "where doc.fullName not like 'XWiki.TemplateProviderTemplate' " + "order by", Query.XWQL);
// TODO: Extend the above query to include a filter on the type and allowed spaces properties so we can
// remove the java code below, thus improving performance by not loading all the documents, but only the
// documents we need.
List<XWikiDocument> recommendedTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> templateProviderDocNames = query.execute();
for (String templateProviderName : templateProviderDocNames) {
// get the document and template provider object
DocumentReference reference = getCurrentMixedResolver().resolve(templateProviderName);
// Verify that the current user has the view right on the Template document
if (!getAuthManager().hasAccess(Right.VIEW, reference)) {
XWikiDocument templateDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(reference, context);
BaseObject templateObject = templateDoc.getXObject(templateClassReference);
// Check the template provider's visibility restrictions.
if (isTemplateProviderAllowedInSpace(templateObject, spaceReference, TP_VISIBILITY_RESTRICTIONS_PROPERTY)) {
List<String> creationRestrictions = getTemplateProviderRestrictions(templateObject, TP_CREATION_RESTRICTIONS_PROPERTY);
if (creationRestrictions.size() > 0 && isTemplateProviderAllowedInSpace(templateObject, spaceReference, TP_CREATION_RESTRICTIONS_PROPERTY)) {
// Consider providers that have creations restrictions matching the current space as
// "recommended" and handle them separately.
} else {
// Other visible providers.
templates.add(new Document(templateDoc, context));
EntityReferenceSerializer<String> localSerializer = Utils.getComponent(EntityReferenceSerializer.TYPE_STRING, LOCAL_SERIALIZER_HINT);
String spaceStringReference = localSerializer.serialize(spaceReference);
// Sort the recommended providers and promote the most specific ones.
recommendedTemplates.sort(Comparator.comparing((XWikiDocument templateProviderDocument) -> {
BaseObject templateProviderObject = templateProviderDocument.getXObject(templateClassReference);
// Look at any set creation restrictions.
List<String> restrictions = getTemplateProviderRestrictions(templateProviderObject, TP_CREATION_RESTRICTIONS_PROPERTY);
// Return the longest (max) matching restriction reference size as being the most specific.
return -> matchesRestriction(spaceStringReference, restriction)).mapToInt(restriction -> {
SpaceReferenceResolver<String> spaceResolver = Utils.getComponent(SpaceReferenceResolver.TYPE_STRING);
SpaceReference restrictionSpaceReference = spaceResolver.resolve(restriction);
// The specificity score.
int specificity = restrictionSpaceReference.getReversedReferenceChain().size();
return specificity;
this.recommendedTemplateProviders = -> new Document(recommendedTemplate, context)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// Give priority to the providers that that specify creation restrictions
templates.addAll(0, recommendedTemplateProviders);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.warn("There was an error getting the available templates for space {0}", spaceReference, e);
return templates;