use of org.xwiki.rendering.macro.include.IncludeMacroParameters.Context in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class IncludeMacro method execute.
public List<Block> execute(IncludeMacroParameters parameters, String content, MacroTransformationContext context) throws MacroExecutionException {
// Step 1: Perform checks.
if (parameters.getReference() == null) {
throw new MacroExecutionException("You must specify a 'reference' parameter pointing to the entity to include.");
DocumentReference includedReference = resolve(context.getCurrentMacroBlock(), parameters);
checkRecursiveInclusion(context.getCurrentMacroBlock(), includedReference);
if (!this.documentAccessBridge.isDocumentViewable(includedReference)) {
throw new MacroExecutionException(String.format("Current user [%s] doesn't have view rights on document [%s]", this.documentAccessBridge.getCurrentUserReference(), this.defaultEntityReferenceSerializer.serialize(includedReference)));
Context parametersContext = parameters.getContext();
// Step 2: Retrieve the included document.
DocumentModelBridge documentBridge;
try {
documentBridge = this.documentAccessBridge.getDocumentInstance(includedReference);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MacroExecutionException("Failed to load Document [" + this.defaultEntityReferenceSerializer.serialize(includedReference) + "]", e);
// Step 3: Display the content of the included document.
// Check the value of the "context" parameter.
// If CONTEXT_NEW then display the content in an isolated execution and transformation context.
// if CONTEXT_CURRENT then display the content without performing any transformations (we don't want any Macro
// to be executed at this stage since they should be executed by the currently running Macro Transformation.
DocumentDisplayerParameters displayParameters = new DocumentDisplayerParameters();
displayParameters.setContentTransformed(parametersContext == Context.NEW);
Stack<Object> references = this.inclusionsBeingExecuted.get();
if (parametersContext == Context.NEW) {
if (references == null) {
references = new Stack<Object>();
XDOM result;
try {
result = this.documentDisplayer.display(documentBridge, displayParameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MacroExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
if (parametersContext == Context.NEW) {
// Step 4: Wrap Blocks in a MetaDataBlock with the "source" meta data specified so that we know from where the
// content comes and "base" meta data so that reference are properly resolved
MetaDataBlock metadata = new MetaDataBlock(result.getChildren(), result.getMetaData());
String source = this.defaultEntityReferenceSerializer.serialize(includedReference);
metadata.getMetaData().addMetaData(MetaData.SOURCE, source);
if (parametersContext == Context.NEW) {
metadata.getMetaData().addMetaData(MetaData.BASE, source);
return Arrays.<Block>asList(metadata);