Search in sources :

Example 1 with SearchSource

use of in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.

the class BaseSearchResult method searchQuery.

 * Search for query using xwql, hql, lucene. Limit the search only to Pages. Search for keyword
 * @param query the query to be executed
 * @param queryTypeString can be "xwql", "hql" or "lucene".
 * @param orderField the field to be used to order the results.
 * @param order "asc" or "desc"
 * @param number number of results to be returned
 * @param start 0-based start offset.
 * @return a list of {@link SearchResult} objects containing the found items, or an empty list if the specified
 *         query type string doesn't represent a supported query type.
protected List<SearchResult> searchQuery(String query, String queryTypeString, String wikiName, String wikis, boolean hasProgrammingRights, String orderField, String order, boolean distinct, int number, int start, Boolean withPrettyNames, String className) throws Exception {
    String currentWiki = Utils.getXWikiContext(componentManager).getWikiId();
    /* This try is just needed for executing the finally clause. */
    try {
        if (wikiName != null) {
        List<SearchResult> result;
        if (queryTypeString != null) {
            SearchSource searchSource = this.componentManager.getInstance(SearchSource.class, queryTypeString.toLowerCase());
            result =, wikiName, wikis, hasProgrammingRights, orderField, order, distinct, number, start, withPrettyNames, className, uriInfo);
        } else {
            result = new ArrayList<SearchResult>();
        return result;
    } finally {
Also used : SearchSource( SearchResult(


SearchSource ( SearchResult (