use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.CreatePagePage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class OfficeImporterTest method testChildNamingMethodInputVisibility.
* Depending on if the target page is terminal or not, the "childNamingMethod" input is displayed or not.
public void testChildNamingMethodInputVisibility() {
DocumentReference testDocument = new DocumentReference("xwiki", Arrays.asList(getTestClassName()), getTestMethodName());
// Cleaning
// 1: create a terminal page
CreatePagePage createPagePage = getUtil().gotoPage(testDocument).createPage();
OfficeImporterPage officeImporterPage = new OfficeImporterPage();
// Test
// 2: create a non terminal page
createPagePage = getUtil().gotoPage(testDocument).createPage();
officeImporterPage = new OfficeImporterPage();
// Test
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.CreatePagePage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreatePageIT method createPagesFromTemplate.
* Tests if a new page can be created from a template.
@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void createPagesFromTemplate() throws Exception {
// Step 0: Setup the correct environment for the test
// All these pages are created during this test
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), getTestMethodName());
EntityReference templateInstanceReference = getUtil().resolveDocumentReference(getTestClassName() + "." + TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance" + ".WebHome");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), "NewPage");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), "EmptyPage");
String templateContent = "Test Template Content";
String templateTitle = "Test Template Title";
String templateProviderName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider";
String templateProviderFullName = getTestClassName() + "." + templateProviderName;
// Step 1: Create a Template and a Template Provider and try to create a new page by using the Add Menu and
// using the created Template
ViewPage templateProviderView = createTemplateAndTemplateProvider(templateProviderName, templateContent, templateTitle, false);
// Create the new document from template
CreatePagePage createPagePage = templateProviderView.createPage();
// Save the number of available templates so that we can make some checks later on.
int availableTemplateSize = createPagePage.getAvailableTemplateSize();
String templateInstanceName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance";
EditPage templateInstanceEditWysiwyg = createPagePage.createPageFromTemplate(templateInstanceName, getTestClassName(), null, templateProviderFullName);
WikiEditPage templateInstanceEdit = templateInstanceEditWysiwyg.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
// Verify template instance location and content
assertEquals(templateInstanceName, templateInstanceEdit.getTitle());
assertEquals(getTestClassName() + "." + templateInstanceName, templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("space"));
assertEquals("WebHome", templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("page"));
assertEquals(templateContent, templateInstanceEdit.getContent());
// check the parent of the template instance
assertEquals(templateProviderFullName, templateInstanceEdit.getParent());
// Step 2: Create a wanted link and verify that clicking it displays the Template and that we can use it.
// Put a wanted link in the template instance
ViewPage vp = templateInstanceEdit.clickSaveAndView();
// Verify that clicking on the wanted link pops up a box to choose the template.
EntityReference wantedLinkReference = getUtil().resolveDocumentReference(getTestClassName() + "." + TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance" + ".NewPage");
vp.clickWantedLink(wantedLinkReference, true);
// TODO: a page object should be better here
List<WebElement> templates = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//input[@name='type' and @data-type='template']"));
// Note: We need to remove 1 to exclude the "Empty Page" template entry
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, templates.size());
// Step 3: Create a new page when located on a non-existing page
getUtil().gotoPage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", "view", "spaceRedirect=false");
vp = new ViewPage();
DocumentDoesNotExistPage unexistingPage = new DocumentDoesNotExistPage();
CreatePagePage createUnexistingPage = new CreatePagePage();
// Make sure we're in create mode.
// count the available templates, make sure they're as many as before and that our template is among them
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, createUnexistingPage.getAvailableTemplateSize());
// select it
// and create
EditPage ep = new EditPage();
WikiEditPage unexistingPageEdit = ep.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
// Verify template instance location and content
assertEquals(getTestClassName(), templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("space"));
assertEquals(TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("page"));
assertEquals(TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", unexistingPageEdit.getTitle());
assertEquals(templateContent, unexistingPageEdit.getContent());
// test that this page has no parent
assertEquals("Main.WebHome", unexistingPageEdit.getParent());
// Step 4: Create an empty new page when there are Templates available
// Make sure we are on a page that exists so that Add > Page will show the space and page fields
CreatePagePage createEmptyPage = unexistingPageEdit.clickCancel().createPage();
assertTrue(createEmptyPage.getAvailableTemplateSize() > 0);
EditPage editEmptyPage = createEmptyPage.createPage(getTestClassName(), "EmptyPage");
ViewPage emptyPage = editEmptyPage.clickSaveAndView();
// make sure it's empty
assertEquals("", emptyPage.getContent());
// make sure parent is the right one
assertEquals("/" + getTestClassName() + "/EmptyPage", emptyPage.getBreadcrumbContent());
// mare sure title is the right one
assertEquals("EmptyPage", emptyPage.getDocumentTitle());
// Step 5: Verify that restricting a Template to a space works
// Restrict the template to its own space
templateProviderView = getUtil().gotoPage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider");
TemplateProviderInlinePage templateProviderInline = new TemplateProviderInlinePage();
List<String> allowedSpaces = new ArrayList<String>();
templateProviderView = templateProviderInline.clickSaveAndView();
// Verify we can still create a page from template in the test space
createPagePage = templateProviderView.createPage();
// Make sure we get in create mode.
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, createPagePage.getAvailableTemplateSize());
// Modify the target space and verify the form can't be submitted
String currentURL = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
assertEquals(currentURL, getDriver().getCurrentUrl());
// and check that an error is displayed to the user
// Verify the template we have removed is no longer available.
// make sure that the template provider is not in the list of templates
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.CreatePagePage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreatePageIT method createExistingPageAndSpace.
* Tests that creating a page or a space that already exists displays an error.
@IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See")
public void createExistingPageAndSpace() throws Exception {
// Step 0: Setup the correct environment for the test
EntityReference existingPageReference = getUtil().resolveDocumentReference(getTestClassName() + ".ExistingPage.WebHome");
String existingSpaceName = getTestClassName() + "Existing";
// All these pages are created during this test
getUtil().rest().deletePage(existingSpaceName, "WebHome");
// create a template to make sure that we have a template to create from
String templateProviderName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider";
String templateContent = "Templates are fun";
String templateTitle = "Funny templates";
createTemplateAndTemplateProvider(templateProviderName, templateContent, templateTitle, false);
// create a page and a space webhome
getUtil().rest().savePage(existingPageReference, "Page that already exists", "Existing page");
getUtil().rest().savePage(new LocalDocumentReference(existingSpaceName, "WebHome"), "Some content", "Existing space");
// Step 1: Create an empty page for a page that already exists
// First we must click on create from a page that already exists as otherwise we won't get the create UI
ViewPage vp = getUtil().gotoPage(existingPageReference);
CreatePagePage createPage = vp.createPage();
String currentURL = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
// make sure that we stay on the same page and that an error is displayed to the user. Maybe we should check the
// error
assertEquals(currentURL, getDriver().getCurrentUrl());
// Step 2: Create a page from Template for a page that already exists
// restart everything to make sure it's not the error before
vp = getUtil().gotoPage(existingPageReference);
createPage = vp.createPage();
createPage.setTemplate(getTestClassName() + "." + templateProviderName);
currentURL = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
// make sure that we stay on the same page and that an error is displayed to the user. Maybe we should check the
// error
assertEquals(currentURL, getDriver().getCurrentUrl());
// Step 3: Create a space that already exists
// Since the Flamingo skin no longer supports creating a space from the UI, trigger the Space creation UI
// by using directly the direct action URL for it.
getUtil().gotoPage(getUtil().getURL("create", new String[] { getTestClassName(), "ExistingPage", "WebHome" }, "tocreate=space"));
CreatePagePage createSpace = new CreatePagePage();
// Check that the terminal choice is not displayed in this mode.
currentURL = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
// strip the parameters out of this URL
currentURL = currentURL.substring(0, currentURL.indexOf('?') > 0 ? currentURL.indexOf('?') : currentURL.length());
// Try to create the a space (non-terminal document) that already exist.
createSpace.fillForm(existingSpaceName, "", null, false);
String urlAfterSubmit = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
urlAfterSubmit = urlAfterSubmit.substring(0, urlAfterSubmit.indexOf('?') > 0 ? urlAfterSubmit.indexOf('?') : urlAfterSubmit.length());
// make sure that we stay on the same page and that an error is displayed to the user. Maybe we should check the
// error
assertEquals(currentURL, urlAfterSubmit);
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.CreatePagePage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreatePageAndSpaceTest method testCreateUIInteraction.
* Test that the inputs in the create UI are updated, depending on the case.
public void testCreateUIInteraction() {
// Cleanup of the test space for any leftovers from previous tests.
// Create an existent page that will also be the parent of our documents.
String existingPageTitle = "Test Area";
getUtil().createPage(getTestClassName(), "WebHome", "", existingPageTitle);
CreatePagePage createPage = new ViewPage().createPage();
// Check that by default we have an empty title and name and the parent is the current document's space.
assertEquals("", createPage.getDocumentPicker().getTitle());
assertEquals("", createPage.getDocumentPicker().getName());
assertEquals(getTestClassName(), createPage.getDocumentPicker().getParent());
// Check the initial state of the breadcrumb.
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + existingPageTitle + "/");
// Set a new title and check that the page name and the breadcrumb are also updated.
String newTitle = "New Title";
assertEquals(newTitle, createPage.getDocumentPicker().getName());
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + existingPageTitle + "/" + newTitle);
// Set a new page name and check that the breadcrumb is not updated, since we have a title specified.
String newName = "SomeNewName";
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + existingPageTitle + "/" + newTitle);
// Clear the title, set a page name and check that the breadcrumb now uses the page name as a fallback.
assertEquals("", createPage.getDocumentPicker().getName());
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + existingPageTitle + "/" + newName);
// Set a new parent space and check that the breadcrumb is updated.
// Before that, reset the title, just for completeness.
String newSpace = "SomeNewSpace";
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + newSpace + "/" + newTitle);
// Set a new parent in nested spaces and check that the breadcrumb is updated.
String newSpaceLevel2 = "Level2";
createPage.getDocumentPicker().setParent(newSpace + "." + newSpaceLevel2);
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + newSpace + "/" + newSpaceLevel2 + "/" + newTitle);
// Clear the parent and check that the breadcrumb is updated, since we are creating a top level document.
createPage.waitForLocationPreviewContent("/" + newTitle);
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.CreatePagePage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreatePageIT method createPageWithSaveAndEditTemplate.
* Tests the creation of a page from a save and edit template, tests that the page is indeed saved.
@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void createPageWithSaveAndEditTemplate() throws Exception {
// Cleanup of the test space for any leftovers from previous tests.
// Create a template
String templateProviderName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider";
String templateContent = "Templates are fun";
String templateTitle = "Funny templates";
String templateProviderFullName = getTestClassName() + "." + templateProviderName;
ViewPage templatePage = createTemplateAndTemplateProvider(templateProviderName, templateContent, templateTitle, true);
// create the page
CreatePagePage createPage = templatePage.createPage();
EditPage editCreatedPage = createPage.createPageFromTemplate(getTestClassName(), "NewPage", templateProviderFullName);
// and now cancel it
ViewPage newPage = editCreatedPage.clickCancel();
// make sure we're not in unexisting page
// we should be in view mode (useless check since the impl of isNonExisting page calls it anyway)
// make sure it's the page we want
assertEquals(getTestClassName() + ".NewPage", newPage.getMetaDataValue("space"));
assertEquals("WebHome", newPage.getMetaDataValue("page"));
// and now test the title is the name of the page and the content is the one from the template
assertEquals("NewPage", newPage.getDocumentTitle());
assertEquals(templateContent, newPage.getContent());
// and the parent, it should be the template provider, since that's where we created it from
assertEquals("/" + getTestClassName() + "/NewPage", newPage.getBreadcrumbContent());