use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CopyPageTest method testCopyOverwritePage.
@IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See")
public void testCopyOverwritePage() throws Exception {
String sourceSpaceName = getTestClassName();
String sourcePageName = getTestMethodName();
String targetSpaceName = getTestClassName() + "Copy";
String targetPageName = getTestMethodName() + "Copy";
// Delete page that may already exist
getUtil().rest().deletePage(sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName);
getUtil().rest().deletePage(targetSpaceName, targetPageName);
// Create a new page that will be overwritten.
getUtil().rest().savePage(new LocalDocumentReference(targetSpaceName, targetPageName), OVERWRITTEN_PAGE_CONTENT, targetPageName);
// Create a new page that will be copied.
ViewPage viewPage = getUtil().createPage(sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName, PAGE_CONTENT, sourcePageName);
// Click on Copy from the Page top menu.
CopyPage copyPage = new CopyPage();
// Fill the target destination the page to be copied to.
DocumentPicker documentPicker = copyPage.getDocumentPicker();
DocumentPickerModal documentPickerModal = new DocumentPickerModal();
documentPickerModal.waitForDocumentSelected(sourceSpaceName, "WebHome").selectDocument(targetSpaceName, "WebHome");
documentPicker.waitForLocation(Arrays.asList("", targetSpaceName, targetPageName));
Assert.assertEquals(targetSpaceName, copyPage.getTargetSpaceName());
// Click copy button
CopyOverwritePromptPage copyOverwritePrompt = copyPage.clickCopyButtonExpectingOverwritePrompt();
// Check overwrite warning
Assert.assertEquals(OVERWRITE_PROMPT1 + targetSpaceName + '.' + targetPageName + OVERWRITE_PROMPT2, copyOverwritePrompt.getWarningMessage());
// Cancel the copy
viewPage = copyOverwritePrompt.clickCancelButton();
// Verify that we have been sent back to the original page
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, viewPage.getDocumentTitle());
// Click on Copy from the Page top menu.
copyPage = new CopyPage();
// Fill the target destination the page to be copied to.
// Click copy button
copyOverwritePrompt = copyPage.clickCopyButtonExpectingOverwritePrompt();
// Click change target
copyPage = new CopyPage();
// Check the source document
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("", sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName), copyPage.getSourceLocation().getPath());
Assert.assertEquals(sourceSpaceName, copyPage.getSourceSpaceName());
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, copyPage.getSourcePageName());
// Check the default target document.
documentPicker = copyPage.getDocumentPicker();
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, documentPicker.getTitle());
Assert.assertEquals(Arrays.asList("", sourceSpaceName, sourcePageName), documentPicker.getLocation().getPath());
Assert.assertEquals(sourceSpaceName, copyPage.getTargetSpaceName());
Assert.assertEquals(sourcePageName, copyPage.getTargetPageName());
// Fill the target destination the page to be copied to.
documentPicker.setTitle("My copy").toggleLocationAdvancedEdit().setParent(targetSpaceName).setName(targetPageName);
// Copy and confirm overwrite
copyOverwritePrompt = copyPage.clickCopyButtonExpectingOverwritePrompt();
CopyOrRenameStatusPage copyStatusPage = copyOverwritePrompt.clickCopyButton().waitUntilFinished();
// Check successful copy confirmation
Assert.assertEquals(COPY_SUCCESSFUL, copyStatusPage.getInfoMessage());
viewPage = copyStatusPage.gotoNewPage();
// Verify that the title of the copy has been updated (independent from the name of the copy).
Assert.assertEquals("My copy", viewPage.getDocumentTitle());
Assert.assertEquals(PAGE_CONTENT, viewPage.getContent());
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class EditClassTest method testAddProperty.
@IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See")
public void testAddProperty() {
// We verify that we can click on Edit Class from View Page (we need to test this at
// least once to ensure the UI works).
getUtil().gotoPage("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass", "view", "spaceRedirect=false");
ClassEditPage cep = new ViewPage().editClass();
// Create a class with a string property
cep.addProperty("prop", "String");
// Create object page
ViewPage vp = getUtil().createPage("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject", "this is the content: {{velocity}}$doc.display('prop'){{/velocity}}", getTestMethodName());
// Add an object of the class created
ObjectEditPage oep = vp.editObjects();
FormElement objectForm = oep.addObject("Test.EditObjectsTestClass");
objectForm.setFieldValue("Test.EditObjectsTestClass_0_prop"), "testing value");
vp = oep.clickSaveAndView();
Assert.assertEquals("this is the content: testing value", vp.getContent());
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class EditClassTest method testDeleteProperty.
@IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See")
public void testDeleteProperty() {
// Create a class with two string properties
getUtil().addClassProperty("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass", "prop1", "String");
getUtil().addClassProperty("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass", "prop2", "String");
// Create object page
ViewPage vp = getUtil().createPage("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject", "this is the content: {{velocity}}$doc.display('prop1')/$doc.display('prop2')/" + "$!doc.getObject('Test.EditObjectsTestClass').getProperty('prop1').value{{/velocity}}", getTestMethodName());
// Add an object of the class created
ObjectEditPage oep = vp.editObjects();
FormElement objectForm = oep.addObject("Test.EditObjectsTestClass");
objectForm.setFieldValue("Test.EditObjectsTestClass_0_prop1"), "testing value 1");
objectForm.setFieldValue("Test.EditObjectsTestClass_0_prop2"), "testing value 2");
vp = oep.clickSaveAndView();
Assert.assertEquals("this is the content: testing value 1/testing value 2/testing value 1", vp.getContent());
// Delete the first property from the class
ClassEditPage cep = getUtil().editClass("Test", "EditObjectsTestClass");
vp = getUtil().gotoPage("Test", "EditObjectsTestObject");
Assert.assertEquals("this is the content: /testing value 2/testing value 1", vp.getContent());
oep = vp.editObjects();
Assert.assertNotNull(getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector(".deprecatedProperties label")));
Assert.assertEquals("prop1:", getDriver().findElement(By.cssSelector(".deprecatedProperties label")).getText());
// Remove deprecated properties
vp = oep.clickSaveAndView();
Assert.assertEquals("this is the content: /testing value 2/", vp.getContent());
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class ClassSheetTest method createClass.
* Tests the process of creating a class, its template, its sheet and an instance.
public void createClass() {
// TODO: rewrite the test to not rely on the breadcrumb based on parent/child mechanism.
try {
String spaceName = getTestClassName();
String className = RandomStringUtils.randomAlphabetic(5);
String classDocName = className + "Class";
String classTitle = className + " Class";
String pageName = getTestMethodName();
// Make sure the document doesn't exist.
getUtil().deletePage(spaceName, pageName);
// Create the class document.
DataTypesPage dataTypesPage = DataTypesPage.gotoPage().waitUntilPageIsLoaded();
String dataTypesPageTitle = dataTypesPage.getDocumentTitle();
Assert.assertTrue(dataTypesPage.isClassListed("XWiki", "XWikiRights"));
Assert.assertFalse(dataTypesPage.isClassListed(spaceName, classDocName));
ClassSheetPage classSheetPage = dataTypesPage.createClass(spaceName, className).waitUntilPageIsLoaded();
Assert.assertEquals(classTitle, classSheetPage.getDocumentTitle());
Assert.assertTrue(classSheetPage.hasBreadcrumbContent(dataTypesPageTitle, false));
// Add a property.
ClassEditPage classEditor = classSheetPage.clickDefineClassLink();
classEditor.addProperty("color", "String").setPrettyName("Your favorite color");
// Add a new property.
classEditor = classSheetPage.waitUntilPageIsLoaded().clickEditClassLink();
classEditor.addProperty("age", "Number").setPrettyName("Your current age");
// We have to wait for the page to load because Selenium doesn't do it all the time when we click on Save & View
// (even if the Save & View button triggers a plain form submit; there must be something with the JavaScript
// code that is executed on submit that interferes with Selenium).
// Assert that the properties are listed.
Assert.assertTrue(classSheetPage.hasProperty("color", "Your favorite color", "String"));
Assert.assertTrue(classSheetPage.hasProperty("age", "Your current age", "Number"));
// Create and bind a sheet.
classSheetPage = classSheetPage.clickCreateSheetButton().waitUntilPageIsLoaded().clickBindSheetLink().waitUntilPageIsLoaded();
ViewPage sheetPage = classSheetPage.clickSheetLink();
Assert.assertEquals(className + " Sheet", sheetPage.getDocumentTitle());
// Create the template.
classSheetPage = classSheetPage.clickCreateTemplateButton().waitUntilPageIsLoaded().clickAddObjectToTemplateLink().waitUntilPageIsLoaded();
ViewPage templatePage = classSheetPage.clickTemplateLink();
Assert.assertEquals(className + " Template", templatePage.getDocumentTitle());
// The default edit button should take us to the In-line edit mode.
InlinePage editPage = new InlinePage();
editPage.setValue("color", "red");
editPage.setValue("age", "13");
// Create a document based on the class template.
Assert.assertEquals(spaceName, classSheetPage.getNewPagePicker().getParentInput().getAttribute("value"));
editPage = classSheetPage.createNewDocument(spaceName, pageName);
Assert.assertEquals(pageName, editPage.getDocumentTitle());
Assert.assertEquals("red", editPage.getValue("color"));
Assert.assertEquals("13", editPage.getValue("age"));
editPage.setValue("color", "blue");
editPage.setValue("age", "27");
ViewPage viewPage = editPage.clickSaveAndView();
Assert.assertEquals(pageName, viewPage.getDocumentTitle());
Assert.assertEquals("Your favorite color\nblue\nYour current age\n27", viewPage.getContent());
// Assert the created document is listed.
} finally {
use of org.xwiki.test.ui.po.ViewPage in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class CreatePageIT method createPagesFromTemplate.
* Tests if a new page can be created from a template.
@IgnoreBrowsers({ @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "8\\.*", reason = "See"), @IgnoreBrowser(value = "internet.*", version = "9\\.*", reason = "See") })
public void createPagesFromTemplate() throws Exception {
// Step 0: Setup the correct environment for the test
// All these pages are created during this test
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), getTestMethodName());
EntityReference templateInstanceReference = getUtil().resolveDocumentReference(getTestClassName() + "." + TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance" + ".WebHome");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), "NewPage");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance");
getUtil().rest().deletePage(getTestClassName(), "EmptyPage");
String templateContent = "Test Template Content";
String templateTitle = "Test Template Title";
String templateProviderName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider";
String templateProviderFullName = getTestClassName() + "." + templateProviderName;
// Step 1: Create a Template and a Template Provider and try to create a new page by using the Add Menu and
// using the created Template
ViewPage templateProviderView = createTemplateAndTemplateProvider(templateProviderName, templateContent, templateTitle, false);
// Create the new document from template
CreatePagePage createPagePage = templateProviderView.createPage();
// Save the number of available templates so that we can make some checks later on.
int availableTemplateSize = createPagePage.getAvailableTemplateSize();
String templateInstanceName = TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance";
EditPage templateInstanceEditWysiwyg = createPagePage.createPageFromTemplate(templateInstanceName, getTestClassName(), null, templateProviderFullName);
WikiEditPage templateInstanceEdit = templateInstanceEditWysiwyg.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
// Verify template instance location and content
assertEquals(templateInstanceName, templateInstanceEdit.getTitle());
assertEquals(getTestClassName() + "." + templateInstanceName, templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("space"));
assertEquals("WebHome", templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("page"));
assertEquals(templateContent, templateInstanceEdit.getContent());
// check the parent of the template instance
assertEquals(templateProviderFullName, templateInstanceEdit.getParent());
// Step 2: Create a wanted link and verify that clicking it displays the Template and that we can use it.
// Put a wanted link in the template instance
ViewPage vp = templateInstanceEdit.clickSaveAndView();
// Verify that clicking on the wanted link pops up a box to choose the template.
EntityReference wantedLinkReference = getUtil().resolveDocumentReference(getTestClassName() + "." + TEMPLATE_NAME + "Instance" + ".NewPage");
vp.clickWantedLink(wantedLinkReference, true);
// TODO: a page object should be better here
List<WebElement> templates = getDriver().findElements(By.xpath("//input[@name='type' and @data-type='template']"));
// Note: We need to remove 1 to exclude the "Empty Page" template entry
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, templates.size());
// Step 3: Create a new page when located on a non-existing page
getUtil().gotoPage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", "view", "spaceRedirect=false");
vp = new ViewPage();
DocumentDoesNotExistPage unexistingPage = new DocumentDoesNotExistPage();
CreatePagePage createUnexistingPage = new CreatePagePage();
// Make sure we're in create mode.
// count the available templates, make sure they're as many as before and that our template is among them
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, createUnexistingPage.getAvailableTemplateSize());
// select it
// and create
EditPage ep = new EditPage();
WikiEditPage unexistingPageEdit = ep.clickSaveAndView().editWiki();
// Verify template instance location and content
assertEquals(getTestClassName(), templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("space"));
assertEquals(TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", templateInstanceEdit.getMetaDataValue("page"));
assertEquals(TEMPLATE_NAME + "UnexistingInstance", unexistingPageEdit.getTitle());
assertEquals(templateContent, unexistingPageEdit.getContent());
// test that this page has no parent
assertEquals("Main.WebHome", unexistingPageEdit.getParent());
// Step 4: Create an empty new page when there are Templates available
// Make sure we are on a page that exists so that Add > Page will show the space and page fields
CreatePagePage createEmptyPage = unexistingPageEdit.clickCancel().createPage();
assertTrue(createEmptyPage.getAvailableTemplateSize() > 0);
EditPage editEmptyPage = createEmptyPage.createPage(getTestClassName(), "EmptyPage");
ViewPage emptyPage = editEmptyPage.clickSaveAndView();
// make sure it's empty
assertEquals("", emptyPage.getContent());
// make sure parent is the right one
assertEquals("/" + getTestClassName() + "/EmptyPage", emptyPage.getBreadcrumbContent());
// mare sure title is the right one
assertEquals("EmptyPage", emptyPage.getDocumentTitle());
// Step 5: Verify that restricting a Template to a space works
// Restrict the template to its own space
templateProviderView = getUtil().gotoPage(getTestClassName(), TEMPLATE_NAME + "Provider");
TemplateProviderInlinePage templateProviderInline = new TemplateProviderInlinePage();
List<String> allowedSpaces = new ArrayList<String>();
templateProviderView = templateProviderInline.clickSaveAndView();
// Verify we can still create a page from template in the test space
createPagePage = templateProviderView.createPage();
// Make sure we get in create mode.
assertEquals(availableTemplateSize, createPagePage.getAvailableTemplateSize());
// Modify the target space and verify the form can't be submitted
String currentURL = getDriver().getCurrentUrl();
assertEquals(currentURL, getDriver().getCurrentUrl());
// and check that an error is displayed to the user
// Verify the template we have removed is no longer available.
// make sure that the template provider is not in the list of templates