use of org.xwiki.velocity.VelocityFactory in project xwiki-platform by xwiki.
the class XWikiDocumentRenderingTest method testGetRenderedContentCleansVelocityMacroCache.
* See XWIKI-5277 for details.
public void testGetRenderedContentCleansVelocityMacroCache() throws Exception {
// Make sure we start not in the rendering engine since this is what happens in real: a document is
// called by a template thus outside of the rendering engine.
// We display a text area since we know that rendering a text area will call getRenderedContent inside our top
// level getRenderedContent call, thus testing that velocity macros are not removed during nested calls to
// getRenderedContent.
this.baseObject.setLargeStringValue("area", "{{velocity}}#macro(testmacrocache)ok#end{{/velocity}}");
// We need to put the current doc in the Velocity Context since it's normally set before the rendering is
// called in the execution flow.
VelocityManager originalVelocityManager = getComponentManager().getInstance(VelocityManager.class);
VelocityContext vcontext = originalVelocityManager.getVelocityContext();
vcontext.put("doc", new Document(this.document, getContext()));
// Register a Mock for the VelocityManager to bypass skin APIs that we would need to mock otherwise.
Mock mockVelocityManager = registerMockComponent(VelocityManager.class);
VelocityFactory velocityFactory = getComponentManager().getInstance(VelocityFactory.class);
VelocityEngine vengine = velocityFactory.createVelocityEngine("default", new Properties());
// Save the number of cached macro templates in the Velocity engine so that we can compare after the
// document is rendered.
JMXVelocityEngineMBean mbean = new JMXVelocityEngine(vengine);
int cachedMacroNamespaceSize = mbean.getTemplates().values().size();
assertTrue(cachedMacroNamespaceSize > 0);
mockVelocityManager.stubs().method("evaluate").will(new CustomStub("evaluate") {
public Object invoke(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
return vengine.evaluate(vcontext, (Writer) invocation.parameterValues.get(0), (String) invocation.parameterValues.get(1), (Reader) invocation.parameterValues.get(2));
// $doc.display will ask for the syntax of the current document so we need to mock it.
this.mockXWiki.stubs().method("getCurrentContentSyntaxId").with(eq("xwiki/2.0"), ANYTHING).will(returnValue("xwiki/2.0"));
// Verify that the macro located inside the TextArea has been taken into account when executing the doc's
// content.
assertEquals("<p>ok</p>", this.document.getRenderedContent(getContext()));
// Now verify that the Velocity Engine doesn't contain any more cached macro namespace to prove that
// getRenderedContent has correctly cleaned the Velocity macro cache.
assertEquals(cachedMacroNamespaceSize, mbean.getTemplates().values().size());