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Example 1 with Actor

use of org.zeromq.ZActor.Actor in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class TestZActor method testRecreateAgent.

public void testRecreateAgent() {
    ZActor.Actor acting = new ZActor.SimpleActor() {

        private int counter = 0;

        public List<Socket> createSockets(ZContext ctx, Object[] args) {
            System.out.print(".Acting Ready for a hello world.");
            assert ("TEST".equals(args[0]));
            return super.createSockets(ctx, args);

        public boolean backstage(Socket pipe, ZPoller poller, int events) {
            String string = pipe.recvStr();
            if ("HELLO".equals(string)) {
                System.out.print("Hi! ");
                pipe.send("WORLD", ZMQ.SNDMORE);
                return false;
            return true;

        public boolean destroyed(ZContext ctx, Socket pipe, ZPoller poller) {
            if (counter == 2) {
                System.out.print(".Acting Finished.");
                return false;
            // recreate a new agent
            return true;
    ZContext context = new ZContext();
    ZActor actor = new ZActor(context, new ZAgent.VerySimpleSelectorCreator(), acting, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), Arrays.asList("TEST").toArray());
    ZAgent agent = actor.agent();
    agent = actor;
    agent = actor.agent();
    Socket pipe = agent.pipe();
    boolean rc = pipe.send("HELLO");
    assert (rc);
    ZMsg msg = actor.recv();
    String world = msg.popString();
    String counter = msg.popString();
    assert ("WORLD".equals(world));
    assert ("1".equals(counter));
    rc = actor.send("HELLO");
    assert (rc);
    msg = agent.recv();
    Assert.assertNotNull("unable to receive a message from an actor", msg);
    world = msg.popString();
    counter = msg.popString();
    assert (msg != null);
    assert ("WORLD".equals(world));
    assert ("2".equals(counter));
    msg = agent.recv();
    Assert.assertNull("Able to receive a message from a locked actor", msg);
    rc = agent.sign();
    Assert.assertFalse("Locked actor is still here", rc);
    rc = agent.send("whatever");
    Assert.assertFalse("Able to send a message to a locked actor", rc);
    try {
        rc = pipe.send("boom ?!");
        Assert.assertTrue("actor pipe was closed pretty fast", rc);
    } catch (ZMQException e) {
        int errno = e.getErrorCode();
        Assert.assertEquals("Expected exception has the wrong code", ZError.ETERM, errno);
Also used : Actor(org.zeromq.ZActor.Actor) Socket(org.zeromq.ZMQ.Socket) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with Actor

use of org.zeromq.ZActor.Actor in project jeromq by zeromq.

the class TestZActor method testMinimalistic.

public void testMinimalistic() {
    Actor acting = new ZActor.SimpleActor() {

        public List<Socket> createSockets(ZContext ctx, Object[] args) {
            assert ("TEST".equals(args[0]));
            return Arrays.asList(ctx.createSocket(ZMQ.PUB));

        public boolean backstage(Socket pipe, ZPoller poller, int events) {
            String string = pipe.recvStr();
            if ("HELLO".equals(string)) {
            if ("QUIT".equals(string)) {
                return false;
            return true;
    ZContext context = new ZContext();
    ZActor actor = new ZActor(context, new ZAgent.VerySimpleSelectorCreator(), acting, "LOCK", Arrays.asList("TEST").toArray());
    Socket pipe = actor.pipe();
    boolean rc = pipe.send("HELLO");
    Assert.assertTrue("Unable to send a message through pipe", rc);
    ZMsg msg = actor.recv();
    String world = msg.popString();
    Assert.assertEquals("No matching response from actor", "WORLD", world);
    rc = pipe.send("QUIT");
    msg = actor.recv();
    Assert.assertNotNull("Unable to receive EXIT message", msg);
    msg = actor.recv();
    Assert.assertNull("Able to receive a message from a locked actor", msg);
    rc = actor.sign();
    Assert.assertFalse("Locked actor is still here", rc);
    rc = actor.send("whatever");
    Assert.assertFalse("Able to send a message to a locked actor", rc);
    try {
        rc = pipe.send("boom ?!");
        Assert.assertTrue("actor pipe was closed pretty fast", rc);
    } catch (ZMQException e) {
        int errno = e.getErrorCode();
        Assert.assertEquals("Expected exception has the wrong code", ZError.ETERM, errno);
Also used : Actor(org.zeromq.ZActor.Actor) Socket(org.zeromq.ZMQ.Socket) Ignore(org.junit.Ignore) Test(org.junit.Test)


Ignore (org.junit.Ignore)2 Test (org.junit.Test)2 Actor (org.zeromq.ZActor.Actor)2 Socket (org.zeromq.ZMQ.Socket)2