use of org.zkoss.zk.ui.sys.SessionCtrl in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class AdempiereWebUI method loginCompleted.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.adempiere.webui.IWebClient#loginCompleted()
public void loginCompleted() {
Properties ctx = Env.getCtx();
// to reload preferences when the user refresh the browser
userPreference = loadUserPreference(Env.getAD_User_ID(ctx));
// Set the theme according to the user preferences. If the theme changes, the page will
// be reloaded again - so do this first thing.
int theme_id = userPreference.getPropertyAsInt(UserPreference.P_ZK_THEME_PREFERENCE);
if (theme_id > 0) {
// If theme_id == 0, don't bother setting a new MTheme. Just use the current theme.
MTheme theme = MTheme.get(ctx, theme_id);
if (ThemeUtils.makeCurrent(theme)) {
// Make the theme active and reload the page.
if (loginDesktop != null) {
loginDesktop = null;
String langLogin = Env.getContext(ctx, Env.LANGUAGE);
if (langLogin == null || langLogin.length() <= 0) {
langLogin = langSession;
Env.setContext(ctx, Env.LANGUAGE, langSession);
// Validate language
Language language = Language.getLanguage(langLogin);
String locale = Env.getContext(ctx, AEnv.LOCALE);
if (locale != null && locale.length() > 0 && !language.getLocale().toString().equals(locale)) {
String adLanguage = language.getAD_Language();
Language tmp = Language.getLanguage(locale);
language = new Language(tmp.getName(), adLanguage, tmp.getLocale(), tmp.isDecimalPoint(), tmp.getDateFormat().toPattern(), tmp.getMediaSize());
} else {
Language tmp = language;
language = new Language(tmp.getName(), tmp.getAD_Language(), tmp.getLocale(), tmp.isDecimalPoint(), tmp.getDateFormat().toPattern(), tmp.getMediaSize());
Env.verifyLanguage(ctx, language);
Env.setContext(ctx, Env.LANGUAGE, language.getAD_Language());
// Create adempiere Session - user id in ctx
Execution exec = Executions.getCurrent();
Session currSess = exec.getDesktop().getSession();
HttpSession httpSess = (HttpSession) currSess.getNativeSession();
MSession mSession = MSession.get(ctx, exec.getRemoteAddr(), exec.getRemoteHost(), httpSess.getId());
//enable full interface, relook into this when doing preference
Env.setContext(ctx, "#ShowTrl", true);
Env.setContext(ctx, "#ShowAcct", MRole.getDefault().isShowAcct());
Env.setContext(ctx, "#ShowAdvanced", true);
//auto commit user preference
String autoCommit = userPreference.getProperty(UserPreference.P_AUTO_COMMIT);
Env.setAutoCommit(ctx, "true".equalsIgnoreCase(autoCommit) || "y".equalsIgnoreCase(autoCommit));
//auto new user preference
String autoNew = userPreference.getProperty(UserPreference.P_AUTO_NEW);
Env.setAutoNew(ctx, "true".equalsIgnoreCase(autoNew) || "y".equalsIgnoreCase(autoNew));
IDesktop d = (IDesktop) currSess.getAttribute("application.desktop");
if (d != null && d instanceof IDesktop) {
ExecutionCarryOver eco = (ExecutionCarryOver) currSess.getAttribute(EXECUTION_CARRYOVER_SESSION_KEY);
if (eco != null) {
//try restore
try {
appDesktop = (IDesktop) d;
ExecutionCarryOver current = new ExecutionCarryOver(this.getPage().getDesktop());
ExecutionCtrl ctrl = ExecutionsCtrl.getCurrentCtrl();
Visualizer vi = ctrl.getVisualizer();
Collection<Component> rootComponents = new ArrayList<Component>();
try {
ctrl = ExecutionsCtrl.getCurrentCtrl();
((DesktopCtrl) Executions.getCurrent().getDesktop()).setVisualizer(vi);
//detach root component from old page
Page page = appDesktop.getComponent().getPage();
Collection<?> collection = page.getRoots();
Object[] objects = new Object[0];
objects = collection.toArray(objects);
for (Object obj : objects) {
if (obj instanceof Component) {
((Component) obj).detach();
rootComponents.add((Component) obj);
DesktopCache desktopCache = ((SessionCtrl) currSess).getDesktopCache();
if (desktopCache != null)
} catch (Exception e) {
appDesktop = null;
} finally {
if (appDesktop != null) {
//re-attach root components
for (Component component : rootComponents) {
try {
} catch (UiException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// an exception is thrown here when refreshing the page, it seems is harmless to catch and ignore it
// i.e.: org.zkoss.zk.ui.UiException: Not unique in the ID space of [Page z_kg_0]: zk_comp_2
currSess.setAttribute(EXECUTION_CARRYOVER_SESSION_KEY, current);
currSess.setAttribute(ZK_DESKTOP_SESSION_KEY, this.getPage().getDesktop());
} catch (Throwable t) {
//restore fail
appDesktop = null;
if (appDesktop == null) {
//create new desktop
currSess.setAttribute("application.desktop", appDesktop);
ExecutionCarryOver eco = new ExecutionCarryOver(this.getPage().getDesktop());
currSess.setAttribute(EXECUTION_CARRYOVER_SESSION_KEY, eco);
currSess.setAttribute(ZK_DESKTOP_SESSION_KEY, this.getPage().getDesktop());
if ("Y".equalsIgnoreCase(Env.getContext(ctx, BrowserToken.REMEMBER_ME)) && MSystem.isZKRememberUserAllowed()) {
MUser user = MUser.get(ctx);, user);
} else {