use of org.zkoss.zul.Listitem in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class ActiveLayerDNDEventListener method reorderList.
public void reorderList(MapComposer mapComposer, DropEvent dropEvent) {
Listitem dragged = (Listitem) dropEvent.getDragged();
Listitem dropped = (Listitem) dropEvent.getTarget();
mapComposer.reorderList(dragged, dropped);
use of org.zkoss.zul.Listitem in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class ActiveLayerDNDEventListener method onEvent.
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
LOGGER.debug("active layers item drop received");
MapComposer mapComposer = getMapComposer(event);
if (mapComposer != null && mapComposer.safeToPerformMapAction()) {
LOGGER.debug("inside ActiveLayerDNDEventListener.onEvent()");
if (event instanceof DropEvent) {
DropEvent dragEvent = (DropEvent) event;
// we support the treechildren and other list items...
Component eventType = dragEvent.getDragged();
if (eventType instanceof Listitem) {
reorderList(mapComposer, dragEvent);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("unsupported dnd event " + eventType.getClass().getName());
} else {
LOGGER.debug("event is not a DropEvent instance: " + event.getClass().getName());
use of org.zkoss.zul.Listitem in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class ActiveLayersInfoEventListener method onEvent.
public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception {
MapComposer mapComposer = getMapComposer(event);
if (mapComposer != null && mapComposer.safeToPerformMapAction()) {
// get reference to the label/image the user clicked on
Component target = event.getTarget();
Listitem listItem = (Listitem) target.getParent().getParent();
MapLayer activeLayer = listItem.getValue();
if (activeLayer != null) {
if (activeLayer.getSpeciesQuery() != null) {
Query q = activeLayer.getSpeciesQuery();
Events.echoEvent(StringConstants.OPEN_HTML, mapComposer, q.getMetadataHtml());
} else if (activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo() != null && activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo().startsWith("http://")) {
String infourl = activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo().replace("__", ".");
if (activeLayer.getSubType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.SCATTERPLOT) {
ScatterplotDataDTO data = activeLayer.getScatterplotDataDTO();
infourl += "?dparam=X-Layer:" + data.getLayer1Name();
infourl += "&dparam=Y-Layer:" + data.getLayer2Name();
// send the user to the BIE page for the species
LOGGER.debug("opening the following url " + infourl);
Events.echoEvent(StringConstants.OPEN_URL, mapComposer, activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo().replace("__", "."));
} else if (activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo() != null && activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo().length() > 0) {
LOGGER.debug("performing a MapComposer.showMessage for following content " + activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo());
String metadata = activeLayer.getMapLayerMetadata().getMoreInfo();
Events.echoEvent(StringConstants.OPEN_HTML, mapComposer, metadata);
} else if (activeLayer.getType() == LayerUtilitiesImpl.MAP) {
String metaurl = "";
if ("outline".equalsIgnoreCase(mapComposer.getPortalSession().getBaseLayer())) {
metaurl = "openstreetmap_metadata.html";
} else if ("minimal".equalsIgnoreCase(mapComposer.getPortalSession().getBaseLayer())) {
metaurl = "";
LOGGER.debug("opening base map metadata for: " + mapComposer.getPortalSession().getBaseLayer() + ", url:" + metaurl);
Events.echoEvent(StringConstants.OPEN_URL, mapComposer, metaurl);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("no metadata is available for current layer");
mapComposer.showMessage("Metadata currently unavailable");
} else {
LOGGER.debug("MapController reports unsafe to perform action");
use of org.zkoss.zul.Listitem in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class WAcctViewer method actionTable.
// actionDocument
* Save Table selection (reset Record selection)
private void actionTable() {
Listitem listitem = selTable.getSelectedItem();
ValueNamePair vp = null;
if (listitem != null)
vp = (ValueNamePair) listitem.getValue();
m_data.AD_Table_ID = ((Integer) m_data.tableInfo.get(vp.getValue())).intValue();
log.config(vp.getValue() + " = " + m_data.AD_Table_ID);
// Reset Record
m_data.Record_ID = 0;
selRecord.setName(vp.getValue() + "_ID");
use of org.zkoss.zul.Listitem in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class WAcctViewer method actionAcctSchema.
// onEvent
* New Acct Schema
private void actionAcctSchema() {
Listitem listitem = selAcctSchema.getSelectedItem();
KeyNamePair kp = null;
if (listitem != null)
kp = (KeyNamePair) listitem.getValue();
if (kp == null)
m_data.C_AcctSchema_ID = kp.getKey();
m_data.ASchema = MAcctSchema.get(Env.getCtx(), m_data.C_AcctSchema_ID);;
// Sort Options
sortAddItem(new ValueNamePair("", ""));
sortAddItem(new ValueNamePair("DateAcct", Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "DateAcct")));
sortAddItem(new ValueNamePair("DateTrx", Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "DateTrx")));
sortAddItem(new ValueNamePair("C_Period_ID", Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), "C_Period_ID")));
Label[] labels = new Label[] { lsel1, lsel2, lsel3, lsel4, lsel5, lsel6, lsel7, lsel8 };
Button[] buttons = new Button[] { sel1, sel2, sel3, sel4, sel5, sel6, sel7, sel8 };
int selectionIndex = 0;
MAcctSchemaElement[] elements = m_data.ASchema.getAcctSchemaElements();
for (int i = 0; i < elements.length && selectionIndex < labels.length; i++) {
MAcctSchemaElement acctSchemaElement = elements[i];
String columnName = acctSchemaElement.getColumnName();
String displayColumnName;
if (columnName.equals("User1_ID") || columnName.equals("User2_ID") || columnName.equals("User3_ID") || columnName.equals("User4_ID"))
displayColumnName = acctSchemaElement.getName();
displayColumnName = acctSchemaElement.getDisplayColumnName();
// Add Sort Option
sortAddItem(new ValueNamePair(columnName, Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), displayColumnName)));
if (!acctSchemaElement.isElementType(X_C_AcctSchema_Element.ELEMENTTYPE_Organization) && !acctSchemaElement.isElementType(X_C_AcctSchema_Element.ELEMENTTYPE_Account)) {
labels[selectionIndex].setValue(Msg.translate(Env.getCtx(), displayColumnName));
// actionCommand
buttons[selectionIndex].addEventListener(Events.ON_CLICK, this);
while (selectionIndex < labels.length) {