use of org.zmlx.hg4idea.HgContentRevision in project intellij-community by JetBrains.
the class HgMergeProvider method loadRevisions.
public MergeData loadRevisions(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) throws VcsException {
final MergeData mergeData = new MergeData();
final VcsRunnable runnable = new VcsRunnable() {
public void run() throws VcsException {
final HgWorkingCopyRevisionsCommand command = new HgWorkingCopyRevisionsCommand(myProject);
final VirtualFile repo = HgUtil.getHgRootOrThrow(myProject, file);
final HgFile hgFile = new HgFile(myProject, file);
HgRevisionNumber serverRevisionNumber;
HgRevisionNumber localRevisionNumber;
HgRevisionNumber baseRevisionNumber = null;
// there are two possibilities: we have checked in local changes in the selected file or we didn't.
if (wasFileCheckedIn(repo, file)) {
// 1. We checked in.
// We have a merge in progress, which means we have 2 heads (parents).
// the second one is "their" revision pulled from the parent repo,
// first parent is the local change.
// to retrieve the base version we get the parent of the local change, i.e. the [only] parent of the first parent.
//Which one is local revision depends on which one is merged with,
// i.e if you update to 17 revision and then merge it with 23, so 17 is your local and 17->parent is your base revision.
// This may produce misunderstanding when you update your project with merging (your update firstly to next revisions and then
// merge with previous). see
final Couple<HgRevisionNumber> parents = command.parents(repo, file);
serverRevisionNumber = parents.second;
localRevisionNumber = parents.first;
final HgContentRevision local = HgContentRevision.create(myProject, hgFile, localRevisionNumber);
mergeData.CURRENT = local.getContentAsBytes();
// we are sure that we have a common ancestor, because otherwise we'll get "repository is unrelated" error while pulling,
// due to different root changesets which is prohibited.
// Find common ancestor of two revisions : hg debugancestor rev1 rev2
// Using quotes may produce wrong escaping errors on Unix-type systems
List<String> arguments = new ArrayList<>();
String localChangeset = localRevisionNumber.getChangeset();
String serverChangeset = serverRevisionNumber.getChangeset();
arguments.add(StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(localChangeset) ? localRevisionNumber.getRevision() : localChangeset);
arguments.add(StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(serverChangeset) ? serverRevisionNumber.getRevision() : serverChangeset);
HgCommandResult result = new HgPromptCommandExecutor(myProject).executeInCurrentThread(repo, "debugancestor", arguments);
if (result != null) {
String output = result.getRawOutput();
final List<String> parts = StringUtil.split(output, ":");
if (parts.size() < 2) {"Couldn't parse result of debugancestor command execution " + arguments);
new HgCommandResultNotifier(myProject).notifyError(null, HgVcsMessages.message("hg4idea.error.debugancestor.command.execution"), HgVcsMessages.message("hg4idea.error.debugancestor.command.description"));
} else {
baseRevisionNumber = HgRevisionNumber.getInstance(parts.get(0), parts.get(1));
} else {"hg4idea.error.debugancestor.command.execution") + arguments);
new HgCommandResultNotifier(myProject).notifyError(null, HgVcsMessages.message("hg4idea.error.debugancestor.command.execution"), HgVcsMessages.message("hg4idea.error.debugancestor.command.description"));
} else {
// 2. local changes are not checked in.
// then there is only one parent, which is server changes.
// local changes are retrieved from the file system, they are not in the Mercurial yet.
// base is the only parent of server changes.
serverRevisionNumber = command.parents(repo, file).first;
baseRevisionNumber = command.parents(repo, file, serverRevisionNumber).first;
final File origFile = new File(file.getPath() + ".orig");
mergeData.CURRENT = VcsUtil.getFileByteContent(origFile);
if (baseRevisionNumber != null) {
final HgContentRevision base = HgContentRevision.create(myProject, hgFile, baseRevisionNumber);
//if file doesn't exist in ancestor revision the base revision should be empty
mergeData.ORIGINAL = base.getContent() != null ? base.getContentAsBytes() : ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY;
} else {
// no base revision means that the file was added simultaneously with different content in both repositories
final HgContentRevision server = HgContentRevision.create(myProject, hgFile, serverRevisionNumber);
mergeData.LAST = server.getContentAsBytes();
file.refresh(false, false);
VcsUtil.runVcsProcessWithProgress(runnable, VcsBundle.message("multiple.file.merge.loading.progress.title"), false, myProject);
return mergeData;