Search in sources :

Example 21 with Formula

use of pcgen.base.formula.Formula in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class StartskillptsToken method parseNonEmptyToken.

protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, PCClass pcc, String value) {
    Formula formula = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(value);
    if (!formula.isValid()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Formula in " + getTokenName() + " was not valid: " + formula.toString(), context);
    context.getObjectContext().put(pcc, FormulaKey.START_SKILL_POINTS, formula);
    return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
Also used : Formula(pcgen.base.formula.Formula)

Example 22 with Formula

use of pcgen.base.formula.Formula in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class EncounterPlugin method generateXofYEL.

	 * Generates creatures for an encounter based on a specified Encounter
	 * Level and number of creatures.
	 * @param size the number of creatures needed for encounter.
	 * @param totalEL total experience level.
private void generateXofYEL(String size, String totalEL) {
    File f = new File(getDataDirectory() + File.separator + DIR_ENCOUNTER + File.separator + "4_1.xml");
    ReadXML xml;
    VectorTable table41;
    Random roll = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
    List<Race> critters = new ArrayList<>();
    if (!f.exists()) {
        Logging.errorPrintLocalised("in_plugin_encounter_error_missing", f);
    xml = new ReadXML(f);
    if ((table41 = xml.getTable()) == null) {
        Logging.errorPrint("ACK! error getting table41! " + f.toString());
    xml = null;
    f = null;
    // verrify values on the table.
    String crs = (String) table41.crossReference(totalEL, size);
    table41 = null;
    if (crs == null) {
        Logging.errorPrint("Tables do not match the given parameters (" + totalEL + ", " + size + ')');
    Formula crFormula = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(crs);
    if (!crFormula.isValid()) {
        Logging.errorPrint("CR Formula " + crs + " was not valid: " + crFormula.toString());
    ChallengeRating cr = new ChallengeRating(crFormula);
    // populate critters with a list of matching monsters with the right CR.
    for (final Race race : Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().getConstructedCDOMObjects(Race.class)) {
        if (cr.equals(race.get(ObjectKey.CHALLENGE_RATING))) {
    int i = roll.nextInt(critters.size());
    for (int x = 0; x < Integer.parseInt(size); x++) {
Also used : Formula(pcgen.base.formula.Formula) ChallengeRating(pcgen.cdom.content.ChallengeRating) Random(java.util.Random) Race(pcgen.core.Race) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) File( VectorTable( ReadXML(

Example 23 with Formula

use of pcgen.base.formula.Formula in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class SpellsLst method parseNonEmptyToken.

	 * {@literal 
	 * SPELLS:<spellbook name>|[<optional parameters, pipe deliminated>] |<spell
	 * name>[,<formula for DC>] |<spell name2>[,<formula2 for DC>] |PRExxx
	 * |PRExxx
	 * CASTERLEVEL=<formula> Casterlevel of spells TIMES=<formula> Cast Times
	 * per day, -1=At Will
	 * @param sourceLine
	 *            Line from the LST file without the SPELLS:
	 * @return spells list
protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, CDOMObject obj, String sourceLine) {
    if (obj instanceof Ungranted) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Ungranted object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
    if ((sourceLine == null) || sourceLine.isEmpty()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Argument in " + getTokenName() + " cannot be empty", context);
    if (sourceLine.equals(Constants.LST_DOT_CLEAR_ALL)) {
        context.getListContext().removeAllFromList(getTokenName(), obj, Spell.SPELLS);
        return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
    ParsingSeparator sep = new ParsingSeparator(sourceLine, '|');
    sep.addGroupingPair('[', ']');
    sep.addGroupingPair('(', ')');
    String spellBook =;
    if (spellBook.isEmpty()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("SpellBook in " + getTokenName() + " cannot be empty", context);
    // Formula casterLevel = null;
    String casterLevel = null;
    String times = null;
    String timeunit = null;
    if (!sep.hasNext()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + ": minimally requires a Spell Name", context);
    String token =;
    while (true) {
        if (token.startsWith("TIMES=")) {
            if (times != null) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Found two TIMES entries in " + getTokenName() + ": invalid: " + sourceLine, context);
            times = token.substring(6);
            if (times.isEmpty()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Error in Times in " + getTokenName() + ": argument was empty", context);
            if (!sep.hasNext()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + ": minimally requires " + "a Spell Name (after TIMES=)", context);
            token =;
        } else if (token.startsWith("TIMEUNIT=")) {
            if (timeunit != null) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Found two TIMEUNIT entries in " + getTokenName() + ": invalid: " + sourceLine, context);
            timeunit = token.substring(9);
            if (timeunit.isEmpty()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Error in TimeUnit in " + getTokenName() + ": argument was empty", context);
            if (!sep.hasNext()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + ": minimally requires " + "a Spell Name (after TIMEUNIT=)", context);
            token =;
        } else if (token.startsWith("CASTERLEVEL=")) {
            if (casterLevel != null) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Found two CASTERLEVEL entries in " + getTokenName() + ": invalid: " + sourceLine, context);
            casterLevel = token.substring(12);
            if (casterLevel.isEmpty()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail("Error in Caster Level in " + getTokenName() + ": argument was empty", context);
            if (!sep.hasNext()) {
                return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + ": minimally requires a " + "Spell Name (after CASTERLEVEL=)", context);
            token =;
        } else {
    if (times == null) {
        times = "1";
    if (token.isEmpty()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Spell arguments may not be empty in " + getTokenName() + ": " + sourceLine, context);
    if (token.charAt(0) == ',') {
        return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " Spell arguments may not start with , : " + token, context);
    if (token.charAt(token.length() - 1) == ',') {
        return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " Spell arguments may not end with , : " + token, context);
    if (token.indexOf(",,") != -1) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " Spell arguments uses double separator ,, : " + token, context);
		 * CONSIDER This is currently order enforcing the reference fetching to
		 * match the integration tests that we perform, and their current
		 * behavior. Not sure if this is really tbe best solution?
		 * See CDOMObject.
    DoubleKeyMap<CDOMReference<Spell>, AssociationKey<?>, Object> dkm = new DoubleKeyMap<>(LinkedHashMap.class, HashMap.class);
    while (true) {
        if (token.isEmpty()) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("Spell arguments may not end with comma or pipe in " + getTokenName() + ": " + sourceLine, context);
        int commaLoc = token.indexOf(',');
        String name = commaLoc == -1 ? token : token.substring(0, commaLoc);
        CDOMReference<Spell> spell = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(Spell.class, name);
        dkm.put(spell, AssociationKey.CASTER_LEVEL, casterLevel);
        Formula timesFormula = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(times);
        if (!timesFormula.isValid()) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("Times in " + getTokenName() + " was not valid: " + timesFormula.toString(), context);
        dkm.put(spell, AssociationKey.TIMES_PER_UNIT, timesFormula);
        if (timeunit != null) {
            dkm.put(spell, AssociationKey.TIME_UNIT, timeunit);
        dkm.put(spell, AssociationKey.SPELLBOOK, spellBook);
        if (commaLoc != -1) {
            dkm.put(spell, AssociationKey.DC_FORMULA, token.substring(commaLoc + 1));
        if (!sep.hasNext()) {
            // No prereqs, so we're done
            finish(context, obj, dkm, null);
            return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
        token =;
        if (looksLikeAPrerequisite(token)) {
    List<Prerequisite> prereqs = new ArrayList<>();
    while (true) {
        Prerequisite prereq = getPrerequisite(token);
        if (prereq == null) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("   (Did you put spells after the " + "PRExxx tags in SPELLS:?)", context);
        if (!sep.hasNext()) {
        token =;
    finish(context, obj, dkm, prereqs);
    return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
Also used : AssociationKey(pcgen.cdom.enumeration.AssociationKey) ParseResult(pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ParseResult) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Ungranted(pcgen.cdom.base.Ungranted) Spell(pcgen.core.spell.Spell) Formula(pcgen.base.formula.Formula) ParsingSeparator(pcgen.base.text.ParsingSeparator) CDOMObject(pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMObject) AssociatedPrereqObject(pcgen.cdom.base.AssociatedPrereqObject) DoubleKeyMap(pcgen.base.util.DoubleKeyMap) CDOMReference(pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMReference) Prerequisite(pcgen.core.prereq.Prerequisite)

Example 24 with Formula

use of pcgen.base.formula.Formula in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class RegionLst method parseTokenWithSeparator.

protected ParseResult parseTokenWithSeparator(LoadContext context, CDOMObject obj, String value) {
    if (obj instanceof Ungranted) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Ungranted object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
    if (obj instanceof NonInteractive) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Non-Interactive object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(value, Constants.PIPE);
    String item = tok.nextToken();
    Formula count = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(item);
    if (!count.isValid()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getTokenName() + " was not valid: " + count.toString(), context);
    if (count.isStatic()) {
        if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " cannot have only a count: " + value, context);
        item = tok.nextToken();
        if (count.resolveStatic().intValue() <= 0) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getTokenName() + " must be > 0: " + value, context);
    } else {
        count = FormulaFactory.ONE;
    List<Region> regions = new ArrayList<>();
    while (true) {
        if (!tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        item = tok.nextToken();
    SimpleChoiceSet<Region> rcs = new SimpleChoiceSet<>(regions);
    ChoiceSet<Region> cs = new ChoiceSet<>(getTokenName(), rcs);
    cs.setTitle("Region Selection");
    TransitionChoice<Region> tc = new ConcreteTransitionChoice<>(cs, count);
    context.getObjectContext().put(obj, ObjectKey.REGION_CHOICE, tc);
    return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
Also used : ConcreteTransitionChoice(pcgen.cdom.base.ConcreteTransitionChoice) SimpleChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.choiceset.SimpleChoiceSet) ChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.base.ChoiceSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Ungranted(pcgen.cdom.base.Ungranted) Formula(pcgen.base.formula.Formula) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) SimpleChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.choiceset.SimpleChoiceSet) NonInteractive(pcgen.cdom.base.NonInteractive) Region(pcgen.cdom.enumeration.Region)

Example 25 with Formula

use of pcgen.base.formula.Formula in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ClassSkillsLevelToken method parseNonEmptyToken.

protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, PCClassLevel obj, String value) {
    ParsingSeparator sep = new ParsingSeparator(value, '|');
    sep.addGroupingPair('[', ']');
    sep.addGroupingPair('(', ')');
    String activeValue =;
    Formula count;
    if (!sep.hasNext()) {
        count = FormulaFactory.ONE;
    } else {
        count = FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(activeValue);
        if (!count.isValid()) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getTokenName() + " was not valid: " + count.toString(), context);
        if (count.isStatic() && count.resolveStatic().doubleValue() <= 0) {
            return new ParseResult.Fail("Count in " + getFullName() + " must be > 0", context);
        activeValue =;
    if (sep.hasNext()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail(getFullName() + " had too many pipe separated items: " + value, context);
    ParseResult pr = checkSeparatorsAndNonEmpty(',', activeValue);
    if (!pr.passed()) {
        return pr;
    List<CDOMReference<Skill>> refs = new ArrayList<>();
    StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(activeValue, Constants.COMMA);
    CDOMGroupRef<Skill> allRef = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMAllReference(SKILL_CLASS);
    Integer autoRank = null;
    while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String tokText = tok.nextToken();
        if (Constants.LST_ALL.equals(tokText) || Constants.LST_ANY.equals(tokText)) {
        } else {
            if (Constants.LST_UNTRAINED.equals(tokText)) {
                ObjectMatchingReference<Skill, Boolean> omr = new ObjectMatchingReference<>(tokText, SKILL_CLASS, allRef, ObjectKey.USE_UNTRAINED, Boolean.TRUE);
            } else if (Constants.LST_TRAINED.equals(tokText)) {
                refs.add(new ObjectMatchingReference<>(tokText, SKILL_CLASS, allRef, ObjectKey.USE_UNTRAINED, Boolean.FALSE));
            } else if (Constants.LST_EXCLUSIVE.equals(tokText)) {
                refs.add(new ObjectMatchingReference<>(tokText, SKILL_CLASS, allRef, ObjectKey.EXCLUSIVE, Boolean.TRUE));
            } else if (Constants.LST_NONEXCLUSIVE.equals(tokText) || Constants.LST_CROSS_CLASS.equals(tokText)) {
                ObjectMatchingReference<Skill, Boolean> omr = new ObjectMatchingReference<>(tokText, SKILL_CLASS, allRef, ObjectKey.EXCLUSIVE, Boolean.FALSE);
            } else if (tokText.startsWith("AUTORANK=")) {
                if (autoRank != null) {
                    return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot have two " + "AUTORANK= items in " + getFullName() + ": " + value, context);
                String rankString = tokText.substring(9);
                try {
                    autoRank = Integer.decode(rankString);
                    if (autoRank <= 0) {
                        return new ParseResult.Fail("Expected AUTORANK= to be" + " greater than zero, found: " + autoRank, context);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    return new ParseResult.Fail("Expected AUTORANK= to have" + " an integer value, found: " + rankString, context);
            } else {
                CDOMReference<Skill> skref = TokenUtilities.getTypeOrPrimitive(context, SKILL_CLASS, tokText);
                if (skref == null) {
                    return new ParseResult.Fail("  Error was encountered while parsing " + getFullName() + ": " + value + " had an invalid reference: " + tokText, context);
    if (refs.isEmpty()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Non-sensical " + getFullName() + ": Contains no skill reference: " + value, context);
    ReferenceChoiceSet<Skill> rcs = new ReferenceChoiceSet<>(refs);
    if (!rcs.getGroupingState().isValid()) {
        return new ParseResult.Fail("Non-sensical " + getFullName() + ": Contains ANY and a specific reference: " + value, context);
    ChoiceSet<Skill> cs = new ChoiceSet<>(getTokenName(), rcs, true);
    PersistentTransitionChoice<Skill> tc = new ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice<>(cs, count);
    // TODO This is a hack, to get this to work pre-CDOM
    PCClass parent = (PCClass) obj.get(ObjectKey.TOKEN_PARENT);
    ClassSkillChoiceActor actor = new ClassSkillChoiceActor(parent, autoRank);
    context.getObjectContext().addToList(obj, ListKey.ADD, tc);
    return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice(pcgen.cdom.base.ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice) Formula(pcgen.base.formula.Formula) ObjectMatchingReference(pcgen.cdom.reference.ObjectMatchingReference) ParseResult(pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ParseResult) ReferenceChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.choiceset.ReferenceChoiceSet) ChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.base.ChoiceSet) PCClass(pcgen.core.PCClass) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) Skill(pcgen.core.Skill) ParsingSeparator(pcgen.base.text.ParsingSeparator) ClassSkillChoiceActor(pcgen.cdom.helper.ClassSkillChoiceActor) CDOMReference(pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMReference) ReferenceChoiceSet(pcgen.cdom.choiceset.ReferenceChoiceSet)


Formula (pcgen.base.formula.Formula)106 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)30 ParsingSeparator (pcgen.base.text.ParsingSeparator)26 ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice (pcgen.cdom.base.ConcretePersistentTransitionChoice)18 ParseResult (pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ParseResult)18 CDOMReference (pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMReference)16 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)15 ChoiceSet (pcgen.cdom.base.ChoiceSet)11 Ungranted (pcgen.cdom.base.Ungranted)10 CDOMObject (pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMObject)9 PersistentTransitionChoice (pcgen.cdom.base.PersistentTransitionChoice)9 ReferenceChoiceSet (pcgen.cdom.choiceset.ReferenceChoiceSet)8 PCClass (pcgen.core.PCClass)7 Prerequisite (pcgen.core.prereq.Prerequisite)7 Map (java.util.Map)6 AssociatedPrereqObject (pcgen.cdom.base.AssociatedPrereqObject)6 PCTemplate (pcgen.core.PCTemplate)6 Race (pcgen.core.Race)6 Spell (pcgen.core.spell.Spell)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5