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Example 1 with BaseDice

use of pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class EquipmentTest method testResizeItem.

public void testResizeItem() {
    // Make it a weapon
    eq.getEquipmentHead(1).put(StringKey.DAMAGE, "1d6");
    eq.addToListFor(ListKey.TYPE, Type.WEAPON);
    // Create a base item
    Equipment custEq = eq.clone();
    custEq.put(StringKey.KEY_NAME, "Custom");
    custEq.put(ObjectKey.BASE_ITEM, CDOMDirectSingleRef.getRef(eq));
    GameMode gameMode = SettingsHandler.getGame();
    is(Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().getConstructedObjectCount(SizeAdjustment.class), gt(0), "size list initialised");
    BaseDice d6 = gameMode.getModeContext().getReferenceContext().constructCDOMObject(BaseDice.class, "1d6");
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d4"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d3"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d2"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("1d8"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("2d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("3d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("4d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("6d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("8d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("12d6"));
    is(custEq.getSize(), eq("M"), "starting size");
    is(custEq.getDamage(getCharacter()), eq("1d6"), "starting size");
    // Drop the size
    custEq.resizeItem(getCharacter(), small);
    is(custEq.getSize(), eq("S"), "reduce size size");
    is(custEq.getDamage(getCharacter()), eq("1d4"), "reduce size damage");
    // Increase the size
    custEq.resizeItem(getCharacter(), large);
    is(custEq.getSize(), eq("L"), "reduce size size");
    is(custEq.getDamage(getCharacter()), eq("1d8"), "reduce size damage");
Also used : BaseDice(pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice)

Example 2 with BaseDice

use of pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class Globals method adjustDamage.

	 * Adjust damage
	 * @param aDamage
	 * @param baseSize
	 * @param finalSize
	 * @return adjusted damage
public static String adjustDamage(final String aDamage, final int baseSize, final int finalSize) {
    final AbstractReferenceContext ref = getContext().getReferenceContext();
    BaseDice bd = ref.silentlyGetConstructedCDOMObject(BaseDice.class, aDamage);
    int multiplier = 0;
    if (bd == null) {
        //Need to test for higher dice
        final RollInfo aRollInfo = new RollInfo(aDamage);
        final String baseDice = "1d" + Integer.toString(aRollInfo.sides);
        bd = ref.silentlyGetConstructedCDOMObject(BaseDice.class, baseDice);
        if (bd != null) {
            multiplier = aRollInfo.times;
    } else {
        multiplier = 1;
    RollInfo bi;
    if (bd == null) {
        bi = new RollInfo(aDamage);
    } else {
        List<RollInfo> steps = null;
        if (baseSize < finalSize) {
            steps = bd.getUpSteps();
        } else if (baseSize > finalSize) {
            steps = bd.getDownSteps();
        } else {
            // Not a warning?
            return aDamage;
        final int difference = Math.abs(baseSize - finalSize);
        final int index;
        if (steps.size() > difference) {
            index = difference - 1;
        } else {
            index = steps.size() - 1;
        bi = steps.get(index);
    if (multiplier > 1) {
        // Ugh, have to do this for "cloning" to avoid polluting the master
        // RollInfo
        bi = new RollInfo(bi.toString());
        bi.times *= multiplier;
    return bi.toString();
Also used : AbstractReferenceContext(pcgen.rules.context.AbstractReferenceContext) BaseDice(pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice)

Example 3 with BaseDice

use of pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class GlobalsTest method testAdjustDamage.

//	/**
//	 * I was going to add separate test methods for
//	 *
//	 * addAbility (Ability anAbility)
//	 * removeAbilityKeyed (String category, String aKey)
//	 * removeAbilityNamed (String category, String aName)
//	 * getAbilityKeyed (String category, String aKey)
//	 * getAbilityNamed (String category, String aName)
//	 *
//	 * but the only way to test them properly is to ensure they return consistent
//	 * data between themselves
//	 */
//	public void testAbilityDatabaseBasicMethods()
//	{
//		Ability ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("First Ability");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("First Ability"),
//			"Name of first Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("First Ability"),
//			"Key of first Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getCategory(), strEq(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY),
//			"Category of first Ability is correct");
//		Ability resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(resAb, eqnull(), "Search for unadded Ability returns null");
//		Iterator<? extends Categorisable> i =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(i.hasNext(), eq(false), "Feat list is empty");
//		boolean added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "First Ability added successfully");
//		resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(resAb, not(eqnull()),
//			"Search for added Ability does not return null");
//		is(resAb.getKeyName(), strEq("First Ability"),
//			"Added ability has correct name");
//		i = Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(i.hasNext(), eq(true), "Feat list is not empty");
//		ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Second Ability");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "Second Ability added successfully");
//		resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Second Ability");
//		is(resAb, not(eq(null)),
//			"Search for Second Ability added does not return null");
//		is(resAb.getKeyName(), strEq("Second Ability"),
//			"Second ability has correct name");
//		resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(resAb, not(eqnull()), "First ability is still avilable");
//		is(resAb.getKeyName(), strEq("First Ability"),
//			"First Ability has correct name after second add");
//		boolean removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(removed, eq(true), "Remove of First Ability worked");
//		resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(resAb, eqnull(), "Query for First ability returns null");
//		resAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Second Ability");
//		is(resAb, not(eq(null)), "Search for Second Ability added does"
//			+ " not return null after deletion of First");
//		is(resAb.getKeyName(), strEq("Second Ability"),
//			"Second ability has correct name");
//		i = Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(i.hasNext(), eq(true), "Feat list is not empty");
//		removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"First Ability");
//		is(removed, eq(false),
//			"Second attempt at Removal of First Ability fails");
//		removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Second Ability");
//		is(removed, eq(true), "Remove of Second Ability worked");
//		i = Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(i.hasNext(), eq(false), "Feat list is empty");
//		/* TODO When the changes are finished and categories actually
//		 * work, test this with differect categories */
//	}
//	/**
//	 * Test names with choices
//	 */
//	public void testAbilityDatabaseNameMethods()
//	{
//		Ability ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Ability with choices");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		boolean added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "Ability with choices added successfully");
//		Ability retrievedAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices");
//		is(retrievedAb, not(eqnull()),
//			"Search for Ability with choices added does not return null");
//		is(retrievedAb.getKeyName(), strEq("Ability with choices"),
//			"Second ability has correct name");
//		retrievedAb =
//				AbilityUtilities.retrieveAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices (chosen)");
//		is(retrievedAb, not(eqnull()),
//			"Search with choice made does not return null");
//		is(retrievedAb.getKeyName(), strEq("Ability with choices"),
//			"Second ability has correct name");
//		boolean removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices");
//		is(removed, eq(true), "Remove of Ability with choices worked");
//		Iterator<? extends Categorisable> it =
//				Globals.getAbilityNameIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(it, not(eqnull()), "Iterator over empty list isn't null");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(false), "there are no Abilities in the iterator");
//		removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices");
//		is(removed, eq(false), "Remove of Ability with choices worked");
//		ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Ability with choices (already there)");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true),
//			"Ability with choices (already there) added successfully");
//		retrievedAb =
//				Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices (already there)");
//		is(retrievedAb, not(eqnull()),
//			"Search for Ability with choices (already there) does not return null");
//		is(retrievedAb.getKeyName(),
//			strEq("Ability with choices (already there)"),
//			"ability has correct name");
//		/* Clean up after ourselves (so later tests start with empty ability store) */
//		removed =
//				Globals.removeAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY,
//					"Ability with choices (already there)");
//		is(removed, eq(true),
//			"Remove of Ability with choices (already there) worked");
//	}
//	/**
//	 * Test ability database methods for groups of abilities
//	 */
//	public void testAbilityDatabaseGroupMethods()
//	{
//		Ability ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Ability002");
//		ab.put(StringKey.KEY_NAME, "BBB");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"Name of first Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("BBB"), "Key of first Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getCategory(), strEq(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY),
//			"Category of first Ability is correct");
//		boolean added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "Ability002 added successfully");
//		ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Ability001");
//		ab.put(StringKey.KEY_NAME, "CCC");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(AbilityCategory.FEAT);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"Name of second Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("CCC"), "Key of second Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getCategory(), strEq(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY),
//			"Category of second Ability is correct");
//		added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "Ability001 added successfully");
//		ab = new Ability();
//		ab.setName("Ability003");
//		ab.put(StringKey.KEY_NAME, "AAA");
//		ab.setCDOMCategory(new AbilityCategory("Other_Random_Category"));
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability003"),
//			"Name of third Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("AAA"), "Key of third Ability is correct");
//		is(ab.getCategory(), strEq("Other_Random_Category"),
//			"Category of third Ability is correct");
//		added = Globals.addAbility(ab);
//		is(added, eq(true), "Ability003 added successfully");
//		ab = Globals.getAbilityKeyed(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY, "Ability003");
//		is(ab, eq(null), "third Ability is not is the feat category");
//		Iterator<? extends Categorisable> it =
//				Globals.getAbilityNameIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 01");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"first Ability from Name Iterator is correct 01");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"second Ability from Name Iterator is correct 01");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(false), "Iterator has abilities 02");
//		it = Globals.getAbilityNameIterator("ALL");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 03");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"first Ability from Name Iterator is correct 02");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"second Ability from Name Iterator is correct 02");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 04");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability003"),
//			"third Ability from Name Iterator is correct 02");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(false), "Iterator has abilities 05");
//		/* Now test Key methods, should give Abilities in different order */
//		it = Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 01");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"first Ability from Key Iterator is correct 03");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("BBB"),
//			"first Ability from Key Iterator is correct 03");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"second Ability from Key Iterator is correct 03");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("CCC"),
//			"second Ability from Key Iterator is correct 03");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(false), "Iterator has abilities 02");
//		it = Globals.getAbilityKeyIterator("ALL");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 03");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability003"),
//			"first Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("AAA"),
//			"first Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"second Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("BBB"),
//			"second Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(true), "Iterator has abilities 04");
//		ab = (Ability);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"third Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		is(ab.getKeyName(), strEq("CCC"),
//			"third Ability from Key Iterator is correct 04");
//		is(it.hasNext(), eq(false), "Iterator has abilities 05");
//		List<? extends Categorisable> li =
//				Globals.getUnmodifiableAbilityList("FOO");
//		is(li, eq(Collections.emptyList()), "list of FOO is Empty");
//		li = Globals.getUnmodifiableAbilityList(Constants.FEAT_CATEGORY);
//		is(li, not(eq(null)), "list of FEAT is not null");
//		ab = (Ability) li.get(0);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability001"),
//			"first Ability from list is correct 01");
//		ab = (Ability) li.get(1);
//		is(ab.getDisplayName(), strEq("Ability002"),
//			"second Ability from list is correct 01");
//	}
public void testAdjustDamage() {
    GameMode gameMode = SettingsHandler.getGame();
    is(Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().getConstructedObjectCount(SizeAdjustment.class), gt(0), "size list initialised");
    BaseDice d6 = gameMode.getModeContext().getReferenceContext().constructCDOMObject(BaseDice.class, "1d6");
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d4"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d3"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1d2"));
    d6.addToDownList(new RollInfo("1"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("1d8"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("2d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("3d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("4d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("6d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("8d6"));
    d6.addToUpList(new RollInfo("12d6"));
    SizeAdjustment small = Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().silentlyGetConstructedCDOMObject(SizeAdjustment.class, "S");
    SizeAdjustment medium = Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().silentlyGetConstructedCDOMObject(SizeAdjustment.class, "M");
    is(Globals.adjustDamage("1d6", medium, small), strEq("1d4"), "reduction of damage due to smaller size");
Also used : BaseDice(pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice)


BaseDice (pcgen.cdom.content.BaseDice)3 AbstractReferenceContext (pcgen.rules.context.AbstractReferenceContext)1