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Example 1 with ExportHandler

use of in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class PlayerCharacterOutput method getExportToken.

String getExportToken(String token) {
    try {
        StringWriter retWriter = new StringWriter();
        BufferedWriter bufWriter = new BufferedWriter(retWriter);
        ExportHandler export = new ExportHandler(new File(""));
        export.replaceTokenSkipMath(pc, token, bufWriter);
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        // TODO - Handle Exception
        return retWriter.toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Failure fetching token: " + token);
        return "";
Also used : StringWriter( ExportHandler( IOException( File( IOException( BufferedWriter(

Example 2 with ExportHandler

use of in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class PCBooleanFunctionTest method testExec.

	 * Test method for {@link}.
	 * @throws Exception 
public void testExec() throws Exception {
    PlayerCharacter pc = getCharacter();
    ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(new File(""));
    PCBooleanFunction pcbf = new PCBooleanFunction(pc, eh);
    Boolean result = (Boolean) pcbf.exec(Collections.singletonList("VAR.VARDEFINED:FooV"));
    assertFalse("Should not have var", result);
    addAbility(AbilityCategory.FEAT, fooFeat);
    assertTrue("Should have var FooV", pc.hasVariable("FooV"));
    result = (Boolean) pcbf.exec(Collections.singletonList("VAR.VARDEFINED:FooV"));
    assertTrue("PCBoolean could not see FooV", result);
Also used : PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) ExportHandler( File( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with ExportHandler

use of in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class TextTokenTest method testTextFormatting.

	 * Test the output for positive numbers with fractions.
public void testTextFormatting() {
    TextToken tok = new TextToken();
    ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null);
    PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter();
    assertEquals("TEXT.LOWER.NAME", "the vitamins are in my fresh brussels sprouts", tok.getToken("TEXT.LOWER.NAME", character, eh));
    assertEquals("TEXT.UPPER.NAME", "THE VITAMINS ARE IN MY FRESH BRUSSELS SPROUTS", tok.getToken("TEXT.UPPER.NAME", character, eh));
    assertEquals("TEXT.SENTENCE.NAME", "The vitamins are in my fresh brussels sprouts", tok.getToken("TEXT.SENTENCE.NAME", character, eh));
    assertEquals("TEXT.SENTENCE.NAME", "The vitamins are in my fresh brussels sprouts", tok.getToken("TEXT.SENTENCE.NAME", character, eh));
    character.setPCAttribute(PCAttribute.NAME, "The Vitamins are in my Fresh Brussels Sprouts");
    assertEquals("TEXT.SENTENCE.INTERESTS", "One potatoe. Two potatoe. More", tok.getToken("TEXT.SENTENCE.INTERESTS", character, eh));
    assertEquals("TEXT.TITLE.NAME", "The Vitamins Are In My Fresh Brussels Sprouts", tok.getToken("TEXT.TITLE.NAME", getCharacter(), eh));
    assertEquals("TEXT.TITLE.NAME", "One Potatoe. Two Potatoe. More", tok.getToken("TEXT.TITLE.INTERESTS", character, eh));
Also used : TextToken(plugin.exporttokens.TextToken) PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) ExportHandler(

Example 4 with ExportHandler

use of in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class AbilityListTokenTest method testCategory.

	 * Test the output for negative numbers with fractions.
public void testCategory() {
    AbilityListToken tok = new AbilityListToken();
    ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null);
    PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter();
    is(tok.getToken("ABILITYLIST.BARDIC", character, eh), strEq("Perform (Dance)"), "ABILITYLIST.BARDIC");
Also used : PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) ExportHandler(

Example 5 with ExportHandler

use of in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class AbilityTokenTest method testAssociatedCount.

	 * Tests the ASSOCIATEDCOUNT subtoken of ABILITY.
public void testAssociatedCount() {
    AbilityToken tok = new AbilityToken();
    ExportHandler eh = new ExportHandler(null);
    PlayerCharacter character = getCharacter();
    assertEquals("0", tok.getToken("ABILITY.FEAT.0.ASSOCIATEDCOUNT", character, eh));
    assertEquals("2", tok.getToken("ABILITY.FEAT.1.ASSOCIATEDCOUNT", character, eh));
Also used : PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) ExportHandler(


ExportHandler ( PlayerCharacter (pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter)24 File ( BufferedWriter ( StringWriter ( IOException ( TextToken (plugin.exporttokens.TextToken)3 OutputStreamWriter ( Test (org.junit.Test)2 FileOutputStream ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( CharacterFacade (pcgen.facade.core.CharacterFacade)1 ExportException ( PCGFile (