use of pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ComplexParseResult in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class ProficiencyToken method parseNonEmptyToken.
protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, Equipment eq, String value) {
int pipeLoc = value.indexOf(Constants.PIPE);
if (pipeLoc == -1) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Equipment Token PROFICIENCY syntax " + "without a Subtoken is invalid: PROFICIENCY:" + value, context);
if (pipeLoc != value.lastIndexOf(Constants.PIPE)) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " expecting only one '|', " + "format is: SubToken|ProfName value was: " + value, context);
String subtoken = value.substring(0, pipeLoc);
String prof = value.substring(pipeLoc + 1);
if (prof == null || prof.isEmpty()) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("PROFICIENCY cannot have " + "empty second argument: " + value, context);
if (subtoken.equals("WEAPON")) {
// This can be reactivated if .CLEAR is implemented, to allow .MOD to override the proficiency
// if (context.getObjectContext().getObject(eq, ObjectKey.WEAPON_PROF) != null)
// {
// return new ParseResult.Fail(
// "Only one PROFICIENCY:WEAPON is allowed per item. Token was PROFICIENCY:"
// + value, context);
// }
CDOMSingleRef<WeaponProf> wp = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(WeaponProf.class, prof);
context.getObjectContext().put(eq, ObjectKey.WEAPON_PROF, wp);
} else if (subtoken.equals("ARMOR")) {
// if (context.getObjectContext().getObject(eq, ObjectKey.ARMOR_PROF) != null)
// {
// return new ParseResult.Fail(
// "Only one PROFICIENCY:ARMOR is allowed per item. Token was PROFICIENCY:"
// + value, context);
// }
CDOMSingleRef<ArmorProf> wp = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(ArmorProf.class, prof);
context.getObjectContext().put(eq, ObjectKey.ARMOR_PROF, wp);
} else if (subtoken.equals("SHIELD")) {
// if (context.getObjectContext().getObject(eq, ObjectKey.SHIELD_PROF) != null)
// {
// return new ParseResult.Fail(
// "Only one PROFICIENCY:SHIELD is allowed per item. Token was PROFICIENCY:"
// + value, context);
// }
CDOMSingleRef<ShieldProf> wp = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(ShieldProf.class, prof);
context.getObjectContext().put(eq, ObjectKey.SHIELD_PROF, wp);
} else {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Unknown Subtoken for PROFICIENCY: " + subtoken);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Subtoken must be " + "WEAPON, ARMOR or SHIELD");
return cpr;
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
use of pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ComplexParseResult in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class RaceToken method parseNonEmptyToken.
protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, KitRace kitRace, String value) {
if (Constants.NONESELECTED.equals(value)) {
ComplexParseResult pr = new ComplexParseResult();
pr.addWarningMessage("NONESELECTED is not necessary in KIT RACE: " + "Token is not processed");
return pr;
CDOMSingleRef<Race> ref = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMReference(RACE_CLASS, value);
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
use of pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ComplexParseResult in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class HitdieLst method parseToken.
public ParseResult parseToken(LoadContext context, PCClassLevel level, String value) {
try {
String lock = value;
int pipeLoc = lock.indexOf(Constants.PIPE);
if (pipeLoc != -1) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " is invalid has a pipe: " + value, context);
Processor<HitDie> hdm;
if (lock.startsWith("%/")) {
// HITDIE:%/num --- divides the classes hit die by num.
int denom = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(2));
if (denom <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " was expecting a Positive Integer " + "for dividing Lock, was : " + lock.substring(2), context);
hdm = new HitDieFormula(new DividingFormula(denom));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%*")) {
// HITDIE:%*num --- multiplies the classes hit die by num.
int mult = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(2));
if (mult <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " was expecting a Positive " + "Integer for multiplying Lock, was : " + lock.substring(2), context);
hdm = new HitDieFormula(new MultiplyingFormula(mult));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%+")) {
// possibly redundant with BONUS:HD MAX|num
// HITDIE:%+num --- adds num to the classes hit die.
int add = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(2));
if (add <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " was expecting a Positive " + "Integer for adding Lock, was : " + lock.substring(2), context);
hdm = new HitDieFormula(new AddingFormula(add));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%-")) {
// HITDIE:%-num --- subtracts num from the classes hit die.
// possibly redundant with BONUS:HD MAX|num if that will
// take negative numbers.
int sub = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(2));
if (sub <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " was expecting a Positive " + "Integer for subtracting Lock, was : " + lock.substring(2), context);
hdm = new HitDieFormula(new SubtractingFormula(sub));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%up")) {
// HITDIE:%upnum --- moves the hit die num steps up the die size
// list d4,d6,d8,d10,d12. Stops at d12.
int steps = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(3));
if (steps <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName() + " up (must be positive)", context);
if (steps >= 5) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName() + " up (too large)", context);
hdm = new HitDieStep(steps, new HitDie(12));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%Hup")) {
// HITDIE:%upnum --- moves the hit die num steps up the die size
// list d4,d6,d8,d10,d12. Stops at d12.
int steps = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(4));
if (steps <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName(), context);
hdm = new HitDieStep(steps, null);
} else if (lock.startsWith("%down")) {
// HITDIE:%downnum --- moves the hit die num steps down the die
// size
// list d4,d6,d8,d10,d12. Stops at d4.
int steps = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(5));
if (steps <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName() + " down (must be positive)", context);
if (steps >= 5) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName() + " down (too large)", context);
hdm = new HitDieStep(-steps, new HitDie(4));
} else if (lock.startsWith("%Hdown")) {
// HITDIE:%downnum --- moves the hit die num steps down the die
// size
// list. No limit.
int steps = Integer.parseInt(lock.substring(6));
if (steps <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid Step Count: " + steps + " in " + getTokenName(), context);
hdm = new HitDieStep(-steps, null);
} else {
int i = Integer.parseInt(lock);
if (i <= 0) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Invalid HitDie: " + i + " in " + getTokenName(), context);
// HITDIE:num --- sets the hit die to num regardless of class.
hdm = new HitDieLock(new HitDie(i));
context.getObjectContext().put(level, ObjectKey.HITDIE, hdm);
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
ComplexParseResult pr = new ComplexParseResult();
pr.addErrorMessage("Invalid Number in " + getTokenName() + ": " + nfe.getLocalizedMessage());
pr.addErrorMessage(" Must be an Integer");
return pr;
use of pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ComplexParseResult in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class AddLst method parseNonEmptyToken.
protected ParseResult parseNonEmptyToken(LoadContext context, CDOMObject obj, String value) {
if (obj instanceof Ungranted) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Ungranted object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
if (obj instanceof NonInteractive) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Non-Interactive object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
int pipeLoc = value.indexOf(Constants.PIPE);
if (pipeLoc == -1) {
if (Constants.LST_DOT_CLEAR.equals(value)) {
if (obj instanceof PCClassLevel) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Warning: You performed an invalid " + ".CLEAR in a ADD: Token");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" A non-level limited .CLEAR was " + "used in a Class Level line in " + obj.getKeyName());
return cpr;
} else if (value.startsWith(".CLEAR.LEVEL")) {
if (!(obj instanceof PCClassLevel)) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Warning: You performed an invalid .CLEAR in a ADD: Token");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" A level limited .CLEAR ( " + value + " ) was not used in a Class Level line in " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName() + ' ' + obj.getKeyName());
return cpr;
String levelString = value.substring(12);
try {
int level = Integer.parseInt(levelString);
if (level != obj.get(IntegerKey.LEVEL)) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Warning: You performed an invalid " + ".CLEAR in a ADD: Token");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" A level limited .CLEAR ( " + value + " ) was used in a Class Level line");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" But was asked to clear a " + "different Class Level ( " + level + " ) than the Class Level Line it appeared on: " + obj.getKeyName());
return cpr;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Warning: You performed an invalid .CLEAR in a ADD: Token");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" A level limited .CLEAR ( " + value + " ) was used in a Class Level line");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" But the level ( " + levelString + " ) was not an integer in: " + obj.getKeyName());
return cpr;
} else {
return new ParseResult.Fail(getTokenName() + " requires a SubToken and argument, found: " + value, context);
context.getObjectContext().removeList(obj, ListKey.ADD);
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;
return context.processSubToken(obj, getTokenName(), value.substring(0, pipeLoc), value.substring(pipeLoc + 1));
use of pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ComplexParseResult in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class ChangeprofLst method parseTokenWithSeparator.
protected ParseResult parseTokenWithSeparator(LoadContext context, CDOMObject obj, String value) {
if (obj instanceof Ungranted) {
return new ParseResult.Fail("Cannot use " + getTokenName() + " on an Ungranted object type: " + obj.getClass().getSimpleName(), context);
// value should be of the format:
// Name1,TYPE.type1,Name3=Prof1|Name4,Name5=Prof2
// e.g.: TYPE.Hammer,Hand Axe=Simple|Urgosh,Waraxe=Martial
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(value, Constants.PIPE);
List<ChangeProf> list = new ArrayList<>();
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
String tokText = tok.nextToken();
int equalLoc = tokText.indexOf('=');
if (equalLoc < 0) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Improper " + getTokenName() + ": No = found. " + "Expect format to be <Prof>,<Prof>=<Prof Type>");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Token was: " + tokText);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Tag was: " + value);
return cpr;
} else if (equalLoc != tokText.lastIndexOf('=')) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Improper " + getTokenName() + ": Two = found. " + "Expect format to be <Prof>,<Prof>=<Prof Type>");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Token was: " + tokText);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Tag was: " + value);
return cpr;
String newType = tokText.substring(equalLoc + 1);
if (newType.isEmpty()) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Improper " + getTokenName() + ": Empty Result Type. " + "Expect format to be <Prof>,<Prof>=<Prof Type>");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Token was: " + tokText);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Tag was: " + value);
return cpr;
if (newType.indexOf(Constants.DOT) != -1) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Improper " + getTokenName() + ": Invalid (Compound) Result Type: cannot contain a period (.) " + "Expect format to be <Prof>,<Prof>=<Prof Type>");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Token was: " + tokText);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Tag was: " + value);
return cpr;
String[] val = { newType };
CDOMGroupRef<WeaponProf> newTypeProf = context.getReferenceContext().getCDOMTypeReference(WEAPONPROF_CLASS, val);
String profs = tokText.substring(0, equalLoc);
if (profs.isEmpty()) {
ComplexParseResult cpr = new ComplexParseResult();
cpr.addErrorMessage("Improper " + getTokenName() + ": Empty Source Prof. " + "Expect format to be <Prof>,<Prof>=<Prof Type>");
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Token was: " + tokText);
cpr.addErrorMessage(" Tag was: " + value);
return cpr;
StringTokenizer pTok = new StringTokenizer(profs, Constants.COMMA);
while (pTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
CDOMReference<WeaponProf> wp = TokenUtilities.getTypeOrPrimitive(context, WEAPONPROF_CLASS, pTok.nextToken());
list.add(new ChangeProf(wp, newTypeProf));
for (ChangeProf cp : list) {
context.getObjectContext().addToList(obj, ListKey.CHANGEPROF, cp);
return ParseResult.SUCCESS;