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Example 1 with PCClassLevel

use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class PCClassLoader method parseClassLevelLine.

public void parseClassLevelLine(LoadContext context, PCClass pcClass, int lvl, SourceEntry source, String restOfLine) throws PersistenceLayerException {
    if (restOfLine == null) {
    PCClassLevel classlevel = pcClass.getOriginalClassLevel(lvl);
    final StringTokenizer colToken = new StringTokenizer(restOfLine, SystemLoader.TAB_DELIM);
    // loop through all the tokens and parse them
    while (colToken.hasMoreTokens()) {
        String token = colToken.nextToken().trim();
        int colonLoc = token.indexOf(':');
        if (colonLoc == -1) {
            Logging.errorPrint("Invalid Token - does not contain a colon: '" + token + "' in Class " + pcClass.getDisplayName() + " of " + source);
        } else if (colonLoc == 0) {
            Logging.errorPrint("Invalid Token - starts with a colon: '" + token + "' in Class " + pcClass.getDisplayName() + " of " + source);
        String key = token.substring(0, colonLoc);
        String value = (colonLoc == token.length() - 1) ? null : token.substring(colonLoc + 1);
        if (context.processToken(classlevel, key.intern(), value.intern())) {
        } else {
Also used : StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) PCClassLevel(pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel)

Example 2 with PCClassLevel

use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class ClassSkillChoiceActor method applyChoice.

	 * Applies the given Skill choice to the given PlayerCharacter. The given
	 * Skill is added as a class skill for the PCClass provided during
	 * construction of this ClassSkillChoiceActor. If the number of ranks
	 * provided during construction of this ClassSkillChoiceActor was not null
	 * or zero, then ranks are also applied to the given skill.
	 * @param owner
	 *            The owning object for this choice.
	 * @param choice
	 *            The Skill which should be added as a Class Skill for the
	 *            PCClass provided during construction of this
	 *            ClassSkillChoiceActor
	 * @param pc
	 *            The PlayerCharacter to which the changes driven by this
	 *            ClassSkillChoiceActor should be applied.
public void applyChoice(CDOMObject owner, Skill choice, PlayerCharacter pc) {
    PCClass pcc = getSourceClass(pc);
    if (pcc == null) {
        Logging.errorPrint("Unable to find the pc's class " + source + " to apply skill choices to.");
    pc.addLocalCost(pcc, choice, SkillCost.CLASS, owner);
    if (applyRank != null) {
        if (owner instanceof PCClassLevel) {
            // Ensure that the skill points for this level are already calculated.
            PCClassLevel classLevel = (PCClassLevel) owner;
            PCClass pcClass = (PCClass) classLevel.getSafe(ObjectKey.PARENT);
            int levelIndex = 1;
            for (PCLevelInfo lvlInfo : pc.getLevelInfo()) {
                if (lvlInfo.getClassKeyName() == pcClass.getKeyName() && lvlInfo.getClassLevel() == classLevel.getSafe(IntegerKey.LEVEL)) {
                    pc.checkSkillModChangeForLevel(pcClass, lvlInfo, classLevel, levelIndex++);
        String result = SkillRankControl.modRanks(applyRank, pcc, false, pc, choice);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(result)) {
            Logging.errorPrint("Unable to apply {0} ranks of {1}. Error: {2}", applyRank, choice, result);
Also used : PCLevelInfo(pcgen.core.pclevelinfo.PCLevelInfo) PCClass(pcgen.core.PCClass) PCClassLevel(pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel)

Example 3 with PCClassLevel

use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class HitPointFacet method rollHP.

	 * Rolls the hit points for a given PCClass and level.
	 * @param id
	 *            The CharID identifying the Player Character on which the hit
	 *            points are to be rolled
	 * @param pcc
	 *            The PCClass for which the hit points are to be rolled
	 * @param level
	 *            The class level for which the hit points are to be rolled
	 * @param first
	 *            And identifier indicating if this is the Player Character's
	 *            first level.
public void rollHP(CharID id, PCClass pcc, int level, boolean first) {
    int roll = 0;
    HitDie lvlDie = getLevelHitDie(id, pcc, level);
    if ((lvlDie == null) || (lvlDie.getDie() == 0)) {
        roll = 0;
    } else {
        final int min = 1 + (int) bonusCheckingFacet.getBonus(id, "HD", "MIN") + (int) bonusCheckingFacet.getBonus(id, "HD", "MIN;CLASS." + pcc.getKeyName());
        final int max = getLevelHitDie(id, pcc, level).getDie() + (int) bonusCheckingFacet.getBonus(id, "HD", "MAX") + (int) bonusCheckingFacet.getBonus(id, "HD", "MAX;CLASS." + pcc.getKeyName());
        if (SettingsHandler.getGame().getHPFormula().isEmpty()) {
            if (first && level == 1 && SettingsHandler.isHPMaxAtFirstLevel() && (!SettingsHandler.isHPMaxAtFirstPCClassLevelOnly() || pcc.isType("PC"))) {
                roll = max;
            } else {
                PlayerCharacter pc = trackingFacet.getPC(id);
                if (!pc.isImporting()) {
                    roll = rollHP(min, max, levelFacet.getTotalLevels(id));
        roll += ((int) bonusCheckingFacet.getBonus(id, "HP", "CURRENTMAXPERLEVEL"));
    PCClassLevel classLevel = classFacet.getClassLevel(id, pcc, level - 1);
    set(id, classLevel, roll);
Also used : PlayerCharacter(pcgen.core.PlayerCharacter) HitDie(pcgen.cdom.content.HitDie) PCClassLevel(pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel)

Example 4 with PCClassLevel

use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class HitPointFacet method getLevelHitDie.

	 * Returns the HitDie for the given PCClass and level in the Player
	 * Character identified by the given CharID.
	 * @param id
	 *            The CharID identifying the Player Character for which the
	 *            HitDie of the given PCClass and level will be returned
	 * @param pcClass
	 *            The PCClass for which the HitDie will be returned
	 * @param classLevel
	 *            The level for which the HitDie will be returned
	 * @return The HitDie for the given PCClass and level in the Player
	 *         Character identified by the given CharID
public HitDie getLevelHitDie(CharID id, PCClass pcClass, int classLevel) {
    // Class Base Hit Die
    HitDie currDie = pcClass.getSafe(ObjectKey.LEVEL_HITDIE);
    Processor<HitDie> dieLock = raceFacet.get(id).get(ObjectKey.HITDIE);
    if (dieLock != null) {
        currDie = dieLock.applyProcessor(currDie, pcClass);
    // Templates
    for (PCTemplate template : templateFacet.getSet(id)) {
        if (template != null) {
            Processor<HitDie> lock = template.get(ObjectKey.HITDIE);
            if (lock != null) {
                currDie = lock.applyProcessor(currDie, pcClass);
    // Levels
    PCClassLevel cl = classFacet.getClassLevel(id, pcClass, classLevel);
    if (cl != null) {
        if (cl.get(ObjectKey.DONTADD_HITDIE) != null) {
            currDie = HitDie.ZERO;
        } else {
            Processor<HitDie> lock = cl.get(ObjectKey.HITDIE);
            if (lock != null) {
                currDie = lock.applyProcessor(currDie, pcClass);
    return currDie;
Also used : HitDie(pcgen.cdom.content.HitDie) PCTemplate(pcgen.core.PCTemplate) PCClassLevel(pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel)

Example 5 with PCClassLevel

use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.

the class PCGVer2Creator method appendClassLines.

	 * ###############################################################
	 * Character Class(es) methods
	 * ###############################################################
private void appendClassLines(StringBuilder buffer) {
    Cache specials = new Cache();
    for (PCClass pcClass : charDisplay.getClassSet()) {
        int classLevel = charDisplay.getLevel(pcClass);
        final String subClassKey = charDisplay.getSubClassName(pcClass);
        if (subClassKey != null && !Constants.EMPTY_STRING.equals(subClassKey)) {
        Integer currentPool = thePC.getSkillPool(pcClass);
        buffer.append(currentPool == null ? 0 : currentPool);
        // determine if this class can cast spells
        boolean isCaster = false;
        if (!thePC.getSpellSupport(pcClass).canCastSpells(thePC)) {
            isCaster = true;
        boolean isPsionic = thePC.getSpellSupport(pcClass).hasKnownList() && !isCaster;
        if (isCaster || isPsionic) {
            buffer.append(StringUtil.join(thePC.getSpellSupport(pcClass).getCastListForLevel(classLevel), ","));
        Collection<? extends SpellProhibitor> prohib = charDisplay.getProhibitedSchools(pcClass);
        if (prohib != null) {
            Set<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
            for (SpellProhibitor sp : prohib) {
            if (!set.isEmpty()) {
                buffer.append(EntityEncoder.encode(StringUtil.join(set, ",")));
        appendAddTokenInfo(buffer, pcClass);
        String spec = thePC.getAssoc(pcClass, AssociationKey.SPECIALTY);
        if (spec != null) {
            specials.put(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALTY + '0', spec);
        String key;
        key = pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SAVE + '0';
        List<? extends SpecialAbility> salist = charDisplay.getUserSpecialAbilityList(pcClass);
        if (salist != null && !salist.isEmpty()) {
            SpecialAbility sa = salist.get(0);
            specials.put(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SA + 0, sa.getKeyName());
        for (BonusObj save : thePC.getSaveableBonusList(pcClass)) {
            specials.put(key, "BONUS|" + save);
        for (int i = 1; i <= charDisplay.getLevel(pcClass); i++) {
            key = pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SAVE + (i - 1);
            PCClassLevel pcl = charDisplay.getActiveClassLevel(pcClass, i);
            for (BonusObj save : thePC.getSaveableBonusList(pcl)) {
                specials.put(key, "BONUS|" + save);
    for (PCLevelInfo pcl : charDisplay.getLevelInfo()) {
        final String classKeyName = pcl.getClassKeyName();
        int lvl = pcl.getClassLevel() - 1;
        PCClass pcClass = thePC.getClassKeyed(classKeyName);
        if (pcClass == null) {
            pcClass = Globals.getContext().getReferenceContext().silentlyGetConstructedCDOMObject(PCClass.class, classKeyName);
            if (pcClass != null) {
                pcClass = thePC.getClassKeyed(pcClass.get(ObjectKey.EX_CLASS).get().getKeyName());
        if (pcClass != null) {
        } else {
        buffer.append('=').append(lvl + 1);
        if (pcClass != null) {
            String aKey = charDisplay.getSubstitutionClassName(charDisplay.getActiveClassLevel(pcClass, lvl + 1));
            if (aKey != null) {
            PCClassLevel classLevel = charDisplay.getActiveClassLevel(pcClass, lvl);
            Integer hp = charDisplay.getHP(classLevel);
            buffer.append(hp == null ? 0 : hp);
            appendSpecials(buffer, specials.get(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SAVE + lvl), IOConstants.TAG_SAVES, IOConstants.TAG_SAVE, lvl);
            appendSpecials(buffer, specials.get(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALTY + lvl), IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALTIES, IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALTY, lvl);
            appendSpecials(buffer, specials.get(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SA + lvl), IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALABILITIES, IOConstants.TAG_SA, lvl);
            if (lvl == 0) {
                appendSpecials(buffer, specials.get(pcClass.getKeyName() + IOConstants.TAG_SA + (lvl - 1)), IOConstants.TAG_SPECIALABILITIES, IOConstants.TAG_SA, -1);
            // Remember what choices were made for each of the ADD: tags
            appendAddTokenInfo(buffer, charDisplay.getActiveClassLevel(pcClass, lvl + 1));
        List<PCLevelInfoStat> statList = pcl.getModifiedStats(true);
        if (statList != null) {
            for (PCLevelInfoStat stat : statList) {
        statList = pcl.getModifiedStats(false);
        if (statList != null) {
            for (PCLevelInfoStat stat : statList) {
        int sp = pcl.getSkillPointsGained(thePC);
        //if (sp != 0)
        sp = pcl.getSkillPointsRemaining();
        //if (sp != 0)
Also used : PCLevelInfoStat(pcgen.core.pclevelinfo.PCLevelInfoStat) BonusObj(pcgen.core.bonus.BonusObj) SpecialAbility(pcgen.core.SpecialAbility) PCClass(pcgen.core.PCClass) SpellProhibitor(pcgen.core.SpellProhibitor) PCClassLevel(pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel) TreeSet(java.util.TreeSet) PCLevelInfo(pcgen.core.pclevelinfo.PCLevelInfo)


PCClassLevel (pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel)69 PCClass (pcgen.core.PCClass)26 Test (org.junit.Test)25 PCLevelInfo (pcgen.core.pclevelinfo.PCLevelInfo)9 CDOMObject (pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMObject)8 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 CharID (pcgen.cdom.enumeration.CharID)5 ParseResult (pcgen.rules.persistence.token.ParseResult)5 CDOMReference (pcgen.cdom.base.CDOMReference)4 SpecialAbility (pcgen.core.SpecialAbility)4 LoadContext (pcgen.rules.context.LoadContext)4 AbstractTokenModelTest (tokenmodel.testsupport.AbstractTokenModelTest)4 StringTokenizer (java.util.StringTokenizer)3 DataFacetChangeEvent (pcgen.cdom.facet.event.DataFacetChangeEvent)3 Domain (pcgen.core.Domain)3 Skill (pcgen.core.Skill)3 TestContext (plugin.lsttokens.editcontext.testsupport.TestContext)3 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)2 URI ( URISyntaxException (