use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class PCClass method clone.
public PCClass clone() {
PCClass aClass = null;
try {
aClass = (PCClass) super.clone();
List<KnownSpellIdentifier> ksl = getListFor(ListKey.KNOWN_SPELLS);
if (ksl != null) {
for (KnownSpellIdentifier ksi : ksl) {
aClass.addToListFor(ListKey.KNOWN_SPELLS, ksi);
Map<AttackType, Integer> acmap = getMapFor(MapKey.ATTACK_CYCLE);
if (acmap != null && !acmap.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<AttackType, Integer> me : acmap.entrySet()) {
aClass.addToMapFor(MapKey.ATTACK_CYCLE, me.getKey(), me.getValue());
aClass.levelMap = new TreeMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PCClassLevel> me : levelMap.entrySet()) {
aClass.levelMap.put(me.getKey(), me.getValue().clone());
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException exc) {
ShowMessageDelegate.showMessageDialog(exc.getMessage(), Constants.APPLICATION_NAME, MessageType.ERROR);
return aClass;
use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class CharacterFacadeImpl method buildAvailableDomainsList.
* This method returns all available domains, without filtering.
private void buildAvailableDomainsList() {
List<DomainFacadeImpl> availDomainList = new ArrayList<>();
List<DomainFacadeImpl> selDomainList = new ArrayList<>();
Deity pcDeity = charDisplay.getDeity();
if (pcDeity != null) {
for (CDOMReference<Domain> domainRef : pcDeity.getSafeListMods(Deity.DOMAINLIST)) {
Collection<AssociatedPrereqObject> assoc = pcDeity.getListAssociations(Deity.DOMAINLIST, domainRef);
for (AssociatedPrereqObject apo : assoc) {
for (Domain d : domainRef.getContainedObjects()) {
if (!isDomainInList(availDomainList, d)) {
availDomainList.add(new DomainFacadeImpl(d, apo.getPrerequisiteList()));
// Loop through the available prestige domains
for (PCClass aClass : charDisplay.getClassList()) {
* Need to do for the class, for compatibility, since level 0 is
* loaded into the class itself
processDomainList(aClass, availDomainList);
processAddDomains(aClass, availDomainList);
for (int lvl = 0; lvl <= charDisplay.getLevel(aClass); lvl++) {
PCClassLevel cl = charDisplay.getActiveClassLevel(aClass, lvl);
processAddDomains(cl, availDomainList);
processDomainList(cl, availDomainList);
// Loop through the character's selected domains
for (Domain d : charDisplay.getDomainSet()) {
DomainFacadeImpl domainFI = new DomainFacadeImpl(d);
boolean found = false;
for (DomainFacadeImpl row : availDomainList) {
if (d.equals(row.getRawObject())) {
domainFI = row;
found = true;
if (!found) {
if (!isDomainInList(selDomainList, d)) {
remainingDomains.set(theCharacter.getMaxCharacterDomains() - charDisplay.getDomainCount());
use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class PCClassLoader method parseClassLevelLine.
public void parseClassLevelLine(LoadContext context, PCClass pcClass, int lvl, SourceEntry source, String restOfLine) throws PersistenceLayerException {
if (restOfLine == null) {
PCClassLevel classlevel = pcClass.getOriginalClassLevel(lvl);
final StringTokenizer colToken = new StringTokenizer(restOfLine, SystemLoader.TAB_DELIM);
// loop through all the tokens and parse them
while (colToken.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = colToken.nextToken().trim();
int colonLoc = token.indexOf(':');
if (colonLoc == -1) {
Logging.errorPrint("Invalid Token - does not contain a colon: '" + token + "' in Class " + pcClass.getDisplayName() + " of " + source);
} else if (colonLoc == 0) {
Logging.errorPrint("Invalid Token - starts with a colon: '" + token + "' in Class " + pcClass.getDisplayName() + " of " + source);
String key = token.substring(0, colonLoc);
String value = (colonLoc == token.length() - 1) ? null : token.substring(colonLoc + 1);
if (context.processToken(classlevel, key.intern(), value.intern())) {
} else {
use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class ClassSkillChoiceActor method applyChoice.
* Applies the given Skill choice to the given PlayerCharacter. The given
* Skill is added as a class skill for the PCClass provided during
* construction of this ClassSkillChoiceActor. If the number of ranks
* provided during construction of this ClassSkillChoiceActor was not null
* or zero, then ranks are also applied to the given skill.
* @param owner
* The owning object for this choice.
* @param choice
* The Skill which should be added as a Class Skill for the
* PCClass provided during construction of this
* ClassSkillChoiceActor
* @param pc
* The PlayerCharacter to which the changes driven by this
* ClassSkillChoiceActor should be applied.
public void applyChoice(CDOMObject owner, Skill choice, PlayerCharacter pc) {
PCClass pcc = getSourceClass(pc);
if (pcc == null) {
Logging.errorPrint("Unable to find the pc's class " + source + " to apply skill choices to.");
pc.addLocalCost(pcc, choice, SkillCost.CLASS, owner);
if (applyRank != null) {
if (owner instanceof PCClassLevel) {
// Ensure that the skill points for this level are already calculated.
PCClassLevel classLevel = (PCClassLevel) owner;
PCClass pcClass = (PCClass) classLevel.getSafe(ObjectKey.PARENT);
int levelIndex = 1;
for (PCLevelInfo lvlInfo : pc.getLevelInfo()) {
if (lvlInfo.getClassKeyName() == pcClass.getKeyName() && lvlInfo.getClassLevel() == classLevel.getSafe(IntegerKey.LEVEL)) {
pc.checkSkillModChangeForLevel(pcClass, lvlInfo, classLevel, levelIndex++);
String result = SkillRankControl.modRanks(applyRank, pcc, false, pc, choice);
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(result)) {
Logging.errorPrint("Unable to apply {0} ranks of {1}. Error: {2}", applyRank, choice, result);
use of pcgen.cdom.inst.PCClassLevel in project pcgen by PCGen.
the class ClassToken method getClassSpecialAbilityList.
* Get the list of Special Abilities for a class that the PC is eligible
* for.
* @param pcclass
* The class to get the special abilities for
* @param aPC
* The PC
* @return List of special abilities
public static List<String> getClassSpecialAbilityList(PCClass pcclass, final PlayerCharacter aPC) {
CharacterDisplay display = aPC.getDisplay();
final List<String> formattedList = new ArrayList<>();
final List<SpecialAbility> saList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 1; i <= display.getLevel(pcclass); i++) {
PCClassLevel pcl = display.getActiveClassLevel(pcclass, i);
if (saList.isEmpty()) {
return formattedList;
// to include all of the variables
for (SpecialAbility sa : saList) {
String str = sa.getDisplayName();
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
StringTokenizer varTok = new StringTokenizer(str, Constants.PIPE);
final String aString = varTok.nextToken();
int[] varValue = null;
int varCount = varTok.countTokens();
if (varCount != 0) {
varValue = new int[varCount];
for (int j = 0; j < varCount; ++j) {
// Get the value for each variable
final String vString = varTok.nextToken();
varValue[j] = aPC.getVariable(vString, true).intValue();
final StringBuilder newAbility = new StringBuilder();
varTok = new StringTokenizer(aString, "%", true);
varCount = 0;
boolean isZero = false;
// Fill in each % with the value of the appropriate token
while (varTok.hasMoreTokens()) {
final String nextTok = varTok.nextToken();
if ("%".equals(nextTok)) {
if (varCount == 0) {
// If this is the first token, then set the count of
// successful token replacements to 0
isZero = true;
if ((varValue != null) && (varCount < varValue.length)) {
final int thisVar = varValue[varCount++];
// Update isZero if this token has a value of anything
// other than 0
isZero &= (thisVar == 0);
} else {
} else {
if (!isZero) {
// If all of the tokens for this ability were 0 then we do not
// show it,
// otherwise we add it to the return list.
return formattedList;