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Example 1 with CallStack

use of php.runtime.env.CallStack in project jphp by jphp-compiler.

the class StackGetCommand method run.

public void run(Debugger context, CommandArguments args, Document result) {
    DebugTick tick = context.getRegisteredTick();
    Element response = createResponse(args, result);
    CallStack callStack = tick.getCallStack();
    List<CallStackItem> list = new ArrayList<>();
    Collections.addAll(list, callStack.getSnapshot());
    CallStackItem last = list.get(list.size() - 1);
    if (list.size() > 1) {
        CallStackItem prevLast = list.get(list.size() - 2);
        TraceInfo trace = prevLast.getTrace();
        prevLast.setTrace(new TraceInfo(trace.getContext(), last.getTrace().getStartLine(), trace.getEndLine(), last.getTrace().getStartPosition(), trace.getEndLine()));
    int depth = args.containsKey("d") ? Integer.parseInt(args.get("d")) : -1;
    if (depth > -1) {
        list = list.subList(0, depth + 1);
    int i = 0;
    for (CallStackItem stackItem : list) {
        Element stack = result.createElement("stack");
        stack.setAttribute("level", String.valueOf(i));
        stack.setAttribute("type", "file");
        stack.setAttribute("filename", context.getFileName(stackItem.trace.getFileName()));
        stack.setAttribute("lineno", String.valueOf(stackItem.trace.getStartLine() + 1));
        stack.setAttribute("where", stackItem.getWhere());
Also used : DebugTick(org.develnext.jphp.debug.impl.DebugTick) CallStackItem(php.runtime.env.CallStackItem) CallStack(php.runtime.env.CallStack) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TraceInfo(php.runtime.env.TraceInfo)

Example 2 with CallStack

use of php.runtime.env.CallStack in project jphp by jphp-compiler.

the class InvokeHelper method call.

public static Memory call(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, FunctionEntity function, Memory[] args) throws Throwable {
    Memory result = function.getImmutableResultTyped(env, trace);
    Memory[] passed = null;
    if (result != null && !function.hasParameters() && args == null) {
        return result;
    passed = InvokeArgumentHelper.makeArguments(env, args, function.getParameters(), function.getName(), null, null, trace);
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    CallStack callStack = trace != null && function.isUsesStackTrace() ? env.getCallStack() : null;
    if (callStack != null) {
        callStack.push(trace, null, args, function.getName(), (String) null, (String) null);
    try {
        result = function.invoke(env, trace, passed);
    } finally {
        if (callStack != null) {
    return result;
Also used : CallStack(php.runtime.env.CallStack) Memory(php.runtime.Memory) ArrayMemory(php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory)

Example 3 with CallStack

use of php.runtime.env.CallStack in project jphp by jphp-compiler.

the class InvokeHelper method callStatic.

public static Memory callStatic(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, MethodEntity method, @Nullable String staticClass, Memory[] args, boolean checkAccess) throws Throwable {
    if (checkAccess)
        checkAccess(env, trace, method);
    Memory result = method.getImmutableResultTyped(env, trace);
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    String originClassName = method.getClazz().getName();
    String originMethodName = method.getName();
    String staticClazz = staticClass == null ? originClassName : staticClass;
    Memory[] passed = InvokeArgumentHelper.makeArguments(env, args, method.getParameters(), originClassName, originMethodName, staticClass, trace);
    CallStack callStack = trace != null && method.isUsesStackTrace() ? env.getCallStack() : null;
    try {
        if (callStack != null) {
            callStack.push(trace, null, passed, originMethodName, method.getClazz(), staticClazz);
        return method.invokeStatic(env, passed);
    } finally {
        if (callStack != null) {
Also used : CallStack(php.runtime.env.CallStack) Memory(php.runtime.Memory) ArrayMemory(php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory)

Example 4 with CallStack

use of php.runtime.env.CallStack in project jphp by jphp-compiler.

the class InvokeHelper method callStatic.

public static Memory callStatic(Environment env, TraceInfo trace, String className, String methodName, String originClassName, String originMethodName, Memory[] args, MethodCallCache callCache, int cacheIndex) throws Throwable {
    if (callCache != null) {
        MethodEntity entity = callCache.get(env, cacheIndex);
        if (entity != null) {
            return callStatic(env, trace, entity, originClassName, args, false);
    ClassEntity classEntity = env.fetchClass(originClassName, className, true);
    MethodEntity method = classEntity == null ? null : classEntity.findMethod(methodName);
    Memory[] passed = null;
    boolean isMagic = false;
    if (method == null) {
        IObject maybeObject = env.getLateObject();
        if (maybeObject != null && maybeObject.getReflection().isInstanceOf(classEntity))
            return ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod(new ObjectMemory(maybeObject), originMethodName, methodName, env, trace, args);
        if (classEntity != null && classEntity.methodMagicCallStatic != null) {
            method = classEntity.methodMagicCallStatic;
            isMagic = true;
            passed = new Memory[] { new StringMemory(originMethodName), ArrayMemory.of(args) };
        } else {
            if (classEntity == null) {
                env.error(trace, Messages.ERR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND.fetch(originClassName));
                return Memory.NULL;
    if (method == null) {
        env.error(trace, Messages.ERR_CALL_TO_UNDEFINED_METHOD.fetch(originClassName + "::" + originMethodName));
        return Memory.NULL;
    if (!method.isStatic()) {
        IObject maybeObject = env.getLateObject();
        if (maybeObject != null && maybeObject.getReflection().isInstanceOf(classEntity))
            return ObjectInvokeHelper.invokeMethod(maybeObject, method, env, trace, args, true);
        env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_STRICT, Messages.ERR_NON_STATIC_METHOD_CALLED_DYNAMICALLY, originClassName, originMethodName);
    if (callCache != null && !isMagic) {
        callCache.put(env, cacheIndex, method);
    checkAccess(env, trace, method);
    if (passed == null) {
        passed = InvokeArgumentHelper.makeArguments(env, args, method.getParameters(), originClassName, originMethodName, originClassName, trace);
    Memory result = method.getImmutableResultTyped(env, trace);
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    CallStack callStack = trace != null && method.isUsesStackTrace() ? env.getCallStack() : null;
    try {
        if (callStack != null) {
            callStack.push(trace, (IObject) null, args, originMethodName, method.getClazz(), classEntity);
        return method.invokeStatic(env, trace, passed);
    } finally {
        if (callStack != null) {
Also used : IObject(php.runtime.lang.IObject) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) CallStack(php.runtime.env.CallStack) Memory(php.runtime.Memory) ArrayMemory(php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory)

Example 5 with CallStack

use of php.runtime.env.CallStack in project jphp by jphp-compiler.

the class ObjectInvokeHelper method invokeMethod.

public static Memory invokeMethod(Memory object, String methodName, String methodLowerName, Environment env, TraceInfo trace, Memory[] args) throws Throwable {
    object = object.toValue();
    Memory[] passed = null;
    boolean doublePop = false;
    if (object.type != Memory.Type.OBJECT) {
        env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, Messages.ERR_CANNOT_CALL_OF_NON_OBJECT.fetch(methodName));
        return Memory.NULL;
    IObject iObject = ((ObjectMemory) object).value;
    ClassEntity clazz = iObject.getReflection();
    MethodEntity method;
    if (methodName == null) {
        method = clazz.methodMagicInvoke;
    } else {
        method = clazz.findMethod(methodLowerName);
        if (method != null && method.isContextDepends()) {
            ClassEntity context = env.getLastClassOnStack();
            if (context != null) {
                MethodEntity contextMethod = context.findMethod(methodLowerName);
                if (contextMethod != null) {
                    method = contextMethod;
        if (method == null && ((method = clazz.methodMagicCall) != null)) {
            passed = new Memory[] { new StringMemory(methodName), ArrayMemory.of(args) };
            doublePop = true;
    String className = clazz.getName();
    if (method == null) {
        if (methodName == null)
            methodName = "__invoke";
        env.error(trace, ErrorType.E_ERROR, Messages.ERR_CALL_TO_UNDEFINED_METHOD.fetch(className + "::" + methodName));
        return Memory.NULL;
    InvokeHelper.checkAccess(env, trace, method);
    Memory result = method.getImmutableResultTyped(env, trace);
    if (passed == null) {
        ParameterEntity[] parameters = method.getParameters(args == null ? 0 : args.length);
        if (result != null && args == null && (parameters == null || parameters.length == 0)) {
            return result;
        passed = InvokeArgumentHelper.makeArguments(env, args, parameters, className, methodName, className, trace);
    if (result != null) {
        return result;
    CallStack callStack = (trace == null || !method.isUsesStackTrace()) ? null : env.getCallStack();
    try {
        if (callStack != null) {
            String staticClass = className;
            if (iObject instanceof Closure) {
                staticClass = ((Closure) iObject).getScope();
            if (clazz.isHiddenInCallStack()) {
                callStack.push(trace, iObject, args, methodName, staticClass, staticClass);
                if (doublePop) {
                    callStack.push(trace, iObject, passed, method.getName(), staticClass, staticClass);
                // env.pushCall(trace, iObject, passed, method.getName(), staticClass, staticClass);
            } else {
                callStack.push(trace, iObject, args, methodName, method.getClazz(), staticClass);
                if (doublePop) {
                    callStack.push(trace, iObject, passed, method.getName(), method.getClazz(), staticClass);
                // env.pushCallEx(trace, iObject, passed, method.getName(), method.getClazz(), staticClass);
        return method.invokeDynamic(iObject, env, trace, passed);
    } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
        throw new CriticalException("Unable to call method " + className + "::" + methodName + "(), " + e.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (callStack != null) {
            if (doublePop) {
            // env.popCall();
Also used : ClassEntity(php.runtime.reflection.ClassEntity) IObject(php.runtime.lang.IObject) Closure(php.runtime.lang.Closure) CallStack(php.runtime.env.CallStack) Memory(php.runtime.Memory) ArrayMemory(php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory) ReferenceMemory(php.runtime.memory.ReferenceMemory) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory) CriticalException(php.runtime.exceptions.CriticalException) ParameterEntity(php.runtime.reflection.ParameterEntity) ObjectMemory(php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory) MethodEntity(php.runtime.reflection.MethodEntity) StringMemory(php.runtime.memory.StringMemory)


CallStack (php.runtime.env.CallStack)5 Memory (php.runtime.Memory)4 ArrayMemory (php.runtime.memory.ArrayMemory)4 ObjectMemory (php.runtime.memory.ObjectMemory)4 StringMemory (php.runtime.memory.StringMemory)4 IObject (php.runtime.lang.IObject)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 DebugTick (org.develnext.jphp.debug.impl.DebugTick)1 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)1 CallStackItem (php.runtime.env.CallStackItem)1 TraceInfo (php.runtime.env.TraceInfo)1 CriticalException (php.runtime.exceptions.CriticalException)1 Closure (php.runtime.lang.Closure)1 ReferenceMemory (php.runtime.memory.ReferenceMemory)1 ClassEntity (php.runtime.reflection.ClassEntity)1 MethodEntity (php.runtime.reflection.MethodEntity)1 ParameterEntity (php.runtime.reflection.ParameterEntity)1