use of picard.sam.BuildBamIndex in project gridss by PapenfussLab.
the class StaticDeBruijnPathGraphGexfExporterTest method positional_should_export_dot.
public void positional_should_export_dot() throws IOException {
File output = new File(super.testFolder.getRoot(), "chr12-244000.vcf");
createInput(new File("src/test/resources/chr12-244000.tagged.bam"));
BuildBamIndex bbi = new BuildBamIndex();
bbi.instanceMain(new String[] { "I=" + input.getAbsolutePath() });
ProcessingContext pc = getCommandlineContext();
SAMEvidenceSource ses = new SAMEvidenceSource(pc, input, null, 0);
AssemblyEvidenceSource aes = new AssemblyEvidenceSource(pc, ImmutableList.of(ses), output);
File dir = new File(super.testFolder.getRoot(), "visualisation");
File[] export = dir.listFiles((FileFilter) new WildcardFileFilter("*.dot"));
// TODO: change graph write timing
assertTrue(export != null && export.length > 0);