use of platformSpecific.inMemoryCompiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler.MapClassLoader in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class Translator method runStringExc.
public Object runStringExc() throws CompilationError, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException, ClassNotFoundException {
List<SourceFile> files = new ArrayList<>();
for (String k : map.keySet()) {
files.add(new SourceFile(k, map.get(k)));
//try{Files.write(Paths.get("/u/staff/servetto/git/L42/Tests/src/generated/"+k+".java"), map.get(k).getBytes());}catch (IOException _e) {throw new Error(_e);}
//try{Files.write(Paths.get("C:/Users/user/git/L42/Tests/src/generated/"+k+".java"), map.get(k).getBytes());}catch (IOException _e) {throw new Error(_e);}
//System.out.println("Compilation Iteration ready to compile");
MapClassLoader cl = ((Facade) Configuration.reduction).getLastLoader();
try {
//can throw, no closure possible
cl = InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile(cl == null ? ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() : cl, files);
((Facade) Configuration.reduction).setLastLoader(cl);
} finally {
//System.out.println("Compilation Iteration complete compilation, start class loading");
Class<?> cl0 = cl.loadClass("generated." + this.mainName);
//System.out.println("Compilation Iteration start method retrival");
Method m0 = cl0.getDeclaredMethod("execute0");
//System.out.println("Compilation Iteration ready to execute");
assert Resources.getP() != null;
try {
Object result = m0.invoke(null);
//System.out.println("Compilation Iteration execution complete");
return result;
} finally {
use of platformSpecific.inMemoryCompiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler.MapClassLoader in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class Translator method translateProgram.
public static Translator translateProgram(Program p, ExpCore e) {
Translator t = new Translator(); = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, ClassB> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, ClassB>();
Map<String, ClassB> mapNorm = new LinkedHashMap<String, ClassB>();
addP(0, p, map, p);
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();
t.mainName = Functions.freshName("Execute_", L42.usedNames);
res.append("package generated;");
res.append("public class " + t.mainName + "{\n");
res.append("public static Object execute0()");
TranslateExpression.of(e, res, Collections.emptyList());
res.append("}");, res.toString());
MapClassLoader cl = ((Facade) Configuration.reduction).getLastLoader();
for (String s : map.keySet()) {
if (cl != null &&"generated." + s)) {
//ClassB cb=map.get(s);
if (map.get(s).getPhase() != Phase.Coherent) {
//Hope it work, it was normalized before
ClassB cbNorm = map.get(s);
assert cbNorm.getPhase() == Phase.Coherent;
mapNorm.put(s, cbNorm);
for (String s : mapNorm.keySet()) {
StringBuilder resi = new StringBuilder();
resi.append("package generated;");
ClassB cbNorm = mapNorm.get(s);
assert cbNorm.getPhase() == Phase.Coherent;
TranslateClass.of(p, s, mapNorm.get(s), resi);
String resiS = resi.toString();, resiS);
return t;
use of platformSpecific.inMemoryCompiler.InMemoryJavaCompiler.MapClassLoader in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class TestCacheOnDisk method test1.
public void test1() throws Throwable {
SourceFile fileA = new SourceFile("ab.A", "package ab;" + "public class A { " + " public int a() {return 1;} " + " public int a_b() { " + " return a()+new B().b();" + " }" + "} ");
SourceFile fileB = new SourceFile("ab.B", "package ab;" + "public class B { " + " public int b() {return 2;} " + " public int a_b() { " + " return b()+new A().a();" + " }" + "} ");
SourceFile fileM = new SourceFile("ab.Main", "package ab;" + "public class Main { " + " public static int execute() { " + " return new A().a_b()+new B().a_b();" + " }" + "} ");
SourceFile fileA2 = new SourceFile("ab.A2", "package ab;" + "public class A2 { " + " public int a() {return 10;} " + " public int a_b() { " + " return a()+new B2().b()+new A().a_b();" + " }" + "} ");
SourceFile fileB2 = new SourceFile("ab.B2", "package ab;" + "public class B2 { " + " public int b() {return 20;} " + " public int a_b() { " + " return b()+new A2().a()+new B().a_b();" + " }" + "} ");
SourceFile fileM2 = new SourceFile("ab.Main2", "package ab;" + "public class Main2 { " + " public static int execute() { " + " return new A2().a_b()+new B2().a_b();" + " }" + "} ");
List<SourceFile> files = Arrays.asList(fileA, fileB);
MapClassLoader classes1 = InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), files);
HashMap<String, ClassFile> map =;
InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile(classes1, Arrays.asList(fileM));
int res = (int) RunningUtils.runExecute(classes1, "ab.Main");
Assert.assertEquals(6, res);
Path path = Paths.get("src/" + this.getClass().getPackage().getName().replace(".", "/") + "/data1.bytes");
MapClassLoader classes2 = MapClassLoader.readFromFile(path, ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile(classes2, Arrays.asList(fileA2, fileB2));
InMemoryJavaCompiler.compile(classes2, Arrays.asList(fileM2));
int res2 = (int) RunningUtils.runExecute(classes2, "ab.Main2");
Assert.assertEquals(66, res2);
try {
RunningUtils.runExecute(classes1, "ab.Main2");;
} catch (Error t) {
Assert.assertTrue(t.getCause() instanceof ClassNotFoundException);