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Example 11 with CanvasImage

use of playn.core.CanvasImage in project playn by threerings.

the class DepthTest method init.

public void init() {
    GroupLayer rootLayer = graphics().rootLayer();
    CanvasImage image = graphics().createImage(250, 25);
    image.canvas().drawText(rootLayer.getClass().getName(), 0, 15);
    ImageLayer info = graphics().createImageLayer(image);
    info.setTranslation(5, 5);
    int[] depths = { 0, -1, 1, 3, 2, -4, -3, 4, -2 };
    int[] fills = { 0xFF99CCFF, 0xFFFFFF33, 0xFF9933FF, 0xFF999999, 0xFFFF0033, 0xFF00CC00, 0xFFFF9900, 0xFF0066FF, 0x0FFCC6666 };
    int width = 200, height = 200;
    for (int ii = 0; ii < depths.length; ii++) {
        int depth = depths[ii];
        image = graphics().createImage(width, height);
        image.canvas().fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
        image.canvas().drawText(depth + "/" + ii, 5, 15);
        ImageLayer layer = graphics().createImageLayer(image);
        layer.setTranslation(225 - 50 * depth, 125 + 25 * depth);
Also used : CanvasImage(playn.core.CanvasImage) ImageLayer(playn.core.ImageLayer) GroupLayer(playn.core.GroupLayer)

Example 12 with CanvasImage

use of playn.core.CanvasImage in project playn by threerings.

the class PauseResumeTest method updateDisplay.

protected void updateDisplay() {
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    if (notifications.isEmpty()) {
        buf.append("No notifications. Pause and resume the game to generate some.");
    } else {
        for (String note : notifications) buf.append(note).append("\n");
    TextLayout layout = graphics().layoutText(buf.toString(), new TextFormat());
    CanvasImage image = graphics().createImage(layout.width(), layout.height());
    image.canvas().fillText(layout, 0, 0);
Also used : CanvasImage(playn.core.CanvasImage) TextFormat(playn.core.TextFormat) TextLayout(playn.core.TextLayout)

Example 13 with CanvasImage

use of playn.core.CanvasImage in project playn by threerings.

the class ScaledTextTest method addInfo.

protected void addInfo(CanvasImage image, float cx, float y) {
    TextLayout ilayout = graphics().layoutText(image.width() + "x" + image.height(), infoFormat);
    CanvasImage iimage = graphics().createImage(ilayout.width(), ilayout.height());
    iimage.canvas().setFillColor(0xFF000000).fillText(ilayout, 0, 0);
    graphics().rootLayer().addAt(graphics().createImageLayer(iimage), cx - iimage.width() / 2, y);
Also used : CanvasImage(playn.core.CanvasImage) TextLayout(playn.core.TextLayout)

Example 14 with CanvasImage

use of playn.core.CanvasImage in project playn by threerings.

the class ScaledTextTest method init.

public void init() {
    String text = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.";
    TextFormat format = new TextFormat().withFont(graphics().createFont("Helvetica", Font.Style.PLAIN, 18));
    TextBlock block = new TextBlock(graphics().layoutText(text, format, new TextWrap(100)));
    float x = 5;
    for (float scale : new float[] { 1f, 2f, 3f }) {
        float swidth = block.bounds.width() * scale, sheight = block.bounds.height() * scale;
        CanvasImage image = graphics().createImage(swidth, sheight);
        image.canvas().setStrokeColor(0xFFFFCCCC).strokeRect(0, 0, swidth - 0.5f, sheight - 0.5f);
        image.canvas().scale(scale, scale);
        block.fill(image.canvas(), TextBlock.Align.RIGHT, 0, 0);
        graphics().rootLayer().addAt(graphics().createImageLayer(image), x, 5);
        addInfo(image, x + swidth / 2, sheight + 10);
        x += swidth + 5;
Also used : CanvasImage(playn.core.CanvasImage) TextFormat(playn.core.TextFormat) TextBlock(playn.core.util.TextBlock) TextWrap(playn.core.TextWrap)

Example 15 with CanvasImage

use of playn.core.CanvasImage in project playn by threerings.

the class ShaderTest method init.

protected void init(final Image orange) {
    // add the normal orange
    float dx = orange.width() + 25;
    graphics().rootLayer().addAt(graphics().createImageLayer(orange), 25, 25);
    // add a sepia toned orange
    ImageLayer olayer = graphics().createImageLayer(orange);
    graphics().rootLayer().addAt(olayer, 25 + dx, 25);
    // create a shader that rotates things around the (3D) y axis
    IndexedTrisShader rotShader = new IndexedTrisShader(graphics().ctx()) {

        protected String vertexShader() {
            return VERT_UNIFS + "uniform float u_Angle;\n" + "uniform vec2 u_Eye;\n" + VERT_ATTRS + PER_VERT_ATTRS + VERT_VARS + "void main(void) {\n" + // Rotate the vertex per our 3D rotation
            "  float cosa = cos(u_Angle);\n" + "  float sina = sin(u_Angle);\n" + "  mat4 rotmat = mat4(\n" + "    cosa, 0, sina, 0,\n" + "    0,    1, 0,    0,\n" + "   -sina, 0, cosa, 0,\n" + "    0,    0, 0,    1);\n" + "  vec4 pos = rotmat * vec4(a_Position - u_Eye, 0, 1);\n" + // Perspective project the vertex back into the plane
            "  mat4 persp = mat4(\n" + "    1, 0, 0, 0,\n" + "    0, 1, 0, 0,\n" + "    0, 0, 1, -1.0/200.0,\n" + "    0, 0, 0, 1);\n" + "  pos = persp * pos;\n" + "  pos /= pos.w;\n" + "  pos += vec4(u_Eye, 0, 0);\n;" + // Transform the vertex per the normal screen transform
            "  mat4 transform = mat4(\n" + "    a_Matrix[0],      a_Matrix[1],      0, 0,\n" + "    a_Matrix[2],      a_Matrix[3],      0, 0,\n" + "    0,                0,                1, 0,\n" + "    a_Translation[0], a_Translation[1], 0, 1);\n" + "  pos = transform * pos;\n" + "  pos.x /= (u_ScreenSize.x / 2.0);\n" + "  pos.y /= (u_ScreenSize.y / 2.0);\n" + "  pos.z /= (u_ScreenSize.y / 2.0);\n" + "  pos.x -= 1.0;\n" + "  pos.y = 1.0 - pos.y;\n" + "  gl_Position = pos;\n" + VERT_SETTEX + VERT_SETCOLOR + "}";

        protected Core createTextureCore() {
            return new RotCore(vertexShader(), textureFragmentShader());

        class RotCore extends ITCore {

            private final Uniform1f uAngle = prog.getUniform1f("u_Angle");

            private final Uniform2f uEye = prog.getUniform2f("u_Eye");

            public RotCore(String vertShader, String fragShader) {
                super(vertShader, fragShader);

            public void activate(int fbufWidth, int fbufHeight) {
                super.activate(fbufWidth, fbufHeight);
                uAngle.bind(elapsed * FloatMath.PI);
                uEye.bind(0, orange.height() / 2);
    // add an image that is rotated around the (3D) y axis
    CanvasImage image = graphics().createImage(orange.width(), orange.height());
    image.canvas().fillRect(0, 0, image.width(), image.height());
    image.canvas().drawImage(orange, 0, 0);
    ImageLayer rotlayer = graphics().createImageLayer(image);
    graphics().rootLayer().addAt(rotlayer, 25 + 2 * dx + orange.width(), 25);
    // add an immediate layer that draws a quad and an image (which should rotate)
    ImmediateLayer irotlayer = graphics().createImmediateLayer(new ImmediateLayer.Renderer() {

        public void render(Surface surf) {
            surf.fillRect(0, 0, orange.width(), orange.height());
            surf.drawImage(orange, 0, 0);
    graphics().rootLayer().addAt(irotlayer, 25 + 3 * dx + orange.width(), 25);
Also used : ImmediateLayer(playn.core.ImmediateLayer) ImageLayer(playn.core.ImageLayer) Surface(playn.core.Surface) IndexedTrisShader( CanvasImage(playn.core.CanvasImage)


CanvasImage (playn.core.CanvasImage)22 ImageLayer (playn.core.ImageLayer)7 TextLayout (playn.core.TextLayout)6 GroupLayer (playn.core.GroupLayer)5 Image (playn.core.Image)5 TextFormat (playn.core.TextFormat)5 Surface (playn.core.Surface)4 SurfaceImage (playn.core.SurfaceImage)4 ImmediateLayer (playn.core.ImmediateLayer)3 Canvas (playn.core.Canvas)2 TextWrap (playn.core.TextWrap)2 TextBlock (playn.core.util.TextBlock)2 Mouse (playn.core.Mouse)1 WheelEvent (playn.core.Mouse.WheelEvent)1 Path (playn.core.Path)1 Pointer (playn.core.Pointer)1 IndexedTrisShader (