use of in project playn by threerings.
the class ShaderTest method init.
protected void init(final Image orange) {
// add the normal orange
float dx = orange.width() + 25;
graphics().rootLayer().addAt(graphics().createImageLayer(orange), 25, 25);
// add a sepia toned orange
ImageLayer olayer = graphics().createImageLayer(orange);
graphics().rootLayer().addAt(olayer, 25 + dx, 25);
// create a shader that rotates things around the (3D) y axis
IndexedTrisShader rotShader = new IndexedTrisShader(graphics().ctx()) {
protected String vertexShader() {
return VERT_UNIFS + "uniform float u_Angle;\n" + "uniform vec2 u_Eye;\n" + VERT_ATTRS + PER_VERT_ATTRS + VERT_VARS + "void main(void) {\n" + // Rotate the vertex per our 3D rotation
" float cosa = cos(u_Angle);\n" + " float sina = sin(u_Angle);\n" + " mat4 rotmat = mat4(\n" + " cosa, 0, sina, 0,\n" + " 0, 1, 0, 0,\n" + " -sina, 0, cosa, 0,\n" + " 0, 0, 0, 1);\n" + " vec4 pos = rotmat * vec4(a_Position - u_Eye, 0, 1);\n" + // Perspective project the vertex back into the plane
" mat4 persp = mat4(\n" + " 1, 0, 0, 0,\n" + " 0, 1, 0, 0,\n" + " 0, 0, 1, -1.0/200.0,\n" + " 0, 0, 0, 1);\n" + " pos = persp * pos;\n" + " pos /= pos.w;\n" + " pos += vec4(u_Eye, 0, 0);\n;" + // Transform the vertex per the normal screen transform
" mat4 transform = mat4(\n" + " a_Matrix[0], a_Matrix[1], 0, 0,\n" + " a_Matrix[2], a_Matrix[3], 0, 0,\n" + " 0, 0, 1, 0,\n" + " a_Translation[0], a_Translation[1], 0, 1);\n" + " pos = transform * pos;\n" + " pos.x /= (u_ScreenSize.x / 2.0);\n" + " pos.y /= (u_ScreenSize.y / 2.0);\n" + " pos.z /= (u_ScreenSize.y / 2.0);\n" + " pos.x -= 1.0;\n" + " pos.y = 1.0 - pos.y;\n" + " gl_Position = pos;\n" + VERT_SETTEX + VERT_SETCOLOR + "}";
protected Core createTextureCore() {
return new RotCore(vertexShader(), textureFragmentShader());
class RotCore extends ITCore {
private final Uniform1f uAngle = prog.getUniform1f("u_Angle");
private final Uniform2f uEye = prog.getUniform2f("u_Eye");
public RotCore(String vertShader, String fragShader) {
super(vertShader, fragShader);
public void activate(int fbufWidth, int fbufHeight) {
super.activate(fbufWidth, fbufHeight);
uAngle.bind(elapsed * FloatMath.PI);
uEye.bind(0, orange.height() / 2);
// add an image that is rotated around the (3D) y axis
CanvasImage image = graphics().createImage(orange.width(), orange.height());
image.canvas().fillRect(0, 0, image.width(), image.height());
image.canvas().drawImage(orange, 0, 0);
ImageLayer rotlayer = graphics().createImageLayer(image);
graphics().rootLayer().addAt(rotlayer, 25 + 2 * dx + orange.width(), 25);
// add an immediate layer that draws a quad and an image (which should rotate)
ImmediateLayer irotlayer = graphics().createImmediateLayer(new ImmediateLayer.Renderer() {
public void render(Surface surf) {
surf.fillRect(0, 0, orange.width(), orange.height());
surf.drawImage(orange, 0, 0);
graphics().rootLayer().addAt(irotlayer, 25 + 3 * dx + orange.width(), 25);
use of in project playn by threerings.
the class IOSGLContext method viewDidInit.
void viewDidInit(int defaultFramebuffer) {
this.defaultFramebuffer = defaultFramebuffer;
GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.wrap(BlendingFactorSrc.One), BlendingFactorDest.wrap(BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha));
GL.ClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
quadShader = createQuadShader();
trisShader = new IndexedTrisShader(this);