use of pneumaticCraft.api.recipe.AssemblyRecipe in project PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten.
the class CraftingRegistrator method calculateAssemblyChain.
private static void calculateAssemblyChain(List<AssemblyRecipe> firstRecipeList, List<AssemblyRecipe> secondRecipeList, List<AssemblyRecipe> totalRecipeList) {
for (AssemblyRecipe firstRecipe : firstRecipeList) {
for (AssemblyRecipe secondRecipe : secondRecipeList) {
if (firstRecipe.getOutput().isItemEqual(secondRecipe.getInput()) && firstRecipe.getOutput().stackSize % secondRecipe.getInput().stackSize == 0 && secondRecipe.getOutput().getMaxStackSize() >= secondRecipe.getOutput().stackSize * (firstRecipe.getOutput().stackSize / secondRecipe.getInput().stackSize)) {
ItemStack output = secondRecipe.getOutput().copy();
output.stackSize = output.stackSize * (firstRecipe.getOutput().stackSize / secondRecipe.getInput().stackSize);
totalRecipeList.add(new AssemblyRecipe(firstRecipe.getInput(), output));
use of pneumaticCraft.api.recipe.AssemblyRecipe in project PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten.
the class IntegratorAssembly method onCommandInvoke.
public void onCommandInvoke(String[] arguments, List<IReservedSpace> reservedSpaces, List<LocatedString> locatedStrings, List<LocatedStack> locatedStacks, List<IWidget> locatedTextures) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (arguments.length != 3 && arguments.length != 4)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Code needs 3 or 4 arguments!");
int x;
try {
x = Integer.parseInt(arguments[0]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first parameter (the x coordinate) contains an invalid number. Check for invalid characters!");
int y;
try {
y = Integer.parseInt(arguments[1]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The second parameter (the y coordinate) contains an invalid number. Check for invalid characters!");
locatedTextures.add(new LocatedTexture(TextureSupplier.getTexture(Textures.ICON_LOCATION + "textures/wiki/assemblyLineRecipe.png"), x, y, 1 / GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE));
int recipeIndex = 0;
if (arguments.length == 4) {
try {
recipeIndex = Integer.parseInt(arguments[3]);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The fourth parameter (the recipeIndex) contains an invalid number. Check for invalid characters!");
int[] hits = new int[] { recipeIndex };
int program = ItemAssemblyProgram.DRILL_LASER_DAMAGE;
AssemblyRecipe foundRecipe = findRecipe(hits, AssemblyRecipe.drillRecipes, arguments[2]);
if (foundRecipe == null) {
foundRecipe = findRecipe(hits, AssemblyRecipe.laserRecipes, arguments[2]);
} else {
program = ItemAssemblyProgram.DRILL_DAMAGE;
if (foundRecipe == null) {
foundRecipe = findRecipe(hits, AssemblyRecipe.drillLaserRecipes, arguments[2]);
} else {
program = ItemAssemblyProgram.LASER_DAMAGE;
if (foundRecipe == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No recipe found for the string " + arguments[2] + " and the requested index " + recipeIndex + ".");
locatedStacks.add(new LocatedStack(foundRecipe.getInput(), (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * x) + 1, (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * y) + 46));
locatedStacks.add(new LocatedStack(foundRecipe.getOutput(), (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * x) + 68, (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * y) + 46));
locatedStacks.add(new LocatedStack(new ItemStack(Itemss.assemblyProgram, 1, program), (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * x) + 78, (int) (GuiWiki.TEXT_SCALE * y) + 15));
locatedStrings.add(new LocatedString("Program:", x + 150, y + 5, 0xFF000000, false));
locatedStrings.add(new LocatedString("Assembly Line", x + 40, y + 30, 0xFF000000, false));
use of pneumaticCraft.api.recipe.AssemblyRecipe in project PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten.
the class NEIAssemblyControllerRecipeManager method getShape.
protected MultipleInputOutputRecipe getShape(int programMetadata, int recipeIndex) {
AssemblyProgram program = ItemAssemblyProgram.getProgramFromItem(programMetadata);
AssemblyRecipe recipe = program.getRecipeList().get(recipeIndex);
MultipleInputOutputRecipe shape = new MultipleInputOutputRecipe();
//for now not useful to put it in an array, but supports when adding multiple input/output.
ItemStack[] inputStacks = new ItemStack[] { recipe.getInput() };
for (int i = 0; i < inputStacks.length; i++) {
PositionedStack stack = new PositionedStack(inputStacks[i], 29 + i % 2 * 18, 66 + i / 2 * 18);
ItemStack[] outputStacks = new ItemStack[] { recipe.getOutput() };
for (int i = 0; i < outputStacks.length; i++) {
PositionedStack stack = new PositionedStack(outputStacks[i], 96 + i % 2 * 18, 66 + i / 2 * 18);
shape.addIngredient(new PositionedStack(new ItemStack(Itemss.assemblyProgram, 1, programMetadata), 133, 22));
ItemStack[] requiredMachines = getMachinesFromEnum(program.getRequiredMachines());
for (int i = 0; i < requiredMachines.length; i++) {
shape.addIngredient(new PositionedStack(requiredMachines[i], 5 + i * 18, 25));
return shape;
use of pneumaticCraft.api.recipe.AssemblyRecipe in project PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten.
the class TileEntityAssemblyIOUnit method findPickupLocation.
private boolean findPickupLocation() {
if (shouldSleep())
return false;
ForgeDirection[] inventoryDir = null;
if (isImportUnit()) {
searchedItemStack = null;
if (recipeList != null) {
for (AssemblyRecipe recipe : recipeList) {
inventoryDir = getInventoryDirectionForItem(recipe.getInput());
if (inventoryDir != null) {
searchedItemStack = recipe.getInput();
} else {
inventoryDir = getPlatformDirection();
targetDirection = inventoryDir;
if (targetDirection == null) {
return false;
} else
return true;