use of in project BYG by AOCAWOL.
the class NoisyCaveSphere method place.
public boolean place(WorldGenLevel world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos position, NoisySphereConfig config) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(position.below(2 + random.nextInt(10)));
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable2 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable);
int stackHeight = config.stackHeight().sample(random);
NoisySphereConfig.RadiusSettings radiusSettings = config.radiusSettings();
int xRadius = radiusSettings.xRadius().sample(random) / 2;
int yRadius = radiusSettings.yRadius().sample(random) / 2;
int zRadius = radiusSettings.zRadius().sample(random) / 2;
double radiusDivisorPerStack = config.radiusDivisorPerStack();
ArrayList<BlockPos> caveAir = new ArrayList<>();
for (int stackIDX = 0; stackIDX < stackHeight; stackIDX++) {
for (int x = -xRadius; x <= xRadius; x++) {
for (int z = -zRadius; z <= zRadius; z++) {
for (int y = -yRadius; y <= yRadius; y++) {
mutable2.set(mutable).move(x, y, z);
// Credits to Hex_26 for this equation!
double equationResult = Math.pow(x, 2) / Math.pow(xRadius, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2) / Math.pow(yRadius, 2) + Math.pow(z, 2) / Math.pow(zRadius, 2);
double threshold = 1 + 0.7 * fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getY(), mutable2.getZ());
if (equationResult >= threshold)
if (world.getBlockState(mutable2).canOcclude()) {
if (mutable2.getY() <= 30) {
placeFluid(world, config.fluidState(), mutable2);
} else {
BlockState state = config.blockProvider().getState(random, mutable2);
if (state.isAir()) {
world.setBlock(mutable2, state, 2);
// Remove non solids
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
BlockState blockState = world.getBlockState(mutable2);
if ((!blockState.canOcclude() && !blockState.isAir()) || || || {
world.removeBlock(mutable2, false);
xRadius = (int) (xRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
yRadius = (int) (yRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
zRadius = (int) (zRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
for (BlockPos blockPos : caveAir) {
for (Holder<PlacedFeature> spawningFeature : config.spawningFeatures()) {
spawningFeature.value().place(world, chunkGenerator, random, blockPos);
return true;
use of in project BYG by AOCAWOL.
the class NoisyCaveSphereWater method place.
public boolean place(WorldGenLevel world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos position, NoisySphereConfig config) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(position);
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable2 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable);
int stackHeight = config.stackHeight().sample(random);
NoisySphereConfig.RadiusSettings radiusSettings = config.radiusSettings();
int xRadius = radiusSettings.xRadius().sample(random);
int yRadius = radiusSettings.yRadius().sample(random);
int zRadius = radiusSettings.zRadius().sample(random);
double radiusDivisorPerStack = config.radiusDivisorPerStack();
for (int stackIDX = 0; stackIDX < stackHeight; stackIDX++) {
for (int x = -xRadius; x <= xRadius; x++) {
for (int z = -zRadius; z <= zRadius; z++) {
for (int y = -yRadius; y <= 0; y++) {
mutable.setY(world.getHeight(Heightmap.Types.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG, mutable.getX() + x, mutable.getZ() + z));
mutable2.set(mutable).move(x, y, z);
ChunkAccess chunk = world.getChunk(mutable2);
// BitSet airCarvingMask = ((ChunkPrimer) chunk).getOrAddCarvingMask(GenerationStage.Carving.AIR);
// Credits to Hex_26 for this equation!
double equationResult = Math.pow(x, 2) / Math.pow(xRadius, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2) / Math.pow(yRadius, 2) + Math.pow(z, 2) / Math.pow(zRadius, 2);
double threshold = 1 + 0.7 * fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getY(), mutable2.getZ());
if (equationResult >= threshold)
if (world.getBlockState(mutable2).canOcclude()) {
int bitIndex = (mutable2.getX() & 0xF) | ((mutable2.getZ() & 0xF) << 4) | (mutable2.getY() << 8);
// airCarvingMask.set(bitIndex);
world.setBlock(mutable2, Blocks.WATER.defaultBlockState(), 2);
world.scheduleTick(mutable2, Fluids.WATER, 0);
xRadius = (int) (xRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
yRadius = (int) (yRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
zRadius = (int) (zRadius / radiusDivisorPerStack);
return true;
use of in project BYG by AOCAWOL.
the class NoiseSphere method place.
public boolean place(WorldGenLevel world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos position, NoisySphereConfig config) {
setSeed(world.getSeed(), config.noiseFrequency());
boolean use2D = random.nextDouble() < config.noise2DChance();
RadiusMatcher radiusMatcher = config.radiusMatcher();
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(position);
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable2 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable);
NoisySphereConfig.RadiusSettings radiusSettings = config.radiusSettings();
int xRadius = radiusSettings.xRadius().sample(random) / 2;
int yRadius = radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.ALL ? xRadius : radiusSettings.yRadius().sample(random);
int zRadius = radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.ALL || radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.XZ ? xRadius : (radiusSettings.zRadius().sample(random) / 2);
int lowestX = position.getX();
int lowestY = position.getY();
int lowestZ = position.getZ();
int stackHeight = config.stackHeight().sample(random);
for (int stackIDX = 0; stackIDX < stackHeight; stackIDX++) {
for (int x = -xRadius; x <= xRadius; x++) {
float xFract = x / (float) xRadius;
for (int z = -zRadius; z <= zRadius; z++) {
float zFract = z / (float) zRadius;
for (int y = -yRadius; y <= yRadius + radiusSettings.upperHalfAdditional(); y++) {
float yFract = y / (float) yRadius;
mutable2.set(mutable).move(x, y, z);
// Credits to Hex_26 for this equation!
float distanceSquaredFromCenter = xFract * xFract + yFract * yFract + zFract * zFract;
float yDistSquared = yFract * yFract;
float noise = use2D ? fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getZ()) : fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getY(), mutable2.getZ());
float threshold = 1 + 0.7f * noise;
// check whether the center of this column at this Y would be empty
float factor = yDistSquared / threshold;
if (factor >= 1) {
// make sure it's not empty
distanceSquaredFromCenter /= factor;
// add some extra noise back to make it not just a thin one block column
// the magnitude of the noise can be configurable
// this should probably be using its own noise for best effect
distanceSquaredFromCenter -= Math.copySign(noise * 0.2, distanceSquaredFromCenter);
if (distanceSquaredFromCenter >= threshold) {
int squaredDistance = (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z);
if (config.checkSquareDistance() && squaredDistance >= xRadius * zRadius) {
world.setBlock(mutable2, config.topBlockProvider().getState(random, mutable2), 2);
world.setBlock(mutable2.move(Direction.DOWN), config.blockProvider().getState(random, mutable2), 2);
lowestX = Math.min(lowestX, mutable2.getX());
lowestY = Math.min(lowestY, mutable2.getY());
lowestZ = Math.min(lowestZ, mutable2.getZ());
xRadius = (int) (xRadius / config.radiusDivisorPerStack());
yRadius = (int) (yRadius * 0.1F);
mutable.setY(mutable.getY() + yRadius);
zRadius = (int) (zRadius / config.radiusDivisorPerStack());
for (Holder<PlacedFeature> spawningFeature : config.spawningFeatures()) {
spawningFeature.value().place(world, chunkGenerator, random, new BlockPos(lowestX, lowestY, lowestZ));
return true;
use of in project BYG by AOCAWOL.
the class Spike method place.
public boolean place(WorldGenLevel world, ChunkGenerator chunkGenerator, Random random, BlockPos position, NoisySphereConfig config) {
setSeed(world.getSeed(), config.noiseFrequency());
boolean use2D = random.nextDouble() < config.noise2DChance();
RadiusMatcher radiusMatcher = config.radiusMatcher();
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(position);
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable2 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable);
NoisySphereConfig.RadiusSettings radiusSettings = config.radiusSettings();
int xRadius = (int) ((double) radiusSettings.xRadius().sample(random) / 2);
int yRadius = radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.ALL ? xRadius : (int) (double) (radiusSettings.yRadius().sample(random) / 2);
int zRadius = radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.ALL || radiusMatcher == RadiusMatcher.XZ ? xRadius : (int) (double) (radiusSettings.zRadius().sample(random) / 2);
int lowestX = position.getX();
int lowestY = position.getY();
int lowestZ = position.getZ();
boolean verifiedHeight = !config.verfiesHeight();
float perlin = fastNoise.GetPerlin((float) position.getX(), (float) position.getY(), (float) position.getZ());
double scaledNoise = (perlin) * 8;
double centerHeight = Mth.lerp(scaledNoise, 2, 7) + 10;
int stackHeight = config.stackHeight().sample(random);
int[][] built = new int[xRadius * 2 + 1][zRadius * 2 + 1];
for (int stackIDX = 0; stackIDX <= stackHeight; ) {
for (int x = -xRadius; x <= xRadius; x++) {
mutable2.setX(mutable.getX() + x);
double xFract = (double) x / xRadius;
for (int z = -zRadius; z <= zRadius; z++) {
mutable2.setZ(mutable.getZ() + z);
double zFract = (double) z / zRadius;
if (verifiedHeight) {
double addedHeight = config.useScaledNoiseHeight() ? getScaledNoiseExtensionHeight(mutable2, centerHeight) : 1;
if (addedHeight > built[x + xRadius][z + zRadius]) {
for (double y = -yRadius; y <= yRadius; y++) {
double yFract = y / yRadius;
mutable2.setY((int) (mutable.getY() + y));
// Credits to Hex_26 for this equation!
double distanceSquaredFromCenter = xFract * xFract + yFract * yFract + zFract * zFract;
double yDistSquared = yFract * yFract;
float noise = use2D ? fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getZ()) : fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getY(), mutable2.getZ());
float threshold = 1 + 0.7f * noise;
// check whether the center of this column at this Y would be empty
double factor = yDistSquared / threshold;
if (factor >= 1) {
// make sure it's not empty
distanceSquaredFromCenter /= factor;
// add some extra noise back to make it not just a thin one block column
// the magnitude of the noise can be configurable
// this should probably be using its own noise for best effect
distanceSquaredFromCenter -= Math.copySign(noise * 0.2, distanceSquaredFromCenter);
// if (distanceSquaredFromCenter >= threshold) {
// continue;
// }
double density = stackIDX == stackHeight && config.pointed() ? (y + yRadius + 1) / ((yRadius * 2) + 1) : 0;
double squaredDistance = ((x * x) + (z * z)) / Mth.clampedLerp(0.1, 1, 1 - density);
if (config.checkSquareDistance() && squaredDistance >= xRadius * zRadius) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable3 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable2);
for (int noiseExtensionY = 0; noiseExtensionY < addedHeight; noiseExtensionY++) {
int minY = Math.min(position.getY(), world.getHeight(Heightmap.Types.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG, mutable3.getX(), mutable3.getZ()));
boolean belowSurfaceDepth = minY - mutable3.getY() < config.belowSurfaceDepth().sample(random);
// if (!config.verfiesHeight() || belowSurfaceDepth) {
world.setBlock(mutable3, config.topBlockProvider().getState(random, mutable3), 2);
world.setBlock(mutable3.relative(Direction.DOWN), config.blockProvider().getState(random, mutable3), 2);
// }
built[x + xRadius][z + zRadius] = Math.max(mutable3.getY(), built[x + xRadius][z + zRadius]);
lowestX = Math.min(lowestX, mutable2.getX());
lowestY = Math.min(lowestY, mutable2.getY());
lowestZ = Math.min(lowestZ, mutable2.getZ());
} else {
int oceanFloor = world.getHeight(Heightmap.Types.OCEAN_FLOOR_WG, mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getZ());
if (world.isOutsideBuildHeight(oceanFloor - 1) || position.getY() - oceanFloor > 15) {
return false;
if (verifiedHeight) {
// xRadius = Math.max(xRadius / config.radiusDivisorPerStack(), 1);
// yRadius = Math.max(yRadius * 0.1F, 1);
mutable.setY((int) (mutable.getY() + yRadius));
// zRadius = Math.max(zRadius / config.radiusDivisorPerStack(), 1);
verifiedHeight = true;
for (Holder<PlacedFeature> spawningFeature : config.spawningFeatures()) {
spawningFeature.value().place(world, chunkGenerator, random, new BlockPos(lowestX, lowestY, lowestZ));
return true;
use of in project BYG by AOCAWOL.
the class Boulder method place.
public boolean place(Application application, long seed, Random random, BlockPos origin, NoisySphereConfig config) {
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(origin);
BlockPos.MutableBlockPos mutable2 = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos().set(mutable);
int stackHeight = config.stackHeight().sample(random);
NoisySphereConfig.RadiusSettings radiusSettings = config.radiusSettings();
int xRadius = radiusSettings.xRadius().sample(random) / 2;
int yRadius = radiusSettings.yRadius().sample(random) / 2;
int zRadius = radiusSettings.zRadius().sample(random) / 2;
double xRadiusSquared = xRadius * xRadius;
double yRadiusSquared = yRadius * yRadius;
double zRadiusSquared = zRadius * zRadius;
for (int stackIDX = 0; stackIDX < stackHeight; stackIDX++) {
for (int x = -xRadius; x <= xRadius; x++) {
for (int z = -zRadius; z <= zRadius; z++) {
for (int y = yRadius; y >= -yRadius; y--) {
mutable2.set(mutable).move(x, y, z);
if (application.isOccupied(mutable2)) {
// Credits to Hex_26 for this equation!
double equationResult = (x * x) / xRadiusSquared + (y * y) / yRadiusSquared + (z * z) / zRadiusSquared;
double threshold = 1 + 0.7 * fastNoise.GetNoise(mutable2.getX(), mutable2.getY(), mutable2.getZ());
if (equationResult >= threshold)
BlockState state = config.blockProvider().getState(random, mutable2);
application.apply(mutable2, state);
return true;