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Example 1 with Token

use of priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.token.Token in project jMiniLang by bajdcc.

the class RuntimeMachine method opCallExtern.

public void opCallExtern(boolean invoke) throws Exception {
    int idx = loadInt();
    String name = "";
    if (invoke) {
        RuntimeStack itStack = stack;
        RuntimeObject obj = null;
        while (obj == null && itStack != null) {
            obj = itStack.findVariable(pageName, idx);
            itStack = itStack.prev;
        if (obj == null) {
            err(RuntimeError.WRONG_LOAD_EXTERN, String.valueOf(idx));
        if (obj.getType() == RuntimeObjectType.kFunc) {
            RuntimeFuncObject func = (RuntimeFuncObject) obj.getObj();
            Map<Integer, RuntimeObject> env = func.getEnv();
            if (env != null) {
                for (Entry<Integer, RuntimeObject> entry : env.entrySet()) {
                    int id = entry.getKey();
                    RuntimeObject o = entry.getValue();
                    if (o != null) {
                        if (o.getSymbol() == null)
                    stack.storeClosure(id, o);
            int address = func.getAddr();
            stack.opCall(address, func.getPage(), stack.reg.execId, pageName, pageMap.get(func.getPage()).getInfo().getFuncNameByAddress(address));
            stack.reg.execId = address;
            stack.reg.pageId = func.getPage();
        } else if (obj.getType() == RuntimeObjectType.kString) {
            name = obj.getObj().toString();
        } else {
            err(RuntimeError.WRONG_LOAD_EXTERN, obj.toString());
    } else {
        RuntimeObject obj = fetchFromGlobalData(idx);
        name = obj.getObj().toString();
    List<RuntimeCodePage> refers = pageRefer.get(pageName);
    for (RuntimeCodePage page : refers) {
        int address = page.getInfo().getAddressOfExportFunc(name);
        if (address != -1) {
            String jmpPage = page.getInfo().getDataMap().get("name").toString();
            stack.opCall(address, jmpPage, stack.reg.execId, stack.reg.pageId, name);
            stack.reg.execId = address;
            stack.reg.pageId = jmpPage;
    for (RuntimeCodePage page : refers) {
        IRuntimeDebugExec exec = page.getInfo().getExecCallByName(name);
        if (exec != null) {
            int argsCount = stack.getFuncArgsCount();
            RuntimeObjectType[] types = exec.getArgsType();
            if ((types == null && argsCount != 0) || (types != null && types.length != argsCount)) {
                err(RuntimeError.WRONG_ARGCOUNT, name + " " + String.valueOf(argsCount));
            List<RuntimeObject> args = new ArrayList<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < argsCount; i++) {
                RuntimeObjectType type = types[i];
                RuntimeObject objParam = stack.loadFuncArgs(i);
                if (type != RuntimeObjectType.kObject) {
                    RuntimeObjectType objType = objParam.getType();
                    if (objType != type) {
                        Token token = Token.createFromObject(objParam.getObj());
                        TokenType objTokenType = RuntimeObject.toTokenType(type);
                        if (objTokenType == TokenType.ERROR) {
                            err(RuntimeError.WRONG_ARGTYPE, name + " " + objTokenType.getName());
                        if (!TokenTools.promote(objTokenType, token)) {
                            err(RuntimeError.UNDEFINED_CONVERT, name + " " + token.toString() + " " + objTokenType.getName());
                        } else {
            stack.opCall(stack.reg.execId, stack.reg.pageId, stack.reg.execId, stack.reg.pageId, name);
            RuntimeObject retVal = exec.ExternalProcCall(args, this);
            if (retVal == null) {
                store(new RuntimeObject(null));
            } else {
    err(RuntimeError.WRONG_LOAD_EXTERN, name);
Also used : Token(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.Token) BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) TokenType(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.TokenType) RuntimeFuncObject(

Example 2 with Token

use of priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.token.Token in project jMiniLang by bajdcc.

the class TokenTools method sinop.

 * 单目运算
 * @param recorder 错误记录
 * @param exp      表达式
 * @return 运算是否合法
public static boolean sinop(ISemanticRecorder recorder, ExpSinop exp) {
    ExpValue value = (ExpValue) exp.getOperand();
    Token token = value.getToken();
    OperatorType type = (OperatorType) exp.getToken().object;
    if (sin(type, token)) {
        return true;
    recorder.add(SemanticError.INVALID_OPERATOR, token);
    return false;
Also used : ExpValue(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.tree.ExpValue) Token(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.Token) OperatorType(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.OperatorType)

Example 3 with Token

use of priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.token.Token in project jMiniLang by bajdcc.

the class TokenTools method triop.

 * 三目运算(当前只有一种形式)
 * @param recorder 错误记录
 * @param exp      表达式
 * @return 运算是否合法
public static int triop(ISemanticRecorder recorder, ExpTriop exp) {
    ExpValue firstValue = (ExpValue) exp.getFirstOperand();
    Token firstToken = exp.getFirstToken();
    Token secondToken = exp.getSecondToken();
    int branch = tri(firstToken, secondToken, firstValue.getToken());
    if (branch != 0) {
        return branch;
    recorder.add(SemanticError.INVALID_OPERATOR, firstToken);
    return 0;
Also used : ExpValue(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.tree.ExpValue) Token(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.Token)

Example 4 with Token

use of priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.token.Token in project jMiniLang by bajdcc.

the class StmtTry method genCode.

public void genCode(ICodegen codegen) {
    RuntimeInstUnary t = codegen.genCode(RuntimeInst.itry, -1);
    RuntimeInstUnary jmp = codegen.genCode(RuntimeInst.ijmp, -1);
    t.op1 = codegen.getCodeIndex();
    if (token != null) {
        // 'throw' push exp to stack top
        codegen.genCode(RuntimeInst.ipush, codegen.genDataRef(token.object));
    jmp.op1 = codegen.getCodeIndex();
    codegen.genCode(RuntimeInst.itry, -1);
Also used : RuntimeInstUnary(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.runtime.RuntimeInstUnary)

Example 5 with Token

use of priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.token.Token in project jMiniLang by bajdcc.

the class Semantic method run.

 * 进行语义处理
private void run() throws SyntaxException {
    if (!arrErrors.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SyntaxException(SyntaxError.COMPILE_ERROR, arrErrors.get(0).position, "出现语法错误");
    /* 规则集合 */
    ArrayList<RuleItem> items = npa.getRuleItems();
    /* 符号表查询接口 */
    IQuerySymbol query = getQuerySymbolService();
    /* 符号表管理接口 */
    IManageSymbol manage = getManageSymbolService();
    /* 语义错误处理接口 */
    ISemanticRecorder recorder = getSemanticRecorderService();
    /* 复制单词流 */
    ArrayList<Token> tokens =;
    /* 运行时自动机 */
    SemanticMachine machine = new SemanticMachine(items, arrActions, tokens, query, manage, recorder, debug);
    /* 遍历所有指令 */
    object = machine.getObject();
    if (object != null) {
        Function entry = (Function) object;
Also used : Function(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.tree.Function) SyntaxException(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.handler.SyntaxException) RuleItem(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.rule.RuleItem) IManageSymbol(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.symbol.IManageSymbol) Token(priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.Token) IQuerySymbol(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.symbol.IQuerySymbol) ISemanticRecorder(priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.semantic.ISemanticRecorder)


Token (priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.Token)7 OperatorType (priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.OperatorType)5 RegexException (priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.error.RegexException)4 ExpValue (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.tree.ExpValue)3 RuleItem (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.rule.RuleItem)3 Scanner (java.util.Scanner)2 RuntimeInstUnary (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.grammar.runtime.RuntimeInstUnary)2 NGAEdge (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.automata.nga.NGAEdge)2 NGAStatus (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.automata.nga.NGAStatus)2 RuleExp (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.exp.RuleExp)2 TokenExp (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.exp.TokenExp)2 SyntaxException (priv.bajdcc.LALR1.syntax.handler.SyntaxException)2 BreadthFirstSearch (priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.automata.BreadthFirstSearch)2 TokenType (priv.bajdcc.util.lexer.token.TokenType)2 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)1