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Example 11 with SketchCode

use of in project processing by processing.

the class Debugger method javaToSketchLine.

   * Translate a line (index) from java space to sketch space.
   * @param javaLine the java line id
   * @return the corresponding sketch line id or null if failed to translate
public LineID javaToSketchLine(LineID javaLine) {
    Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch();
    // it may belong to a pure java file created in the sketch
    // try to find an exact filename match and check the extension
    SketchCode tab = editor.getTab(javaLine.fileName());
    if (tab != null && tab.isExtension("java")) {
        // can translate 1:1
        return originalToRuntimeLine(javaLine);
    // java file name needs to match the sketches filename
    if (!javaLine.fileName().equals(sketch.getName() + ".java")) {
        return null;
    // get the last tab that has an offset not greater than the java line number
    for (int i = sketch.getCodeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        tab = sketch.getCode(i);
        // the tab's offset must not be greater than the java line number
        if (tab.isExtension("pde") && tab.getPreprocOffset() <= javaLine.lineIdx()) {
            final int index = javaLine.lineIdx() - tab.getPreprocOffset();
            return originalToRuntimeLine(new LineID(tab.getFileName(), index));
    return null;
Also used : SketchCode( Sketch(

Example 12 with SketchCode

use of in project processing by processing.

the class ChangeDetector method checkFiles.

// Synchronize, we are running async and touching fields
private synchronized void checkFiles() {
    List<String> filenames = new ArrayList<>();
    sketch.getSketchCodeFiles(filenames, null);
    SketchCode[] codes = sketch.getCode();
    // Separate codes with and without files
    Map<Boolean, List<SketchCode>> existsMap = -> filenames.contains(code.getFileName())));
    List<String> codeFilenames =;
    // Get filenames which are in filesystem but don't have code
    List<String> addedFilenames = -> !codeFilenames.contains(f)).collect(Collectors.toList());
    // Show prompt if there are any added files which were not previously ignored
    boolean added = -> !ignoredAdditions.contains(f));
    // Get codes which don't have file
    List<SketchCode> removedCodes = Optional.ofNullable(existsMap.get(Boolean.FALSE)).orElse(Collections.emptyList());
    // Show prompt if there are any removed codes which were not previously ignored
    boolean removed = -> !ignoredRemovals.contains(code));
    // Get codes which have file with different modification time
    List<SketchCode> modifiedCodes = Optional.ofNullable(existsMap.get(Boolean.TRUE)).orElse(Collections.emptyList()).stream().filter(code -> {
        long fileLastModified = code.getFile().lastModified();
        long codeLastModified = code.getLastModified();
        long diff = fileLastModified - codeLastModified;
        return fileLastModified == 0L || diff > MODIFICATION_WINDOW_MILLIS;
    // Show prompt if any open codes were modified
    boolean modified = !modifiedCodes.isEmpty();
    boolean ask = added || removed || modified;
    if (DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("ask: " + ask + "\n" + "added filenames: " + addedFilenames + ",\n" + "ignored added: " + ignoredAdditions + ",\n" + "removed codes: " + removedCodes + ",\n" + "ignored removed: " + ignoredRemovals + ",\n" + "modified codes: " + modifiedCodes);
    // dismissing the prompt and we get another prompt before we even finished.
    try {
        // Wait for EDT to finish its business
        // We need to stay in synchronized scope because of ignore lists
        EventQueue.invokeAndWait(() -> {
            // Show prompt if something interesting happened
            if (ask && showReloadPrompt()) {
                // She said yes!!!
                if (sketch.getMainFile().exists()) {
                } else {
                    // Mark everything as modified so that it saves properly
                    for (SketchCode code : codes) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        //if that didn't work, tell them it's un-recoverable
                        Messages.showError("Reload Failed", "The main file for this sketch was deleted\n" + "and could not be rewritten.", e);
                // Sketch was reloaded, clear ignore lists
            // Update ignore lists to get rid of old stuff
            ignoredAdditions = addedFilenames;
            ignoredRemovals = removedCodes;
            // If something changed, set modified flags and modification times
            if (!removedCodes.isEmpty() || !modifiedCodes.isEmpty()) {
                Stream.concat(, -> {
                // Not sure if this is needed
    } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
        Messages.loge("exception in ChangeDetector", e);
Also used : EventQueue(java.awt.EventQueue) Arrays(java.util.Arrays) Messages( Sketch( WindowFocusListener(java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener) JOptionPane(javax.swing.JOptionPane) Collectors( WindowEvent(java.awt.event.WindowEvent) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Stream( ForkJoinPool(java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool) Map(java.util.Map) Optional(java.util.Optional) Preferences( Collections(java.util.Collections) SketchCode( SketchCode( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) InvocationTargetException(java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List)

Example 13 with SketchCode

use of in project processing by processing.

the class Editor method handlePrint.

   * Handler for File &rarr; Print.
public void handlePrint() {
    StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder("<html><body>");
    for (SketchCode tab : sketch.getCode()) {
        html.append("<b>" + tab.getPrettyName() + "</b><br>");
        html.append(textarea.getTextAsHtml((SyntaxDocument) tab.getDocument()));
    // Don't want last <br>.
    html.setLength(html.length() - 4);
    JTextPane jtp = new JTextPane();
    // Needed for good line wrapping; otherwise one very long word breaks
    // wrapping for the whole document.
    jtp.setEditorKit(new HTMLEditorKit() {

        public ViewFactory getViewFactory() {
            return new HTMLFactory() {

                public View create(Element e) {
                    View v = super.create(e);
                    if (!(v instanceof javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView))
                        return v;
                        return new javax.swing.text.html.ParagraphView(e) {

                            protected SizeRequirements calculateMinorAxisRequirements(int axis, SizeRequirements r) {
                                r = super.calculateMinorAxisRequirements(axis, r);
                                r.minimum = 1;
                                return r;
    jtp.setFont(new Font(Preferences.get(""), Font.PLAIN, 10));
    jtp.setText(// Not in a <pre>.
    html.toString().replace("\n", "<br>").replaceAll("(?<!&nbsp;)&nbsp;", // Allow line wrap.
    " "));
    //printerJob = null;
    if (printerJob == null) {
        printerJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
    if (pageFormat != null) {
        //System.out.println("setting page format " + pageFormat);
        printerJob.setPrintable(jtp.getPrintable(null, null), pageFormat);
    } else {
        printerJob.setPrintable(jtp.getPrintable(null, null));
    // set the name of the job to the code name
    if (printerJob.printDialog()) {
        try {
        } catch (PrinterException pe) {
    } else {
//printerJob = null;  // clear this out?
Also used : SketchCode( Font(java.awt.Font) javax.swing(javax.swing) javax.swing.text.html(javax.swing.text.html) javax.swing.text(javax.swing.text)

Example 14 with SketchCode

use of in project processing by processing.

the class EditorHeader method paintComponent.

public void paintComponent(Graphics screen) {
    if (screen == null)
    Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch();
    // possible?
    if (sketch == null)
    Dimension size = getSize();
    if ((size.width != sizeW) || (size.height != sizeH)) {
        if ((size.width > imageW) || (size.height > imageH)) {
            // nix the image and recreate, it's too small
            offscreen = null;
        } else {
            // if the image is larger than necessary, no need to change
            sizeW = size.width;
            sizeH = size.height;
    if (offscreen == null) {
        sizeW = size.width;
        sizeH = size.height;
        imageW = sizeW;
        imageH = sizeH;
        offscreen = Toolkit.offscreenGraphics(this, imageW, imageH);
    Graphics g = offscreen.getGraphics();
    // need to set this each time through
    if (fontAscent == 0) {
        fontAscent = (int) Toolkit.getAscent(g);
    Graphics2D g2 = Toolkit.prepareGraphics(g);
    //    Toolkit.dpiStroke(g2);
    g.drawImage(gradient, 0, 0, imageW, imageH, this);
    if (tabs.length != sketch.getCodeCount()) {
        tabs = new Tab[sketch.getCodeCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {
            tabs[i] = new Tab(i);
        visitOrder = new Tab[sketch.getCodeCount() - 1];
    int leftover = TAB_BETWEEN + ARROW_TAB_WIDTH;
    int tabMax = getWidth() - leftover;
    // reset all tab positions
    for (Tab tab : tabs) {
        SketchCode code = sketch.getCode(tab.index);
        tab.textVisible = true;
        tab.lastVisited = code.lastVisited();
        // hide extensions for .pde files
        boolean hide = editor.getMode().hideExtension(code.getExtension());
        tab.text = hide ? code.getPrettyName() : code.getFileName();
        // if modified, add the li'l glyph next to the name
        //      if (code.isModified()) {
        //        tab.text += " ยง";
        //      }
        tab.textWidth = (int) font.getStringBounds(tab.text, g2.getFontRenderContext()).getWidth();
    // try to make everything fit
    if (!placeTabs(Editor.LEFT_GUTTER, tabMax, null)) {
        // always show the tab with the sketch's name
        int index = 0;
        // stock the array backwards so the rightmost tabs are closed by default
        for (int i = tabs.length - 1; i > 0; --i) {
            visitOrder[index++] = tabs[i];
        // sort on when visited
        // Keep shrinking the tabs one-by-one until things fit properly
        for (int i = 0; i < visitOrder.length; i++) {
            tabs[visitOrder[i].index].textVisible = false;
            if (placeTabs(Editor.LEFT_GUTTER, tabMax, null)) {
    // now actually draw the tabs
    if (!placeTabs(Editor.LEFT_GUTTER, tabMax - ARROW_TAB_WIDTH, g2)) {
        // draw the dropdown menu target at the right of the window
        menuRight = tabMax;
        menuLeft = menuRight - ARROW_TAB_WIDTH;
    } else {
        // draw the dropdown menu target next to the tabs
        menuLeft = tabs[tabs.length - 1].right + TAB_BETWEEN;
        menuRight = menuLeft + ARROW_TAB_WIDTH;
    // draw the two pixel line that extends left/right below the tabs
    // can't be done with lines, b/c retina leaves tiny hairlines
    g.fillRect(Editor.LEFT_GUTTER, TAB_BOTTOM, editor.getTextArea().getWidth() - Editor.LEFT_GUTTER, Toolkit.zoom(2));
    // draw the tab for the menu
    drawTab(g, menuLeft, menuRight, false, true);
    // draw the arrow on the menu tab
    GeneralPath trianglePath = new GeneralPath();
    float x1 = menuLeft + (ARROW_TAB_WIDTH - ARROW_WIDTH) / 2f;
    float x2 = menuLeft + (ARROW_TAB_WIDTH + ARROW_WIDTH) / 2f;
    trianglePath.moveTo(x1, ARROW_TOP);
    trianglePath.lineTo(x2, ARROW_TOP);
    trianglePath.lineTo((x1 + x2) / 2, ARROW_BOTTOM);
    screen.drawImage(offscreen, 0, 0, imageW, imageH, null);
Also used : SketchCode( GeneralPath(java.awt.geom.GeneralPath) Sketch(

Example 15 with SketchCode

use of in project processing by processing.

the class MarkerColumn method recalculateMarkerPositions.

private void recalculateMarkerPositions() {
    if (errorPoints != null && errorPoints.size() > 0) {
        Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch();
        SketchCode code = sketch.getCurrentCode();
        int currentTab = sketch.getCurrentCodeIndex();
        // do not divide by zero
        int totalLines = PApplet.max(1, code.getLineCount());
        int visibleLines = editor.getTextArea().getVisibleLines();
        totalLines = PApplet.max(totalLines, visibleLines);
        // top scroll button
        int topMargin = 20;
        // bottom scroll button and horizontal scrollbar
        int bottomMargin = 40;
        int height = getHeight() - topMargin - bottomMargin;
        for (LineMarker m : errorPoints) {
            Problem problem = m.problem;
            if (problem.getTabIndex() != currentTab)
            // Ratio of error line to total lines
            float ratio = (problem.getLineNumber() + 1) / ((float) totalLines);
            // Ratio multiplied by height of the error bar
            float y = topMargin + ratio * height;
            m.y = (int) y;
Also used : SketchCode( Sketch( Problem(


SketchCode ( Sketch ( Point (java.awt.Point)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)2 Collections (java.util.Collections)2 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 Collectors ( ZipFile ( Library ( Messages ( SketchException ( StringList ( Handle ( ClassPathFactory ( EventQueue (java.awt.EventQueue)1 Font (java.awt.Font)1 WindowEvent (java.awt.event.WindowEvent)1 WindowFocusListener (java.awt.event.WindowFocusListener)1