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Example 1 with IndexCache

use of processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache in project processing by processing.

the class PShapeOpenGL method renderPoints.

protected void renderPoints(PGraphicsOpenGL g) {
    PShader shader = g.getPointShader();
    IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache;
    for (int n = firstPointIndexCache; n <= lastPointIndexCache; n++) {
        int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n];
        int icount = cache.indexCount[n];
        int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n];
        shader.setVertexAttribute(root.bufPointVertex.glId, 4, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT);
        shader.setColorAttribute(root.bufPointColor.glId, 4, PGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, 0, 4 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_BYTE);
        shader.setPointAttribute(root.bufPointAttrib.glId, 2, PGL.FLOAT, 0, 2 * voffset * PGL.SIZEOF_FLOAT);
        shader.draw(root.bufPointIndex.glId, icount, ioffset);
Also used : IndexCache(processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)

Example 2 with IndexCache

use of processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache in project processing by processing.

the class PShapeOpenGL method rawPoints.

protected void rawPoints(PGraphicsOpenGL g) {
    PGraphics raw = g.getRaw();
    float[] vertices = tessGeo.pointVertices;
    int[] color = tessGeo.pointColors;
    float[] attribs = tessGeo.pointOffsets;
    short[] indices = tessGeo.pointIndices;
    IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache;
    for (int n = 0; n < cache.size; n++) {
        int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n];
        int icount = cache.indexCount[n];
        int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n];
        int pt = ioffset;
        while (pt < (ioffset + icount) / 3) {
            float size = attribs[2 * pt + 2];
            float weight;
            int perim;
            if (0 < size) {
                // round point
                weight = +size / 0.5f;
                perim = PApplet.min(PGraphicsOpenGL.MAX_POINT_ACCURACY, PApplet.max(PGraphicsOpenGL.MIN_POINT_ACCURACY, (int) (TWO_PI * weight / PGraphicsOpenGL.POINT_ACCURACY_FACTOR))) + 1;
            } else {
                // Square point
                weight = -size / 0.5f;
                perim = 5;
            int i0 = voffset + indices[3 * pt];
            int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]);
            float[] pt0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] src0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4);
            g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0);
            if (raw.is3D()) {
                raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]);
            } else if (raw.is2D()) {
                float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                raw.vertex(sx0, sy0);
            pt += perim;
Also used : PGraphics(processing.core.PGraphics) IndexCache(processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)

Example 3 with IndexCache

use of processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache in project processing by processing.

the class PShapeOpenGL method rawPolys.

protected void rawPolys(PGraphicsOpenGL g, PImage textureImage) {
    PGraphics raw = g.getRaw();
    float[] vertices = tessGeo.polyVertices;
    int[] color = tessGeo.polyColors;
    float[] uv = tessGeo.polyTexCoords;
    short[] indices = tessGeo.polyIndices;
    IndexCache cache = tessGeo.polyIndexCache;
    for (int n = firstPolyIndexCache; n <= lastPolyIndexCache; n++) {
        int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n];
        int icount = cache.indexCount[n];
        int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n];
        for (int tr = ioffset / 3; tr < (ioffset + icount) / 3; tr++) {
            int i0 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 0];
            int i1 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 1];
            int i2 = voffset + indices[3 * tr + 2];
            float[] src0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] src1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] src2 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] pt0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] pt1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] pt2 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]);
            int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]);
            int argb2 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i2]);
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4);
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i1, src1, 0, 4);
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i2, src2, 0, 4);
            // Applying any transformation is currently stored in the
            // modelview matrix of the renderer.
            g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0);
            g.modelview.mult(src1, pt1);
            g.modelview.mult(src2, pt2);
            if (textureImage != null) {
                if (raw.is3D()) {
                    raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z], uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]);
                    raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z], uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]);
                    raw.vertex(pt2[X], pt2[Y], pt2[Z], uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]);
                } else if (raw.is2D()) {
                    float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                    float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                    float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                    float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                    float sx2 = g.screenXImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]);
                    float sy2 = g.screenYImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]);
                    raw.vertex(sx0, sy0, uv[2 * i0 + 0], uv[2 * i0 + 1]);
                    raw.vertex(sx1, sy1, uv[2 * i1 + 0], uv[2 * i1 + 1]);
                    raw.vertex(sx2, sy2, uv[2 * i2 + 0], uv[2 * i2 + 1]);
            } else {
                if (raw.is3D()) {
                    raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]);
                    raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z]);
                    raw.vertex(pt2[X], pt2[Y], pt2[Z]);
                } else if (raw.is2D()) {
                    float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                    float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                    float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                    float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                    float sx2 = g.screenXImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]);
                    float sy2 = g.screenYImpl(pt2[0], pt2[1], pt2[2], pt2[3]);
                    raw.vertex(sx0, sy0);
                    raw.vertex(sx1, sy1);
                    raw.vertex(sx2, sy2);
Also used : PGraphics(processing.core.PGraphics) IndexCache(processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)

Example 4 with IndexCache

use of processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache in project processing by processing.

the class PShapeOpenGL method updatePointIndexCache.

protected void updatePointIndexCache() {
    IndexCache cache = tessGeo.pointIndexCache;
    if (family == GROUP) {
        firstPointIndexCache = lastPointIndexCache = -1;
        int gindex = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            PShapeOpenGL child = (PShapeOpenGL) children[i];
            int first = child.firstPointIndexCache;
            int count = -1 < first ? child.lastPointIndexCache - first + 1 : -1;
            for (int n = first; n < first + count; n++) {
                if (gindex == -1) {
                    gindex = cache.addNew(n);
                    firstPointIndexCache = gindex;
                } else {
                    if (cache.vertexOffset[gindex] == cache.vertexOffset[n]) {
                        // When the vertex offsets are the same, this means that the
                        // current index range in the group shape can be extended to
                        // include either the index range in the current child shape.
                        // This is a result of how the indices are updated for the
                        // leaf shapes in aggregateImpl().
                        cache.incCounts(gindex, cache.indexCount[n], cache.vertexCount[n]);
                    } else {
                        gindex = cache.addNew(n);
            // Updating the first and last point vertices for this group shape.
            if (-1 < child.firstPointVertex) {
                if (firstPointVertex == -1)
                    firstPointVertex = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                firstPointVertex = PApplet.min(firstPointVertex, child.firstPointVertex);
            if (-1 < child.lastPointVertex) {
                lastPointVertex = PApplet.max(lastPointVertex, child.lastPointVertex);
        lastPointIndexCache = gindex;
    } else {
        firstPointVertex = lastPointVertex = cache.vertexOffset[firstPointIndexCache];
        for (int n = firstPointIndexCache; n <= lastPointIndexCache; n++) {
            int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n];
            int icount = cache.indexCount[n];
            int vcount = cache.vertexCount[n];
            if (PGL.MAX_VERTEX_INDEX1 <= root.pointVertexRel + vcount) {
                root.pointVertexRel = 0;
                root.pointVertexOffset = root.pointVertexAbs;
                cache.indexOffset[n] = root.pointIndexOffset;
            } else {
                tessGeo.incPointIndices(ioffset, ioffset + icount - 1, root.pointVertexRel);
            cache.vertexOffset[n] = root.pointVertexOffset;
            root.pointIndexOffset += icount;
            root.pointVertexAbs += vcount;
            root.pointVertexRel += vcount;
            lastPointVertex += vcount;
Also used : IndexCache(processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)

Example 5 with IndexCache

use of processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache in project processing by processing.

the class PShapeOpenGL method rawLines.

protected void rawLines(PGraphicsOpenGL g) {
    PGraphics raw = g.getRaw();
    float[] vertices = tessGeo.lineVertices;
    int[] color = tessGeo.lineColors;
    float[] attribs = tessGeo.lineDirections;
    short[] indices = tessGeo.lineIndices;
    IndexCache cache = tessGeo.lineIndexCache;
    for (int n = firstLineIndexCache; n <= lastLineIndexCache; n++) {
        int ioffset = cache.indexOffset[n];
        int icount = cache.indexCount[n];
        int voffset = cache.vertexOffset[n];
        for (int ln = ioffset / 6; ln < (ioffset + icount) / 6; ln++) {
            // Each line segment is defined by six indices since its
            // formed by two triangles. We only need the first and last
            // vertices.
            // This bunch of vertices could also be the bevel triangles,
            // with we detect this situation by looking at the line weight.
            int i0 = voffset + indices[6 * ln + 0];
            int i1 = voffset + indices[6 * ln + 5];
            float sw0 = 2 * attribs[4 * i0 + 3];
            float sw1 = 2 * attribs[4 * i1 + 3];
            // Bevel triangles, skip.
            if (
            float[] src0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] src1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] pt0 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            float[] pt1 = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
            int argb0 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i0]);
            int argb1 = PGL.nativeToJavaARGB(color[i1]);
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i0, src0, 0, 4);
            PApplet.arrayCopy(vertices, 4 * i1, src1, 0, 4);
            // Applying any transformation is currently stored in the
            // modelview matrix of the renderer.
            g.modelview.mult(src0, pt0);
            g.modelview.mult(src1, pt1);
            if (raw.is3D()) {
                raw.vertex(pt0[X], pt0[Y], pt0[Z]);
                raw.vertex(pt1[X], pt1[Y], pt1[Z]);
            } else if (raw.is2D()) {
                float sx0 = g.screenXImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                float sy0 = g.screenYImpl(pt0[0], pt0[1], pt0[2], pt0[3]);
                float sx1 = g.screenXImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                float sy1 = g.screenYImpl(pt1[0], pt1[1], pt1[2], pt1[3]);
                raw.vertex(sx0, sy0);
                raw.vertex(sx1, sy1);
Also used : PGraphics(processing.core.PGraphics) IndexCache(processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)


IndexCache (processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.IndexCache)10 PGraphics (processing.core.PGraphics)3 PShape (processing.core.PShape)1 VertexAttribute (processing.opengl.PGraphicsOpenGL.VertexAttribute)1