Search in sources :

Example 6 with ImagePlane

use of qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane in project qupath by qupath.

the class DelaunayTools method createFromGeometryCoordinates.

 * Create a {@link Subdivision} using the boundary coordinates of ROIs.
 * This is primarily useful for computing Voronoi faces centered on ROIs rather than single points,
 * i.e. to identify pixels closest to specific objects.
 * <p>
 * Notes:
 * <ul>
 * 	 <li>This is typically <i>much</i> slower than {@link #createFromCentroids(Collection, boolean)}</li>
 *   <li>For interpretable results, ROIs should be non-overlapping.</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param pathObjects collection of objects from which to construct the {@link Subdivision}
 * @param preferNucleusROI if true, prefer the nucleus ROI when extracting geometries from a cell
 * @param densifyFactor amount to 'density' each ROI; this is needed to interpolate coordinates (suggested value = 4.0)
 * @return a new {@link Subdivision} computed from the provided objects
 * @see #createFromCentroids(Collection, boolean)
public static Subdivision createFromGeometryCoordinates(Collection<PathObject> pathObjects, boolean preferNucleusROI, double densifyFactor) {
    logger.debug("Creating subdivision from geometry coordinates for {} objects", pathObjects.size());
    var coords = new HashMap<Coordinate, PathObject>();
    ImagePlane plane = null;
    for (var pathObject : pathObjects) {
        var roi = PathObjectTools.getROI(pathObject, preferNucleusROI);
        if (plane == null)
            plane = roi.getImagePlane();
        else if (!plane.equals(roi.getImagePlane())) {
            logger.warn("Non-matching image planes: {} and {}! Object will be skipped...", plane, roi.getImagePlane());
        var geom = roi.getGeometry();
        if (densifyFactor > 0)
            geom = Densifier.densify(geom, densifyFactor);
        var coordsTemp = geom.getCoordinates();
        for (var c : coordsTemp) {
            var previous = coords.put(c, pathObject);
            if (previous != null)
                logger.warn("Previous coordinate: " + previous);
    // Because we do our own clipping anyway, we skip that step by requesting the diagram via the subdivision instead
    return new Subdivision(createSubdivision(coords.keySet(), 0.001), pathObjects, coords, plane);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane) QuadEdgeSubdivision(org.locationtech.jts.triangulate.quadedge.QuadEdgeSubdivision)

Example 7 with ImagePlane

use of qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane in project qupath by qupath.

the class SubcellularDetection method processObject.

 * Initial version of subcellular detection processing.
 * @param pathObject
 * @param params
 * @param imageWrapper
 * @return
 * @throws InterruptedException
 * @throws IOException
static boolean processObject(final PathObject pathObject, final ParameterList params, final ImageWrapper imageWrapper) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
    // Get the base classification for the object as it currently stands
    PathClass baseClass = PathClassTools.getNonIntensityAncestorClass(pathObject.getPathClass());
    // Variable to hold estimated spot count
    double estimatedSpots;
    // We assume that after this processing, any previous sub-cellular objects should be removed
    // Ensure we have no existing subcellular detection measurements - if we do, remove them
    String[] existingMeasurements = pathObject.getMeasurementList().getMeasurementNames().stream().filter(n -> n.startsWith("Subcellular:")).toArray(n -> new String[n]);
    if (existingMeasurements.length > 0) {
    // // If we're part of a TMA core, request the whole core...
    // if (pathObject.getParent() instanceof TMACoreObject && pathObject.getParent().hasROI()) {
    // regionStore.getImage(server, RegionRequest.createInstance(server.getPath(), 1, pathObject.getParent().getROI()), 25, true);
    // }
    ROI pathROI = pathObject.getROI();
    if (pathROI == null || pathROI.isEmpty())
        return false;
    // double downsample = 0.5;
    double downsample = 1;
    // Determine spot size
    ImageServer<BufferedImage> server = imageWrapper.getServer();
    PixelCalibration cal = server.getPixelCalibration();
    double minSpotArea, maxSpotArea, singleSpotArea;
    double pixelWidth, pixelHeight;
    if (cal.hasPixelSizeMicrons()) {
        double spotSizeMicrons = params.getDoubleParameterValue("spotSizeMicrons");
        double minSpotSizeMicrons = params.getDoubleParameterValue("minSpotSizeMicrons");
        double maxSpotSizeMicrons = params.getDoubleParameterValue("maxSpotSizeMicrons");
        pixelWidth = cal.getPixelWidthMicrons() * downsample;
        pixelHeight = cal.getPixelHeightMicrons() * downsample;
        singleSpotArea = spotSizeMicrons / (pixelWidth * pixelHeight);
        minSpotArea = minSpotSizeMicrons / (pixelWidth * pixelHeight);
        maxSpotArea = maxSpotSizeMicrons / (pixelWidth * pixelHeight);
    } else {
        singleSpotArea = params.getDoubleParameterValue("spotSizePixels");
        minSpotArea = params.getDoubleParameterValue("minSpotSizePixels");
        maxSpotArea = params.getDoubleParameterValue("maxSpotSizePixels");
        pixelWidth = downsample;
        pixelHeight = downsample;
    boolean includeClusters = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.getBooleanParameterValue("includeClusters"));
    boolean doSmoothing = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.getBooleanParameterValue("doSmoothing"));
    boolean splitByIntensity = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.getBooleanParameterValue("splitByIntensity"));
    boolean splitByShape = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.getBooleanParameterValue("splitByShape"));
    // Get region to request - give a pixel as border
    int xStart = (int) Math.max(0, pathROI.getBoundsX() - 1);
    int yStart = (int) Math.max(0, pathROI.getBoundsY() - 1);
    int width = (int) Math.min(server.getWidth() - 1, pathROI.getBoundsX() + pathROI.getBoundsWidth() + 1.5) - xStart;
    int height = (int) Math.min(server.getHeight() - 1, pathROI.getBoundsY() + pathROI.getBoundsHeight() + 1.5) - yStart;
    if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
        logger.error("Negative ROI size for {}", pathROI);
        return false;
    int z = pathROI.getZ();
    int t = pathROI.getT();
    // Don't associate with channel
    int c = -1;
    RegionRequest region = RegionRequest.createInstance(server.getPath(), 1.0, xStart, yStart, width, height, z, t);
    // Mask to indicate pixels within the cell
    byte[] cellMask = null;
    for (String channelName : imageWrapper.getChannelNames(true, true)) {
        double detectionThreshold = params.getDoubleParameterValue("detection[" + channelName + "]");
        if (Double.isNaN(detectionThreshold) || detectionThreshold < 0)
        // // TODO: Consider whether to use channel numbers for non-brightfield images
        // if (!imageWrapper.imageData.isBrightfield())
        // c++;
        SimpleImage img = imageWrapper.getRegion(region, channelName);
        // Get an ImageJ-friendly calibration for ROI conversion
        Calibration calIJ = new Calibration();
        calIJ.xOrigin = -xStart / downsample;
        calIJ.yOrigin = -yStart / downsample;
        // Create a cell mask
        if (cellMask == null) {
            BufferedImage imgMask = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
            Graphics2D g2d = imgMask.createGraphics();
            if (downsample != 1)
                g2d.scale(1.0 / downsample, 1.0 / downsample);
            g2d.translate(-xStart, -yStart);
            Shape shape = RoiTools.getShape(pathROI);
            cellMask = (byte[]) ((DataBufferByte) imgMask.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData(0);
        // Get a buffer containing the image pixels
        int w = img.getWidth();
        int h = img.getHeight();
        // Identify (& try to separate) spots
        // Mask out non-cell areas as we go
        FloatProcessor fpDetection = new FloatProcessor(w, h);
        if (doSmoothing) {
            for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) fpDetection.setf(i, img.getValue(i % w, i / w));
            for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
                if (cellMask[i] == (byte) 0)
                    fpDetection.setf(i, 0f);
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++) {
                if (cellMask[i] == (byte) 0)
                    fpDetection.setf(i, 0f);
                    fpDetection.setf(i, img.getValue(i % w, i / w));
        ByteProcessor bpSpots;
        if (splitByIntensity)
            bpSpots = new MaximumFinder().findMaxima(fpDetection, detectionThreshold / 10.0, detectionThreshold, MaximumFinder.SEGMENTED, false, false);
            bpSpots = SimpleThresholding.thresholdAboveEquals(fpDetection, (float) detectionThreshold);
        if (splitByShape) {
            new EDM().toWatershed(bpSpots);
        // Loop through spot ROIs & make a decision
        bpSpots.setThreshold(1, ImageProcessor.NO_THRESHOLD, ImageProcessor.NO_LUT_UPDATE);
        List<PolygonRoi> possibleSpotRois = RoiLabeling.getFilledPolygonROIs(bpSpots, Wand.FOUR_CONNECTED);
        List<PathObject> spotObjects = new ArrayList<>();
        List<PathObject> clusterObjects = new ArrayList<>();
        estimatedSpots = 0;
        for (PolygonRoi spotRoi : possibleSpotRois) {
            ImageStatistics stats = fpDetection.getStatistics();
            // In v0.2
            // ImagePlane plane = ImagePlane.getPlaneWithChannel(spotRoi.getCPosition(), spotRoi.getZPosition(), spotRoi.getTPosition());
            // In v0.3
            ImagePlane plane = ImagePlane.getPlaneWithChannel(c, z, t);
            PathObject spotOrCluster = null;
            if (stats.pixelCount >= minSpotArea && stats.pixelCount <= maxSpotArea) {
                ROI roi = IJTools.convertToROI(spotRoi, calIJ, downsample, plane);
                // cluster = new SubcellularObject(roi, 1);
                spotOrCluster = createSubcellularObject(roi, 1);
                estimatedSpots += 1;
            } else if (includeClusters && stats.pixelCount >= minSpotArea) {
                // Add a cluster
                ROI roi = IJTools.convertToROI(spotRoi, calIJ, downsample, plane);
                double nSpots = stats.pixelCount / singleSpotArea;
                estimatedSpots += nSpots;
                // cluster = new SubcellularObject(roi, nSpots);
                spotOrCluster = createSubcellularObject(roi, nSpots);
            if (spotOrCluster != null) {
                boolean isCluster = spotOrCluster.getMeasurementList().getMeasurementValue("Num spots") > 1;
                int rgb = imageWrapper.getChannelColor(channelName);
                rgb = isCluster ? ColorTools.makeScaledRGB(rgb, 0.5) : ColorTools.makeScaledRGB(rgb, 1.5);
                PathClass pathClass = PathClassFactory.getDerivedPathClass(spotOrCluster.getPathClass(), channelName + " object", rgb);
                spotOrCluster.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement("Subcellular cluster: " + channelName + ": Area", stats.pixelCount * pixelWidth * pixelHeight);
                spotOrCluster.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement("Subcellular cluster: " + channelName + ": Mean channel intensity", stats.mean);
                // cluster.getMeasurementList().putMeasurement("Subcellular cluster: " + channelName +  ": Max channel intensity", stats.max);
                if (isCluster)
        // Add measurements
        MeasurementList measurementList = pathObject.getMeasurementList();
        measurementList.putMeasurement("Subcellular: " + channelName + ": Num spots estimated", estimatedSpots);
        measurementList.putMeasurement("Subcellular: " + channelName + ": Num single spots", spotObjects.size());
        measurementList.putMeasurement("Subcellular: " + channelName + ": Num clusters", clusterObjects.size());
        // Add spots
    return true;
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) RoiLabeling(qupath.imagej.processing.RoiLabeling) ImageServer(qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServer) ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) ImageProcessor(ij.process.ImageProcessor) IJTools( LoggerFactory(org.slf4j.LoggerFactory) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) Wand(ij.gui.Wand) ParameterList(qupath.lib.plugins.parameters.ParameterList) ImageStatistics(ij.process.ImageStatistics) Map(java.util.Map) PluginRunner(qupath.lib.plugins.PluginRunner) Shape(java.awt.Shape) MeasurementListType(qupath.lib.measurements.MeasurementList.MeasurementListType) ColorTools(qupath.lib.common.ColorTools) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Collection(java.util.Collection) PathObjects(qupath.lib.objects.PathObjects) Collectors( EDM(ij.plugin.filter.EDM) StainVector(qupath.lib.color.StainVector) PathAnnotationObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathAnnotationObject) PathDetectionObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathDetectionObject) PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) List(java.util.List) SimpleThresholding(qupath.imagej.processing.SimpleThresholding) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane) AbstractInteractivePlugin(qupath.lib.plugins.AbstractInteractivePlugin) PathCellObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathCellObject) ColorTransformer(qupath.lib.color.ColorTransformer) PathClassTools(qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassTools) PolygonRoi(ij.gui.PolygonRoi) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) PathClassFactory(qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) MeasurementList(qupath.lib.measurements.MeasurementList) ColorDeconvolutionStains(qupath.lib.color.ColorDeconvolutionStains) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) MeasurementListFactory(qupath.lib.measurements.MeasurementListFactory) ImageData(qupath.lib.images.ImageData) RoiTools(qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools) Logger(org.slf4j.Logger) GeneralTools(qupath.lib.common.GeneralTools) RegionRequest(qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest) Calibration(ij.measure.Calibration) SimpleImage(qupath.lib.analysis.images.SimpleImage) ColorTransformMethod(qupath.lib.color.ColorTransformer.ColorTransformMethod) PathClass(qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass) IOException( TMACoreObject(qupath.lib.objects.TMACoreObject) PathObjectTools(qupath.lib.objects.PathObjectTools) ROI(qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI) FloatProcessor(ij.process.FloatProcessor) PixelCalibration(qupath.lib.images.servers.PixelCalibration) MaximumFinder(ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder) SimpleImages(qupath.lib.analysis.images.SimpleImages) ByteProcessor(ij.process.ByteProcessor) Shape(java.awt.Shape) MeasurementList(qupath.lib.measurements.MeasurementList) MaximumFinder(ij.plugin.filter.MaximumFinder) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataBufferByte(java.awt.image.DataBufferByte) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) EDM(ij.plugin.filter.EDM) PathClass(qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass) PolygonRoi(ij.gui.PolygonRoi) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane) FloatProcessor(ij.process.FloatProcessor) PixelCalibration(qupath.lib.images.servers.PixelCalibration) Calibration(ij.measure.Calibration) PixelCalibration(qupath.lib.images.servers.PixelCalibration) ROI(qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) ImageStatistics(ij.process.ImageStatistics) SimpleImage(qupath.lib.analysis.images.SimpleImage) RegionRequest(qupath.lib.regions.RegionRequest)

Example 8 with ImagePlane

use of qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane in project qupath by qupath.

the class PointIO method readPoints.

 * Read a list of point annotations from a stream.
 * @param stream
 * @return list of PathObjects
 * @throws IOException
public static List<PathObject> readPoints(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
    List<PathObject> pathObjects = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<String[], List<Point2>> pointsMap = new HashMap<>();
    Scanner scanner = null;
    String[] cols = null;
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(stream);
        // Header
        cols = scanner.nextLine().split("\t");
        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
            putPointObjectFromString(scanner.nextLine(), cols, pointsMap);
    } finally {
        if (scanner != null)
    ImagePlane defaultPlane = ImagePlane.getDefaultPlane();
    for (var entry : pointsMap.entrySet()) {
        var temp = Arrays.asList(cols);
        String pathClass = temp.indexOf("class") > -1 ? entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("class") - 2] : "";
        String name = temp.indexOf("name") > -1 ? entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("name") - 2] : "";
        Integer color = null;
        if (temp.indexOf("color") > -1) {
            var colorTemp = entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("color") - 2];
            if (colorTemp != null && !colorTemp.isEmpty())
                color = Integer.parseInt(colorTemp);
        int c = temp.indexOf("c") > defaultPlane.getC() ? Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("c") - 2]) : defaultPlane.getC();
        int z = temp.indexOf("z") > defaultPlane.getZ() ? Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("z") - 2]) : defaultPlane.getZ();
        int t = temp.indexOf("t") > defaultPlane.getT() ? Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()[temp.indexOf("t") - 2]) : defaultPlane.getT();
        ROI points = ROIs.createPointsROI(entry.getValue(), ImagePlane.getPlaneWithChannel(c, z, t));
        PathObject pathObject = PathObjects.createAnnotationObject(points);
        if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && !"null".equals(name))
        if (pathClass != null && pathClass.length() > 0 && !"null".equals(pathClass))
            pathObject.setPathClass(PathClassFactory.getPathClass(pathClass, color));
        if (pathObject != null)
    return pathObjects;
Also used : Scanner(java.util.Scanner) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PointsROI(qupath.lib.roi.PointsROI) ROI(qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI) PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane)

Example 9 with ImagePlane

use of qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane in project qupath by qupath.

the class QuPath_Send_Overlay_to_QuPath method promptToImportRois.

private void promptToImportRois(ImageData<?> imageData, ImagePlus imp, Collection<? extends Roi> rois, ImagePlane currentPlane) {
    GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Send overlay to QuPath");
    gd.addChoice("Choose_object_type", new String[] { "Annotation", "Detection" }, typeChoice);
    if (imp != null)
        gd.addCheckbox("Include_measurements", false);
    gd.addCheckbox("Select_objects", selectObjects);
    if (gd.wasCanceled())
    typeChoice = gd.getNextChoice();
    boolean asDetection = "Detection".equals(typeChoice);
    includeMeasurements = imp == null ? false : gd.getNextBoolean();
    selectObjects = gd.getNextBoolean();
    var server = imageData.getServer();
    double downsample = imp == null ? 1.0 : IJTools.estimateDownsampleFactor(imp, server);
    var hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy();
    ImagePlane plane = currentPlane;
    if (imp == null)
        plane = null;
    else if (imp != null && server.nZSlices() * server.nTimepoints() > 1) {
        if (imp.getNSlices() == server.nZSlices() && imp.getNFrames() == server.nTimepoints())
            plane = null;
    List<PathObject> pathObjects = createObjectsFromROIs(imp, rois, downsample, asDetection, includeMeasurements, plane);
    if (!pathObjects.isEmpty()) {
        Platform.runLater(() -> {
            // Select the objects, e.g. so they can be classified or otherwise updated easily
            if (selectObjects)
Also used : PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) GenericDialog(ij.gui.GenericDialog) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane)

Example 10 with ImagePlane

use of qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane in project qupath by qupath.

the class DnnTools method detect.

 * Apply a detection model to generate rectangles surrounding distinct structures.
 * @param model the detection model
 * @param mat the image
 * @param request the region corresponding to the Mat; if provided, this is used to scale and translate detected regions
 * @param classifier function to convert the classification label into a {@link PathClass}
 * @param creator function to create an object (e.g. detection, annotation) from a ROI
 * @return a list of created objects
public static List<PathObject> detect(DetectionModel model, Mat mat, RegionRequest request, IntFunction<PathClass> classifier, Function<ROI, PathObject> creator) {
    try (var scope = new PointerScope()) {
        var ids = new IntPointer();
        var preds = new FloatPointer();
        var rects = new RectVector();
        synchronized (model) {
            model.detect(mat, ids, preds, rects);
        double downsample = request == null ? 1.0 : request.getDownsample();
        ImagePlane plane = request == null ? ImagePlane.getDefaultPlane() : request.getPlane();
        double xOrigin = request == null ? 0 : request.getX();
        double yOrigin = request == null ? 0 : request.getY();
        long n = rects.size();
        List<PathObject> pathObjects = new ArrayList<>();
        for (long i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            var rect = rects.get(i);
            var roi = ROIs.createRectangleROI(xOrigin + rect.x() * downsample, yOrigin + rect.y() * downsample, rect.width() * downsample, rect.height() * downsample, plane);
            var pathClass = classifier == null ? null : classifier.apply(ids.get(i));
            double pred = preds.get(i);
            var pathObject = creator.apply(roi);
            try (var ml = pathObject.getMeasurementList()) {
                ml.putMeasurement("Probability", pred);
        return pathObjects;
Also used : PathObject(qupath.lib.objects.PathObject) FloatPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.FloatPointer) IntPointer(org.bytedeco.javacpp.IntPointer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ImagePlane(qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane) RectVector(org.bytedeco.opencv.opencv_core.RectVector) PointerScope(org.bytedeco.javacpp.PointerScope)


ImagePlane (qupath.lib.regions.ImagePlane)14 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 PathObject (qupath.lib.objects.PathObject)8 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)7 ROI (qupath.lib.roi.interfaces.ROI)7 Geometry (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry)6 List (java.util.List)5 PointsROI (qupath.lib.roi.PointsROI)5 Collection (java.util.Collection)4 Map (java.util.Map)4 Collectors ( Logger (org.slf4j.Logger)4 LoggerFactory (org.slf4j.LoggerFactory)4 PathClass (qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClass)4 PathClassFactory (qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassFactory)4 PathClassTools (qupath.lib.objects.classes.PathClassTools)4 RoiTools (qupath.lib.roi.RoiTools)4 Collections (java.util.Collections)3 Comparator (java.util.Comparator)3 PreparedGeometry (org.locationtech.jts.geom.prep.PreparedGeometry)3