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Example 1 with PUT

use of retrofit2.http.PUT in project Tusky by Vavassor.

the class LoginActivity method onStart.

protected void onStart() {
    /* Check if we are resuming during authorization by seeing if the intent contains the
         * redirect that was given to the server. If so, its response is here! */
    Uri uri = getIntent().getData();
    String redirectUri = getOauthRedirectUri();
    preferences = getSharedPreferences(getString(R.string.preferences_file_key), Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
    if (preferences.getString("accessToken", null) != null && preferences.getString("domain", null) != null) {
        // We are already logged in, go to MainActivity
        Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
    if (uri != null && uri.toString().startsWith(redirectUri)) {
        // This should either have returned an authorization code or an error.
        String code = uri.getQueryParameter("code");
        String error = uri.getQueryParameter("error");
        if (code != null) {
            /* During the redirect roundtrip this Activity usually dies, which wipes out the
                 * instance variables, so they have to be recovered from where they were saved in
                 * SharedPreferences. */
            domain = preferences.getString("domain", null);
            clientId = preferences.getString("clientId", null);
            clientSecret = preferences.getString("clientSecret", null);
            /* Since authorization has succeeded, the final step to log in is to exchange
                 * the authorization code for an access token. */
            Callback<AccessToken> callback = new Callback<AccessToken>() {

                public void onResponse(Call<AccessToken> call, Response<AccessToken> response) {
                    if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                    } else {
                        Log.e(TAG, String.format("%s %s", getString(R.string.error_retrieving_oauth_token), response.message()));

                public void onFailure(Call<AccessToken> call, Throwable t) {
                    Log.e(TAG, String.format("%s %s", getString(R.string.error_retrieving_oauth_token), t.getMessage()));
            getApiFor(domain).fetchOAuthToken(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri, code, "authorization_code").enqueue(callback);
        } else if (error != null) {
            /* Authorization failed. Put the error response where the user can read it and they
                 * can try again. */
            Log.e(TAG, getString(R.string.error_authorization_denied) + error);
        } else {
            // This case means a junk response was received somehow.
Also used : Response(retrofit2.Response) Call(retrofit2.Call) Callback(retrofit2.Callback) AccessToken(com.keylesspalace.tusky.entity.AccessToken) CustomTabsIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) Uri(

Example 2 with PUT

use of retrofit2.http.PUT in project retrofit by square.

the class RequestBuilderTest method put.

public void put() {
    class Example {

        Call<ResponseBody> method(@Body RequestBody body) {
            return null;
    RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("text/plain"), "hi");
    Request request = buildRequest(Example.class, body);
    assertBody(request.body(), "hi");
Also used : Request(okhttp3.Request) RequestBody(okhttp3.RequestBody) ResponseBody(okhttp3.ResponseBody) MultipartBody(okhttp3.MultipartBody) Body(retrofit2.http.Body) RequestBody(okhttp3.RequestBody) ResponseBody(okhttp3.ResponseBody) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with PUT

use of retrofit2.http.PUT in project by Azure.

the class LRORetrysImpl method put201CreatingSucceeded200WithServiceResponseAsync.

 * Long running put request, service returns a 500, then a 201 to the initial request, with an entity that contains ProvisioningState=’Creating’.  Polls return this value until the last poll returns a ‘200’ with ProvisioningState=’Succeeded’.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
 * @return the observable for the request
public Observable<ServiceResponse<Product>> put201CreatingSucceeded200WithServiceResponseAsync() {
    final Product product = null;
    Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.put201CreatingSucceeded200(product, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent());
    return client.getAzureClient().getPutOrPatchResultAsync(observable, new TypeToken<Product>() {
Also used : Response(retrofit2.Response) ServiceResponse( TypeToken( Product(fixtures.lro.models.Product)

Example 4 with PUT

use of retrofit2.http.PUT in project by Azure.

the class LROsCustomHeadersImpl method putAsyncRetrySucceededWithServiceResponseAsync.

 * x-ms-client-request-id = 9C4D50EE-2D56-4CD3-8152-34347DC9F2B0 is required message header for all requests. Long running put request, service returns a 200 to the initial request, with an entity that contains ProvisioningState=’Creating’. Poll the endpoint indicated in the Azure-AsyncOperation header for operation status.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
 * @return the observable for the request
public Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Product, LROsCustomHeaderPutAsyncRetrySucceededHeaders>> putAsyncRetrySucceededWithServiceResponseAsync() {
    final Product product = null;
    Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.putAsyncRetrySucceeded(product, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent());
    return client.getAzureClient().getPutOrPatchResultWithHeadersAsync(observable, new TypeToken<Product>() {
    }.getType(), LROsCustomHeaderPutAsyncRetrySucceededHeaders.class);
Also used : ServiceResponse( Response(retrofit2.Response) TypeToken( Product(fixtures.lro.models.Product)

Example 5 with PUT

use of retrofit2.http.PUT in project by Azure.

the class LROSADsImpl method putAsyncRelativeRetryNoStatusPayloadWithServiceResponseAsync.

 * Long running put request, service returns a 200 to the initial request, with an entity that contains ProvisioningState=’Creating’. Poll the endpoint indicated in the Azure-AsyncOperation header for operation status.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if parameters fail the validation
 * @return the observable for the request
public Observable<ServiceResponseWithHeaders<Product, LROSADsPutAsyncRelativeRetryNoStatusPayloadHeaders>> putAsyncRelativeRetryNoStatusPayloadWithServiceResponseAsync() {
    final Product product = null;
    Observable<Response<ResponseBody>> observable = service.putAsyncRelativeRetryNoStatusPayload(product, this.client.acceptLanguage(), this.client.userAgent());
    return client.getAzureClient().getPutOrPatchResultWithHeadersAsync(observable, new TypeToken<Product>() {
    }.getType(), LROSADsPutAsyncRelativeRetryNoStatusPayloadHeaders.class);
Also used : Response(retrofit2.Response) ServiceResponse( TypeToken( Product(fixtures.lro.models.Product)


Response (retrofit2.Response)36 ServiceResponse ( TypeToken ( Product (fixtures.lro.models.Product)27 SubProduct (fixtures.lro.models.SubProduct)15 Intent (android.content.Intent)2 Uri ( ResponseBody (okhttp3.ResponseBody)2 ValueAnimator (android.animation.ValueAnimator)1 ActionBar ( Activity ( TaskStackBuilder ( ActivityNotFoundException (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)1 ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)1 Context (android.content.Context)1 Intent.createChooser (android.content.Intent.createChooser)1 PackageManager ( Bitmap ( BitmapFactory ( Color (