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Example 1 with Node

use of rtree.Node in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class IndexUploader method writeBinaryMapBlock.

public static void writeBinaryMapBlock(Node parent, Rect parentBounds, RTree r, BinaryMapIndexWriter writer, TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryFileReference> bounds, TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryMapDataObject> objects, MapZooms.MapZoomPair pair, boolean doNotSimplify) throws IOException, RTreeException {
    rtree.Element[] e = parent.getAllElements();
    MapDataBlock.Builder dataBlock = null;
    BinaryFileReference ref = bounds.get(parent.getNodeIndex());
    long baseId = 0;
    Map<String, Integer> tempStringTable = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < parent.getTotalElements(); i++) {
        if (e[i].getElementType() == rtree.Node.LEAF_NODE) {
            long id = e[i].getPtr();
            if (objects.containsKey(id)) {
                long cid = id;
                BinaryMapDataObject mdo = objects.get(id);
                if (dataBlock == null) {
                    baseId = cid;
                    dataBlock = writer.createWriteMapDataBlock(baseId);
                int[] typeUse = mdo.getTypes();
                int[] addtypeUse = mdo.getAdditionalTypes();
                byte[] coordinates = new byte[8 * mdo.getPointsLength()];
                for (int t = 0; t < mdo.getPointsLength(); t++) {
                    Algorithms.putIntToBytes(coordinates, 8 * t, mdo.getPoint31XTile(t));
                    Algorithms.putIntToBytes(coordinates, 8 * t + 4, mdo.getPoint31YTile(t));
                byte[] innerPolygonTypes = new byte[0];
                int[][] pip = mdo.getPolygonInnerCoordinates();
                if (pip != null && pip.length > 0) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bous = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    for (int s = 0; s < pip.length; s++) {
                        int[] st = pip[s];
                        for (int t = 0; t < st.length; t++) {
                            Algorithms.writeInt(bous, st[t]);
                        Algorithms.writeInt(bous, 0);
                        Algorithms.writeInt(bous, 0);
                    innerPolygonTypes = bous.toByteArray();
                MapData mapData = writer.writeMapData(cid - baseId, parentBounds.getMinX(), parentBounds.getMinY(), mdo.isArea(), coordinates, innerPolygonTypes, typeUse, addtypeUse, null, mdo.getOrderedObjectNames(), tempStringTable, dataBlock, !doNotSimplify && pair.getMaxZoom() > 15);
                if (mapData != null) {
            } else {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                log.error("Something goes wrong with id = " + id);
    if (dataBlock != null) {
        writer.writeMapDataBlock(dataBlock, tempStringTable, ref);
    for (int i = 0; i < parent.getTotalElements(); i++) {
        if (e[i].getElementType() != rtree.Node.LEAF_NODE) {
            long ptr = e[i].getPtr();
            rtree.Node ns = r.getReadNode(ptr);
            writeBinaryMapBlock(ns, e[i].getRect(), r, writer, bounds, objects, pair, doNotSimplify);
Also used : MapDataBlock(net.osmand.binary.OsmandOdb.MapDataBlock) LeafElement(rtree.LeafElement) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) ByteArrayOutputStream( BinaryFileReference( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) BinaryMapDataObject(net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapDataObject) MapData(net.osmand.binary.OsmandOdb.MapData) Node(rtree.Node)

Example 2 with Node

use of rtree.Node in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class SdTree method seed.

 *     Start seeding - take the root node, copy it to this tree, keep on copying until the slot level.
 *     This method overwrites the root irrespective of its existance or nonexistence.
private void seed() throws RTreeException {
    try {
        long sdingRoot = sdingTree.getFileHdr().getRootIndex();
        // somehow remove all the nodes of this tree from the cache and since we have a write lock
        // nobody can get this tree's nodes on to the buufer if we don't
        Node sdingNode = sdingTree.getReadNode(sdingRoot);
        seedRec(sdingNode, // sd
        chdNodes.getNode(// sd
        fileHdr.getFile(), // sd
        fileName, // sd
        Node.NOT_DEFINED, sdingNode.getElementType(), fileHdr), 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RTreeException(e.getMessage());
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) Node(rtree.Node) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) NodeFullException(rtree.NodeFullException) IOException( NodeReadException(rtree.NodeReadException) FileNotFoundException( IllegalValueException(rtree.IllegalValueException) NodeWriteException(rtree.NodeWriteException)

Example 3 with Node

use of rtree.Node in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class SdTree method growLeaf.

public void growLeaf(Element elmt) throws RTreeException {
    if (slotLvl == Node.NOT_DEFINED) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RTreeException(e.getMessage());
    } else {
        try {
            long root = fileHdr.getRootIndex();
            // Long slotIndex = null;
            LongWraper slotIndex = new LongWraper();
            // sd
            Node node = this.chooseLeaf(elmt, slotIndex);
            if (slotIndex == null)
                throw new NullPointerException();
            long nodeParent = node.getParent();
            Node[] newNodes = new Node[2];
            try {
                // if another insert is possible
                newNodes[0] = node;
                newNodes[1] = null;
            } catch (NodeFullException e) {
                // if another insert is not possible
                newNodes = node.splitNode(elmt, slotIndex.val);
            Node newRoot = adjustTree(newNodes, slotIndex.val);
            // if we got a new root node then we have to set the slot's child to point to this new root
            if (newRoot != null) {
                // sd
                Node slot = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, newRoot.getParent(), fileHdr);
                slot.modifyElement(0, newRoot.getNodeIndex());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RTreeException(e.getMessage());
        } finally {
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) Node(rtree.Node) NodeFullException(rtree.NodeFullException) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) NodeFullException(rtree.NodeFullException) IOException( NodeReadException(rtree.NodeReadException) FileNotFoundException( IllegalValueException(rtree.IllegalValueException) NodeWriteException(rtree.NodeWriteException)

Example 4 with Node

use of rtree.Node in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class SdTree method cleanUpRec.

 * This method adjusts all the seed node MBRs to the grown subtrees. It also delets the slot node and
 * makes the root node of the underneath substree as the slot node.
private // sd
Rect cleanUpRec(// sd
Node node, // sd
int level) throws NodeWriteException, FileNotFoundException, IllegalValueException, IOException, NodeReadException, RTreeException {
    Element[] elmts = node.getAllElements();
    if (level == slotLvl) {
        // if level is the slot
        if (elmts[0].getPtr() == Node.NOT_DEFINED) {
            // this slot was never supplied a child node
            // a null rect
            return new Rect();
        } else {
            // a slot that does have child node
            // remove this slot node and make the parent element point to the child of this slot node
            // sd
            Node parentNode = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, node.getParent(), fileHdr);
            int index = parentNode.getElementIndex(node.getNodeIndex());
            parentNode.modifyElement(index, elmts[0].getPtr());
            // sd
            Node subRoot = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, elmts[0].getPtr(), fileHdr);
            return (subRoot.getNodeMBR());
    // else
    } else {
        // it is not slot node but a seed node
        // remebeer we may have a situation where we do not get any Rect from down below this node...we delete
        // this node as well.
        Rect rect = new Rect();
        for (int i = node.getTotalElements() - 1; i > -1; i--) {
            // for each element in this seed node
            // sd
            Node chNode = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, elmts[i].getPtr(), fileHdr);
            Rect chRect = cleanUpRec(chNode, level + 1);
            // get child node's rect
            if (chRect.isNull()) {
                // situation where child node does not have grown subtrees underneath
                node.deleteElement(i, false);
            } else {
                // we do have a child Rect
                node.modifyElement(i, chRect);
        // else
        // for
        if (rect.isNull()) {
            // situation where there are no grown subtrees underneath this node
        return rect;
// else
Also used : Rect(rtree.Rect) Element(rtree.Element) NonLeafElement(rtree.NonLeafElement) Node(rtree.Node)

Example 5 with Node

use of rtree.Node in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class SdTree method cleanUp.

 * The clean up pahse is the last method that should be called after all the data have been grown.
 * This method basically adjusts all the slot nodes after all the insertions are made
public void cleanUp() throws RTreeException {
    try {
        if (slotLvl == Node.NOT_DEFINED)
        long root = fileHdr.getRootIndex();
        // sd
        Node node = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, root, fileHdr);
        cleanUpRec(node, 0);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RTreeException(e.getMessage());
    } finally {
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) Node(rtree.Node) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) NodeFullException(rtree.NodeFullException) IOException( NodeReadException(rtree.NodeReadException) FileNotFoundException( IllegalValueException(rtree.IllegalValueException) NodeWriteException(rtree.NodeWriteException)


Node (rtree.Node)7 FileNotFoundException ( IOException ( IllegalValueException (rtree.IllegalValueException)4 NodeFullException (rtree.NodeFullException)4 NodeReadException (rtree.NodeReadException)4 NodeWriteException (rtree.NodeWriteException)4 RTreeException (rtree.RTreeException)4 Element (rtree.Element)3 NonLeafElement (rtree.NonLeafElement)3 Rect (rtree.Rect)2 ByteArrayOutputStream ( LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 BinaryMapDataObject (net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapDataObject)1 MapData (net.osmand.binary.OsmandOdb.MapData)1 MapDataBlock (net.osmand.binary.OsmandOdb.MapDataBlock)1 BinaryFileReference ( Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)1 LeafElement (rtree.LeafElement)1