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Example 11 with RTreeException

use of rtree.RTreeException in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class AbstractIndexPartCreator method packRtreeFile.

public static RTree packRtreeFile(RTree tree, String nonPackFileName, String packFileName) throws IOException {
    try {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        assert rtree.Node.MAX < 50 : "It is better for search performance";
        File file = new File(packFileName);
        if (file.exists()) {
        long rootIndex = tree.getFileHdr().getRootIndex();
        if (!nodeIsLastSubTree(tree, rootIndex)) {
            // there is a bug for small files in packing method
            new Pack().packTree(tree, packFileName);
            file = new File(nonPackFileName);
            return new RTree(packFileName);
    } catch (RTreeException e) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        log.error("Error flushing", e);
        throw new IOException(e);
    return tree;
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) RTree(rtree.RTree) IOException( Pack(rtree.Pack) File(

Example 12 with RTreeException

use of rtree.RTreeException in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class IndexCreator method generateIndexes.

public void generateIndexes(File[] readFile, IProgress progress, IOsmStorageFilter addFilter, MapZooms mapZooms, MapRenderingTypesEncoder renderingTypes, Log logMapDataWarn, boolean generateUniqueIds, boolean overwriteIds) throws IOException, SQLException, InterruptedException, XmlPullParserException {
    // }
    if (logMapDataWarn == null) {
        logMapDataWarn = log;
    if (mapZooms == null) {
        mapZooms = MapZooms.getDefault();
    // clear previous results and setting variables
    if (readFile != null && readFile.length > 0 && regionName == null) {
        int i = readFile[0].getName().indexOf('.');
        if (i > -1) {
            regionName = Algorithms.capitalizeFirstLetterAndLowercase(readFile[0].getName().substring(0, i));
    if (renderingTypes == null) {
        renderingTypes = new MapRenderingTypesEncoder(null, regionName);
    this.indexTransportCreator = new IndexTransportCreator();
    this.indexPoiCreator = new IndexPoiCreator(renderingTypes, overwriteIds);
    this.indexAddressCreator = new IndexAddressCreator(logMapDataWarn);
    this.indexMapCreator = new IndexVectorMapCreator(logMapDataWarn, mapZooms, renderingTypes, zoomWaySmoothness);
    this.indexRouteCreator = new IndexRouteCreator(renderingTypes, logMapDataWarn, generateLowLevel);
    // init address
    // Main generation method
    try {
        // do not create temp map file and rtree files
        if (recreateOnlyBinaryFile) {
            mapFile = new File(workingDir, getMapFileName());
            File tempDBMapFile = new File(workingDir, getTempMapDBFileName());
            mapConnection = (Connection) getDatabaseConnection(tempDBMapFile.getAbsolutePath(), mapIndexDBDialect);
            try {
                if (indexMap) {
                if (indexRouting) {
                if (indexTransport) {
            } catch (RTreeException e) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                log.error("Error flushing", e);
                throw new IOException(e);
        } else {
            // 2. Create index connections and index structure
            OsmDbAccessor accessor = initDbAccessor(readFile, progress, addFilter, generateUniqueIds, overwriteIds, false);
            // 3. Processing all entries
            // 3.1 write all cities
            writeAllCities(accessor, progress);
            // 3.2 index address relations
            indexRelations(accessor, progress);
            // 3.3 MAIN iterate over all entities
            iterateMainEntities(accessor, progress);
            // do not delete first db connection
            if (accessor.getDbConn() != null) {
            if (deleteOsmDB) {
            // 3.4 combine all low level ways and simplify them
            if (indexMap || indexRouting) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[90 / 100]");
                if (indexMap) {
                    progress.startTask(Messages.getString("IndexCreator.INDEX_LO_LEVEL_WAYS"), indexMapCreator.getLowLevelWays());
                if (indexRouting) {
                    progress.startTask(Messages.getString("IndexCreator.INDEX_LO_LEVEL_WAYS"), -1);
            // 4. packing map rtree indexes
            if (indexMap) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[90 / 100]");
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                progress.startTask(Messages.getString("IndexCreator.PACK_RTREE_MAP"), -1);
                indexMapCreator.packRtreeFiles(getRTreeMapIndexNonPackFileName(), getRTreeMapIndexPackFileName());
            if (indexRouting) {
                indexRouteCreator.packRtreeFiles(getRTreeRouteIndexNonPackFileName(), getRTreeRouteIndexPackFileName());
            if (indexTransport) {
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[90 / 100]");
                // $NON-NLS-1$
                progress.startTask(Messages.getString("IndexCreator.PACK_RTREE_TRANSP"), -1);
                indexTransportCreator.packRTree(getRTreeTransportStopsFileName(), getRTreeTransportStopsPackFileName());
        // 5. Writing binary file
        if (indexMap || indexAddress || indexTransport || indexPOI || indexRouting) {
            if (mapFile.exists()) {
            mapRAFile = new RandomAccessFile(mapFile, "rw");
            BinaryMapIndexWriter writer = new BinaryMapIndexWriter(mapRAFile, lastModifiedDate == null ? System.currentTimeMillis() : lastModifiedDate.longValue());
            if (indexMap) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[95 of 100]");
                progress.startTask("Writing map index to binary file...", -1);
                indexMapCreator.writeBinaryMapIndex(writer, regionName);
            if (indexRouting) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[95 of 100]");
                progress.startTask("Writing route index to binary file...", -1);
                indexRouteCreator.writeBinaryRouteIndex(mapFile, writer, regionName, generateLowLevel);
            if (indexAddress) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[95 of 100]");
                progress.startTask("Writing address index to binary file...", -1);
                indexAddressCreator.writeBinaryAddressIndex(writer, regionName, progress);
            if (indexPOI) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[95 of 100]");
                progress.startTask("Writing poi index to binary file...", -1);
                indexPoiCreator.writeBinaryPoiIndex(writer, regionName, progress);
            if (indexTransport) {
                setGeneralProgress(progress, "[95 of 100]");
                progress.startTask("Writing transport index to binary file...", -1);
                indexTransportCreator.writeBinaryTransportIndex(writer, regionName, mapConnection);
            // $NON-NLS-1$
  "Finish writing binary file");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        log.error("Log exception", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        log.error("Log exception", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        log.error("Log exception", e);
        throw e;
    } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
        // $NON-NLS-1$
        log.error("Log exception", e);
        throw e;
    } finally {
        try {
            if (REMOVE_POI_DB) {
            indexTransportCreator.commitAndCloseFiles(getRTreeTransportStopsFileName(), getRTreeTransportStopsPackFileName(), deleteDatabaseIndexes);
            indexMapCreator.commitAndCloseFiles(getRTreeMapIndexNonPackFileName(), getRTreeMapIndexPackFileName(), deleteDatabaseIndexes);
            indexRouteCreator.commitAndCloseFiles(getRTreeRouteIndexNonPackFileName(), getRTreeRouteIndexPackFileName(), deleteDatabaseIndexes);
            if (mapConnection != null) {
                mapConnection = null;
                File tempDBFile = new File(workingDir, getTempMapDBFileName());
                if (mapIndexDBDialect.databaseFileExists(tempDBFile) && deleteDatabaseIndexes) {
                    // do not delete it for now
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) IOException( IndexAddressCreator( MapRenderingTypesEncoder(net.osmand.osm.MapRenderingTypesEncoder) RandomAccessFile( XmlPullParserException(org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException) RandomAccessFile( File(

Example 13 with RTreeException

use of rtree.RTreeException in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class ObfFileInMemory method writeMapData.

private void writeMapData(BinaryMapIndexWriter writer, MapZoomPair mapZoomPair, TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryMapDataObject> objects, File fileToWrite, boolean doNotSimplify) throws IOException, RTreeException {
    File nonpackRtree = new File(fileToWrite.getParentFile(), "nonpack" + mapZoomPair.getMinZoom() + "." + fileToWrite.getName() + ".rtree");
    File packRtree = new File(fileToWrite.getParentFile(), "pack" + mapZoomPair.getMinZoom() + "." + fileToWrite.getName() + ".rtree");
    RTree rtree = null;
    try {
        rtree = new RTree(nonpackRtree.getAbsolutePath());
        for (long key : objects.keys()) {
            BinaryMapDataObject obj = objects.get(key);
            int minX = obj.getPoint31XTile(0);
            int maxX = obj.getPoint31XTile(0);
            int maxY = obj.getPoint31YTile(0);
            int minY = obj.getPoint31YTile(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < obj.getPointsLength(); i++) {
                minX = Math.min(minX, obj.getPoint31XTile(i));
                minY = Math.min(minY, obj.getPoint31YTile(i));
                maxX = Math.max(maxX, obj.getPoint31XTile(i));
                maxY = Math.max(maxY, obj.getPoint31YTile(i));
            try {
                rtree.insert(new LeafElement(new Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY), obj.getId()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        rtree = AbstractIndexPartCreator.packRtreeFile(rtree, nonpackRtree.getAbsolutePath(), packRtree.getAbsolutePath());
        TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryFileReference> treeHeader = new TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryFileReference>();
        long rootIndex = rtree.getFileHdr().getRootIndex();
        rtree.Node root = rtree.getReadNode(rootIndex);
        Rect rootBounds = IndexUploader.calcBounds(root);
        if (rootBounds != null) {
            writer.startWriteMapLevelIndex(mapZoomPair.getMinZoom(), mapZoomPair.getMaxZoom(), rootBounds.getMinX(), rootBounds.getMaxX(), rootBounds.getMinY(), rootBounds.getMaxY());
            IndexVectorMapCreator.writeBinaryMapTree(root, rootBounds, rtree, writer, treeHeader);
            IndexUploader.writeBinaryMapBlock(root, rootBounds, rtree, writer, treeHeader, objects, mapZoomPair, doNotSimplify);
    } finally {
        if (rtree != null) {
            RandomAccessFile file = rtree.getFileHdr().getFile();
Also used : Rect(rtree.Rect) TLongObjectHashMap( BinaryFileReference( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) IOException( BinaryMapDataObject(net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapDataObject) RandomAccessFile( RTree(rtree.RTree) RandomAccessFile( File( LeafElement(rtree.LeafElement)

Example 14 with RTreeException

use of rtree.RTreeException in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class ObfFileInMemory method writeRouteData.

private void writeRouteData(BinaryMapIndexWriter writer, TLongObjectHashMap<RouteDataObject> routeObjs, File fileToWrite) throws IOException, RTreeException, SQLException {
    File nonpackRtree = new File(fileToWrite.getParentFile(), "nonpackroute." + fileToWrite.getName() + ".rtree");
    File packRtree = new File(fileToWrite.getParentFile(), "packroute." + fileToWrite.getName() + ".rtree");
    RTree rtree = null;
    try {
        rtree = new RTree(nonpackRtree.getAbsolutePath());
        for (long key : routeObjs.keys()) {
            RouteDataObject obj = routeObjs.get(key);
            int minX = obj.getPoint31XTile(0);
            int maxX = obj.getPoint31XTile(0);
            int maxY = obj.getPoint31YTile(0);
            int minY = obj.getPoint31YTile(0);
            for (int i = 1; i < obj.getPointsLength(); i++) {
                minX = Math.min(minX, obj.getPoint31XTile(i));
                minY = Math.min(minY, obj.getPoint31YTile(i));
                maxX = Math.max(maxX, obj.getPoint31XTile(i));
                maxY = Math.max(maxY, obj.getPoint31YTile(i));
            try {
                rtree.insert(new LeafElement(new Rect(minX, minY, maxX, maxY), obj.getId()));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        rtree = AbstractIndexPartCreator.packRtreeFile(rtree, nonpackRtree.getAbsolutePath(), packRtree.getAbsolutePath());
        TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryFileReference> treeHeader = new TLongObjectHashMap<BinaryFileReference>();
        long rootIndex = rtree.getFileHdr().getRootIndex();
        rtree.Node root = rtree.getReadNode(rootIndex);
        Rect rootBounds = IndexUploader.calcBounds(root);
        if (rootBounds != null) {
            IndexRouteCreator.writeBinaryRouteTree(root, rootBounds, rtree, writer, treeHeader, false);
            RouteWriteContext wc = new RouteWriteContext(null, treeHeader, null, routeObjs);
            IndexRouteCreator.writeBinaryMapBlock(root, rootBounds, rtree, writer, wc, false);
    } finally {
        if (rtree != null) {
            RandomAccessFile file = rtree.getFileHdr().getFile();
Also used : Rect(rtree.Rect) RouteWriteContext( TLongObjectHashMap( BinaryFileReference( SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) IOException( RandomAccessFile( RouteDataObject(net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject) RTree(rtree.RTree) RandomAccessFile( File( LeafElement(rtree.LeafElement)

Example 15 with RTreeException

use of rtree.RTreeException in project OsmAnd-tools by osmandapp.

the class SdTree method chooseLeaf.

 *     This method is a copy of <code>RTree.chooseLeaf</code> with minor modifications.
 *     In fact there are number of changes , most important is that this method will just not get the new
 *     Node, but also change the parent's (slot node) child pointer.
 *     Remeber that if there are no leaf node associated with a slot selected, this method creates one
 *     returns this new Node after doing the process described above.
 *     but if there is a leaf node present then that node is returned just as in simple rtrees.
private // sd
Node chooseLeaf(// sd
Element elmt, // sd
LongWraper slotIndex) throws RTreeException, IOException {
    /*TODO : we may also have to traverse non seed node, i.e grown nodes.*/
    try {
        // get the root node
        long root = fileHdr.getRootIndex();
        int level = 0;
        // sd
        Node sltNode = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, root, fileHdr);
        // repeat till you reach a slot node
        while (sltNode.getElementType() != Node.LEAF_NODE) {
            // (level != slotLvl){
            // get the best fitting rect from the node
            Element nextElmt = sltNode.getLeastEnlargement(elmt);
            if (level == slotLvl) {
                slotIndex.val = sltNode.getNodeIndex();
                if (nextElmt.getPtr() == Node.NOT_DEFINED) {
                    // the first leaf node for this slot node
                    Node rtNode = // sd
                    chdNodes.getNode(// sd
                    fileHdr.getFile(), // sd
                    fileName, // sd
                    sltNode.getNodeIndex(), Node.LEAF_NODE, fileHdr);
                    sltNode.modifyElement(0, rtNode.getNodeIndex());
                    return rtNode;
            // if are here then we are not at a slot that has no childs
            // sd
            sltNode = chdNodes.getNode(fileHdr.getFile(), fileName, nextElmt.getPtr(), fileHdr);
        // if we are here then we reached a proper leaf node rather than a slot node
        return sltNode;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RTreeException(e.getMessage());
Also used : RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) Node(rtree.Node) Element(rtree.Element) NonLeafElement(rtree.NonLeafElement) RTreeException(rtree.RTreeException) NodeFullException(rtree.NodeFullException) IOException( NodeReadException(rtree.NodeReadException) FileNotFoundException( IllegalValueException(rtree.IllegalValueException) NodeWriteException(rtree.NodeWriteException)


RTreeException (rtree.RTreeException)15 IOException ( File ( RTree (rtree.RTree)7 RandomAccessFile ( FileNotFoundException ( IllegalValueException (rtree.IllegalValueException)5 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)4 Node (rtree.Node)4 NodeFullException (rtree.NodeFullException)4 NodeReadException (rtree.NodeReadException)4 NodeWriteException (rtree.NodeWriteException)4 Rect (rtree.Rect)4 TLongObjectHashMap ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)3 LeafElement (rtree.LeafElement)3 Statement (java.sql.Statement)2 BinaryMapIndexReader (net.osmand.binary.BinaryMapIndexReader)2 BinaryFileReference ( JSchException (com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException)1