use of in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class AppMessageHandlerPebStyle method encodePebStyleConfig.
private byte[] encodePebStyleConfig() {
ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Object>> pairs = new ArrayList<>();
//settings that give good legibility on pebble time
//1 enabled
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_SECOND_HAND, (Object) 0));
//1 silent, 2 weak, up to 5
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_BLUETOOTH_ALERT, (Object) 0));
//0 fahrenheit
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_TEMPERATURE_FORMAT, (Object) 1));
//0 auto, 1 manual
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_LOCATION_SERVICE, (Object) 2));
//0 right
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_SIDEBAR_LOCATION, (Object) 1));
//1 custom
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_COLOR_SELECTION, (Object) 1));
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_MAIN_COLOR, (Object) PebbleColor.Black));
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_MAIN_BG_COLOR, (Object) PebbleColor.White));
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_SIDEBAR_BG_COLOR, (Object) PebbleColor.MediumSpringGreen));
//DIGITAL settings
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_MAIN_CLOCK, (Object) 1)); //0 analog
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_SECONDARY_INFO_TYPE, (Object) 3)); //1 time, 2 location
//ANALOG + DIGITAL settings
//0 analog, 1 digital
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_MAIN_CLOCK, (Object) 0));
//1 time, 2 location
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_SECONDARY_INFO_TYPE, (Object) 1));
ParcelableWeather2 weather = Weather.getInstance().getWeather2();
if (weather != null) {
//comment the same key in the general section above!
//0 auto, 1 manual
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_LOCATION_SERVICE, (Object) 0));
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_WEATHER_CODE, (Object) Weather.mapToYahooCondition(weather.currentConditionCode)));
pairs.add(new Pair<>(KEY_WEATHER_TEMP, (Object) (weather.currentTemp - 273)));
byte[] testMessage = mPebbleProtocol.encodeApplicationMessagePush(PebbleProtocol.ENDPOINT_APPLICATIONMESSAGE, mUUID, pairs);
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(testMessage.length);
// encode ack and put in front of push message (hack for acknowledging the last message)
return buf.array();
use of in project Gadgetbridge by Freeyourgadget.
the class WeatherNotificationReceiver method onReceive.
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
if (!intent.getAction().contains("WEATHER_UPDATE_2")) {"Wrong action");
ParcelableWeather2 weather = null;
try {
weather = intent.getParcelableExtra("");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
if (weather != null) {
Weather.getInstance().setWeather2(weather);"weather in " + weather.location + " is " + weather.currentCondition + " (" + (weather.currentTemp - 273) + "°C)");
WeatherSpec weatherSpec = new WeatherSpec();
weatherSpec.timestamp = (int) (weather.queryTime / 1000);
weatherSpec.location = weather.location;
weatherSpec.currentTemp = weather.currentTemp;
weatherSpec.currentCondition = weather.currentCondition;
weatherSpec.currentConditionCode = weather.currentConditionCode;
weatherSpec.todayMaxTemp = weather.todayHighTemp;
weatherSpec.todayMinTemp = weather.todayLowTemp;
weatherSpec.tomorrowConditionCode = weather.forecastConditionCode;
weatherSpec.tomorrowMaxTemp = weather.forecastHighTemp;
weatherSpec.tomorrowMinTemp = weather.forecastLowTemp;