use of in project dropwizard-guicey by xvik.
the class JerseyBinding method bindSpecificComponent.
* Binds jersey specific component (component implements jersey interface or extends class).
* Specific binding is required for types directly supported by jersey (e.g. ExceptionMapper).
* Such types must be bound to target interface directly, otherwise jersey would not be able to resolve them.
* <p> If type is {@link HK2Managed}, binds directly.
* Otherwise, use guice "bridge" factory to lazily bind type.</p>
* @param binder hk binder
* @param injector guice injector
* @param type type which implements specific jersey interface or extends class
* @param specificType specific jersey type (interface or abstract class)
public static void bindSpecificComponent(final AbstractBinder binder, final Injector injector, final Class<?> type, final Class<?> specificType) {
// resolve generics of specific type
final GenericsContext context = GenericsResolver.resolve(type).type(specificType);
final List<Type> genericTypes = context.genericTypes();
final Type[] generics = genericTypes.toArray(new Type[0]);
final Type binding = generics.length > 0 ? new ParameterizedTypeImpl(specificType, generics) : specificType;
if (isHK2Managed(type)) {
} else {
// hk cant find different things in different situations, so uniform registration is impossible
if (InjectionResolver.class.equals(specificType)) {
binder.bindFactory(new GuiceComponentFactory<>(injector, type)).to(type).in(Singleton.class);
} else {
binder.bindFactory(new GuiceComponentFactory<>(injector, type)).to(type).to(binding).in(Singleton.class);
use of in project guice-persist-orient by xvik.
the class GenericParamExtension method createParam.
private ParamInfo createParam(final ParamInfo<Generic> paramInfo, final DelegateParamsContext context) {
final Class<?> requiredType = paramInfo.annotation.genericHolder();
final GenericsContext generics = requiredType == Object.class ? context.getCallerContext().generics : context.getCallerContext().generics.type(requiredType);
final String generic = paramInfo.annotation.value();
final int position = paramInfo.position;
final Method method = context.getDescriptorContext().method;
check(method.getParameterTypes()[position].equals(Class.class), "Generic type parameter must be Class, but it's %s", paramInfo.type.getSimpleName());
final Class<?> type = generics.generic(generic);
check(type != null, "Generic type name '%s' not found in %s", generic, generics.currentClass());
return new ParamInfo(paramInfo.position, type);
use of in project guice-persist-orient by xvik.
the class TargetMethodAnalyzer method findPossibleMethods.
* Analyze target bean methods, finding all matching (by parameters) methods.
* If method name was specified, only methods with the same name resolved.
* @param target target bean type
* @param params repository method params
* @param hint method name hint (may be null)
* @return descriptor of all matching methods
private static List<MatchedMethod> findPossibleMethods(final List<Class<?>> params, final Class<?> target, final String hint) {
final List<MatchedMethod> possibilities = Lists.newArrayList();
// use generics to enforce type checks
final GenericsContext targetGenerics = GenericsResolver.resolve(target);
for (Method method : target.getMethods()) {
// method hint force to check only methods with this name
final boolean methodHintValid = hint == null || method.getName().equals(hint);
if (!isAcceptableMethod(method) || !methodHintValid) {
final MatchedMethod matched = analyzeMethod(method, params, targetGenerics);
if (matched != null) {
return possibilities;