use of scala.Tuple2 in project learning-spark by databricks.
the class LogAnalyzerWindowed method processAccessLogs.
public void processAccessLogs(String outDir, JavaDStream<ApacheAccessLog> accessLogsDStream) {
JavaDStream<ApacheAccessLog> windowDStream = accessLogsDStream.window(Flags.getInstance().getWindowLength(), Flags.getInstance().getSlideInterval());
JavaDStream<String> ip = Function<ApacheAccessLog, String>() {
public String call(ApacheAccessLog entry) {
return entry.getIpAddress();
// reduceByWindow
JavaDStream<Long> requestCountRBW = Function<ApacheAccessLog, Long>() {
public Long call(ApacheAccessLog entry) {
return 1L;
}).reduceByWindow(new Function2<Long, Long, Long>() {
public Long call(Long v1, Long v2) {
return v1 + v2;
}, new Function2<Long, Long, Long>() {
public Long call(Long v1, Long v2) {
return v1 - v2;
}, Flags.getInstance().getWindowLength(), Flags.getInstance().getSlideInterval());
// reducebykeyandwindow
JavaPairDStream<String, Long> ipAddressPairDStream = accessLogsDStream.mapToPair(new PairFunction<ApacheAccessLog, String, Long>() {
public Tuple2<String, Long> call(ApacheAccessLog entry) {
return new Tuple2(entry.getIpAddress(), 1L);
JavaPairDStream<String, Long> ipCountDStream = ipAddressPairDStream.reduceByKeyAndWindow(// Adding elements in the new slice
new Function2<Long, Long, Long>() {
public Long call(Long v1, Long v2) {
return v1 + v2;
}, // Removing elements from the oldest slice
new Function2<Long, Long, Long>() {
public Long call(Long v1, Long v2) {
return v1 - v2;
}, Flags.getInstance().getWindowLength(), Flags.getInstance().getSlideInterval());
// Use countByWindow
JavaDStream<Long> requestCount = accessLogsDStream.countByWindow(Flags.getInstance().getWindowLength(), Flags.getInstance().getSlideInterval());
JavaPairDStream<String, Long> ipAddressRequestCount = ip.countByValueAndWindow(Flags.getInstance().getWindowLength(), Flags.getInstance().getSlideInterval());
// use a transform for the response code count
JavaPairDStream<Integer, Long> responseCodeCountTransform = accessLogsDStream.transformToPair(new Function<JavaRDD<ApacheAccessLog>, JavaPairRDD<Integer, Long>>() {
public JavaPairRDD<Integer, Long> call(JavaRDD<ApacheAccessLog> logs) {
return Functions.responseCodeCount(logs);
windowDStream.foreachRDD(new Function<JavaRDD<ApacheAccessLog>, Void>() {
public Void call(JavaRDD<ApacheAccessLog> accessLogs) {
Tuple4<Long, Long, Long, Long> contentSizeStats = Functions.contentSizeStats(accessLogs);
List<Tuple2<Integer, Long>> responseCodeToCount = Functions.responseCodeCount(accessLogs).take(100);
JavaPairRDD<String, Long> ipAddressCounts = Functions.ipAddressCount(accessLogs);
List<String> ip = Functions.filterIPAddress(ipAddressCounts).take(100);
Object ordering = Ordering.natural();
Comparator<Long> cmp = (Comparator<Long>) ordering;
List<Tuple2<String, Long>> topEndpoints = Functions.endpointCount(accessLogs).top(10, new Functions.ValueComparator<String, Long>(cmp));
logStatistics = new LogStatistics(contentSizeStats, responseCodeToCount, ip, topEndpoints);
return null;
use of scala.Tuple2 in project learning-spark by databricks.
the class IntersectByKey method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String master;
if (args.length > 0) {
master = args[0];
} else {
master = "local";
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(master, "IntersectByKey", System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), System.getenv("JARS"));
List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> input1 = new ArrayList();
input1.add(new Tuple2("coffee", 1));
input1.add(new Tuple2("coffee", 2));
input1.add(new Tuple2("pandas", 3));
List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> input2 = new ArrayList();
input2.add(new Tuple2("pandas", 20));
JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> rdd1 = sc.parallelizePairs(input1);
JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> rdd2 = sc.parallelizePairs(input2);
JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> result = intersectByKey(rdd1, rdd2);
for (Tuple2<String, Integer> entry : result.collect()) {
System.out.println(entry._1() + ":" + entry._2());
use of scala.Tuple2 in project learning-spark by databricks.
the class KeyValueMapFilter method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
throw new Exception("Usage KeyValueMapFilter sparkMaster inputFile");
String master = args[0];
String inputFile = args[1];
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(master, "KeyValueMapFilter", System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), System.getenv("JARS"));
JavaRDD<String> input = sc.textFile(inputFile);
PairFunction<String, String, String> keyData = new PairFunction<String, String, String>() {
public Tuple2<String, String> call(String x) {
return new Tuple2(x.split(" ")[0], x);
Function<Tuple2<String, String>, Boolean> longWordFilter = new Function<Tuple2<String, String>, Boolean>() {
public Boolean call(Tuple2<String, String> input) {
return (input._2().length() < 20);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> rdd = input.mapToPair(keyData);
JavaPairRDD<String, String> result = rdd.filter(longWordFilter);
Map<String, String> resultMap = result.collectAsMap();
for (Entry<String, String> entry : resultMap.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue());
use of scala.Tuple2 in project learning-spark by databricks.
the class PerKeyAvg method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String master;
if (args.length > 0) {
master = args[0];
} else {
master = "local";
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(master, "PerKeyAvg", System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), System.getenv("JARS"));
List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> input = new ArrayList();
input.add(new Tuple2("coffee", 1));
input.add(new Tuple2("coffee", 2));
input.add(new Tuple2("pandas", 3));
JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> rdd = sc.parallelizePairs(input);
Function<Integer, AvgCount> createAcc = new Function<Integer, AvgCount>() {
public AvgCount call(Integer x) {
return new AvgCount(x, 1);
Function2<AvgCount, Integer, AvgCount> addAndCount = new Function2<AvgCount, Integer, AvgCount>() {
public AvgCount call(AvgCount a, Integer x) {
a.total_ += x;
a.num_ += 1;
return a;
Function2<AvgCount, AvgCount, AvgCount> combine = new Function2<AvgCount, AvgCount, AvgCount>() {
public AvgCount call(AvgCount a, AvgCount b) {
a.total_ += b.total_;
a.num_ += b.num_;
return a;
AvgCount initial = new AvgCount(0, 0);
JavaPairRDD<String, AvgCount> avgCounts = rdd.combineByKey(createAcc, addAndCount, combine);
Map<String, AvgCount> countMap = avgCounts.collectAsMap();
for (Entry<String, AvgCount> entry : countMap.entrySet()) {
System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue().avg());
use of scala.Tuple2 in project learning-spark by databricks.
the class BasicLoadSequenceFile method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 2) {
throw new Exception("Usage BasicLoadSequenceFile [sparkMaster] [input]");
String master = args[0];
String fileName = args[1];
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(master, "basicloadsequencefile", System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), System.getenv("JARS"));
JavaPairRDD<Text, IntWritable> input = sc.sequenceFile(fileName, Text.class, IntWritable.class);
JavaPairRDD<String, Integer> result = input.mapToPair(new ConvertToNativeTypes());
List<Tuple2<String, Integer>> resultList = result.collect();
for (Tuple2<String, Integer> record : resultList) {