use of scenelib.annotations.el.AMethod in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class WholeProgramInferenceScenes method updateInferredConstructorParameterTypes.
* Updates the parameter types of the constructor created by objectCreationNode based on
* arguments to the constructor.
* <p>For each parameter in constructorElt:
* <ul>
* <li>If the Scene does not contain an annotated type for that parameter, then the type of
* the respective value passed as argument in the object creation call objectCreationNode
* will be added to the parameter in the Scene.
* <li>If the Scene previously contained an annotated type for that parameter, then its new
* type will be the LUB between the previous type and the type of the respective value
* passed as argument in the object creation call.
* </ul>
* <p>
* @param objectCreationNode the new Object() node
* @param atf the annotated type factory of a given type system, whose type hierarchy will be
* used to update the constructor's parameters' types
public void updateInferredConstructorParameterTypes(ObjectCreationNode objectCreationNode, ExecutableElement constructorElt, AnnotatedTypeFactory atf) {
ClassSymbol classSymbol = getEnclosingClassSymbol(objectCreationNode.getTree());
if (classSymbol == null) {
String className = classSymbol.flatname.toString();
String jaifPath = helper.getJaifPath(className);
AClass clazz = helper.getAClass(className, jaifPath);
String methodName = JVMNames.getJVMMethodName(constructorElt);
AMethod method = clazz.methods.vivify(methodName);
List<Node> arguments = objectCreationNode.getArguments();
updateInferredExecutableParameterTypes(constructorElt, atf, jaifPath, method, arguments);
use of scenelib.annotations.el.AMethod in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class WholeProgramInferenceScenes method updateInferredMethodReceiverType.
* Updates the receiver type of the method {@code methodElt} in the Scene of the method's
* enclosing class based on the overridden method {@code overriddenMethod} receiver type.
* <p>For the receiver in methodElt:
* <ul>
* <li>If the Scene does not contain an annotated type for the receiver, then the type of the
* receiver on the overridden method will be added to the receiver in the Scene.
* <li>If the Scene previously contained an annotated type for the receiver, then its new type
* will be the LUB between the previous type and the type of the receiver on the
* overridden method.
* </ul>
* <p>
* @param methodTree the tree of the method that contains the receiver
* @param methodElt the element of the method
* @param overriddenMethod the overridden method
* @param atf the annotated type factory of a given type system, whose type hierarchy will be
* used to update the receiver type
public void updateInferredMethodReceiverType(MethodTree methodTree, ExecutableElement methodElt, AnnotatedExecutableType overriddenMethod, AnnotatedTypeFactory atf) {
ClassSymbol classSymbol = getEnclosingClassSymbol(methodTree);
String className = classSymbol.flatname.toString();
String jaifPath = helper.getJaifPath(className);
AClass clazz = helper.getAClass(className, jaifPath);
String methodName = JVMNames.getJVMMethodName(methodElt);
AMethod method = clazz.methods.vivify(methodName);
AnnotatedDeclaredType argADT = overriddenMethod.getReceiverType();
if (argADT != null) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror paramATM = atf.getAnnotatedType(methodTree).getReceiverType();
if (paramATM != null) {
AField receiver = method.receiver;
helper.updateAnnotationSetInScene(receiver.type, atf, jaifPath, argADT, paramATM, TypeUseLocation.RECEIVER);
use of scenelib.annotations.el.AMethod in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class WholeProgramInferenceScenes method updateInferredParameterType.
* Updates the parameter type represented by lhs of the method methodTree in the Scene of the
* receiverTree's enclosing class based on assignments to the parameter inside the method body.
* <ul>
* <li>If the Scene does not contain an annotated type for that parameter, then the type of
* the respective value passed as argument in the method call methodInvNode will be added
* to the parameter in the Scene.
* <li>If the Scene previously contained an annotated type for that parameter, then its new
* type will be the LUB between the previous type and the type of the respective value
* passed as argument in the method call.
* </ul>
* <p>
* @param lhs the node representing the parameter
* @param rhs the node being assigned to the parameter
* @param classTree the tree of the class that contains the parameter
* @param methodTree the tree of the method that contains the parameter
* @param atf the annotated type factory of a given type system, whose type hierarchy will be
* used to update the parameter type
public void updateInferredParameterType(LocalVariableNode lhs, Node rhs, ClassTree classTree, MethodTree methodTree, AnnotatedTypeFactory atf) {
ClassSymbol classSymbol = getEnclosingClassSymbol(classTree, lhs);
if (classSymbol == null)
String className = classSymbol.flatname.toString();
String jaifPath = helper.getJaifPath(className);
AClass clazz = helper.getAClass(className, jaifPath);
String methodName = JVMNames.getJVMMethodName(methodTree);
AMethod method = clazz.methods.vivify(methodName);
List<? extends VariableTree> params = methodTree.getParameters();
// Look-up parameter by name:
for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
VariableTree vt = params.get(i);
if (vt.getName().contentEquals(lhs.getName())) {
Tree treeNode = rhs.getTree();
if (treeNode == null) {
AnnotatedTypeMirror paramATM = atf.getAnnotatedType(vt);
AnnotatedTypeMirror argATM = atf.getAnnotatedType(treeNode);
AField param = method.parameters.vivify(i);
helper.updateAnnotationSetInScene(param.type, atf, jaifPath, argATM, paramATM, TypeUseLocation.PARAMETER);
use of scenelib.annotations.el.AMethod in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class WholeProgramInferenceScenes method updateInferredMethodReturnType.
* Updates the return type of the method methodTree in the Scene of the class with symbol
* classSymbol.
* <p>If the Scene does not contain an annotated return type for the method methodTree, then the
* type of the value passed to the return expression will be added to the return type of that
* method in the Scene. If the Scene previously contained an annotated return type for the
* method methodTree, its new type will be the LUB between the previous type and the type of the
* value passed to the return expression.
* <p>
* @param retNode the node that contains the expression returned
* @param classSymbol the symbol of the class that contains the method
* @param methodTree the tree of the method whose return type may be updated
* @param atf the annotated type factory of a given type system, whose type hierarchy will be
* used to update the method's return type
public void updateInferredMethodReturnType(ReturnNode retNode, ClassSymbol classSymbol, MethodTree methodTree, AnnotatedTypeFactory atf) {
// TODO: Handle anonymous classes.
if (classSymbol == null)
String className = classSymbol.flatname.toString();
String jaifPath = helper.getJaifPath(className);
AClass clazz = helper.getAClass(className, jaifPath);
AMethod method = clazz.methods.vivify(JVMNames.getJVMMethodName(methodTree));
// Method return type
AnnotatedTypeMirror lhsATM = atf.getAnnotatedType(methodTree).getReturnType();
// Type of the expression returned
AnnotatedTypeMirror rhsATM = atf.getAnnotatedType(retNode.getTree().getExpression());
helper.updateAnnotationSetInScene(method.returnType, atf, jaifPath, rhsATM, lhsATM, TypeUseLocation.RETURN);
use of scenelib.annotations.el.AMethod in project j2objc by google.
the class ExternalAnnotationInjector method visit.
public boolean visit(MethodDeclaration node) {
if (!annotatedElementStack.peekLast().isPresent()) {
return true;
AClass annotatedParent = (AClass) annotatedElementStack.peekLast().get();
ExecutableElement executable = node.getExecutableElement();
String prefix = elementUtil.getBinaryName(ElementUtil.getDeclaringClass(executable)) + ".";
String methodName = Mappings.getMethodKey(executable, typeUtil).substring(prefix.length());
AMethod annotatedMethod = annotatedParent.methods.get(methodName);
if (annotatedMethod != null) {
Set<Annotation> annotations = new LinkedHashSet<>();
recordAnnotations(node.getExecutableElement(), annotations);
injectAnnotationsToNode(node, annotations);
return true;