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Example 1 with CashSimulation

use of in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.

the class cashSurvival method main.

 * @param args
 * @date: Nov 21, 2020, 6:01:10 PM
public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] meanDemand = { 5, 5, 5, 5 };
    // double[] meanDemand = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
    double iniInventory = 0;
    double iniCash = 15;
    double fixOrderCost = 0;
    double variCost = 1;
    double[] price = { 3, 3, 3, 3 };
    double depositeRate = 0;
    double salvageValue = 0.5;
    double holdingCost = 0;
    FindCCrieria criteria = FindCCrieria.XRELATE;
    // costs like wages or rents which is required to pay in each period
    double overheadCost = 10;
    // rate from revenue to pay overhead wages
    double overheadRate = 0;
    // maximum ordering quantity when having enough cash
    double maxOrderQuantity = 200;
    double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
    int stepSize = 1;
    double minInventoryState = 0;
    double maxInventoryState = 500;
    // can affect results, should be smaller than minus fixedOrderCost
    double minCashState = -1000;
    double maxCashState = 2000;
    // can also be overdraft rate; large penalty cost cause big gaps for simulation results, since may generate zero demand;
    double penaltyCost = 0;
    double discountFactor = 1;
    // get demand possibilities for each period
    int T = meanDemand.length;
    Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T).mapToObj(i -> new PoissonDist(meanDemand[i])).toArray(Distribution[]::new);
    double[][][] pmf = new GetPmf(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
    // feasible actions
    // in fact, no cash constraint in this paper
    Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction = s -> {
        return DoubleStream.iterate(0, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxOrderQuantity + 1).toArray();
    // immediate value
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        int t = state.getPeriod() - 1;
        double revenue = price[t] * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
        double fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
        double variableCost = variCost * action;
        double deposite = (state.getIniCash() - fixedCost - variableCost) * (1 + depositeRate);
        double inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = (1 - overheadRate) * revenue + deposite - holdCosts - overheadCost - state.getIniCash();
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        double endCash = state.getIniCash() + cashIncrement;
        if (endCash < 0) {
            // can change to overdraft interest
            cashIncrement += penaltyCost * endCash;
        return cashIncrement;
    // state transition function
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = Math.max(0, state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand);
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        // cash is integer or not
        // the right should be a decimal
        nextCash = Math.round(nextCash * 1) / 1;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
     * Solve
    CashRecursion recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
    int period = 1;
    CashState initialState = new CashState(period, iniInventory, iniCash);
    long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double finalValue = recursion.getSurvProb(initialState);
    System.out.println("survival probability for this initial state is: " + finalValue);
    System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + recursion.getAction(initialState));
    double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
    System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
    double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTable();
     * Simulate the result
    // immediate value
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue2 = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        int t = state.getPeriod() - 1;
        double revenue = price[t] * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
        double fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
        double variableCost = variCost * action;
        double deposite = (state.getIniCash() - fixedCost - variableCost) * (1 + depositeRate);
        double inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = (1 - overheadRate) * revenue + deposite - holdCosts - overheadCost - state.getIniCash();
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        double endCash = state.getIniCash() + cashIncrement;
        return cashIncrement;
    int sampleNum = 100000;
    // no need to add overheadCost in this class
    CashSimulation simulation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor);
    double[] result = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState, immediateValue2);
    DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("###, ###");
    System.out.println("\nfinal simulated survival probability in " + df2.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + result[0]);
    System.out.println("\nfinal simulated lost sale rate " + " is: " + result[1]);
Also used : IntStream( ImmediateValueFunction(sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashSimulation( CashRecursion( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) OptDirection( CashState( Function(java.util.function.Function) StateTransitionFunction(sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction) DoubleStream( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashSimulation( PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashRecursion( Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashState( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf)

Example 2 with CashSimulation

use of in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.

the class CashConstraint method main.

// d=[8, 10, 10], iniCash=20, K=10; price=5, v=1; h = 1
public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] meanDemand = { 10 };
    // double[] meanDemand = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
    double iniInventory = 0;
    double iniCash = 200;
    double fixOrderCost = 0;
    double variCost = 2;
    double[] price = { 6 };
    double depositeRate = 0;
    double salvageValue = 1;
    double holdingCost = 0;
    FindCCrieria criteria = FindCCrieria.XRELATE;
    // costs like wages or rents which is required to pay in each period
    double overheadCost = 0;
    // rate from revenue to pay overhead wages
    double overheadRate = 0;
    // maximum ordering quantity when having enough cash
    double maxOrderQuantity = 200;
    double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
    int stepSize = 1;
    double minInventoryState = 0;
    double maxInventoryState = 500;
    // can affect results, should be smaller than minus fixedOrderCost
    double minCashState = -1000;
    double maxCashState = 2000;
    // large penalty cost cause big gaps for simulation results, since may generate zero demand
    double penaltyCost = 0;
    double discountFactor = 1;
    // get demand possibilities for each period
    int T = meanDemand.length;
    Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T).mapToObj(i -> new PoissonDist(meanDemand[i])).toArray(Distribution[]::new);
    // double[] values1 = {6, 7};
    // double[] probs1 = {0.95, 0.05};
    // double[] values2 = {6, 7};
    // double[] probs2 = {0.95, 0.05};
    // DiscreteDistribution[] distributions = new DiscreteDistribution[T];
    // for (int i = 0; i < T; i++) {
    // if (i % 2 == 0)
    // distributions[i] = new DiscreteDistribution(values1, probs1, values1.length);
    // else
    // distributions[i] = new DiscreteDistribution(values2, probs2, values2.length);
    // }
    double[][][] pmf = new GetPmf(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
    // feasible actions
    Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction = s -> {
        double maxQ = // maxOrderQuantity;
        (int) Math.min(maxOrderQuantity, Math.max(0, (s.getIniCash() - overheadCost - fixOrderCost) / variCost));
        return DoubleStream.iterate(0, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxQ + 1).toArray();
    // immediate value
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        int t = state.getPeriod() - 1;
        double revenue = price[t] * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
        double fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
        double variableCost = variCost * action;
        double deposite = (state.getIniCash() - fixedCost - variableCost) * (1 + depositeRate);
        double inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = (1 - overheadRate) * revenue + deposite - holdCosts - overheadCost - state.getIniCash();
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        double endCash = state.getIniCash() + cashIncrement;
        if (endCash < 0) {
            cashIncrement += penaltyCost * endCash;
        return cashIncrement;
    // state transition function
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = Math.max(0, state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand);
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        // cash is integer or not
        // the right should be a decimal
        nextCash = Math.round(nextCash * 10) / 10.0;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
     * Solve
    CashRecursion recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
    int period = 1;
    CashState initialState = new CashState(period, iniInventory, iniCash);
    long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double finalValue = iniCash + recursion.getExpectedValue(initialState);
    System.out.println("final optimal cash  is " + finalValue);
    System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + recursion.getAction(initialState));
    double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
    System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
     * Simulating sdp results
     * parameter vales like price, variCost, holdingCost etc.
     * are only for compute L(y), not very necessary
    int sampleNum = 10000;
    // no need to add overheadCost in this class
    CashSimulation simulation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor);
    double simFinalValue = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState);
    double error = 0.0001;
    double confidence = 0.95;
    simulation.simulateSDPwithErrorConfidence(initialState, error, confidence);
    double defaultRisk = simulation.simulateDefaultProb(initialState);
    System.out.println("default risk is " + defaultRisk);
 * Find (s, C1, C2 S) by SDP and simulate
// System.out.println("");
// double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTable();
// FindsCS findsCS = new FindsCS(iniCash, distributions, fixOrderCost, price, variCost, holdingCost, salvageValue);
// double[][] optsC12S = findsCS.getsC12S(optTable, overheadCost, criteria);
// Map<State, Double> cacheC1Values = new TreeMap<>();
// Map<State, Double> cacheC2Values = new TreeMap<>();
// double simsCSFinalValue = simulation.simulatesCS(initialState, optsC12S, cacheC1Values, cacheC2Values,
// overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
// double gap1 = (finalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/finalValue;
// double gap2 = (simFinalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/simFinalValue;
// System.out.printf("Optimality gap for (s, C1, C2 S) is: %.2f%% or %.2f%%\n", gap1 * 100, gap2 * 100);
// /*******************************************************************
// * Find (s, C1, S) by SDP and simulate
// */
// System.out.println("");
// System.out.println("************************************************");
// double[][] optsCS = findsCS.getsCS(optTable, overheadCost, criteria);
// cacheC1Values = findsCS.cacheC1Values;
// simsCSFinalValue = simulation.simulatesCS(initialState, optsCS, cacheC1Values,
// overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
// double gap21 = (finalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/finalValue;
// double gap22 = (simFinalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/simFinalValue;
// System.out.printf("Optimality gap for (s, C1, S) is: %.2f%% or %.2f%%\n", gap21 * 100, gap22 * 100);
// double[][] numFrequency = findsCS.getMaxSFrequency(optTable, overheadCost, criteria);
// System.out.println("most frequent S in each period");
// System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(numFrequency));
 * Find (s, meanC, S) by SDP and simulate
// System.out.println("");
// System.out.println("************************************************");
// optsCS = findsCS.getsCS(optTable, overheadCost, FindCCrieria.AVG);
// simsCSFinalValue = simulation.simulatesMeanCS(initialState, optsCS, overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
// double gap31 = (finalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/finalValue;
// double gap32 = (simFinalValue -simsCSFinalValue)/simFinalValue;
// System.out.printf("Optimality gap for (s, meanC, S) is: %.2f%% or %.2f%%\n", gap31 * 100, gap32 * 100);
 * Check (s, C1, C2, S) policy,
 * sometimes not always hold, because in certain period
 * for some state C is 12, and 13 in other state,
 * we use heuristic step by choosing maximum one
// findsCS.checksCS(optsCS, optTable, overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
// System.out.printf(
// "\n*******************************************************************\n");
 * Find (s, C, S) by MIP and simulate
// System.out.println("************************************************");
// MipCashConstraint mipHeuristic = new MipCashConstraint(iniInventory, iniCash, fixOrderCost, variCost, holdingCost, price, salvageValue, distributions, overheadCost);
// double[][] sCS = mipHeuristic.findsCSPieceWise();
// Map<State, Double> cacheCValues = new TreeMap<>();
// cacheCValues = mipHeuristic.cacheC1Values;
// double simsCSMIPValue = simulation.simulatesCS(initialState, sCS, cacheCValues, overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
// gap1 = (finalValue - simsCSMIPValue)/finalValue;
// gap2 = (simFinalValue - simsCSMIPValue)/simFinalValue;
// System.out.printf("Optimality gap is: %.2f%% or %.2f%%\n", gap1 * 100, gap2 * 100);
// /*******************************************************************
// * Check CK-convexity
// */
// // immediate value
// boolean isForDrawGy = true;
// ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue2 = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
// double revenue = 0;
// double fixedCost = 0;
// double variableCost = 0;
// double inventoryLevel = 0;
// if (isForDrawGy == true && state.getPeriod() == 1) {
// revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory(), randomDemand);
// fixedCost = 0;
// variableCost = variCost * state.getIniInventory();
// inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() - randomDemand;
// } else {
// revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
// fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
// variableCost = variCost * action;
// inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
// }
// double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
// double cashIncrement = revenue - fixedCost - variableCost - holdCosts - overheadCost;
// double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
// cashIncrement += salValue;
// return cashIncrement;
// };
// // state transition function 2
// StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition2 = (state, action,
// randomDemand) -> {
// double nextInventory = isForDrawGy && state.getPeriod() == 1 ? state.getIniInventory() - randomDemand
// : state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
// double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue2.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
// if (isForDrawGy == true && state.getPeriod() == 1) // this is the only difference with transition function3
// nextCash -= fixOrderCost;
// nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
// nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
// nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
// nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
// return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
// };
// int minInventorys = 0;
// int maxInventorys = 50; // for drawing pictures
// int xLength = maxInventorys - minInventorys + 1;
// int index = 0;
// CashRecursion recursion2 = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition2,
// immediateValue2, discountFactor);
// double[][] yG2 = new double[xLength][2];
// index = 0;
// for (int initialInventory = minInventorys; initialInventory <= maxInventorys; initialInventory++) {
// yG2[index][0] = initialInventory;
// yG2[index][1] = -recursion2.getExpectedValue(new CashState(period, initialInventory, iniCash));
// index++;
// }
// int capacity = (int) Math.max(0, (iniCash - overheadCost - fixOrderCost) / variCost);
// Drawing drawing = new Drawing();
// drawing.drawSimpleG(yG2, iniCash, "K transfered in cash GB"); // GB
// System.out.println();
// System.out.println("CK convex of GB:");
// CheckKConvexity.checkCK(yG2, fixOrderCost, capacity); // check the CK convex of GB
// System.out.println();
Also used : IntStream( ImmediateValueFunction(sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashSimulation( Arrays(java.util.Arrays) DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) WriteToCsv(sdp.write.WriteToCsv) CashRecursion( OptDirection( MipCashConstraint(milp.MipCashConstraint) CashState( NormalDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.NormalDist) Function(java.util.function.Function) StateTransitionFunction(sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DoubleStream( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) CheckKConvexity(sdp.inventory.CheckKConvexity) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) State(sdp.inventory.State) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) Drawing(sdp.inventory.Drawing) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashSimulation( PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) MipCashConstraint(milp.MipCashConstraint) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashRecursion( DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashState( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf)

Example 3 with CashSimulation

use of in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.

the class CashConstraintDraw method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] meanDemand = { 7, 2, 6 };
    // double[] meanDemand = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
    double iniCash = 13;
    double iniInventory = 0;
    double fixOrderCost = 20;
    double variCost = 1;
    double price = 5;
    double salvageValue = 0;
    double holdingCost = 0;
    FindCCrieria criteria = FindCCrieria.XRELATE;
    // minimum cash balance the retailer can withstand
    double overheadCost = 0;
    // maximum ordering quantity when having enough cash
    double maxOrderQuantity = 200;
    double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
    int stepSize = 1;
    double minInventoryState = 0;
    double maxInventoryState = 500;
    // can affect results, should be smaller than minus fixedOrderCost
    double minCashState = -100;
    double maxCashState = 2000;
    double discountFactor = 1;
    boolean isForDrawGy = true;
    // get demand possibilities for each period
    int T = meanDemand.length;
    Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T).mapToObj(// can be changed to other distributions
    i -> new PoissonDist(meanDemand[i])).toArray(PoissonDist[]::new);
    // double[] values = {6, 7};
    // double[] probs = {0.95, 0.05};
    // Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T)
    // .mapToObj(i -> new DiscreteDistribution(values, probs, values.length)) // can be changed to other distributions
    // .toArray(DiscreteDistribution[]::new);
    double[][][] pmf = new GetPmf(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
    // feasible actions
    Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction = s -> {
        double maxQ = (int) Math.min(maxOrderQuantity, Math.max(0, (s.getIniCash() - overheadCost - fixOrderCost) / variCost));
        return DoubleStream.iterate(0, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxQ + 1).toArray();
    // immediate value
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double revenue = 0;
        double fixedCost = 0;
        double variableCost = 0;
        double inventoryLevel = 0;
        revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
        fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
        variableCost = variCost * action;
        inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = revenue - fixedCost - variableCost - holdCosts;
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        return cashIncrement;
    // state transition function
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        // nextCash = Math.round(nextCash * 100) / 100.00;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
     * Solve
    CashRecursion recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
    int period = 1;
    CashState initialState = new CashState(period, iniInventory, iniCash);
    long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double finalCash = iniCash + recursion.getExpectedValue(initialState);
    System.out.println("final optimal cash is: " + finalCash);
    System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + recursion.getAction(initialState));
    double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
    System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
     * Simulating sdp results
    int sampleNum = 10000;
    CashSimulation simuation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor);
    double simFinalValue = simuation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState);
    double error = 0.0001;
    double confidence = 0.95;
    simuation.simulateSDPwithErrorConfidence(initialState, error, confidence);
     * Find (s, C, S) and simulate
    double[][] optTable = recursion.getOptTable();
    FindsCS findsCS = new FindsCS(iniCash, distributions, fixOrderCost, price, variCost, holdingCost, salvageValue);
    double[][] optsCS = findsCS.getsC12S(optTable, overheadCost, criteria);
    Map<State, Double> cacheC1Values = new TreeMap<>();
    Map<State, Double> cacheC2Values = new TreeMap<>();
    cacheC1Values = findsCS.cacheC1Values;
    cacheC2Values = findsCS.cacheC2Values;
    double simsCSFinalValue = simuation.simulatesCS(initialState, optsCS, cacheC1Values, cacheC2Values, overheadCost, maxOrderQuantity, fixOrderCost, variCost);
    double gap1 = (finalCash - simsCSFinalValue) / finalCash;
    double gap2 = (simFinalValue - simsCSFinalValue) / simFinalValue;
    System.out.printf("Optimality gap is: %.2f%% or %.2f%%\n", gap1 * 100, gap2 * 100);
     * Drawing x Q
    int minInventorys = 0;
    // for drawing pictures
    int maxInventorys = 30;
    int minCash = (int) fixOrderCost;
    int maxCash = (int) (fixOrderCost + 50);
    int RLength = maxCash - minCash + 1;
    int xLength = maxInventorys - minInventorys + 1;
    Drawing drawing = new Drawing();
    double initialInventory = 0;
    // double[][] xQ = new double[xLength][2];
    // int index = 0;
    // for (initialInventory = minInventorys; initialInventory <= maxInventorys; initialInventory++) {
    // //for (double initialCash = minCash; initialCash <= maxCash; initialCash++) {
    // period = 1;
    // xQ[index][0] = initialInventory;
    // recursion.getExpectedValue(new CashState(period, initialInventory, iniCash));
    // xQ[index][1] = recursion.getAction(new CashState(period, initialInventory, iniCash));
    // index++;
    // }
    // drawing.drawXQ(xQ);
     * Drawing y G since comupteIfAbsent, we need initializing a new class to draw
     * Gy; if not, java would not compute sdp again, we must redefine
     * stateTransition function and immediate Function;
    // immediate value for GB
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue2 = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double revenue = 0;
        double fixedCost = 0;
        double variableCost = 0;
        double inventoryLevel = 0;
        if (isForDrawGy == true && state.getPeriod() == 1) {
            revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory(), randomDemand);
            fixedCost = 0;
            variableCost = variCost * state.getIniInventory();
            inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() - randomDemand;
        } else {
            revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
            fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
            variableCost = variCost * action;
            inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = revenue - fixedCost - variableCost - holdCosts - overheadCost;
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        return cashIncrement;
    // state transition function 2, for GB
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition2 = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = isForDrawGy && state.getPeriod() == 1 ? state.getIniInventory() - randomDemand : state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue2.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        if (isForDrawGy == true && state.getPeriod() == 1)
            nextCash -= fixOrderCost;
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
    CashRecursion recursion2 = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition2, immediateValue2, discountFactor);
    double[][] yG2 = new double[xLength * RLength][3];
    int index = 0;
    double[][] resultTableGB = new double[RLength][xLength];
    int rowIndex = 0;
    int columnIndex = 0;
    for (double initialCash = minCash; initialCash <= maxCash; initialCash++) {
        columnIndex = 0;
        for (initialInventory = minInventorys; initialInventory <= maxInventorys; initialInventory++) {
            // initialInventory
            yG2[index][0] = initialCash;
            yG2[index][1] = initialInventory;
            // iniCash
            yG2[index][2] = recursion2.getExpectedValue(new CashState(period, initialInventory, initialCash));
            resultTableGB[rowIndex][columnIndex] = yG2[index][2];
    WriteToCsv wr = new WriteToCsv();
    wr.writeArrayCSV(resultTableGB, "GB.csv");
    // CheckKConvexity.check(yG2, fixOrderCost);
    // drawing.drawSimpleG(yG2, iniCash, "K transfered in cash GB"); // GB
     * Drawing another G() that has no fixed ordering cost transition in the
     * first period, GA
     * the difference lies in state transition function
    // state transition function 3
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition3 = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = isForDrawGy && state.getPeriod() == 1 ? state.getIniInventory() - randomDemand : state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue2.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
    CashRecursion recursion3 = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition3, immediateValue2, discountFactor);
    double[][] yG3 = new double[xLength * RLength][3];
    index = 0;
    double[][] resultTableGA = new double[RLength][xLength];
    rowIndex = 0;
    // for (int initialInventory = minInventorys; initialInventory <= maxInventorys; initialInventory++) {
    for (double initialCash = minCash; initialCash <= maxCash; initialCash++) {
        columnIndex = 0;
        for (initialInventory = minInventoryState; initialInventory <= maxInventorys; initialInventory++) {
            // initialInventory
            yG3[index][0] = initialCash;
            // initialInventory
            yG3[index][1] = initialInventory;
            // iniCash
            yG3[index][2] = recursion3.getExpectedValue(new CashState(period, initialInventory, initialCash));
            resultTableGA[rowIndex][columnIndex] = yG3[index][2];
    double[][] resultMinusGBA = recursion.getMinusGAGB(resultTableGA, resultTableGB, minCash, fixOrderCost, variCost);
    wr.writeArrayCSV(resultTableGA, "GA.csv");
    wr.writeArrayCSV(resultMinusGBA, "minusGBA.csv");
// drawing.drawSimpleG(yG3, iniCash, "K not transfered in cash GA");
// drawing.drawTwoGR(yG3, yG2, initialInventory); //drawing.drawTwoG(yG3, yG2, iniCash);
// double[] interPoint = drawing.intersectionPoint(yG3, yG2, iniCash);
// String fileName= "interSectionPoints.xls";
// wr.writeToExcelAppend(interPoint, fileName);
Also used : IntStream( ImmediateValueFunction(sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashSimulation( DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) WriteToCsv(sdp.write.WriteToCsv) CashRecursion( OptDirection( CashState( Function(java.util.function.Function) StateTransitionFunction(sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction) DoubleStream( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) CheckKConvexity(sdp.inventory.CheckKConvexity) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) Map(java.util.Map) State(sdp.inventory.State) WriteToExcel(sdp.write.WriteToExcel) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) Drawing(sdp.inventory.Drawing) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashSimulation( Drawing(sdp.inventory.Drawing) WriteToCsv(sdp.write.WriteToCsv) CashRecursion( CashState( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashState( State(sdp.inventory.State) DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution)

Example 4 with CashSimulation

use of in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.

the class CashConstraintLookPolicy method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double[] meanDemand = { 2, 3, 8 };
    // double[] meanDemand = {20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20};
    double iniInventory = 8;
    double iniCash = 100;
    double fixOrderCost = 10;
    double variCost = 1;
    double price = 8;
    double depositeRate = 0;
    double salvageValue = 0.5;
    double holdingCost = 0;
    FindCCrieria criteria = FindCCrieria.XRELATE;
    // costs like wages or rents which is required to pay in each period
    double overheadCost = 0;
    // rate from revenue to pay overhead wages
    double overheadRate = 0;
    // maximum ordering quantity when having enough cash
    double maxOrderQuantity = 200;
    double truncationQuantile = 0.9999;
    int stepSize = 1;
    double minInventoryState = 0;
    double maxInventoryState = 500;
    // can affect results, should be smaller than minus fixedOrderCost
    double minCashState = -100;
    double maxCashState = 2000;
    double discountFactor = 1;
    double xmin = 0;
    double xmax = 10;
    double Rmin = fixOrderCost;
    double Rmax = 40;
    int row = 0;
    int column = 0;
    int columnNum = (int) (Rmax - Rmin + 1) + 1;
    // ((Rmax - Rmin + 1)/2) + 2;
    int rowNum = (int) ((xmax - xmin + 1) / 1) + 1;
    double[][] resultTable = new double[rowNum][columnNum];
    for (iniInventory = xmax; iniInventory >= xmin; iniInventory--) {
        column = 0;
        for (iniCash = Rmin; iniCash <= Rmax; iniCash = iniCash + 1) {
            // get demand possibilities for each period
            int T = meanDemand.length;
            Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T).mapToObj(i -> new PoissonDist(meanDemand[i])).toArray(Distribution[]::new);
            double[][][] pmf = new GetPmf(distributions, truncationQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
            // feasible actions
            Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction = s -> {
                double maxQ = (int) Math.min(maxOrderQuantity, Math.max(0, (s.getIniCash() - overheadCost - fixOrderCost) / variCost));
                return DoubleStream.iterate(0, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxQ + 1).toArray();
            // immediate value
            ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
                double revenue = price * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
                double fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
                double variableCost = variCost * action;
                double deposite = (state.getIniCash() - fixedCost - variableCost) * (1 + depositeRate);
                double inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
                double holdCosts = holdingCost * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
                double cashIncrement = (1 - overheadRate) * revenue + deposite - holdCosts - overheadCost - state.getIniCash();
                double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValue * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
                cashIncrement += salValue;
                return cashIncrement;
            // state transition function
            StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
                double nextInventory = Math.max(0, state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand);
                double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
                nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
                nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
                nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
                nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
                // cash is integer or not
                nextCash = Math.round(nextCash * 1) / 1;
                return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
             * Solve
            CashRecursion recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
            int period = 1;
            CashState initialState = new CashState(period, iniInventory, iniCash);
            long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double finalValue = iniCash + recursion.getExpectedValue(initialState);
            System.out.println("final optimal cash  is " + finalValue);
            double optQ = recursion.getAction(initialState);
            System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + optQ);
            double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
            System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
            System.out.println("initial inventory is " + iniInventory);
            System.out.println("initial cash is " + iniCash);
            resultTable[0][column + 1] = iniCash;
            resultTable[row + 1][0] = iniInventory;
            // finalValue - iniCash;
            resultTable[row + 1][column + 1] = optQ;
            // /*******************************************************************
            // * Simulating sdp results
            // * parameter vales like price, variCost, holdingCost etc.
            // * are only for compute L(y), not very necessary
            // */
            // int sampleNum = 10000;
            // CashSimulation simuation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor,
            // fixOrderCost, price, variCost, holdingCost, salvageValue); // no need to add overheadCost in this class
            // double simFinalValue = simuation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState);
            // double error = 0.0001;
            // double confidence = 0.95;
            // simuation.simulateSDPwithErrorConfidence(initialState, error, confidence);
    WriteToExcel wr = new WriteToExcel();
    wr.writeArrayToExcel(resultTable, "resultTable.xls");
Also used : IntStream( ImmediateValueFunction(sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction) CashSimulation( Arrays(java.util.Arrays) DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) CashRecursion( OptDirection( MipCashConstraint(milp.MipCashConstraint) CashState( Function(java.util.function.Function) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Map(java.util.Map) State(sdp.inventory.State) WriteToExcel(sdp.write.WriteToExcel) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) Drawing(sdp.inventory.Drawing) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) WriteToCsv(sdp.write.WriteToCsv) NormalDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.NormalDist) StateTransitionFunction(sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction) DoubleStream( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) CheckKConvexity(sdp.inventory.CheckKConvexity) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) MipCashConstraint(milp.MipCashConstraint) FindCCrieria(cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria) CashRecursion( WriteToExcel(sdp.write.WriteToExcel) DiscreteDistribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.DiscreteDistribution) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashState( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf)

Example 5 with CashSimulation

use of in project Stochastic-Inventory by RobinChen121.

the class ChanceCash method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    double iniCash = 150;
    double iniI = 0;
    double trunQuantile = 0.999;
    // the higher value results in slower running speed. maximum negative possibility rate is 1 - serviceRate.
    double serviceRate = 0.6;
    // sample number in each period, the number of samples in the first period can have big influence
    int[] sampleNums = { 5, 5, 5, 5 };
    double[] meanDemand = { 10, 5, 10, 5 };
    int T = sampleNums.length;
    int[] sampleNumsRolling = { 5, 5, 5, 5 };
    // rolling horizon length
    int rollingLength = 2;
    double meanDemandSum =;
    double rollingDemandSum =;
    double portion = rollingDemandSum / meanDemandSum;
    double rollingServiceRate = Math.pow(serviceRate, portion);
    // simulating sample number in testing SAA and extended SAA
    int sampleNum = 100;
    double holdCostUnit = 0;
    double salvageValueUnit = 5;
    double[] prices = new double[T];
    double[] variCostUnits = new double[T];
    double[] overheadCosts = new double[T];
    double[] mus = new double[T];
    double sigmasCoe = 0.25;
    Arrays.fill(prices, 22);
    Arrays.fill(variCostUnits, 10);
    // overhead costs
    Arrays.fill(overheadCosts, 100);
    // Arrays.fill(mus, 3.6);
    // Arrays.fill(sigmas, 0.6);
    // maximum ordering quantity when having enough cash
    double maxOrderQuantity = 300;
    Distribution[] distributions = IntStream.iterate(0, i -> i + 1).limit(T).mapToObj(i -> new PoissonDist(meanDemand[i])).toArray(// Poisson demand
    // .mapToObj(i -> new LognormalDist(mus[i], sigmas[i])).toArray(Distribution[]::new);
     * solve the problem by SAA
    // generate scenarios, samples in each period form a scenario tree
    Sampling sampling = new Sampling();
    double[][] scenarios = sampling.generateLHSamples(distributions, sampleNums);
    int sampleNumTotal = IntStream.of(sampleNums).reduce(1, (a, b) -> a * b);
    int sampleNumTotalSimulate = IntStream.of(sampleNumsRolling).limit(rollingLength).reduce(1, (a, b) -> a * b);
    int negativeScenarioNumRequire = (int) (sampleNumTotal * (1 - serviceRate));
    LostSaleChance model = new LostSaleChance(distributions, sampleNums, iniCash, iniI, prices, variCostUnits, salvageValueUnit, holdCostUnit, overheadCosts, serviceRate, scenarios);
    long currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double[] result;
    double time1;
    double positiveScenario;
    double survivalProb;
    double lostRate;
    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance();
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###, ###");
    result = model.solveMaxSurvival();
    time1 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.00;
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("result of SAA-scenario tree before sorting scenarios: ");
    System.out.println("running time is " + time1 + "s");
    System.out.printf("first stage decison Q is: %.2f\n", result[0]);
    positiveScenario = result[1];
    System.out.printf("Objective value is: %.0f in %d scenarios\n", result[1], sampleNumTotal);
    survivalProb = 100 * result[1] / sampleNumTotal;
    System.out.printf("Survival probability is: %.5f%%\n", survivalProb);
    System.out.println("lost sale scenario number in the solution is : " + result[2]);
    System.out.println("maximum lost sale scenario number allowed is: " + negativeScenarioNumRequire);
    lostRate = result[2] / (double) sampleNumTotal;
    System.out.println("lost sale rate of SAA is: " + nf.format(lostRate));
    System.out.println("lost sale max required rate is: " + nf.format(1 - serviceRate));
     * Simulate the restult of SAA
    int stepSize = 1;
    double fixOrderCost = 0;
    double depositeRate = 0;
    double minInventoryState = 0;
    double maxInventoryState = 500;
    // can affect results, should be smaller than minus fixedOrderCost
    double minCashState = -1000;
    double maxCashState = 2000;
    double discountFactor = 1;
    double[][][] pmf = new GetPmf(distributions, trunQuantile, stepSize).getpmf();
    // immediate value
    ImmediateValueFunction<CashState, Double, Double, Double> immediateValue = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        int t = state.getPeriod() - 1;
        double revenue = prices[t] * Math.min(state.getIniInventory() + action, randomDemand);
        double fixedCost = action > 0 ? fixOrderCost : 0;
        double variableCost = variCostUnits[t] * action;
        double deposite = (state.getIniCash() - fixedCost - variableCost) * (1 + depositeRate);
        double inventoryLevel = state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand;
        double holdCosts = holdCostUnit * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0);
        double cashIncrement = revenue + deposite - holdCosts - overheadCosts[t] - state.getIniCash();
        double salValue = state.getPeriod() == T ? salvageValueUnit * Math.max(inventoryLevel, 0) : 0;
        cashIncrement += salValue;
        return cashIncrement;
    // state transition function
    StateTransitionFunction<CashState, Double, Double, CashState> stateTransition = (state, action, randomDemand) -> {
        double nextInventory = Math.max(0, state.getIniInventory() + action - randomDemand);
        double nextCash = state.getIniCash() + immediateValue.apply(state, action, randomDemand);
        nextCash = nextCash > maxCashState ? maxCashState : nextCash;
        nextCash = nextCash < minCashState ? minCashState : nextCash;
        nextInventory = nextInventory > maxInventoryState ? maxInventoryState : nextInventory;
        nextInventory = nextInventory < minInventoryState ? minInventoryState : nextInventory;
        // cash is integer or not
        // the right should be a decimal
        nextCash = Math.round(nextCash * 1) / 1;
        return new CashState(state.getPeriod() + 1, nextInventory, nextCash);
    int period = 1;
    CashState initialState = new CashState(period, iniI, iniCash);
    double[] result1;
    // no need to add overheadCost in this class
    CashSimulation simulation1 = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, immediateValue, stateTransition);
    double error;
    double thisServiceRate;
    result1 = simulation1.simulateSAA(initialState, result[0], serviceRate, sampleNums, prices, variCostUnits, overheadCosts, salvageValueUnit, holdCostUnit, scenarios, sampleNum);
    System.out.println("final simulated survival probability of SAA in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result1[0]));
    error = 1.96 * Math.sqrt(result1[1] * (1 - result1[1]) / sampleNum);
    thisServiceRate = 1 - result1[1];
    System.out.println("final simulated service sale rate of SAA " + " is: " + nf.format(thisServiceRate) + " with error " + nf.format(error));
     * solve the problem by extended formulation of SAA,
     * sort scenarios in the whole planning horizon
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // same result with soveSort or solveSort2, but less computational time
    result = model.solveSortWhole();
    // former name is solveSortFurther()
    time1 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.00;
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("after sorting scenarios in the whole planning horizon, result of SAA-scenario tree: ");
    System.out.println("running time is " + time1 + "s");
    System.out.printf("first stage decison Q is: %.2f\n", result[0]);
    positiveScenario = result[1];
    System.out.printf("Objective value is: %.0f in %d scenarios\n", positiveScenario, sampleNumTotal);
    survivalProb = 100 * result[1] / sampleNumTotal;
    System.out.printf("Survival probability is: %.5f%%\n", survivalProb);
    System.out.println("lost sale scenario number in the solution is : " + result[2]);
    System.out.println("maximum lost sale scenario number allowed is: " + negativeScenarioNumRequire);
    lostRate = result[2] / (double) sampleNumTotal;
    System.out.println("lost sale rate of SAA is: " + nf.format(lostRate));
    System.out.println("lost sale max required rate is: " + nf.format(1 - serviceRate));
     * Simulate the result of extended SAA
    result1 = simulation1.simulateExtendSAAWhole(initialState, result[0], serviceRate, sampleNums, prices, variCostUnits, overheadCosts, salvageValueUnit, holdCostUnit, scenarios, sampleNum);
    System.out.println("final simulated survival probability of extended SAA(sort whole planning horizon) in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result1[0]));
    error = 1.96 * Math.sqrt(result1[1] * (1 - result1[1]) / sampleNum);
    thisServiceRate = 1 - result1[1];
    System.out.println("final simulated service rate of extended SAA(sort whole planning horizon) " + " is: " + nf.format(thisServiceRate) + " with error " + nf.format(error));
     * solve the problem by extended formulation of SAA,
     * sort scenarios in each period.
    // currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // result = model.solveSortEach();	// same result with soveSort or solveSort2, but less computational time
    // // former name is solveSortFurther()
    // time1 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.00;
    // currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // System.out.println("**********************************************");
    // System.out.println("after sorting scenarios in each period, the result of SAA-scenario tree: ");
    // System.out.println("running time is " + time1 + "s");
    // System.out.printf("first stage decison Q is: %.2f\n", result[0]);
    // positiveScenario = result[1];
    // System.out.printf("Objective value is: %.0f in %d scenarios\n", positiveScenario, sampleNumTotal);
    // survivalProb = 100 * result[1] / sampleNumTotal;
    // System.out.printf("Survival probability is: %.5f%%\n", survivalProb);
    // System.out.println("lost sale scenario number in the solution is : " + result[2]);
    // System.out.println("maximum lost sale scenario number allowed is: " + negativeScenarioNumRequire);
    // lostRate = result[2] / (double) sampleNumTotal;
    // System.out.println("lost sale rate of SAA is: " + nf.format(lostRate));
    // System.out.println("lost sale max required rate is: " + nf.format(1 - serviceRate));
    // System.out.println();
    // /**
    // * Simulate the result of extended SAA sorting each period
    // */
    // result1 = simulation1.simulateExtendSAAEach(initialState, result[0], serviceRate, sampleNums, prices, variCostUnits, overheadCosts, salvageValueUnit, holdCostUnit, scenarios, sampleNum);
    // System.out.println("final simulated survival probability of extended SAA sorting each period in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result1[0]));
    // System.out.println("final simulated lost sale rate of extended SAA sorting each period " + " is: " + nf.format(result1[1]));
     * solve the problem by SDP when there is no joint chance constraint
    // feasible actions
    Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction1 = s -> {
        int t = s.getPeriod() - 1;
        double thisPeriodServRate = (1 - serviceRate) / T;
        // double minQ = Math.ceil(distributions[t].inverseF(1 - thisPeriodServRate)); // minimum ordering quantity in each period
        double minQ = 0;
        return DoubleStream.iterate(minQ, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxOrderQuantity + 1).toArray();
     * Solve
    CashRecursion recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction1, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    double finalValue = recursion.getSurvProb(initialState);
    System.out.println("result of SDP with no service rate constraint is: ");
    System.out.println("survival probability for this initial state is: " + nf.format(finalValue));
    System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + recursion.getAction(initialState));
    double time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
    System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
     * Simulating sdp results
    sampleNum = 10000;
    // no need to add overheadCost in this class
    CashSimulation simulation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor);
    double[] result2 = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState, immediateValue);
    System.out.println("final simulated survival probability in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result2[0]));
    System.out.println("final simulated lost sale rate " + " is: " + nf.format(result2[1]));
     * solve the problem by SDP when there is individual chance constraint approximation
    // feasible actions 2
    // in fact, no cash constraint in this paper
    Function<CashState, double[]> getFeasibleAction2 = s -> {
        int t = s.getPeriod() - 1;
        double thisPeriodServRate = (1 - serviceRate) / T;
        // minimum ordering quantity in each period
        double minQ = Math.ceil(distributions[t].inverseF(1 - thisPeriodServRate));
        return DoubleStream.iterate(minQ, i -> i + stepSize).limit((int) maxOrderQuantity + 1).toArray();
     * Solve
    recursion = new CashRecursion(OptDirection.MAX, pmf, getFeasibleAction2, stateTransition, immediateValue, discountFactor);
    period = 1;
    initialState = new CashState(period, iniI, iniCash);
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    finalValue = recursion.getSurvProb(initialState);
    System.out.println("result of SDP with service rate constraint is: ");
    finalValue = finalValue * 100;
    System.out.printf("survival probability for this initial state is: %.2f%%\n", finalValue);
    System.out.println("optimal order quantity in the first priod is : " + recursion.getAction(initialState));
    time = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000;
    System.out.println("running time is " + time + "s");
     * Simulating sdp results
    sampleNum = 10000;
    // no need to add overheadCost in this class
    simulation = new CashSimulation(distributions, sampleNum, recursion, discountFactor);
    result2 = simulation.simulateSDPGivenSamplNum(initialState, immediateValue);
    System.out.println("final simulated survival probability in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result2[0]));
    System.out.println("final simulated lost sale rate " + " is: " + nf.format(result2[1]));
     * solve the problem by rolling horizon of further SAA
    // number of scenarios for rolling SAA
    sampleNum = 100;
    currTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    result1 = simulation1.rollingHoirzonFurtherExtendSAA(rollingLength, initialState, rollingServiceRate, sampleNumsRolling, prices, variCostUnits, overheadCosts, salvageValueUnit, holdCostUnit, scenarios, sampleNum);
    time1 = (System.currentTimeMillis() - currTime) / 1000.00;
    System.out.println("after rolling horizon for length " + rollingLength + ", result of SAA-scenario tree: ");
    System.out.println("running time is " + time1 + "s");
    System.out.println("final simulated survival probability of rolling further SAA in " + df.format(sampleNum) + " samples is: " + nf.format(result1[0]));
    System.out.println("final simulated lost sale rate of rolling further SAA " + " is: " + nf.format(result1[1]));
Also used : IntStream( ImmediateValueFunction(sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction) CashSimulation( Arrays(java.util.Arrays) GRBException(gurobi.GRBException) CashRecursion( OptDirection( CashState( Function(java.util.function.Function) IntPredicate(java.util.function.IntPredicate) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) GRBModel(gurobi.GRBModel) PositiveCashChance(milp.PositiveCashChance) Printable(java.awt.print.Printable) Collector( Result( PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) IntFunction(java.util.function.IntFunction) LostSaleChance(milp.LostSaleChance) GRBVar(gurobi.GRBVar) SimulateChanceCash(milp.SimulateChanceCash) BufferedWriter( GRBLinExpr(gurobi.GRBLinExpr) FileWriter( DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) NormalDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.NormalDist) IOException( LognormalDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.LognormalDist) Sampling(sdp.sampling.Sampling) Collectors( StateTransitionFunction(sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction) DoubleStream( GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) List(java.util.List) CartesianProduct(sdp.sampling.CartesianProduct) GRBEnv(gurobi.GRBEnv) GRB(gurobi.GRB) CashSimulation( PoissonDist(umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist) DecimalFormat(java.text.DecimalFormat) CashRecursion( Distribution(umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution) CashState( LostSaleChance(milp.LostSaleChance) Sampling(sdp.sampling.Sampling) GetPmf(sdp.inventory.GetPmf) NumberFormat(java.text.NumberFormat)


CashSimulation ( CashState ( ImmediateValueFunction (sdp.inventory.ImmediateValue.ImmediateValueFunction)13 StateTransitionFunction (sdp.inventory.StateTransition.StateTransitionFunction)13 PoissonDist (umontreal.ssj.probdist.PoissonDist)13 GetPmf (sdp.inventory.GetPmf)12 Function (java.util.function.Function)11 CashRecursion ( Distribution (umontreal.ssj.probdist.Distribution)11 IntStream ( DoubleStream ( OptDirection ( Map (java.util.Map)7 TreeMap (java.util.TreeMap)7 FindCCrieria (cash.strongconstraint.FindsCS.FindCCrieria)6 Arrays (java.util.Arrays)6 MipCashConstraint (milp.MipCashConstraint)5 State (sdp.inventory.State)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 WriteToCsv (sdp.write.WriteToCsv)4