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Example 1 with DecimalPrecision

use of siena.core.DecimalPrecision in project siena by mandubian.

the class GaeMappingUtils method fillEntity.

public static void fillEntity(Object obj, Entity entity) {
    Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
    for (Field field : ClassInfo.getClassInfo(clazz).updateFields) {
        String property = ClassInfo.getColumnNames(field)[0];
        Object value = Util.readField(obj, field);
        Class<?> fieldClass = field.getType();
        if (ClassInfo.isModel(fieldClass) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) /*&& !ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)
					&& !ClassInfo.isOwned(field)*/
            if (value == null) {
                entity.setProperty(property, null);
            } else {
                Key key = getKey(value);
                entity.setProperty(property, key);
        } else {
            if (value != null) {
                if (fieldClass == Json.class) {
                    value = value.toString();
                } else if (value instanceof String) {
                    String s = (String) value;
                    if (s.length() > 500)
                        value = new Text(s);
                } else if (value instanceof byte[]) {
                    byte[] arr = (byte[]) value;
                    // GAE Blob doesn't accept more than 1MB
                    if (arr.length < 1000000)
                        value = new Blob(arr);
                        value = new Blob(Arrays.copyOf(arr, 1000000));
                } else if (ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
                    Embedded embed = field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class);
                    switch(embed.mode()) {
                        case SERIALIZE_JSON:
                            value = JsonSerializer.serialize(value).toString();
                            String s = (String) value;
                            if (s.length() > 500)
                                value = new Text(s);
                        case SERIALIZE_JAVA:
                            // this embedding mode doesn't manage @EmbedIgnores
                            try {
                                byte[] b = JavaSerializer.serialize(value);
                                // if length is less than 1Mb, can store in a blob else???
                                if (b.length <= 1000000) {
                                    value = new Blob(b);
                                } else {
                                    throw new SienaException("object can be java serialized because it's too large >1mb");
                            } catch (IOException ex) {
                                throw new SienaException(ex);
                        case NATIVE:
                            GaeNativeSerializer.embed(entity, ClassInfo.getSingleColumnName(field), value, 0);
                            // has set several new properties in entity so go to next field
                } else /*else if (ClassInfo.isAggregated(field)){
						// can't save it now as it requires its parent key to be mapped
						// so don't do anything for the time being
					else if (ClassInfo.isOwned(field)){
						// can't save it now as it requires its parent key to be mapped
						// so don't do anything for the time being
                if (fieldClass == BigDecimal.class) {
                    DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
                    if (ann == null) {
                        value = ((BigDecimal) value).toPlainString();
                    } else {
                        switch(ann.storageType()) {
                            case DOUBLE:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue();
                            case STRING:
                            case NATIVE:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).toPlainString();
                } else // don't know if anyone will use it but it will work :)
                if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
                    value = value.toString();
            Unindexed ui = field.getAnnotation(Unindexed.class);
            if (ui == null) {
                entity.setProperty(property, value);
            } else {
                entity.setUnindexedProperty(property, value);
Also used : Blob( DecimalPrecision(siena.core.DecimalPrecision) Text( IOException( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) Embedded(siena.embed.Embedded) SienaException(siena.SienaException) Key(

Example 2 with DecimalPrecision

use of siena.core.DecimalPrecision in project siena by mandubian.

the class DdlGenerator method createColumn.

private Column createColumn(Class<?> clazz, Field field, String col) {
    Class<?> type = field.getType();
    Column column = new Column();
    int columnType;
    if (type == Byte.class || type == Byte.TYPE)
        columnType = Types.TINYINT;
    else if (type == Short.class || type == Short.TYPE)
        columnType = Types.SMALLINT;
    else if (type == Integer.class || type == Integer.TYPE)
        columnType = Types.INTEGER;
    else if (type == Long.class || type == Long.TYPE)
        columnType = Types.BIGINT;
    else if (// TODO verify
    type == Float.class || type == Float.TYPE)
        // TODO verify
        columnType = Types.FLOAT;
    else if (// TODO verify
    type == Double.class || type == Double.TYPE)
        // TODO verify
        columnType = Types.DOUBLE;
    else if (type == String.class) {
        if (field.getAnnotation(Text.class) != null) {
            columnType = Types.LONGVARCHAR;
        } else {
            columnType = Types.VARCHAR;
            Max max = field.getAnnotation(Max.class);
            if (max == null) {
                //throw new SienaRestrictedApiException(DB, "createColumn", "Field "+field.getName()+" in class "
                //		+clazz.getName()+" doesn't have a @Max annotation");
                // default is 255 chars as in hibernate
            } else
                column.setSize("" + max.value());
    } else if (type == Boolean.class || type == Boolean.TYPE)
        columnType = Types.BOOLEAN;
    else if (type == Date.class) {
        if (field.getAnnotation(DateTime.class) != null)
            columnType = Types.TIMESTAMP;
        else if (field.getAnnotation(Time.class) != null)
            columnType = Types.TIME;
        else if (field.getAnnotation(SimpleDate.class) != null)
            columnType = Types.DATE;
            columnType = Types.TIMESTAMP;
    } else if (type == Json.class) {
        columnType = Types.LONGVARCHAR;
    } else if (type == byte[].class) {
        columnType = Types.BLOB;
    } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        // enums are stored as string
        columnType = Types.VARCHAR;
        Max max = field.getAnnotation(Max.class);
        if (max == null)
            // fixes by default to this value in order to prevent alter tables every time
            column.setSize("" + 255);
            column.setSize("" + max.value());
    } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) {
        DecimalPrecision an = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
        if (an == null) {
            columnType = Types.DECIMAL;
            column.setSizeAndScale(19, 2);
        } else {
            if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.NATIVE) {
                columnType = Types.DECIMAL;
                column.setSizeAndScale(an.size(), an.scale());
            } else if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.STRING) {
                columnType = Types.VARCHAR;
                // should be an.size+"."+sign
                column.setSize((an.size() + 2) + "");
            } else if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.DOUBLE) {
                columnType = Types.DOUBLE;
            } else {
                columnType = Types.DECIMAL;
                column.setSizeAndScale(19, 2);
    } else {
        Embedded embedded = field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class);
        if (embedded != null) {
            if ("h2".equals(DB)) {
                columnType = Types.CLOB;
            } else {
                columnType = Types.LONGVARCHAR;
        } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Polymorphic.class)) {
            columnType = Types.BLOB;
        } else {
            throw new SienaRestrictedApiException(DB, "createColumn", "Unsupported type for field " + clazz.getName() + "." + field.getName());
    return column;
Also used : Max(siena.Max) SienaRestrictedApiException(siena.SienaRestrictedApiException) DecimalPrecision(siena.core.DecimalPrecision) Text(siena.Text) Json(siena.Json) DateTime(siena.DateTime) IndexColumn(org.apache.ddlutils.model.IndexColumn) Column(org.apache.ddlutils.model.Column) SimpleDate(siena.SimpleDate) Embedded(siena.embed.Embedded) Polymorphic(siena.core.Polymorphic)

Example 3 with DecimalPrecision

use of siena.core.DecimalPrecision in project siena by mandubian.

the class JdbcPersistenceManager method addParameters.

protected int addParameters(Object obj, List<Field> fields, PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
    for (Field field : fields) {
        Class<?> type = field.getType();
        if (ClassInfo.isModel(type) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
            JdbcClassInfo ci = JdbcClassInfo.getClassInfo(type);
            Object rel = Util.readField(obj, field);
            for (Field f : ci.keys) {
                if (rel != null) {
                    Object value = Util.readField(rel, f);
                    if (value instanceof Json)
                        value = ((Json) value).toString();
                    setParameter(ps, i++, value);
                } else {
                    setParameter(ps, i++, null);
        } else {
            Object value = Util.readField(obj, field);
            if (value != null) {
                if (Json.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    value = ((Json) value).toString();
                } else if (field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class) != null) {
                    value = JsonSerializer.serialize(value).toString();
                } else if (field.getAnnotation(Polymorphic.class) != null) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    ObjectOutput out;
                    try {
                        out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new SienaException(e);
                    value = bos.toByteArray();
                } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    value = value.toString();
                } else if (BigDecimal.class == type) {
                    DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
                    if (ann == null) {
                        value = (BigDecimal) value;
                    } else {
                        switch(ann.storageType()) {
                            case DOUBLE:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue();
                            case STRING:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).toPlainString();
                            case NATIVE:
                                value = (BigDecimal) value;
            setParameter(ps, i++, value);
    return i;
Also used : ObjectOutput( DecimalPrecision(siena.core.DecimalPrecision) Json(siena.Json) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( ObjectOutputStream( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) SienaException(siena.SienaException) Polymorphic(siena.core.Polymorphic)

Example 4 with DecimalPrecision

use of siena.core.DecimalPrecision in project siena by mandubian.

the class GoogleSqlPersistenceManager method addParameters.

protected int addParameters(Object obj, List<Field> fields, PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
    for (Field field : fields) {
        Class<?> type = field.getType();
        if (ClassInfo.isModel(type) && !ClassInfo.isEmbedded(field)) {
            JdbcClassInfo ci = JdbcClassInfo.getClassInfo(type);
            Object rel = Util.readField(obj, field);
            for (Field f : ci.keys) {
                if (rel != null) {
                    Object value = Util.readField(rel, f);
                    if (value instanceof Json)
                        value = ((Json) value).toString();
                    setParameter(ps, i++, value, f);
                } else {
                    setParameter(ps, i++, null, f);
        } else {
            Object value = Util.readField(obj, field);
            if (value != null) {
                if (Json.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    value = ((Json) value).toString();
                } else if (field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class) != null) {
                    value = JsonSerializer.serialize(value).toString();
                } else if (field.getAnnotation(Polymorphic.class) != null) {
                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                    ObjectOutput out;
                    try {
                        out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        throw new SienaException(e);
                    value = bos.toByteArray();
                } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    value = value.toString();
                } else if (BigDecimal.class == type) {
                    DecimalPrecision ann = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
                    if (ann == null) {
                        value = (BigDecimal) value;
                    } else {
                        switch(ann.storageType()) {
                            case DOUBLE:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue();
                            case STRING:
                                value = ((BigDecimal) value).toPlainString();
                            case NATIVE:
                                value = (BigDecimal) value;
            setParameter(ps, i++, value, field);
    return i;
Also used : ObjectOutput( DecimalPrecision(siena.core.DecimalPrecision) Json(siena.Json) ByteArrayOutputStream( IOException( ObjectOutputStream( Field(java.lang.reflect.Field) SienaException(siena.SienaException) Polymorphic(siena.core.Polymorphic)

Example 5 with DecimalPrecision

use of siena.core.DecimalPrecision in project siena by mandubian.

the class JdbcDBUtils method setObject.

public static void setObject(PreparedStatement ps, int index, Object value, Field field, String DB) throws SQLException {
    if (value == null) {
        ps.setNull(index, JdbcDBUtils.toSqlType(value, field, DB));
    Class<?> type = field.getType();
    if (type == Byte.class || type == Byte.TYPE)
        ps.setByte(index, (Byte) value);
    else if (type == Short.class || type == Short.TYPE)
        ps.setShort(index, (Short) value);
    else if (type == Integer.class || type == Integer.TYPE)
        ps.setInt(index, (Integer) value);
    else if (type == Long.class || type == Long.TYPE)
        ps.setLong(index, (Long) value);
    else if (type == Float.class || type == Float.TYPE)
        ps.setFloat(index, (Float) value);
    else if (type == Double.class || type == Double.TYPE)
        ps.setDouble(index, (Double) value);
    else if (type == String.class) {
        ps.setString(index, (String) value);
    } else if (type == Boolean.class || type == Boolean.TYPE)
        ps.setBoolean(index, (Boolean) value);
    else if (type == Date.class) {
        if (field.getAnnotation(DateTime.class) != null) {
            java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(((Date) value).getTime());
            ps.setTimestamp(index, ts);
        } else if (field.getAnnotation(Time.class) != null) {
            java.sql.Time ts = new java.sql.Time(((Date) value).getTime());
            ps.setTime(index, ts);
        } else if (field.getAnnotation(SimpleDate.class) != null) {
            java.sql.Date d = new java.sql.Date(((Date) value).getTime());
            ps.setDate(index, d);
        } else {
            java.sql.Timestamp ts = new java.sql.Timestamp(((Date) value).getTime());
            ps.setTimestamp(index, ts);
    } else if (type == Json.class) {
        ps.setString(index, (String) value);
    } else if (type == byte[].class) {
        ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) value);
        ps.setBlob(index, bis);
    } else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
        ps.setString(index, (String) value);
    } else if (type == BigDecimal.class) {
        DecimalPrecision an = field.getAnnotation(DecimalPrecision.class);
        if (an == null) {
            ps.setObject(index, value);
        } else {
            if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.NATIVE) {
                ps.setBigDecimal(index, (BigDecimal) value);
            } else if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.STRING) {
                ps.setString(index, ((BigDecimal) value).toPlainString());
            } else if (an.storageType() == DecimalPrecision.StorageType.DOUBLE) {
                ps.setDouble(index, ((BigDecimal) value).doubleValue());
            } else {
                ps.setBigDecimal(index, (BigDecimal) value);
    } else {
        Embedded embedded = field.getAnnotation(Embedded.class);
        if (embedded != null) {
            if ("h2".equals(DB)) {
                StringReader reader = new StringReader((String) value);
                ps.setClob(index, reader);
            } else {
                ps.setString(index, (String) value);
        } else if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Polymorphic.class)) {
            ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) value);
            ps.setBlob(index, bis);
        } else {
            throw new SienaRestrictedApiException(DB, "createColumn", "Unsupported type for field " + type.getName() + "." + field.getName());
Also used : SienaRestrictedApiException(siena.SienaRestrictedApiException) DecimalPrecision(siena.core.DecimalPrecision) Time(siena.Time) DateTime(siena.DateTime) Json(siena.Json) DateTime(siena.DateTime) Date(java.util.Date) SimpleDate(siena.SimpleDate) BigDecimal(java.math.BigDecimal) ByteArrayInputStream( SimpleDate(siena.SimpleDate) StringReader( Embedded(siena.embed.Embedded) Polymorphic(siena.core.Polymorphic)


DecimalPrecision (siena.core.DecimalPrecision)8 IOException ( SienaException (siena.SienaException)6 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)5 Json (siena.Json)5 Embedded (siena.embed.Embedded)5 Polymorphic (siena.core.Polymorphic)4 BigDecimal (java.math.BigDecimal)3 SienaRestrictedApiException (siena.SienaRestrictedApiException)3 Blob ( Text ( ByteArrayInputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( ObjectOutput ( ObjectOutputStream ( DateTime (siena.DateTime)2 SimpleDate (siena.SimpleDate)2 Key ( BufferedReader ( ObjectInputStream (