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Example 51 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-biz by scireum.

the class VirtualFile method resolveOrLoadChildFromURL.

 * Attempts to resolve the file from the given URL or performs a download if the file does not exist.
 * <p>
 * Uses the path of the given URL relative to this directory and tries to resolve the child file. If this file
 * does not exist, or has been modified since its last download, a download will be attempted.
 * <p>
 * As a result, the resolved file will be returned (which was either already there or has been downloaded).
 * <p>
 * In order to determine the effective filename/path within the given URL we attempt the following steps:
 * <ol>
 *     <li>
 *         Check all parameters in the query string, if one contains a path with an accepted file extension,
 *         we use this.
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *         Otherwise, we check the path in the URL. If it has an accepted file extension, we use this as path.
 *     </li>
 *     <li>
 *         If the two attempts above fail, we emit a HEAD request and try to determine the filename/path by checking
 *         the <tt>content-disposition</tt> header.
 *     </li>
 * </ol>
 * <p>
 * This will increment one of the timings (downloaded or download skipped) and also directly report IO
 * errors to the process without spamming the system logs.
 * @param url                   the url to fetch
 * @param mode                  determines under which conditions the data from the given URL should be fetched
 * @param fileExtensionVerifier specifies which extensions are accepted. This should be used to prevent using
 *                              ".php" or the like as effective file name. When in doubt, use
 *                              {@link #notServerSidedScripting(String)} to at least exclude common server-sided
 *                              scripting languages like PHP.
 * @return the file which has been resolved (and downloaded if necessary) along with a flag which indicates if an
 * update (download) has been performed
 * @throws HandledException in case of an any error during the download (or if the effective file path cannot be
 *                          determined)
public Tuple<VirtualFile, Boolean> resolveOrLoadChildFromURL(URI url, FetchFromUrlMode mode, Predicate<String> fileExtensionVerifier) {
    Watch watch = Watch.start();
    Tuple<VirtualFile, Boolean> fileAndFlag = performResolveOrLoadChildFromURL(url, mode, fileExtensionVerifier);
    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(fileAndFlag.getSecond())) {
        TaskContext.get().addTiming(NLS.get("VirtualFile.fileDownloaded"), watch.elapsedMillis());
    } else {
        TaskContext.get().addTiming(NLS.get("VirtualFile.fileDownloadSkipped"), watch.elapsedMillis());
    return fileAndFlag;
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)

Example 52 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-biz by scireum.

the class DeleteSQLEntitiesTask method execute.

public void execute(ProcessContext processContext, Tenant<?> tenant) throws Exception {
    getQuery(tenant).iterateAll(entity -> {
        Watch watch = Watch.start();
        processContext.addTiming(DeleteTenantJobFactory.TIMING_DELETED_ITEMS, watch.elapsedMillis());
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)

Example 53 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-biz by scireum.

the class DeleteMongoEntitiesTask method execute.

public void execute(ProcessContext processContext, Tenant<?> tenant) {
    getQuery(tenant).iterateAll(entity -> {
        Watch watch = Watch.start();
        processContext.addTiming(DeleteTenantJobFactory.TIMING_DELETED_ITEMS, watch.elapsedMillis());
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)


Watch (sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)53 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)8 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 Connection (java.sql.Connection)6 HandledException ( Document (org.bson.Document)5 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 TaskContext (sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 OMA (sirius.db.jdbc.OMA)3 Property (sirius.db.mixing.Property)3 BasicDBObject (com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)2 ProcessContext ( ObjectStorageSpace ( Operator (sirius.db.jdbc.Operator)2 Operation (sirius.kernel.async.Operation)2 Context (sirius.kernel.commons.Context)2 Limit (sirius.kernel.commons.Limit)2 AS400 ( ProgramCall (