Search in sources :

Example 1 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Mongo method createIndices.

private void createIndices(String database, MongoDatabase db) {
    for (IndexDescription idx : indexDescriptions) {
        Watch w = Watch.start();
        try {
            LOG.INFO("Creating indices in Mongo DB: %s", idx.getClass().getName());
            idx.createIndices(database, db);
            LOG.INFO("Completed indices for: %s (%s)", idx.getClass().getName(), w.duration());
        } catch (Exception t) {
            Exceptions.handle().to(LOG).error(t).withSystemErrorMessage("Error while creating indices for '%s': %s (%s)", idx.getClass().getName()).handle();
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)

Example 2 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Deleter method singleFrom.

 * Executes the delete statement on the given collection.
 * @param collection the name of the collection to delete documents from
 * @return the result of the delete operation
public DeleteResult singleFrom(String collection) {
    Watch w = Watch.start();
    try {
        if (Mongo.LOG.isFINE()) {
            Mongo.LOG.FINE("DELETE: %s\nFilter: %s", collection, filterObject);
        return mongo.db(database).getCollection(collection).deleteOne(filterObject);
    } finally {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            w.submitMicroTiming("mongo", "DELETE - " + collection + ": " + filterObject.keySet());
        traceIfRequired(collection, w);
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)

Example 3 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Deleter method manyFrom.

 * Executes the delete statement on the given collection.
 * @param collection the name of the collection to delete documents from
 * @return the result of the delete operation
public DeleteResult manyFrom(String collection) {
    Watch w = Watch.start();
    try {
        if (Mongo.LOG.isFINE()) {
            Mongo.LOG.FINE("DELETE: %s\nFilter: %s", collection, filterObject);
        return mongo.db(database).getCollection(collection).deleteMany(filterObject);
    } finally {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            w.submitMicroTiming("mongo", "DELETE - " + collection + ": " + filterObject.keySet());
        traceIfRequired(collection, w);
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)

Example 4 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Finder method countIn.

 * Counts the number of documents in the result of the given query.
 * <p>
 * Note that limits are ignored for this query.
 * If there are no filters in this query and forceAccurate is false, a pre-counted estimate is returned instead.
 * @param collection    the collection to search in
 * @param forceAccurate if set to <tt>true</tt> we'll never use <b>estimatedDocumentCount</b> which is way more efficient but might return wrong values in case a cluster is active which had experienced an unclean shutdown.
 * @param maxTimeMS     the maximum process time for this cursor in milliseconds, 0 for unlimited
 * @return the number of documents found, wrapped in an Optional, or an empty Optional if the query timed out
public Optional<Long> countIn(String collection, boolean forceAccurate, long maxTimeMS) {
    Watch watch = Watch.start();
    try {
        if (filterObject.isEmpty() && !forceAccurate) {
            return Optional.of(getMongoCollection(collection).estimatedDocumentCount(new EstimatedDocumentCountOptions().maxTime(maxTimeMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
        return Optional.of(getMongoCollection(collection).countDocuments(filterObject, new CountOptions().maxTime(maxTimeMS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)));
    } catch (MongoExecutionTimeoutException e) {
        return Optional.empty();
    } finally {
        long callDuration = watch.elapsedMillis();
        if (readPreference != null && readPreference.isSlaveOk()) {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            watch.submitMicroTiming(KEY_MONGO, "COUNT - " + collection + ": " + filterObject.keySet());
        traceIfRequired(collection, watch);
Also used : MongoExecutionTimeoutException(com.mongodb.MongoExecutionTimeoutException) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) CountOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions) EstimatedDocumentCountOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions) EstimatedDocumentCountOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.EstimatedDocumentCountOptions)

Example 5 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Finder method aggregateIn.

 * Aggregates the documents in the result of the given query with an accumulator operator.
 * <p>
 * Note that limits are ignored for this query.
 * @param collection the collection to search in
 * @param field      the field to aggregate
 * @param operator   the accumulation operator to aggregate with
 * @return the result of the accumulation (usually Integer, Double or List)
 * @see <a href="">MongoDB Reference</a>
public Value aggregateIn(@Nonnull String collection, @Nonnull Mapping field, @Nonnull String operator) {
    Watch watch = Watch.start();
    try {
        BasicDBObject groupStage = new BasicDBObject().append(Mango.ID_FIELD, null).append("result", new BasicDBObject(operator, "$" + field));
        MongoCursor<Document> queryResult = getMongoCollection(collection).aggregate(Arrays.asList(new BasicDBObject(OPERATOR_MATCH, filterObject), new BasicDBObject("$group", groupStage))).iterator();
        if (queryResult.hasNext()) {
            return Value.of("result"));
        } else {
            return Value.EMPTY;
    } finally {
        long callDuration = watch.elapsedMillis();
        if (readPreference != null && readPreference.isSlaveOk()) {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            watch.submitMicroTiming(KEY_MONGO, "AGGREGATE - " + collection + "." + field + " (" + operator + "): " + filterObject.keySet());
        traceIfRequired("aggregate-" + collection, watch);
Also used : BasicDBObject(com.mongodb.BasicDBObject) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) Document(org.bson.Document)


Watch (sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)53 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)8 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 Connection (java.sql.Connection)6 HandledException ( Document (org.bson.Document)5 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 TaskContext (sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 OMA (sirius.db.jdbc.OMA)3 Property (sirius.db.mixing.Property)3 BasicDBObject (com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)2 ProcessContext ( ObjectStorageSpace ( Operator (sirius.db.jdbc.Operator)2 Operation (sirius.kernel.async.Operation)2 Context (sirius.kernel.commons.Context)2 Limit (sirius.kernel.commons.Limit)2 AS400 ( ProgramCall (