Search in sources :

Example 6 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Finder method processCursor.

private void processCursor(MongoIterable<Document> cursor, Predicate<Doc> processor, String collection) {
    Watch watch = Watch.start();
    TaskContext taskContext = TaskContext.get();
    Monoflop shouldHandleTracing = Monoflop.create();
    for (Document doc : cursor) {
        if (shouldHandleTracing.firstCall()) {
            handleTracingAndReporting(collection, watch);
        boolean keepGoing = processor.test(new Doc(doc));
        if (!keepGoing || !taskContext.isActive()) {
    // the Microtiming...
    if (shouldHandleTracing.firstCall()) {
        handleTracingAndReporting(collection, watch);
Also used : TaskContext(sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext) Monoflop(sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) Document(org.bson.Document)

Example 7 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class Updater method execute.

private UpdateResult execute(String collection, boolean forMany) {
    Document updateObject = prepareUpdate(collection);
    Watch w = Watch.start();
    try {
        if (Mongo.LOG.isFINE()) {
            Mongo.LOG.FINE("UPDATE: %s\nFilter: %s\n Update:%s", collection, filterObject, updateObject);
        UpdateOptions updateOptions = new UpdateOptions().upsert(this.upsert);
        if (forMany) {
            return mongo.db(database).getCollection(collection).updateMany(filterObject, updateObject, updateOptions);
        } else {
            return mongo.db(database).getCollection(collection).updateOne(filterObject, updateObject, updateOptions);
    } finally {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            w.submitMicroTiming("mongo", "UPDATE - " + collection + ": " + filterObject.keySet());
        traceIfRequired(collection, w);
Also used : Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) Document(org.bson.Document) UpdateOptions(com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions)

Example 8 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class RequestBuilder method tryExecute.

protected RequestBuilder tryExecute(String uri) throws OptimisticLockException {
    Watch w = Watch.start();
    try (Operation op = new Operation(() -> Strings.apply("Elastic: %s %s", method, uri), Duration.ofSeconds(30))) {
        Request request = setupRequest(uri);
        responseEntity = restClient.performRequest(request).getEntity();
        return this;
    } catch (ResponseException e) {
        return handleResponseException(e);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw Exceptions.handle().to(Elastic.LOG).error(e).withSystemErrorMessage("An IO exception occurred when performing a request against elasticsearch: %s").handle();
    } finally {
        if (Microtiming.isEnabled()) {
            w.submitMicroTiming("ELASTIC", method + ": " + uri);
        if (w.elapsedMillis() > Elastic.getLogQueryThresholdMillis()) {
            DB.SLOW_DB_LOG.INFO("A slow Elasticsearch query was executed (%s): %s\n%s\n%s", w.duration(), method + ": " + uri, Strings.limit(buildContent().orElse("no content"), MAX_CONTENT_LONG_LENGTH), ExecutionPoint.snapshot().toString());
Also used : ResponseException(org.elasticsearch.client.ResponseException) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) Request(org.elasticsearch.client.Request) Operation(sirius.kernel.async.Operation) IOException(

Example 9 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class BatchSQLQuery method iterate.

public void iterate(Predicate<Row> handler, @Nullable Limit limit) throws SQLException {
    Watch w = Watch.start();
    try (ResultSet rs = query.prepareStmt().executeQuery()) {
        TaskContext tc = TaskContext.get();
        processResultSet(handler, limit, rs, tc);
Also used : TaskContext(sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) ResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet)

Example 10 with Watch

use of sirius.kernel.commons.Watch in project sirius-db by scireum.

the class DeleteQuery method delete.

 * Deletes all entities where the compared mappings match the ones given in the <tt>example</tt>.
 * @param example      the example entity used to determine which other entities to delete
 * @param invokeChecks <tt>true</tt> to signal that before- and after delete checks should be executed,
 *                     <tt>false</tt> otherwise
 * @param addBatch     determines if the query should be executed instantly (<tt>false</tt>) or added to the
 *                     batch update (<tt>true</tt>).
public void delete(@Nonnull E example, boolean invokeChecks, boolean addBatch) {
    try {
        if (example.isNew()) {
        if (this.type == null) {
            this.type = (Class<E>) example.getClass();
        Watch w = Watch.start();
        if (invokeChecks) {
        PreparedStatement stmt = prepareStmt();
        int i = 1;
        for (Tuple<Operator, Property> filter : getPropertyFilters()) {
            stmt.setObject(i++, filter.getSecond().getValueForDatasource(OMA.class, example));
        if (descriptor.isVersioned()) {
            if (example.getVersion() == 0) {
                throw Exceptions.handle().to(OMA.LOG).withSystemErrorMessage("Cannot execute a DeleteQuery for the versioned entity %s without a version!", descriptor.getType()).handle();
            stmt.setObject(i, example.getVersion());
        if (addBatch) {
        } else {
        if (invokeChecks) {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        throw Exceptions.handle().to(OMA.LOG).error(e).withSystemErrorMessage("A database error occurred while executing a DeleteQuery for %s: %s (%s)", type.getName()).handle();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw Exceptions.handle().to(OMA.LOG).error(e).withSystemErrorMessage("An error occurred while executing a DeleteQuery for %s: %s (%s)", type.getName()).handle();
Also used : Operator(sirius.db.jdbc.Operator) OMA(sirius.db.jdbc.OMA) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException) Watch(sirius.kernel.commons.Watch) PreparedStatement(java.sql.PreparedStatement) Property(sirius.db.mixing.Property) SQLException(java.sql.SQLException)


Watch (sirius.kernel.commons.Watch)53 PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)8 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)8 Connection (java.sql.Connection)6 HandledException ( Document (org.bson.Document)5 ResultSet (java.sql.ResultSet)4 TaskContext (sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 OMA (sirius.db.jdbc.OMA)3 Property (sirius.db.mixing.Property)3 BasicDBObject (com.mongodb.BasicDBObject)2 ProcessContext ( ObjectStorageSpace ( Operator (sirius.db.jdbc.Operator)2 Operation (sirius.kernel.async.Operation)2 Context (sirius.kernel.commons.Context)2 Limit (sirius.kernel.commons.Limit)2 AS400 ( ProgramCall (