use of in project TinkersConstruct by SlimeKnights.
the class ContentMaterialSkull method build.
public void build(BookData book, ArrayList<BookElement> list, boolean rightSide) {
MaterialVariantId materialVariant = getMaterialVariant();
this.addTitle(list, getTitle(), true, MaterialTooltipCache.getColor(materialVariant).getValue());
// the cool tools to the left/right
this.addDisplayItems(list, rightSide ? BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH - 18 : 0, materialVariant);
// align page
int top = getTitleHeight();
int left = rightSide ? 0 : 22;
int y = top + 5;
int x = left + 5;
int w = BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH - 20;
// skull stats, full width
MaterialId materialId = materialVariant.getId();
int skullTraits = this.addStatsDisplay(x, y, w, list, materialId, SkullStats.ID);
y += 65;
// inspirational quote, or boring description text
String textKey = String.format(detailed ? "material.%s.%s.skull_encyclopedia" : "material.%s.%s.skull_flavor", materialId.getNamespace(), materialId.getPath());
if (I18n.exists(textKey)) {
// using forge instead of I18n.format as that prevents % from being interpreted as a format key
String translated = ForgeI18n.getPattern(textKey);
if (!detailed) {
translated = '"' + translated + '"';
TextData flavourData = new TextData(translated);
flavourData.italic = !detailed;
list.add(new TextElement(x, y + 10 * skullTraits, w, 60, flavourData));
use of in project TinkersConstruct by SlimeKnights.
the class ContentModifier method build.
public void build(BookData book, ArrayList<BookElement> list, boolean brightSide) {
Modifier modifier = getModifier();
if (modifier == TinkerModifiers.empty.get() || {
list.add(new ImageElement(0, 0, 32, 32, ImageData.MISSING));
System.out.println("Modifier with id " + modifierID + " not found");
this.addTitle(list, getTitle(), true, modifier.getColor());
// description
int y = getTitleHeight();
int h = more_text_space ? BookScreen.PAGE_HEIGHT * 2 / 5 : BookScreen.PAGE_HEIGHT * 2 / 7;
list.add(new TextElement(5, y, BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH - 10, h, text));
if (this.effects.length > 0) {
TextData head = new TextData(I18n.get(KEY_EFFECTS));
head.underlined = true;
list.add(new TextElement(5, y + h, BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH / 2 - 5, BookScreen.PAGE_HEIGHT - h - 20, head));
List<TextData> effectData = Lists.newArrayList();
for (String e : this.effects) {
effectData.add(new TextData("\u25CF "));
effectData.add(new TextData(e));
effectData.add(new TextData("\n"));
list.add(new TextElement(5, y + 14 + h, BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH / 2 + 5, BookScreen.PAGE_HEIGHT - h - 20, effectData));
if (recipes.size() > 1) {
int col = book.appearance.structureButtonColor;
int colHover = book.appearance.structureButtonColorHovered;
list.add(new CycleRecipeElement(BookScreen.PAGE_WIDTH - ArrowButton.ArrowType.RIGHT.w - 32, 160, ArrowButton.ArrowType.RIGHT, col, colHover, this, book, list));
this.buildAndAddRecipeDisplay(book, list,, null);