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Example 1 with Table

use of smile.swing.Table in project smile by haifengl.

the class PlotCanvas method createPropertyDialog.

     * Creates the property dialog.
     * @return the property dialog.
private JDialog createPropertyDialog() {
    Frame frame = (Frame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, this);
    JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame, "Plot Properties", true);
    Action okAction = new PropertyDialogOKAction(dialog);
    Action cancelAction = new PropertyDialogCancelAction(dialog);
    JButton okButton = new JButton(okAction);
    JButton cancelButton = new JButton(cancelAction);
    JPanel buttonsPanel = new JPanel();
    buttonsPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.TRAILING));
    buttonsPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(25, 0, 10, 10));
    ActionMap actionMap = buttonsPanel.getActionMap();
    actionMap.put(cancelAction.getValue(Action.DEFAULT), cancelAction);
    actionMap.put(okAction.getValue(Action.DEFAULT), okAction);
    InputMap inputMap = buttonsPanel.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW);
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ESCAPE"), cancelAction.getValue(Action.DEFAULT));
    inputMap.put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), okAction.getValue(Action.DEFAULT));
    String[] columnNames = { "Property", "Value" };
    if (base.dimension == 2) {
        Object[][] data = { { "Title", title }, { "Title Font", titleFont }, { "Title Color", titleColor }, { "X Axis Title", getAxis(0).getAxisLabel() }, { "X Axis Range", new double[] { base.getLowerBounds()[0], base.getUpperBounds()[0] } }, { "Y Axis Title", getAxis(1).getAxisLabel() }, { "Y Axis Range", new double[] { base.getLowerBounds()[1], base.getUpperBounds()[1] } } };
        propertyTable = new Table(data, columnNames);
    } else {
        Object[][] data = { { "Title", title }, { "Title Font", titleFont }, { "Title Color", titleColor }, { "X Axis Title", getAxis(0).getAxisLabel() }, { "X Axis Range", new double[] { base.getLowerBounds()[0], base.getUpperBounds()[0] } }, { "Y Axis Title", getAxis(1).getAxisLabel() }, { "Y Axis Range", new double[] { base.getLowerBounds()[1], base.getUpperBounds()[1] } }, { "Z Axis Title", getAxis(2).getAxisLabel() }, { "Z Axis Range", new double[] { base.getLowerBounds()[2], base.getUpperBounds()[2] } } };
        propertyTable = new Table(data, columnNames);
    // There is a known issue with JTables whereby the changes made in a
    // cell editor are not committed when focus is lost.
    // This can result in the table staying in 'edit mode' with the stale
    // value in the cell being edited still showing, although the change
    // has not actually been committed to the model.
    // In fact what should happen is for the method stopCellEditing()
    // on CellEditor to be called when focus is lost.
    // So the editor can choose whether to accept the new value and stop
    // editing, or have the editing cancelled without committing.
    // There is a magic property which you have to set on the JTable
    // instance to turn this feature on.
    propertyTable.putClientProperty("terminateEditOnFocusLost", Boolean.TRUE);
    JScrollPane tablePanel = new JScrollPane(propertyTable);
    dialog.getContentPane().add(tablePanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    dialog.getContentPane().add(buttonsPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    return dialog;
Also used : JScrollPane(javax.swing.JScrollPane) JPanel(javax.swing.JPanel) Frame(java.awt.Frame) AbstractAction(javax.swing.AbstractAction) Action(javax.swing.Action) FlowLayout(java.awt.FlowLayout) JTable(javax.swing.JTable) Table(smile.swing.Table) ActionMap(javax.swing.ActionMap) JButton(javax.swing.JButton) InputMap(javax.swing.InputMap) JDialog(javax.swing.JDialog)


FlowLayout (java.awt.FlowLayout)1 Frame (java.awt.Frame)1 AbstractAction (javax.swing.AbstractAction)1 Action (javax.swing.Action)1 ActionMap (javax.swing.ActionMap)1 InputMap (javax.swing.InputMap)1 JButton (javax.swing.JButton)1 JDialog (javax.swing.JDialog)1 JPanel (javax.swing.JPanel)1 JScrollPane (javax.swing.JScrollPane)1 JTable (javax.swing.JTable)1 Table (smile.swing.Table)1