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Example 6 with SOCGame

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotClient method handleJOINGAMEAUTH.

 * handle the "join game authorization" message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @param isPractice Is the server local for practice, or remote?
protected void handleJOINGAMEAUTH(SOCJoinGameAuth mes, final boolean isPractice) {
    final String gaName = mes.getGame();
    SOCGame ga = new SOCGame(gaName, true, gameOptions.get(gaName));
    ga.isPractice = isPractice;
    games.put(gaName, ga);
    CappedQueue<SOCMessage> brainQ = new CappedQueue<SOCMessage>();
    brainQs.put(gaName, brainQ);
    SOCRobotBrain rb = createBrain(currentRobotParameters, ga, brainQ);
    robotBrains.put(gaName, rb);
Also used : SOCGame( CappedQueue(soc.util.CappedQueue)

Example 7 with SOCGame

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotClient method handleADMINPING.

 * handle the admin ping message
 * @param mes  the message
protected void handleADMINPING(SOCAdminPing mes) {
    D.ebugPrintln("*** Admin Ping message = " + mes);
    SOCGame ga = games.get(mes.getGame());
    if (ga != null) {
        sendText(ga, "OK");
    } else {
        put(SOCJoinGame.toCmd(nickname, password, host, mes.getGame()));
Also used : SOCGame(

Example 8 with SOCGame

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotClient method treat.

 * Treat the incoming messages.
 * Messages of unknown type are ignored. All {@link SOCGameServerText} are ignored.
 * ({@code mes} will be null from {@link SOCMessage#toMsg(String)}).
 *<B>Note:</B> Currently, does not call {@link SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient#treat(SOCMessage)}.
 * New message types should be added to both methods if both displayless and robot should handle them.
 * The robot treat's switch case can call super.treat before or after any robot-specific handling.
 * @param mes    the message
public void treat(SOCMessage mes) {
    if (mes == null)
        // Message syntax error or unknown type
    // Using debugRandomPause?
    if (debugRandomPause && (!robotBrains.isEmpty()) && (mes instanceof SOCMessageForGame) && !(mes instanceof SOCGameTextMsg) && !(mes instanceof SOCGameServerText) && !(mes instanceof SOCTurn)) {
        final String ga = ((SOCMessageForGame) mes).getGame();
        if (ga != null) {
            SOCRobotBrain brain = robotBrains.get(ga);
            if (brain != null) {
                if (!debugRandomPauseActive) {
                    // random chance of doing so
                    if ((Math.random() < DEBUGRANDOMPAUSE_FREQ) && ((debugRandomPauseQueue == null) || (debugRandomPauseQueue.isEmpty()))) {
                        SOCGame gm = games.get(ga);
                        final int cpn = gm.getCurrentPlayerNumber();
                        SOCPlayer rpl = gm.getPlayer(nickname);
                        if ((rpl != null) && (cpn == rpl.getPlayerNumber()) && (gm.getGameState() >= SOCGame.ROLL_OR_CARD)) {
                            // we're current player, pause us
                            debugRandomPauseActive = true;
                            debugRandomPauseUntil = System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000L * DEBUGRANDOMPAUSE_SECONDS);
                            if (debugRandomPauseQueue == null)
                                debugRandomPauseQueue = new Vector<SOCMessage>();
                            System.err.println("L379 -> do random pause: " + nickname);
                            sendText(gm, "debugRandomPauseActive for " + DEBUGRANDOMPAUSE_SECONDS + " seconds");
    if (debugRandomPause && debugRandomPauseActive) {
        if ((System.currentTimeMillis() < debugRandomPauseUntil) && !(mes instanceof SOCTurn)) {
            // time hasn't arrived yet, and still our turn:
            // Add message to queue (even non-game and SOCGameTextMsg)
            // <--- Early return: debugRandomPauseActive ---
        // time to resume the queue
        debugRandomPauseActive = false;
        while (!debugRandomPauseQueue.isEmpty()) {
            // calling ourself is safe, because
            // ! queue.isEmpty; thus won't decide
            // to set debugRandomPauseActive=true again.
    // Don't return from this method yet,
    // we still need to process mes.
    if ((debugTraffic || D.ebugIsEnabled()) && !((mes instanceof SOCServerPing) && (nextServerPingExpectedAt != 0) && (Math.abs(System.currentTimeMillis() - nextServerPingExpectedAt) <= 66000))) // within 66 seconds of the expected time; see displaylesscli.handleSERVERPING
        soc.debug.D.ebugPrintln("IN - " + nickname + " - " + mes);
    try {
        switch(mes.getType()) {
             * status message
            case SOCMessage.STATUSMESSAGE:
                handleSTATUSMESSAGE((SOCStatusMessage) mes);
             * admin ping
            case SOCMessage.ADMINPING:
                handleADMINPING((SOCAdminPing) mes);
             * admin reset
            case SOCMessage.ADMINRESET:
                handleADMINRESET((SOCAdminReset) mes);
             * update the current robot parameters
            case SOCMessage.UPDATEROBOTPARAMS:
                handleUPDATEROBOTPARAMS((SOCUpdateRobotParams) mes);
             * join game authorization
            case SOCMessage.JOINGAMEAUTH:
                handleJOINGAMEAUTH((SOCJoinGameAuth) mes, (sLocal != null));
             * game has been destroyed
            case SOCMessage.DELETEGAME:
                handleDELETEGAME((SOCDeleteGame) mes);
             * list of game members
            case SOCMessage.GAMEMEMBERS:
                handleGAMEMEMBERS((SOCGameMembers) mes);
             * game text message (bot debug commands)
            case SOCMessage.GAMETEXTMSG:
                handleGAMETEXTMSG((SOCGameTextMsg) mes);
             * someone is sitting down
            case SOCMessage.SITDOWN:
                handleSITDOWN((SOCSitDown) mes);
             * update the state of the game
            case SOCMessage.GAMESTATE:
                handleGAMESTATE((SOCGameState) mes);
             * a player built something
            case SOCMessage.PUTPIECE:
                handlePUTPIECE((SOCPutPiece) mes);
             * the server is requesting that we join a game
            case SOCMessage.BOTJOINGAMEREQUEST:
                handleBOTJOINGAMEREQUEST((SOCBotJoinGameRequest) mes);
             * message that means the server wants us to leave the game
            case SOCMessage.ROBOTDISMISS:
                handleROBOTDISMISS((SOCRobotDismiss) mes);
             * handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name, new layout).
            case SOCMessage.RESETBOARDAUTH:
                handleRESETBOARDAUTH((SOCResetBoardAuth) mes);
             * generic "simple request" responses or announcements from the server.
             * Message type added 2013-02-17 for v1.1.18,
             * bot ignored these until 2015-10-10 for v2.0.00 SC_PIRI
             * and for PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES from gold hex.
            case SOCMessage.SIMPLEREQUEST:
                super.handleSIMPLEREQUEST(games, (SOCSimpleRequest) mes);
                handlePutBrainQ((SOCSimpleRequest) mes);
             * generic "simple action" announcements from the server.
             * Added 2013-09-04 for v1.1.19.
            case SOCMessage.SIMPLEACTION:
                super.handleSIMPLEACTION(games, (SOCSimpleAction) mes);
                handlePutBrainQ((SOCSimpleAction) mes);
             * a special inventory item action: either add or remove,
             * or we cannot play our requested item.
             * Added 2013-11-26 for v2.0.00.
            case SOCMessage.INVENTORYITEMACTION:
                    final boolean isReject = super.handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(games, (SOCInventoryItemAction) mes);
                    if (isReject)
                        handlePutBrainQ((SOCInventoryItemAction) mes);
             * Special Item change announcements.
             * Added 2014-04-16 for v2.0.00.
            case SOCMessage.SETSPECIALITEM:
                super.handleSETSPECIALITEM(games, (SOCSetSpecialItem) mes);
                handlePutBrainQ((SOCSetSpecialItem) mes);
            case SOCMessage.ACCEPTOFFER:
            // current player has cancelled an initial settlement
            case SOCMessage.CANCELBUILDREQUEST:
            // server wants our player to choose to rob cloth or rob resources from victim
            case SOCMessage.CHOOSEPLAYER:
            case SOCMessage.CHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST:
            case SOCMessage.CLEAROFFER:
            // either draw, play, or add to hand, or cannot play our requested dev card
            case SOCMessage.DEVCARDACTION:
            case SOCMessage.DICERESULT:
            case SOCMessage.DISCARDREQUEST:
            case SOCMessage.BANKTRADE:
            case SOCMessage.MAKEOFFER:
            // move a previously placed ship; will update game data and player trackers
            case SOCMessage.MOVEPIECE:
            case SOCMessage.MOVEROBBER:
            case SOCMessage.PLAYERELEMENT:
            // apply multiple PLAYERELEMENT updates; added 2017-12-10 for v2.0.00
            case SOCMessage.PLAYERELEMENTS:
            case SOCMessage.REJECTOFFER:
            case SOCMessage.RESOURCECOUNT:
            // added 2017-12-18 for v2.0.00 when gameState became a field of this message
            case SOCMessage.STARTGAME:
            // server's 1x/second timing ping
            case SOCMessage.TIMINGPING:
            case SOCMessage.TURN:
                handlePutBrainQ((SOCMessageForGame) mes);
            case SOCMessage.BCASTTEXTMSG:
            case SOCMessage.CHANGEFACE:
            case SOCMessage.CHANNELMEMBERS:
            // If bot ever uses CHANNELS, update SOCChannels class javadoc
            case SOCMessage.CHANNELS:
            case SOCMessage.CHANNELTEXTMSG:
            case SOCMessage.DELETECHANNEL:
            case SOCMessage.GAMES:
            // SOCGameServerText contents are ignored by bots
            case SOCMessage.GAMESERVERTEXT:
            // (but not SOCGameTextMsg, which is used solely for debug commands)
            case SOCMessage.GAMESTATS:
            case SOCMessage.JOINCHANNEL:
            case SOCMessage.JOINCHANNELAUTH:
            case SOCMessage.LEAVECHANNEL:
            case SOCMessage.NEWCHANNEL:
            case SOCMessage.NEWGAME:
            case SOCMessage.SETSEATLOCK:
                // ignore this message type
             * Call SOCDisplaylessClient.treat for all other message types.
             * For types relevant to robots, it will update data from the message contents.
             * Other message types will be ignored.
                super.treat(mes, true);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        System.err.println("SOCRobotClient treat ERROR - " + e + " " + e.getMessage());
        while (e.getCause() != null) {
            e = e.getCause();
            System.err.println(" -> nested: " + e.getClass());
        System.err.println("-- end stacktrace --");
        System.out.println("  For message: " + mes);
Also used : SOCPlayer( SOCGame( Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 9 with SOCGame

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotClient method handleSITDOWN.

 * handle the "someone is sitting down" message
 * @param mes  the message
protected void handleSITDOWN(SOCSitDown mes) {
     * tell the game that a player is sitting
    SOCGame ga = games.get(mes.getGame());
    if (ga != null) {
        ga.addPlayer(mes.getNickname(), mes.getPlayerNumber());
         * set the robot flag
        ga.getPlayer(mes.getPlayerNumber()).setRobotFlag(mes.isRobot(), false);
         * let the robot brain find our player object if we sat down
        if (nickname.equals(mes.getNickname())) {
            SOCRobotBrain brain = robotBrains.get(mes.getGame());
             * retrieve the proper face for our strategy
            int faceId;
            switch(brain.getRobotParameters().getStrategyType()) {
                case SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY:
                    // smarter robot face
                    faceId = -1;
                    // default robot face
                    faceId = 0;
             * change our face to the robot face
            put(SOCChangeFace.toCmd(ga.getName(), mes.getPlayerNumber(), faceId));
        } else {
             * add tracker for player in previously vacant seat
            SOCRobotBrain brain = robotBrains.get(mes.getGame());
            if (brain != null) {
Also used : SOCGame(

Example 10 with SOCGame

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotClient method handleROBOTDISMISS.

 * handle the "dismiss robot" message
 * @param mes  the message
protected void handleROBOTDISMISS(SOCRobotDismiss mes) {
    SOCGame ga = games.get(mes.getGame());
    CappedQueue<SOCMessage> brainQ = brainQs.get(mes.getGame());
    if ((ga != null) && (brainQ != null)) {
        try {
        } catch (CutoffExceededException exc) {
            D.ebugPrintln("CutoffExceededException" + exc);
         * if the brain isn't alive, then we need to leave
         * the game here, instead of having the brain leave it
        SOCRobotBrain brain = robotBrains.get(mes.getGame());
        if ((brain == null) || (!brain.isAlive())) {
            leaveGame(games.get(mes.getGame()), "brain not alive in handleROBOTDISMISS", true, false);
Also used : CutoffExceededException(soc.util.CutoffExceededException) SOCGame(


SOCGame ( SOCPlayer ( Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)7 SOCBoardLarge ( MissingResourceException (java.util.MissingResourceException)3 Vector (java.util.Vector)3 SOCBoard ( StringConnection (soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection)3 SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 SOCResourceSet ( SOCShip ( SOCTradeOffer ( SOCVillage ( SOCGameBoardReset (soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset)2 Color (java.awt.Color)1 IOException ( InterruptedIOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 EnumMap (java.util.EnumMap)1