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Example 1 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handlePUTPIECE.

 * handle "put piece" message.
 * Because the current player changes during initial placement,
 * this method has a simplified version of some of the logic from
 * {@link SOCGameHandler#endGameTurn(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, boolean)}
 * to detect and announce the new turn.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handlePUTPIECE(SOCGame ga, Connection c, SOCPutPiece mes) {
    try {
        final String gaName = ga.getName();
        final String plName = c.getData();
        SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(plName);
         * make sure the player can do it
        if (handler.checkTurn(c, ga)) {
            boolean sendDenyReply = false;
                   if (D.ebugOn) {
                   for (int pn = 0; pn < SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS; pn++) {
                   SOCPlayer tmpPlayer = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                   D.ebugPrintln("Player # "+pn);
                   for (int i = 0x22; i < 0xCC; i++) {
                   if (tmpPlayer.isPotentialRoad(i))
                   D.ebugPrintln("### POTENTIAL ROAD AT "+Integer.toHexString(i));
            int gameState = ga.getGameState();
            final int coord = mes.getCoordinates();
            final int pieceType = mes.getPieceType();
            final int pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
            final boolean isBuyAndPut = (gameState == SOCGame.PLAY1) || (gameState == SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING);
            if (isBuyAndPut) {
                if (!handleBUILDREQUEST(ga, player, c, pieceType, false)) {
                    // <--- Can't build right now ---
                // will call ga.releaseMonitor() in finally-block before returning
                // updated by handleBUILDREQUEST
                gameState = ga.getGameState();
            switch(pieceType) {
                case SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD:
                    if ((gameState == SOCGame.START1B) || (gameState == SOCGame.START2B) || (gameState == SOCGame.START3B) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_ROAD) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD1) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD2)) {
                        if (player.isPotentialRoad(coord) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) >= 1)) {
                            final SOCRoad rd = new SOCRoad(player, coord, null);
                            // Changes game state and (if initial placement) player
                            // If placing this piece reveals a fog hex, putPiece will call srv.gameEvent
                            // which will send a SOCRevealFogHex message to the game.
                               if (D.ebugOn) {
                               for (int pn = 0; pn < SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS; pn++) {
                               SOCPlayer tmpPlayer = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                               D.ebugPrintln("Player # "+pn);
                               for (int i = 0x22; i < 0xCC; i++) {
                               if (tmpPlayer.isPotentialRoad(i))
                               D.ebugPrintln("### POTENTIAL ROAD AT "+Integer.toHexString(i));
                            // "Joe built a road."
                            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, false, "action.built.road", plName);
                            srv.messageToGameWithMon(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, pn, SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD, coord));
                            if (!ga.pendingMessagesOut.isEmpty())
                                handler.sendGamePendingMessages(ga, false);
                            // If needed, call sendTurn or send SOCRollDicePrompt
                            handler.sendTurnStateAtInitialPlacement(ga, player, c, gameState);
                            int newState = ga.getGameState();
                            if ((newState == SOCGame.STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE) || (newState == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE)) {
                                // gold hex revealed from fog (scenario SC_FOG)
                                handler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(ga, gaName, c, null);
                        } else {
                            D.ebugPrintln("ILLEGAL ROAD: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(coord) + ": player " + pn);
                            if (player.isRobot() && D.ebugOn) {
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - pl.isPotentialRoad: " + player.isPotentialRoad(coord));
                                SOCPlayingPiece pp = ga.getBoard().roadAtEdge(coord);
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - roadAtEdge: " + ((pp != null) ? pp : "none"));
                            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                            // "You can't build a road there."
                            sendDenyReply = true;
                    } else {
                        srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    // "You can't build a road now."
                case SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT:
                    if ((gameState == SOCGame.START1A) || (gameState == SOCGame.START2A) || (gameState == SOCGame.START3A) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_SETTLEMENT)) {
                        if (player.canPlaceSettlement(coord) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) >= 1)) {
                            final SOCSettlement se = new SOCSettlement(player, coord, null);
                            // Changes game state and (if initial placement) player
                            // "Joe built a settlement."
                            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, false, "action.built.stlmt", plName);
                            srv.messageToGameWithMon(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, pn, SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT, coord));
                            if (!ga.pendingMessagesOut.isEmpty())
                                handler.sendGamePendingMessages(ga, false);
                            // Check player and send new game state
                            if (!handler.checkTurn(c, ga))
                                // Announce new state and new current player
                                handler.sendTurn(ga, false);
                            if (ga.hasSeaBoard && (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE)) {
                                // Prompt to pick from gold: send text and SOCSimpleRequest(PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES)
                                handler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(ga, gaName, c, null);
                        } else {
                            D.ebugPrintln("ILLEGAL SETTLEMENT: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(coord) + ": player " + pn);
                            if (player.isRobot() && D.ebugOn) {
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - pl.isPotentialSettlement: " + player.isPotentialSettlement(coord));
                                SOCPlayingPiece pp = ga.getBoard().settlementAtNode(coord);
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - settlementAtNode: " + ((pp != null) ? pp : "none"));
                            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                            // "You can't build a settlement there."
                            sendDenyReply = true;
                    } else {
                        srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    // "You can't build a settlement now."
                case SOCPlayingPiece.CITY:
                    if (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_CITY) {
                        if (player.isPotentialCity(coord) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) >= 1)) {
                            boolean houseRuleFirstCity = ga.isGameOptionSet("N7C") && !ga.hasBuiltCity();
                            if (houseRuleFirstCity && ga.isGameOptionSet("N7") && (ga.getRoundCount() < ga.getGameOptionIntValue("N7"))) {
                                // If "No 7s for first # rounds" is active, and this isn't its last round, 7s won't
                                // be rolled soon: Don't announce "Starting next turn, dice rolls of 7 may occur"
                                houseRuleFirstCity = false;
                            final SOCCity ci = new SOCCity(player, coord, null);
                            // changes game state and maybe player
                            // "Joe built a city."
                            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, false, "", plName);
                            srv.messageToGameWithMon(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, pn, SOCPlayingPiece.CITY, coord));
                            if (!ga.pendingMessagesOut.isEmpty())
                                handler.sendGamePendingMessages(ga, false);
                            if (houseRuleFirstCity)
                                srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, false, "action.built.nextturn.7.houserule");
                            // "Starting next turn, dice rolls of 7 may occur (house rule)."
                            // Check player and send new game state
                            if (!handler.checkTurn(c, ga))
                                // Announce new state and new current player
                                handler.sendTurn(ga, false);
                        } else {
                            D.ebugPrintln("ILLEGAL CITY: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(coord) + ": player " + pn);
                            if (player.isRobot() && D.ebugOn) {
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - pl.isPotentialCity: " + player.isPotentialCity(coord));
                                SOCPlayingPiece pp = ga.getBoard().settlementAtNode(coord);
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - city/settlementAtNode: " + ((pp != null) ? pp : "none"));
                            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                            // "You can't build a city there."
                            sendDenyReply = true;
                    } else {
                        srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    // "You can't build a city now."
                case SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP:
                    if ((gameState == SOCGame.START1B) || (gameState == SOCGame.START2B) || (gameState == SOCGame.START3B) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_SHIP) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD1) || (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD2)) {
                        // Place it if we can; canPlaceShip checks potentials and pirate ship location
                        if (ga.canPlaceShip(player, coord) && (player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP) >= 1)) {
                            final SOCShip sh = new SOCShip(player, coord, null);
                            // Changes game state and (during initial placement) sometimes player
                            // "Joe built a ship."
                            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, false, "action.built.ship", plName);
                            srv.messageToGameWithMon(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, pn, SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP, coord));
                            if (!ga.pendingMessagesOut.isEmpty())
                                handler.sendGamePendingMessages(ga, false);
                            // If needed, call sendTurn or send SOCRollDicePrompt
                            handler.sendTurnStateAtInitialPlacement(ga, player, c, gameState);
                            int newState = ga.getGameState();
                            if ((newState == SOCGame.STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE) || (newState == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE)) {
                                // gold hex revealed from fog (scenario SC_FOG)
                                handler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(ga, gaName, c, null);
                        } else {
                            D.ebugPrintln("ILLEGAL SHIP: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(coord) + ": player " + pn);
                            if (player.isRobot() && D.ebugOn) {
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - pl.isPotentialShip: " + player.isPotentialShip(coord));
                                SOCPlayingPiece pp = ga.getBoard().roadAtEdge(coord);
                                D.ebugPrintln(" - ship/roadAtEdge: " + ((pp != null) ? pp : "none"));
                            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                            // "You can't build a ship there."
                            sendDenyReply = true;
                    } else {
                        srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    // "You can't build a ship now."
            if (sendDenyReply) {
                if (isBuyAndPut)
                    // is probably now PLACING_*, was PLAY1 or SPECIAL_BUILDING
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCCancelBuildRequest(gaName, mes.getPieceType()));
                if (player.isRobot()) {
                    // Set the "force end turn soon" field
                    ga.lastActionTime = 0L;
        } else {
            // "It's not your turn."
            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "reply.not.your.turn");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught in handlePUTPIECE");
    } finally {
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCCity( SOCPlayingPiece( SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCRoad(

Example 2 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleINVENTORYITEMACTION.

// / Inventory Items and Special Items ///
 * Special inventory item action (play request) from a player.
 * Ignored unless {@link SOCInventoryItemAction#action mes.action} == {@link SOCInventoryItemAction#PLAY PLAY}.
 * Calls {@link SOCGame#canPlayInventoryItem(int, int)}, {@link SOCGame#playInventoryItem(int)}.
 * If game state changes here, calls {@link SOCGameHandler#sendGameState(SOCGame)} just before returning.
 * @param ga  game with {@code c} as a client player
 * @param c  the connection sending the message
 * @param mes  the message
private void handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCInventoryItemAction mes) {
    if (mes.action != SOCInventoryItemAction.PLAY)
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    SOCPlayer clientPl = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    if (clientPl == null)
    final int pn = clientPl.getPlayerNumber();
    final int replyCannot = ga.canPlayInventoryItem(pn, mes.itemType);
    if (replyCannot != 0) {
        srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, -1, SOCInventoryItemAction.CANNOT_PLAY, mes.itemType, replyCannot));
    final int oldGameState = ga.getGameState();
    // <--- Play the item ---
    final SOCInventoryItem item = ga.playInventoryItem(mes.itemType);
    if (item == null) {
        // Wasn't able to play.  Assume canPlay was recently called and returned OK; the most
        // volatile of its conditions is player's inventory, so assume that's what changed.
        srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, -1, SOCInventoryItemAction.CANNOT_PLAY, mes.itemType, // 1 == item not in inventory
    // Item played.  Announce play and removal (or keep) from player's inventory.
    // Announce game state if changed.
    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCInventoryItemAction(gaName, pn, SOCInventoryItemAction.PLAYED, item.itype, item.isKept(), item.isVPItem(), item.canCancelPlay));
    final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
    if (gstate != oldGameState)
Also used : SOCInventoryItem( SOCPlayer(

Example 3 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleROLLDICE.

// / Roll dice and pick resources ///
 * handle "roll dice" message.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handleROLLDICE(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCRollDice mes) {
    final String gn = ga.getName();
    try {
        final String plName = c.getData();
        final SOCPlayer pl = ga.getPlayer(plName);
        if ((pl != null) && ga.canRollDice(pl.getPlayerNumber())) {
             * Roll dice, distribute resources in game
            SOCGame.RollResult roll = ga.rollDice();
             * Send roll results and then text to client.
             * Note that only the total is sent, not the 2 individual dice.
             * (Only the _SC_PIRI scenario cares about them indivdually, and
             * in that case it prints the result when needed.)
             * If a 7 is rolled, sendGameState will also say who must discard
             * (in a GAMETEXTMSG).
             * If a gold hex is rolled, sendGameState will also say who
             * must pick resources to gain (in a GAMETEXTMSG).
            srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCDiceResult(gn, ga.getCurrentDice()));
            if (ga.clientVersionLowest < SOCGameTextMsg.VERSION_FOR_DICE_RESULT_INSTEAD) {
                // backwards-compat: this text message is redundant to v2.0.00 and newer clients
                // because they print the roll results from SOCDiceResult.  Use SOCGameTextMsg
                // because pre-2.0.00 clients don't understand SOCGameServerText messages.
                srv.messageToGameForVersions(ga, 0, SOCGameTextMsg.VERSION_FOR_DICE_RESULT_INSTEAD - 1, new SOCGameTextMsg(gn, SOCGameTextMsg.SERVERNAME, // I18N
                plName + " rolled a " + roll.diceA + " and a " + roll.diceB + "."), true);
            // For 7, give visual feedback before sending discard request
            if (ga.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI)) {
                // pirate moves on every roll
                srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCMoveRobber(gn, ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber(), -(((SOCBoardLarge) ga.getBoard()).getPirateHex())));
                if (roll.sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim != null) {
                    final SOCResourceSet loot = roll.sc_piri_fleetAttackRsrcs;
                    final int lootTotal = (loot != null) ? loot.getTotal() : 0;
                    if (lootTotal != 0) {
                        // use same resource-loss messages sent in handleDISCARD
                        final boolean won = (loot.contains(SOCResourceConstants.GOLD_LOCAL));
                        SOCPlayer vic = roll.sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim;
                        final String vicName = vic.getName();
                        final Connection vCon = srv.getConnection(vicName);
                        final int vpn = vic.getPlayerNumber();
                        final int strength = (roll.diceA < roll.diceB) ? roll.diceA : roll.diceB;
                        if (won) {
                            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "", vicName, strength);
                        // "{0} won against the pirate fleet (strength {1}) and will pick a free resource."
                        } else {
                             * tell the victim client that the player lost the resources
                            handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gn, loot, true, true, vpn, -1, null, vCon);
                            srv.messageToPlayerKeyedSpecial(vCon, ga, "", loot, strength);
                            // "You lost {0,rsrcs} to the pirate fleet (strength {1,number})."
                             * tell everyone else that the player lost unknown resources
                            srv.messageToGameExcept(gn, vCon, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, vpn, SOCPlayerElement.LOSE, SOCPlayerElement.UNKNOWN, lootTotal), true);
                            srv.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(ga, true, vCon, "", vicName, lootTotal, strength);
                        // "Joe lost 1 resource to pirate fleet attack (strength 3)." or
                        // "Joe lost 3 resources to pirate fleet attack (strength 3)."
             * if the roll is not 7, tell players what they got
             * (if 7, sendGameState already told them what they lost).
            if (ga.getCurrentDice() != 7) {
                boolean noPlayersGained = true;
                 * Clients v2.0.00 and newer get an i18n-neutral SOCDiceResultResources message.
                 * Older clients get a string such as "Joe gets 3 sheep. Mike gets 1 clay."
                String rollRsrcTxtOldCli = null;
                SOCDiceResultResources rollRsrcMsgNewCli = null;
                if (ga.clientVersionHighest >= SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES) {
                    rollRsrcMsgNewCli = SOCDiceResultResources.buildForGame(ga);
                    noPlayersGained = (rollRsrcMsgNewCli == null);
                if (ga.clientVersionLowest < SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES) {
                    // Build a string to announce to v1.x.xx clients
                    StringBuffer gainsText = new StringBuffer();
                    // for string spacing; might be false due to loop for new clients in game
                    noPlayersGained = true;
                    for (int pn = 0; pn < ga.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
                        if (!ga.isSeatVacant(pn)) {
                            SOCPlayer pp = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                            SOCResourceSet rsrcs = pp.getRolledResources();
                            if (rsrcs.getKnownTotal() != 0) {
                                if (noPlayersGained)
                                    noPlayersGained = false;
                                    gainsText.append(" ");
                                gainsText.append(c.getLocalizedSpecial(ga, "_nolocaliz.roll.gets.resources", pp.getName(), rsrcs));
                                // "{0} gets {1,rsrcs}."
                                // get it from any connection's StringManager, because that string is never localized
                                // Announce SOCPlayerElement.GAIN messages
                                handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gn, rsrcs, false, false, pn, -1, null, null);
                    if (!noPlayersGained)
                        rollRsrcTxtOldCli = gainsText.toString();
                if (noPlayersGained) {
                    String key;
                    if (roll.cloth == null)
                        // "No player gets anything."
                        key = "";
                        // "No player gets resources."
                        key = "";
                    // debug_printPieceDiceNumbers(ga, message);
                    srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, key);
                } else {
                    if (rollRsrcTxtOldCli == null)
                        srv.messageToGame(gn, rollRsrcMsgNewCli);
                    else if (rollRsrcMsgNewCli == null)
                        srv.messageToGame(gn, rollRsrcTxtOldCli);
                    else {
                        // neither is null: we have old and new clients
                        srv.messageToGameForVersions(ga, 0, (SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES - 1), new SOCGameTextMsg(gn, SOCGameTextMsg.SERVERNAME, rollRsrcTxtOldCli), true);
                        srv.messageToGameForVersions(ga, SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES, Integer.MAX_VALUE, rollRsrcMsgNewCli, true);
                    for (int pn = 0; pn < ga.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
                        final SOCPlayer pp = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                        Connection playerCon = srv.getConnection(pp.getName());
                        if (playerCon == null)
                        if (pp.getRolledResources().getKnownTotal() == 0)
                            // skip if player didn't gain; before v2.0.00 each player in game got these
                        // send CLAY, ORE, SHEEP, WHEAT, WOOD even if player's amount is 0
                        final SOCResourceSet resources = pp.getResources();
                        final int[] counts = resources.getAmounts(false);
                        if (playerCon.getVersion() >= SOCPlayerElements.MIN_VERSION)
                            srv.messageToPlayer(playerCon, new SOCPlayerElements(gn, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCGameHandler.ELEM_RESOURCES, counts));
                            for (int i = 0; i < counts.length; ++i) srv.messageToPlayer(playerCon, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCGameHandler.ELEM_RESOURCES[i], counts[i]));
                        if (ga.clientVersionLowest < SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES)
                            srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCResourceCount(gn, pn, resources.getTotal()));
                    // else, already-sent SOCDiceResultResources included players' new resource totals
                    // we'll send gold picks text, PLAYERELEMENT, and SIMPLEREQUEST(PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES)
                    // after the per-player loop
                if (roll.cloth != null) {
                    // Send village cloth trade distribution
                    final int coord = roll.cloth[1];
                    final SOCBoardLarge board = (SOCBoardLarge) (ga.getBoard());
                    SOCVillage vi = board.getVillageAtNode(coord);
                    if (vi != null)
                        srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCPieceValue(gn, coord, vi.getCloth(), 0));
                    if (roll.cloth[0] > 0)
                        // some taken from board general supply
                        srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, -1, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT, board.getCloth()));
                    // name of first player to receive cloth
                    String clplName = null;
                    // names of all players receiving cloth, if more than one
                    ArrayList<String> clpls = null;
                    for (int i = 2; i < roll.cloth.length; ++i) {
                        if (roll.cloth[i] == 0)
                            // this player didn't receive cloth
                        final int pn = i - 2;
                        final SOCPlayer clpl = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                        srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT, clpl.getCloth()));
                        if (clplName == null) {
                            // first pl to receive cloth
                            clplName = clpl.getName();
                        } else {
                            // second or further player
                            if (clpls == null) {
                                clpls = new ArrayList<String>();
                    if (clpls == null)
                        srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "action.rolled.sc_clvi.received.cloth.1", clplName);
                        // "{0} received 1 cloth from a village."
                        srv.messageToGameKeyedSpecial(ga, true, "action.rolled.sc_clvi.received.cloth.n", clpls);
                // "{0,list} each received 1 cloth from a village."
                if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE)
                    // gold picks text, PLAYERELEMENT, and SIMPLEREQUEST(PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES)s
                    handler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(ga, gn, null, roll);
                       if (D.ebugOn) {
                       for (int i=0; i < SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS; i++) {
                       SOCResourceSet rsrcs = ga.getPlayer(i).getResources();
                       String resourceMessage = "PLAYER "+i+" RESOURCES: ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.CLAY)+" ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.ORE)+" ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.SHEEP)+" ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.WHEAT)+" ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.WOOD)+" ";
                       resourceMessage += rsrcs.getAmount(SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN)+" ";
                       messageToGame(gn, new SOCGameTextMsg(gn, SERVERNAME, resourceMessage));
            } else {
                 * player rolled 7
                 * If anyone needs to discard, prompt them.
                if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCARDS) {
                    handler.sendGameState_sendDiscardRequests(ga, gn);
                } else if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE) {
                    // Used in _SC_PIRI, when 7 is rolled and a player wins against the pirate fleet
                    for (int pn = 0; pn < ga.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
                        final SOCPlayer pp = ga.getPlayer(pn);
                        final int numPick = pp.getNeedToPickGoldHexResources();
                        if ((!ga.isSeatVacant(pn)) && (numPick > 0)) {
                            Connection con = srv.getConnection(pp.getName());
                            if (con != null) {
                                srv.messageToGame(gn, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES, numPick));
                                con.put(SOCSimpleRequest.toCmd(gn, pn, SOCSimpleRequest.PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES, numPick, 0));
        } else {
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, gn, "You can't roll right now.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught at handleROLLDICE" + e);
Also used : SOCVillage( SOCBoardLarge( Connection(soc.server.genericServer.Connection) SOCPlayer( SOCResourceSet( SOCGame(

Example 4 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleMOVEROBBER.

// / Robber/pirate robbery ///
 * handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate).
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame ga, Connection c, SOCMoveRobber mes) {
    try {
        SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
         * make sure the player can do it
        final String gaName = ga.getName();
        final boolean isPirate = ga.getRobberyPirateFlag();
        final int pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
        // negative for pirate
        int coord = mes.getCoordinates();
        final boolean canDo = (isPirate == (coord < 0)) && (isPirate ? ga.canMovePirate(pn, -coord) : ga.canMoveRobber(pn, coord));
        if (canDo) {
            SOCMoveRobberResult result;
            SOCMoveRobber moveMsg;
            if (isPirate) {
                result = ga.movePirate(pn, -coord);
                moveMsg = new SOCMoveRobber(gaName, pn, coord);
            } else {
                result = ga.moveRobber(pn, coord);
                moveMsg = new SOCMoveRobber(gaName, pn, coord);
            srv.messageToGame(gaName, moveMsg);
            final List<SOCPlayer> victims = result.getVictims();
             * only one possible victim
            if ((victims.size() == 1) && (ga.getGameState() != SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE)) {
                 * report what was stolen
                SOCPlayer victim = victims.get(0);
                handler.reportRobbery(ga, player, victim, result.getLoot());
            } else {
                final String msgKey;
                 * no victim
                if (victims.size() == 0) {
                     * just say it was moved; nothing is stolen
                    // "{0} moved the robber" or "{0} moved the pirate"
                    msgKey = "robberpirate.moved";
                } else if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) {
                     * only one possible victim, they have both clay and resources
                    msgKey = "robberpirate.moved.choose.cloth.rsrcs";
                // "{0} moved the robber/pirate. Must choose to steal cloth or steal resources."
                } else {
                     * else, the player needs to choose a victim
                    msgKey = "robberpirate.moved.choose.victim";
                // "{0} moved the robber/pirate. Must choose a victim."
                srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, msgKey, player.getName(), ((isPirate) ? 2 : 1));
            // victims there, just send the prompt from here:
            if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) {
                final int vpn = victims.get(0).getPlayerNumber();
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCChoosePlayer(gaName, vpn));
        } else {
            srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, ((coord < 0) ? "robber.cantmove.pirate" : "robber.cantmove"));
        // "You can't move the pirate" / "You can't move the robber"
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught");
Also used : SOCPlayer( SOCMoveRobberResult(

Example 5 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleBUILDREQUEST.

// / Game piece building, placement, and moving ///
 * handle "build request" message.
 * If client is current player, they want to buy a {@link SOCPlayingPiece}.
 * Otherwise, if 6-player board, they are requesting to build during the
 * next {@link SOCGame#SPECIAL_BUILDING Special Building Phase}.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @see #handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, Connection, int, boolean)
private void handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCBuildRequest mes) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    try {
        final boolean isCurrent = handler.checkTurn(c, ga);
        SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
        final int pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
        final int pieceType = mes.getPieceType();
        // for robots' benefit
        boolean sendDenyReply = false;
        if (isCurrent) {
            if ((ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLAY1) || (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING)) {
                sendDenyReply = !handleBUILDREQUEST(ga, player, c, pieceType, true);
            } else if (pieceType == -1) {
                // during start of own turn
                try {
                    ga.askSpecialBuild(pn, true);
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.ASK_SPECIAL_BUILD, 1));
                    // triggers start of SBP
                    handler.endGameTurn(ga, player, true);
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    // "You can't ask to build now."
                    srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    sendDenyReply = true;
            } else {
                // "You can't build now."
                srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                sendDenyReply = true;
        } else {
            if (ga.maxPlayers <= 4) {
                // "It's not your turn."
                srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "reply.not.your.turn");
                sendDenyReply = true;
            } else {
                // during other player's turn
                try {
                    // will validate that they can build now
                    ga.askSpecialBuild(pn, true);
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.ASK_SPECIAL_BUILD, 1));
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    // "You can't ask to build now."
                    srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "");
                    sendDenyReply = true;
        if (sendDenyReply && ga.getPlayer(pn).isRobot()) {
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCCancelBuildRequest(gaName, pieceType));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught at handleBUILDREQUEST");
Also used : SOCPlayer(


SOCPlayer ( SOCGame ( SOCShip ( SOCSettlement ( SOCRoad ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCCity ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCFortress ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SOCBoard ( Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)4 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCVillage ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 SOCLRPathData ( SOCPlayingPiece ( SOCSpecialItem (