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Example 6 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleSETSPECIALITEM.

 * Handle Special Item requests from a player.
 * Calls {@link SOCSpecialItem#playerPickItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int)}
 * or {@link SOCSpecialItem#playerSetItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean)}
 * which provide scenario-specific responses or decline the request.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
private void handleSETSPECIALITEM(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCSetSpecialItem mes) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    final SOCPlayer pl = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    final String typeKey = mes.typeKey;
    final int op = mes.op, gi = mes.gameItemIndex, pi = mes.playerItemIndex;
    // don't trust mes.playerNumber
    final int pn = (pl != null) ? pl.getPlayerNumber() : -1;
    boolean sendDenyReply = false;
    try {
        SOCSpecialItem itm = null;
        // if true, itm's cost was paid by player to PICK or SET or CLEAR
        final boolean paidCost;
        if ((pl == null) || (op < SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET) || (op > SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK)) {
            sendDenyReply = true;
            paidCost = false;
        } else {
            final int prevState = ga.getGameState();
            if (op == SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK) {
                // field values to send in reply/announcement
                int pickCoord = -1, pickLevel = 0;
                // sv field value to send
                String pickSV = null;
                // When game index and player index are both given,
                // compare items before and after PICK in case they change
                final SOCSpecialItem gBefore, pBefore;
                if ((gi != -1) && (pi != -1)) {
                    gBefore = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi);
                    pBefore = pl.getSpecialItem(typeKey, pi);
                } else {
                    gBefore = null;
                    pBefore = null;
                // Before pick, get item as per playerPickItem javadoc for cost, coord, level,
                // in case it's cleared by the pick. If not cleared, will get it again afterwards.
                itm = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                if (itm != null) {
                    pickCoord = itm.getCoordinates();
                    pickLevel = itm.getLevel();
                    pickSV = itm.getStringValue();
                // perform the PICK in game
                paidCost = SOCSpecialItem.playerPickItem(typeKey, ga, pl, gi, pi);
                // if cost paid, send resource-loss first
                if (paidCost && (itm != null))
                    handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gaName, itm.getCost(), true, false, pn, -1, null, null);
                if ((gi == -1) || (pi == -1)) {
                    // request didn't specify both gi and pi: only 1 SET/CLEAR message to send
                    final SOCSpecialItem itmAfter = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                    final SOCSetSpecialItem msg;
                    if (itmAfter != null) {
                        msg = new SOCSetSpecialItem(ga, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, typeKey, gi, pi, itmAfter);
                        pickCoord = itmAfter.getCoordinates();
                        pickLevel = itmAfter.getLevel();
                        pickSV = itmAfter.getStringValue();
                    } else {
                        msg = new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, msg);
                } else {
                    // request specified both gi and pi: might need to send 1 SET/CLEAR message if shared,
                    // or 2 messages if not the same object for both
                    final SOCSpecialItem gAfter, pAfter;
                    gAfter = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi);
                    pAfter = pl.getSpecialItem(typeKey, pi);
                    if (gAfter == pAfter) {
                        final SOCSetSpecialItem msg;
                        if (gAfter != null) {
                            msg = new SOCSetSpecialItem(ga, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, typeKey, gi, pi, gAfter);
                            pickCoord = gAfter.getCoordinates();
                            pickLevel = gAfter.getLevel();
                            pickSV = gAfter.getStringValue();
                        } else {
                            msg = new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, msg);
                    } else {
                        // gi and pi don't share the same object; might need to send 2 messages out if both changed.
                        boolean hasgAfterCoordLevel = false;
                        if (gAfter == null) {
                            if (gBefore != null)
                                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, typeKey, gi, -1, -1));
                        } else {
                            srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(ga, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, typeKey, gi, -1, gAfter));
                            pickCoord = gAfter.getCoordinates();
                            pickLevel = gAfter.getLevel();
                            pickSV = gAfter.getStringValue();
                            hasgAfterCoordLevel = true;
                        if (pAfter == null) {
                            if (pBefore != null)
                                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, typeKey, -1, pi, pn));
                        } else {
                            srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(ga, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, typeKey, -1, pi, pAfter));
                            if (!hasgAfterCoordLevel) {
                                pickCoord = pAfter.getCoordinates();
                                pickLevel = pAfter.getLevel();
                                pickSV = pAfter.getStringValue();
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK, typeKey, gi, pi, pn, pickCoord, pickLevel, pickSV));
            } else {
                if (op == SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR)
                    // get item before CLEAR
                    itm = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                paidCost = SOCSpecialItem.playerSetItem(typeKey, ga, pl, gi, pi, (op == SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET));
                // if cost paid, send resource-loss first
                if (paidCost && (itm != null))
                    handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gaName, itm.getCost(), true, false, pn, -1, null, null);
                // get item after SET, in case it's changed
                if (op != SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR)
                    itm = ga.getSpecialItem(typeKey, gi, pi, pn);
                if ((op == SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR) || (itm == null))
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, typeKey, gi, pi, pn));
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSetSpecialItem(ga, op, typeKey, gi, pi, itm));
            // check game state, check for winner
            final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
            if (gstate != prevState)
                // might be OVER, if player won
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        sendDenyReply = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught");
    } finally {
    if (sendDenyReply)
        c.put(new SOCSetSpecialItem(gaName, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_DECLINE, typeKey, gi, pi, mes.playerNumber).toCmd());
Also used : SOCPlayer( SOCSpecialItem(

Example 7 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleDISCARD.

 * handle "discard" message.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handleDISCARD(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCDiscard mes) {
    final String gn = ga.getName();
    final SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    final int pn;
    if (player != null)
        pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
        // c's client no longer in the game
        pn = -1;
    try {
        if (player == null) {
            // The catch block will print this out semi-nicely
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("player not found in game");
        if (ga.canDiscard(pn, mes.getResources())) {
            // discard, change gameState
            ga.discard(pn, mes.getResources());
            // Same resource-loss messages are sent in handleROLLDICE after a pirate fleet attack (_SC_PIRI).
             * tell the player client that the player discarded the resources
            handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gn, mes.getResources(), true, false, pn, -1, null, c);
             * tell everyone else that the player discarded unknown resources
            srv.messageToGameExcept(gn, c, new SOCPlayerElement(gn, pn, SOCPlayerElement.LOSE, SOCPlayerElement.UNKNOWN, mes.getResources().getTotal(), true), true);
            srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, "action.discarded", c.getData(), mes.getResources().getTotal());
             * send the new state, or end turn if was marked earlier as forced
            if ((ga.getGameState() != SOCGame.PLAY1) || !ga.isForcingEndTurn()) {
            } else {
                // already did ga.takeMonitor()
                handler.endGameTurn(ga, player, true);
        } else {
             * (TODO) there could be a better feedback message here
            srv.messageToPlayer(c, gn, "You can't discard that many cards.");
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught");
Also used : SOCPlayer(

Example 8 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleREJECTOFFER.

 * handle "reject offer" message.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handleREJECTOFFER(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCRejectOffer mes) {
    SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    if (player == null)
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    SOCRejectOffer rejectMessage = new SOCRejectOffer(gaName, player.getPlayerNumber());
    srv.messageToGame(gaName, rejectMessage);
    srv.recordGameEvent(gaName, rejectMessage);
Also used : SOCPlayer(

Example 9 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleSIMPLEREQUEST.

 * Handle the "simple request" message.
 * @param c  the connection
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.1.18
private void handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCSimpleRequest mes) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    SOCPlayer clientPl = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    if (clientPl == null)
    final int pn = mes.getPlayerNumber();
    // probably required for most request types
    final boolean clientIsPN = (pn == clientPl.getPlayerNumber());
    final int reqtype = mes.getRequestType();
    final int cpn = ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber();
    // if true, reply with generic decline (pn = -1, reqtype, 0, 0)
    boolean replyDecline = false;
    switch(reqtype) {
        case SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK:
                final SOCShip adjac = ga.canAttackPirateFortress();
                if ((!clientIsPN) || (pn != cpn) || (adjac == null) || (adjac.getPlayerNumber() != cpn)) {
                    c.put(SOCSimpleRequest.toCmd(gaName, -1, reqtype, 0, 0));
                    // <--- early return: deny ---
                final int prevState = ga.getGameState();
                final SOCPlayer cp = ga.getPlayer(cpn);
                // in case some are lost, we'll announce that
                final int prevNumWarships = cp.getNumWarships();
                final SOCFortress fort = cp.getFortress();
                final int[] res = ga.attackPirateFortress(adjac);
                if (res.length > 1) {
                    // lost 1 or 2 ships adjacent to fortress.  res[1] == adjac.coordinate
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCRemovePiece(gaName, adjac));
                    if (res.length > 2)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCRemovePiece(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP, res[2]));
                    final int n = cp.getNumWarships();
                    if (n != prevNumWarships)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_WARSHIP_COUNT, n));
                } else {
                    // player won
                    final int fortStrength = fort.getStrength();
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPieceValue(gaName, fort.getCoordinates(), fortStrength, 0));
                    if (0 == fortStrength)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT, fort.getCoordinates()));
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleAction(gaName, cpn, SOCSimpleAction.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK_RESULT, res[0], res.length - 1));
                // check for end of player's turn
                if (!handler.checkTurn(c, ga)) {
                    handler.endGameTurn(ga, cp, false);
                } else {
                    // still player's turn, even if they won
                    final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
                    if (gstate != prevState)
                        // might be OVER, if player won
        case SOCSimpleRequest.TRADE_PORT_PLACE:
                if (clientIsPN && (pn == cpn)) {
                    final int edge = mes.getValue1();
                    if ((ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM) && ga.canPlacePort(clientPl, edge)) {
                        final int ptype = ga.placePort(edge);
                        // PLAY1 or SPECIAL_BUILDING
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleRequest(gaName, cpn, SOCSimpleRequest.TRADE_PORT_PLACE, edge, ptype));
                    } else {
                        // client will print a text message, no need to send one
                        replyDecline = true;
                } else {
                    srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "reply.not.your.turn");
                    replyDecline = true;
            // deny unknown types
            replyDecline = true;
            System.err.println("handleSIMPLEREQUEST: Unknown type " + reqtype + " from " + c.getData() + " in game " + ga);
    if (replyDecline)
        c.put(SOCSimpleRequest.toCmd(gaName, -1, reqtype, 0, 0));
Also used : SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress(

Example 10 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handlePICKRESOURCES.

 * handle "discovery pick" (while playing Discovery/Year of Plenty card) / Gold Hex resource pick message.
 * @param c  the connection that sent the message
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.0.0
private void handlePICKRESOURCES(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCPickResources mes) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    final SOCResourceSet rsrcs = mes.getResources();
    final SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    final int pn;
    if (player != null)
        pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
        // c's client no longer in the game
        pn = -1;
    try {
        if (player == null) {
            // The catch block will print this out semi-nicely
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("player not found in game");
        final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
        if (gstate == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY) {
            if (handler.checkTurn(c, ga)) {
                if (ga.canDoDiscoveryAction(rsrcs)) {
                    handler.reportRsrcGainLoss(gaName, rsrcs, false, false, pn, -1, null, null);
                    srv.messageToGameKeyedSpecial(ga, true, "action.card.discov.received", player.getName(), rsrcs);
                    // "{0} received {1,rsrcs} from the bank."
                } else {
                    // "That is not a legal Year of Plenty pick."
                    srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "action.card.discov.notlegal");
            } else {
                // "It's not your turn."
                srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "reply.not.your.turn");
        } else {
            if (ga.canPickGoldHexResources(pn, rsrcs)) {
                final boolean fromInitPlace = ga.isInitialPlacement();
                final boolean fromPirateFleet = ga.isPickResourceIncludingPirateFleet(pn);
                final int prevState = ga.pickGoldHexResources(pn, rsrcs);
                final int newState = ga.getGameState();
                 * tell everyone what the player gained
                handler.reportRsrcGainGold(ga, player, pn, rsrcs, false, !fromPirateFleet);
                 * send the new state, or end turn if was marked earlier as forced
                 * -- for gold during initial placement, current player might also change.
                if ((gstate != SOCGame.PLAY1) || (newState == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCARDS) || !ga.isForcingEndTurn()) {
                    if (!fromInitPlace) {
                        if (newState == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCARDS) {
                            // happens only in scenario _SC_PIRI, when 7 is rolled, player wins against pirate fleet
                            // and has picked their won resource, and then someone must discard
                            handler.sendGameState_sendDiscardRequests(ga, gaName);
                    } else {
                        switch(newState) {
                            case SOCGame.START1B:
                            case SOCGame.START2B:
                            case SOCGame.START3B:
                                // pl not changed: previously placed settlement, now placing road or ship
                            case SOCGame.START1A:
                            case SOCGame.START2A:
                            case SOCGame.START3A:
                            case SOCGame.ROLL_OR_CARD:
                                // Current player probably changed, announce new player if so
                                // with sendTurn and/or SOCRollDicePrompt
                                handler.sendTurnStateAtInitialPlacement(ga, player, c, prevState);
                } else {
                    // force-end game turn
                    // locking: already did ga.takeMonitor()
                    handler.endGameTurn(ga, player, true);
            } else {
                srv.messageToPlayer(c, gaName, "You can't pick that many resources.");
                final int npick = player.getNeedToPickGoldHexResources();
                if ((npick > 0) && (gstate < SOCGame.OVER))
                    srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCSimpleRequest(gaName, pn, SOCSimpleRequest.PROMPT_PICK_RESOURCES, npick));
                    srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, pn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES, 0));
    } catch (Exception e) {
        D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught");
Also used : SOCResourceSet( SOCPlayer(


SOCPlayer ( SOCGame ( SOCShip ( SOCSettlement ( SOCRoad ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCCity ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCFortress ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SOCBoard ( Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)4 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCVillage ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 SOCLRPathData ( SOCPlayingPiece ( SOCSpecialItem (