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Example 21 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method recalcLongestRoadETA.

 * Calculate the longest road ETA.
 * Always 500 or more if {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_0RVP} is set.
 * Updates fields for {@link #getLongestRoadETA()} and {@link #getRoadsToGo()}.
public void recalcLongestRoadETA() {
    // TODO handle ships here (different resources, etc)
    D.ebugPrintln("===  recalcLongestRoadETA for player " + playerNumber);
    final int roadETA;
    SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate bse = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(player.getNumbers());
    roadETA = bse.calculateRollsFast(SOCGame.EMPTY_RESOURCES, SOCRoad.COST, 500, player.getPortFlags());
    roadsToGo = 500;
    longestRoadETA = 500;
    int longestRoadLength;
    SOCPlayer lrPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
    if ((lrPlayer != null) && (lrPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == playerNumber)) {
        // /
        // / we have longest road
        // /
        // D.ebugPrintln("===  we have longest road");
        longestRoadETA = 0;
        roadsToGo = 0;
    } else if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_0RVP)) {
        if (lrPlayer == null) {
            // /
            // / no one has longest road
            // /
            longestRoadLength = Math.max(4, player.getLongestRoadLength());
        } else {
            longestRoadLength = lrPlayer.getLongestRoadLength();
        Iterator<SOCLRPathData> lrPathsIter = player.getLRPaths().iterator();
        int depth;
        while (lrPathsIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCLRPathData pathData =;
            depth = Math.min(((longestRoadLength + 1) - pathData.getLength()), player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD));
            int minRoads = recalcLongestRoadETAAux(pathData.getBeginning(), pathData.getLength(), longestRoadLength, depth);
            roadsToGo = Math.min(minRoads, roadsToGo);
            minRoads = recalcLongestRoadETAAux(pathData.getEnd(), pathData.getLength(), longestRoadLength, depth);
            roadsToGo = Math.min(minRoads, roadsToGo);
    D.ebugPrintln("--- roadsToGo = " + roadsToGo);
    longestRoadETA = roadsToGo * roadETA;
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) SOCPlayer( SOCLRPathData(

Example 22 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method addOurNewSettlement.

 * Add one of our settlements, and newly possible pieces from it.
 * Adds a new possible city; removes conflicting possible settlements (ours or other players).
 * On the large Sea board, if this is a coastal settlement adds newly possible ships, and if
 * we've just settled a new island, newly possible roads, because the coastal settlement is
 * a roads {@literal <->} ships transition.
 * Newly possible roads or ships next to the settlement are expanded by calling
 * {@link #expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, HashMap, int)}.
 * {@link #EXPAND_LEVEL} is the basic expansion length, and ships add
 * {@link #EXPAND_LEVEL_SHIP_EXTRA} to that for crossing the sea to nearby islands.
 * Called in 2 different conditions:
 * <LI> To track an actual (not possible) settlement that's just been placed
 * <LI> To see the effects of trying to placing a possible settlement, in a copy of the PlayerTracker
 *      ({@link #tryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCGame, HashMap)})
 * @param settlement  the new settlement
 * @param trackers    player trackers for all of the players
public synchronized void addOurNewSettlement(SOCSettlement settlement, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackers) {
    // D.ebugPrintln();
    D.ebugPrintln("$$$ addOurNewSettlement : " + settlement);
    SOCBoard board = game.getBoard();
    final Integer settlementCoords = Integer.valueOf(settlement.getCoordinates());
     * add a new possible city
    possibleCities.put(settlementCoords, new SOCPossibleCity(player, settlement.getCoordinates()));
     * see if the new settlement was a possible settlement in
     * the list.  if so, remove it.
    SOCPossibleSettlement ps = possibleSettlements.get(settlementCoords);
    if (ps != null) {
        D.ebugPrintln("$$$ was a possible settlement");
         * copy a list of all the conflicting settlements
        List<SOCPossibleSettlement> conflicts = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleSettlement>(ps.getConflicts());
         * remove the possible settlement that is now a real settlement
        D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing " + Integer.toHexString(settlement.getCoordinates()));
         * remove possible settlements that this one cancels out
        for (SOCPossibleSettlement conflict : conflicts) {
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking conflict with " + conflict.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber() + ":" + Integer.toHexString(conflict.getCoordinates()));
            SOCPlayerTracker tracker = trackers.get(Integer.valueOf(conflict.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber()));
            if (tracker != null) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing " + Integer.toHexString(conflict.getCoordinates()));
                 * remove the conflicts that this settlement made
                for (SOCPossibleSettlement otherConflict : conflict.getConflicts()) {
                    D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing conflict " + Integer.toHexString(conflict.getCoordinates()) + " from " + Integer.toHexString(otherConflict.getCoordinates()));
    } else {
         * if the new settlement wasn't a possible settlement,
         * we still need to cancel out other players possible settlements
        D.ebugPrintln("$$$ wasn't possible settlement");
        ArrayList<SOCPossibleSettlement> trash = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleSettlement>();
        List<Integer> adjNodes = board.getAdjacentNodesToNode(settlement.getCoordinates());
        Iterator<SOCPlayerTracker> trackersIter = trackers.values().iterator();
        while (trackersIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCPlayerTracker tracker =;
            SOCPossibleSettlement posSet = tracker.getPossibleSettlements().get(settlementCoords);
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$ tracker for player " + tracker.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber());
             * check the node that the settlement is on
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking node " + Integer.toHexString(settlement.getCoordinates()));
            if (posSet != null) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$ trashing " + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                 * remove the conflicts that this settlement made
                for (SOCPossibleSettlement conflict : posSet.getConflicts()) {
                    D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing conflict " + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()) + " from " + Integer.toHexString(conflict.getCoordinates()));
             * check adjacent nodes
            for (Integer adjNode : adjNodes) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$ checking node " + Integer.toHexString(adjNode.intValue()));
                posSet = tracker.getPossibleSettlements().get(adjNode);
                if (posSet != null) {
                    D.ebugPrintln("$$$ trashing " + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                     * remove the conflicts that this settlement made
                    for (SOCPossibleSettlement conflict : posSet.getConflicts()) {
                        D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing conflict " + Integer.toHexString(posSet.getCoordinates()) + " from " + Integer.toHexString(conflict.getCoordinates()));
             * take out the trash
             * (no-longer-possible settlements, roads that support it)
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing trash for " + tracker.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber());
            for (SOCPossibleSettlement pset : trash) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$ removing " + Integer.toHexString(pset.getCoordinates()) + " owned by " + pset.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber());
     * Add possible road-ship transitions made possible by the new settlement.
     * Normally a new settlement placement doesn't need to add possible roads or ships,
     * because each road/ship placement adds possibles past the new far end of the route
     * in addOurNewRoadOrShip.
    if (board instanceof SOCBoardLarge) {
        ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> roadsToExpand = null;
         * Only add new possible roads if we're on a new island
         * (that is, the newly placed settlement has no adjacent roads already).
         * Coastal ships/roads may still be added even if settleAlreadyHasRoad.
        boolean settleAlreadyHasRoad = false;
        ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad> possibleNewIslandRoads = null;
        final List<Integer> adjacEdges = board.getAdjacentEdgesToNode(settlementCoords);
        // First, loop to check for settleAlreadyHasRoad
        for (Integer edge : adjacEdges) {
            if (possibleRoads.get(edge) != null)
                // already a possible road or ship here
            SOCRoad road = board.roadAtEdge(edge);
            if ((road != null) && road.isRoadNotShip()) {
                settleAlreadyHasRoad = true;
        // Now, possibly add new roads/ships/coastals
        for (Integer edge : adjacEdges) {
            // TODO remove these debug prints soon
            // System.err.println("L1348: examine edge 0x"
            // + Integer.toHexString(edge) + " for placed settle 0x"
            // + Integer.toHexString(settlementCoords));
            SOCPossibleRoad pRoad = possibleRoads.get(edge);
            if (pRoad != null) {
                // already a possible road or ship
            if (board.roadAtEdge(edge) != null) {
                // not new, something's already there
            if (player.isPotentialRoad(edge)) {
                // Add newly possible roads from settlement placement.
                // Probably won't need to happen (usually added in addOurNewRoadOrShip, see newPossibleRoads)
                // but could on a new island's first settlement
                final boolean isCoastline = player.isPotentialShip(edge);
                if (settleAlreadyHasRoad && !isCoastline)
                if (possibleNewIslandRoads == null)
                    possibleNewIslandRoads = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
                possibleNewIslandRoads.add((isCoastline) ? new SOCPossibleShip(player, edge, true, null) : new SOCPossibleRoad(player, edge, null));
                if (isCoastline)
                    System.err.println("L1675: " + toString() + ": new PossibleShip(true) at 0x" + Integer.toHexString(edge));
            } else if (player.isPotentialShip(edge)) {
                // A way out to a new island
                SOCPossibleShip newPS = new SOCPossibleShip(player, edge, false, null);
                possibleRoads.put(edge, newPS);
                System.err.println("L1685: " + toString() + ": new PossibleShip(false) at 0x" + Integer.toHexString(edge) + " from coastal settle 0x" + Integer.toHexString(settlementCoords));
                if (roadsToExpand == null)
                    roadsToExpand = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
        if ((possibleNewIslandRoads != null) && !game.isInitialPlacement()) {
            // (Make sure this isn't initial placement, where nothing has adjacent roads)
            for (SOCPossibleRoad pr : possibleNewIslandRoads) {
                possibleRoads.put(Integer.valueOf(pr.getCoordinates()), pr);
                System.err.println("L1396: new possible road at edge 0x" + Integer.toHexString(pr.getCoordinates()) + " from coastal settle 0x" + Integer.toHexString(settlementCoords));
                if (roadsToExpand == null)
                    roadsToExpand = new ArrayList<SOCPossibleRoad>();
        if (roadsToExpand != null) {
            // expand possible ships/roads that we've added
            SOCPlayer dummy = new SOCPlayer(player);
            for (SOCPossibleRoad expandPR : roadsToExpand) {
                final int expand = EXPAND_LEVEL + (expandPR.isRoadNotShip() ? 0 : EXPAND_LEVEL_SHIP_EXTRA);
                expandRoadOrShip(expandPR, player, dummy, trackers, expand);
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCBoard( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SOCRoad( SOCPlayer(

Example 23 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method drawBoard.

 * Draw the whole board, including pieces and tooltip ({@link #hilight}, {@link #hoverTip}) if applicable.
 * The basic board without pieces is drawn just once, then buffered.
 * If the board layout changes (at start of game, for example),
 * call {@link #flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint()} to clear the buffered copy.
 * @see #drawBoardEmpty(Graphics)
private void drawBoard(Graphics g) {
    Image ebb = emptyBoardBuffer;
    if (scaledMissedImage || ebb == null) {
        if (ebb == null) {
            ebb = createImage(scaledPanelW, scaledPanelH);
            emptyBoardBuffer = ebb;
        drawnEmptyAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // drawBoardEmpty, drawHex will set this flag if missed
        scaledMissedImage = false;
        if (scaledMissedImage && (scaledAt != 0) && (RESCALE_MAX_RETRY_MS < (drawnEmptyAt - scaledAt)))
            // eventually give up scaling it
            scaledMissedImage = false;
    // draw ebb from local variable, not emptyBoardBuffer field, to avoid occasional NPE
    g.drawImage(ebb, 0, 0, this);
    // ask for antialiasing if available
    if (g instanceof Graphics2D)
        ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    final boolean xlat = (panelMarginX != 0) || (panelMarginY != 0);
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(panelMarginX, panelMarginY);
    final int gameState = game.getGameState();
    if (board.getRobberHex() != -1) {
        drawRobber(g, board.getRobberHex(), (gameState != SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER), true);
    if (board.getPreviousRobberHex() != -1) {
        drawRobber(g, board.getPreviousRobberHex(), (gameState != SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER), false);
    if (isLargeBoard) {
        int hex = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPirateHex();
        if (hex > 0) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, hex, -2, (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_PIRATE), false, false);
        hex = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPreviousPirateHex();
        if (hex > 0) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, hex, -3, (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_PIRATE), false, false);
     * draw the roads and ships
    if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI)) {
        for (SOCRoad r : board.getRoads()) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, r.getCoordinates(), r.getPlayerNumber(), false, !(r instanceof SOCShip), false);
    } else {
        for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
            final SOCPlayer pl = game.getPlayer(pn);
            // count warships here, for efficiency, instead of calling SOCGame.isShipWarship for each one
            int numWarships = pl.getNumWarships();
            for (SOCRoad r : pl.getRoads()) {
                final boolean isShip = (r instanceof SOCShip);
                final boolean isWarship = isShip && (numWarships > 0);
                drawRoadOrShip(g, r.getCoordinates(), pn, false, !isShip, isWarship);
                if (isWarship)
                    // this works since warships begin with player's 1st-placed ship in getRoads()
             * draw the player's fortress, if any
            SOCFortress fo = pl.getFortress();
            if (fo != null)
                drawFortress(g, fo, pn, false);
     * draw the settlements
    for (SOCSettlement s : board.getSettlements()) {
        drawSettlement(g, s.getCoordinates(), s.getPlayerNumber(), false, false);
     * draw the cities
    for (SOCCity c : board.getCities()) {
        drawCity(g, c.getCoordinates(), c.getPlayerNumber(), false);
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(-panelMarginX, -panelMarginY);
     * draw the current-player arrow after ("above") pieces,
     * but below any hilighted piece, in case of overlap at
     * edge of board. More likely on 6-player board for the
     * two players whose handpanels are vertically centered.
    if (gameState != SOCGame.NEW) {
        drawArrow(g, game.getCurrentPlayerNumber(), game.getCurrentDice());
    if (player != null) {
        if (xlat)
            g.translate(panelMarginX, panelMarginY);
         * Draw the hilight when in interactive mode;
         * No hilight when null player (before game started).
         * The "hovering" road/settlement/city are separately painted
         * in {@link soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip#paint()}.
        switch(mode) {
            case MOVE_SHIP:
                if (moveShip_fromEdge != 0)
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, moveShip_fromEdge, -1, false, false, moveShip_isWarship);
            case PLACE_ROAD:
            case PLACE_INIT_ROAD:
            case PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP:
                if (hilight != 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, !hilightIsShip, (moveShip_isWarship && (moveShip_fromEdge != 0)));
            case PLACE_SETTLEMENT:
            case PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawSettlement(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, false);
            case PLACE_CITY:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawCity(g, hilight, playerNumber, true);
            case PLACE_SHIP:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, false, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_SETTLEMENT:
            case CONSIDER_LT_SETTLEMENT:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawSettlement(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), true, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_ROAD:
            case CONSIDER_LT_ROAD:
                if (hilight != 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), false, true, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_CITY:
            case CONSIDER_LT_CITY:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawCity(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), true);
            case PLACE_ROBBER:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRobber(g, hilight, true, true);
            case PLACE_PIRATE:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, -2, false, false, false);
            case SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT:
        if (xlat)
            g.translate(-panelMarginX, -panelMarginY);
    if (superText1 != null) {
    if (superTextTop != null) {
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCBoardLarge( SOCCity( SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress( Image(java.awt.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) SOCRoad( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 24 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method mouseClicked.

 * @param evt DOCUMENT ME!
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
    try {
        int x = evt.getX();
        int y = evt.getY();
        if (evt.isPopupTrigger()) {
            popupMenuSystime = evt.getWhen();
            doBoardMenuPopup(x, y);
            // <--- Pop up menu, nothing else to do ---
        if (evt.getWhen() < (popupMenuSystime + POPUP_MENU_IGNORE_MS)) {
            // <--- Ignore click: too soon after popup click ---
        boolean tempChangedMode = false;
        if ((mode == NONE) && hoverTip.isVisible()) {
            if (game.isDebugFreePlacement()) {
                if (hoverTip.hoverSettlementID != 0) {
                    hilight = hoverTip.hoverSettlementID;
                    hilightIsShip = false;
                    mode = PLACE_SETTLEMENT;
                    tempChangedMode = true;
                } else if (hoverTip.hoverCityID != 0) {
                    hilight = hoverTip.hoverCityID;
                    hilightIsShip = false;
                    mode = PLACE_CITY;
                    tempChangedMode = true;
                } else if (hoverTip.hoverRoadID != 0) {
                    hilight = hoverTip.hoverRoadID;
                    hilightIsShip = false;
                    mode = PLACE_ROAD;
                    tempChangedMode = true;
                } else if (hoverTip.hoverShipID != 0) {
                    hilight = hoverTip.hoverShipID;
                    hilightIsShip = true;
                    mode = PLACE_SHIP;
                    tempChangedMode = true;
            } else if (((evt.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) == InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) && (player != null) && (game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() == playerNumber) && (player.getPublicVP() == 2) && (hintShownCount_RightClickToBuild < 2)) {
                // To help during the start of the game, display a hint message
                // reminding new users to right-click to build (OSX: control-click).
                // Show it at most twice to avoid annoying the user.
                final String prompt = (SOCPlayerClient.isJavaOnOSX) ? "board.popup.hint_build_click.osx" : // "To build pieces, hold Control while clicking the build location."
                // "To build pieces, right-click the build location."
                NotifyDialog.createAndShow(playerInterface.getGameDisplay(), playerInterface, "\n" + strings.get(prompt), null, true);
            // start prompt with \n to prevent it being a lengthy popup-dialog title
        if ((hilight != 0) && (player != null) && (x == ptrOldX) && (y == ptrOldY)) {
            SOCPlayerClient client = playerInterface.getClient();
            switch(mode) {
                case NONE:
                case TURN_STARTING:
                case PLACE_INIT_ROAD:
                case PLACE_ROAD:
                case PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP:
                    if (hilight == -1)
                        // Road on edge 0x00
                        hilight = 0;
                    if (player.isPotentialRoad(hilight) && !hilightIsShip) {
                        client.getGameManager().putPiece(game, new SOCRoad(player, hilight, board));
                        // Now that we've placed, clear the mode and the hilight.
                        if (tempChangedMode)
                    } else if (// checks isPotentialShip, pirate ship
                    game.canPlaceShip(player, hilight)) {
                        if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI) && ((SOCBoardLarge) board).canRemovePort(hilight)) {
                            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new ConfirmPlaceShipDialog(hilight, false, -1));
                        } else {
                            client.getGameManager().putPiece(game, new SOCShip(player, hilight, board));
                            // Now that we've placed, clear the mode and the hilight.
                        if (tempChangedMode)
                case MOVE_SHIP:
                    // check and move ship to hilight from fromEdge;
                    // also sets moveShip_fromEdge = 0, calls clearModeAndHilight.
                    moveShip_toEdge = hilight;
                case PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT:
                    if (playerNumber == playerInterface.getClientPlayerNumber()) {
                        initSettlementNode = hilight;
                case PLACE_SETTLEMENT:
                    if (player.canPlaceSettlement(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().putPiece(game, new SOCSettlement(player, hilight, board));
                        if (tempChangedMode)
                case PLACE_CITY:
                    if (player.isPotentialCity(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().putPiece(game, new SOCCity(player, hilight, board));
                        if (tempChangedMode)
                case PLACE_SHIP:
                    if (// checks isPotentialShip, pirate ship
                    game.canPlaceShip(player, hilight)) {
                        if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI) && ((SOCBoardLarge) board).canRemovePort(hilight)) {
                            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new ConfirmPlaceShipDialog(hilight, false, -1));
                        } else {
                            client.getGameManager().putPiece(game, new SOCShip(player, hilight, board));
                        if (tempChangedMode)
                case PLACE_ROBBER:
                    if (hilight != board.getRobberHex()) {
                        // do we have an adjacent settlement/city?
                        boolean cliAdjacent = false;
                            for (SOCPlayer pl : game.getPlayersOnHex(hilight)) {
                                if (pl.getPlayerNumber() == playerNumber) {
                                    cliAdjacent = true;
                        if (cliAdjacent) {
                            // ask player to confirm first
                            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new MoveRobberConfirmDialog(player, hilight));
                        } else {
                            // ask server to move it
                            client.getGameManager().moveRobber(game, player, hilight);
                case PLACE_PIRATE:
                    if (hilight != ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPirateHex()) {
                        // do we have an adjacent ship?
                        boolean cliAdjacent = false;
                            for (SOCPlayer pl : game.getPlayersShipsOnHex(hilight)) {
                                if (pl.getPlayerNumber() == playerNumber) {
                                    cliAdjacent = true;
                        if (cliAdjacent) {
                            // ask player to confirm first
                            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new MoveRobberConfirmDialog(player, -hilight));
                        } else {
                            // ask server to move it
                            client.getGameManager().moveRobber(game, player, -hilight);
                case SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT:
                    if (hilight != 0) {
                        int edge = hilight;
                        if (edge == -1)
                            edge = 0;
                        if (game.canPlacePort(player, edge)) {
                            // Ask server to place here.
                            client.getGameManager().sendSimpleRequest(player, SOCSimpleRequest.TRADE_PORT_PLACE, hilight, 0);
                            hilight = 0;
                case CONSIDER_LM_SETTLEMENT:
                    if (otherPlayer.canPlaceSettlement(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerMove(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCSettlement(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
                case CONSIDER_LM_ROAD:
                    if (otherPlayer.isPotentialRoad(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerMove(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCRoad(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
                case CONSIDER_LM_CITY:
                    if (otherPlayer.isPotentialCity(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerMove(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCCity(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
                case CONSIDER_LT_SETTLEMENT:
                    if (otherPlayer.canPlaceSettlement(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerTarget(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCSettlement(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
                case CONSIDER_LT_ROAD:
                    if (otherPlayer.isPotentialRoad(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerTarget(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCRoad(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
                case CONSIDER_LT_CITY:
                    if (otherPlayer.isPotentialCity(hilight)) {
                        client.getGameManager().considerTarget(game, otherPlayer.getName(), new SOCCity(otherPlayer, hilight, board));
        } else if ((player != null) && ((game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() == playerNumber) || game.isDebugFreePlacement())) {
            // No hilight. But, they clicked the board, expecting something.
            // It's possible the mode is incorrect.
            // Update and wait for the next click.
            ptrOldX = 0;
            ptrOldY = 0;
            // mouseMoved will establish hilight using click's x,y
        if (tempChangedMode)
            mode = NONE;
    } catch (Throwable th) {
Also used : SOCBoardLarge( SOCShip( SOCRoad( SOCSettlement( SOCCity( SOCPlayer(

Example 25 with SOCPlayer

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentials.

 * If any bit in {@link #debugShowPotentials}[] is set, besides 8,
 * draw it on the board. Shows potential/legal placement locations for player 0.
 * (<tt>debugShowPotentials[8]</tt> is drawn in the per-hex loop
 *  of {@link #drawBoardEmpty(Graphics)}).
 * <b>Note:</b> Currently implemented only for {@link #isLargeBoard} only for now (TODO).
 * @since 2.0.00
 * @throws IllegalStateException if ! isLargeBoard; temporary restriction
private void drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentials(Graphics g) throws IllegalStateException {
    if (!isLargeBoard)
        throw new IllegalStateException("not supported yet");
    final SOCPlayer pl = game.getPlayer(0);
    final int bw = board.getBoardWidth();
    if (debugShowPotentials[2]) {
        final int bh = board.getBoardHeight();
        int w = scaleToActual(halfdeltaX * bw), h = scaleToActual(halfdeltaY * bh + HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT);
        int y = scaleToActual(halfdeltaY);
        g.drawRect(0, y, w, h);
        g.drawRect(1, y + 1, w - 2, h - 2);
    // Iterate over all nodes for:
    // 1,5: settlements: squares (Legal yellow, potential green)
    // 2,6: cities: larger squares (potential green; there is no legal set)
    // 9: nodes on land: red round rects
    final int SC_3 = scaleToActual(3), SC_10 = scaleToActual(10), SC_12 = scaleToActual(12), SC_14 = scaleToActual(14), SC_18 = scaleToActual(18);
    for (int r = 0, y = halfdeltaY + (HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT / 2); r <= board.getBoardHeight(); ++r, y += halfdeltaY) {
        final int rshift = (r << 8);
        for (int c = 0, x = 0; c <= bw; ++c, x += halfdeltaX) {
            final int nodeCoord = rshift | c;
            // 1,5: settlements
            if (debugShowPotentials[1] && pl.isLegalSettlement(nodeCoord)) {
                g.drawRect(scaleToActual(x - 6), scaleToActual(y - 6), SC_12, SC_12);
            if (debugShowPotentials[5] && pl.isPotentialSettlement(nodeCoord)) {
                g.drawRect(scaleToActual(x - 7), scaleToActual(y - 7), SC_14, SC_14);
            // 6: cities (potential only)
            if (debugShowPotentials[6] && pl.isPotentialCity(nodeCoord)) {
                g.drawRect(scaleToActual(x - 9), scaleToActual(y - 9), SC_18, SC_18);
            // 9: nodes on land
            if (debugShowPotentials[9] && board.isNodeOnLand(nodeCoord)) {
                g.drawRoundRect(scaleToActual(x - 5), scaleToActual(y - 5), SC_10, SC_10, SC_3, SC_3);
    for (int r = 0, y = halfdeltaY + (HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT / 2); r <= board.getBoardHeight(); ++r, y += halfdeltaY) {
        final int rshift = (r << 8);
        final boolean edgeIsVert = ((r % 2) == 1);
        int x = (edgeIsVert) ? 0 : (halfdeltaX / 2);
        for (int c = 0; c <= bw; ++c, x += halfdeltaX) {
            final int edgeCoord = rshift | c;
            // 3,7: ships - diamonds
            if (debugShowPotentials[3] && pl.isLegalShip(edgeCoord)) {
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x - 4), scaleToActual(y), scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y - 4));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y - 4), scaleToActual(x + 4), scaleToActual(y));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x + 4), scaleToActual(y), scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y + 4));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y + 4), scaleToActual(x - 4), scaleToActual(y));
            if (debugShowPotentials[7] && pl.isPotentialShip(edgeCoord)) {
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x - 6), scaleToActual(y), scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y - 6));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y - 6), scaleToActual(x + 6), scaleToActual(y));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x + 6), scaleToActual(y), scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y + 6));
                g.drawLine(scaleToActual(x), scaleToActual(y + 6), scaleToActual(x - 6), scaleToActual(y));
            // 0,4: roads - parallel lines
            if (debugShowPotentials[0] && pl.isLegalRoad(edgeCoord)) {
                drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentialRoad(g, x, y, r, c, edgeIsVert, Color.YELLOW, 4);
            if (debugShowPotentials[4] && pl.isPotentialRoad(edgeCoord))
                drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentialRoad(g, x, y, r, c, edgeIsVert, Color.GREEN, 6);
Also used : SOCPlayer(


SOCPlayer ( SOCGame ( SOCShip ( SOCSettlement ( SOCRoad ( SOCResourceSet ( SOCCity ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCFortress ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SOCBoard ( Connection (soc.server.genericServer.Connection)4 SOCInventoryItem ( SOCVillage ( SQLException (java.sql.SQLException)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 SOCLRPathData ( SOCPlayingPiece ( SOCSpecialItem (