use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient method handlePOTENTIALSETTLEMENTS.
* handle the "list of potential settlements" message
* @param mes the message
* @param games The hashtable of client's {@link SOCGame}s; key = game name
* @throws IllegalStateException if the board has
* {@link SOCBoardLarge#getAddedLayoutPart(String) SOCBoardLarge.getAddedLayoutPart("AL")} != {@code null} but
* badly formed (node list number 0, or a node list number not followed by a land area number).
* This Added Layout Part is rarely used, and this would be discovered quickly while testing
* the board layout that contained it.
public static void handlePOTENTIALSETTLEMENTS(SOCPotentialSettlements mes, Hashtable<String, SOCGame> games) throws IllegalStateException {
SOCGame ga = games.get(mes.getGame());
if (ga == null)
final List<Integer> vset = mes.getPotentialSettlements();
final HashSet<Integer>[] las = mes.landAreasLegalNodes;
// must set for players after pl.setPotentialAndLegalSettlements, if not null
final int[] loneSettles;
// usually null, except in _SC_PIRI
final int[][] legalSeaEdges = mes.legalSeaEdges;
int pn = mes.getPlayerNumber();
if (ga.hasSeaBoard) {
SOCBoardLarge bl = ((SOCBoardLarge) ga.getBoard());
if ((pn == -1) || ((pn == 0) && bl.getLegalSettlements().isEmpty()))
bl.setLegalSettlements(vset, mes.startingLandArea, // throws IllegalStateException if board layout
// has malformed Added Layout Part "AL"
// usually null, except in _SC_PIRI
loneSettles = bl.getAddedLayoutPart("LS");
} else {
loneSettles = null;
if (pn != -1) {
SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(pn);
player.setPotentialAndLegalSettlements(vset, true, las);
if (loneSettles != null)
player.addLegalSettlement(loneSettles[pn], false);
if (legalSeaEdges != null)
} else {
for (pn = ga.maxPlayers - 1; pn >= 0; --pn) {
SOCPlayer pl = ga.getPlayer(pn);
pl.setPotentialAndLegalSettlements(vset, true, las);
if (loneSettles != null)
pl.addLegalSettlement(loneSettles[pn], false);
if (legalSeaEdges != null)
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotBrain method considerOffer.
* Consider a trade offer made by another player.
* If offered to our player, calls {@link SOCRobotNegotiator#considerOffer2(SOCTradeOffer, int)}.
* @param offer the offer to consider
* @return a code from {@link SOCRobotNegotiator} that represents how we want to respond:
* {@link SOCRobotNegotiator#IGNORE_OFFER IGNORE_OFFER},
* {@link SOCRobotNegotiator#ACCEPT_OFFER ACCEPT_OFFER},
* {@link SOCRobotNegotiator#REJECT_OFFER REJECT_OFFER},
* or {@link SOCRobotNegotiator#COUNTER_OFFER COUNTER_OFFER}.
* Note: any negative value returned means we do nothing
* ({@link SOCRobotNegotiator#IGNORE_OFFER IGNORE_OFFER}).
* @see #makeCounterOffer(SOCTradeOffer)
protected int considerOffer(SOCTradeOffer offer) {
int response = SOCRobotNegotiator.IGNORE_OFFER;
SOCPlayer offeringPlayer = game.getPlayer(offer.getFrom());
if ((offeringPlayer.getCurrentOffer() != null) && (offer == offeringPlayer.getCurrentOffer())) {
boolean[] offeredTo = offer.getTo();
if (offeredTo[ourPlayerNumber]) {
response = negotiator.considerOffer2(offer, ourPlayerNumber);
return response;
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotDM method dumbFastGameStrategy.
* Plan building for the dumbFastGameStrategy ({@link #FAST_STRATEGY}).
* uses rules to determine what to build next
* and update {@link #buildingPlan}.
* For example, if {@link #favoriteSettlement} is chosen,
* it's chosen from {@link #ourPlayerTracker}{@link SOCPlayerTracker#getPossibleSettlements() .getPossibleSettlements()}.
* Possible cities and settlements are looked at first.
* Find the city with best {@link SOCPossibleCity#getSpeedupTotal()}, then check each possible
* settlement's {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getETA()} against the city's ETA to possibly choose one to build.
* (If one is chosen, its {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getNecessaryRoads()}
* will also be chosen here.) Then, Knights or Dev Cards.
* Only then would roads or ships be looked at, for Longest Route
* (and only if we're at 5 VP or more).
* This method never directly checks
* {@code ourPlayerTracker}{@link SOCPlayerTracker#getPossibleRoads() .getPossibleRoads()}, instead
* it adds the roads or ships from {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getNecessaryRoads()} to {@link #buildingPlan}
* when a possible settlement is picked to build.
* Some scenarios require special moves or certain actions to win the game. If we're playing in
* such a scenario, after calculating {@link #favoriteSettlement}, {@link #favoriteCity}, etc, calls
* {@link #scenarioGameStrategyPlan(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean)}.
* See that method for the list of scenarios which need such planning.
* @param buildingETAs the ETAs for building each piece type
* @see #smartGameStrategy(int[])
protected void dumbFastGameStrategy(final int[] buildingETAs) {
D.ebugPrintln("***** dumbFastGameStrategy *****");
// If this game is on the 6-player board, check whether we're planning for
// the Special Building Phase. Can't buy cards or trade in that phase.
final boolean forSpecialBuildingPhase = game.isSpecialBuilding() || (game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() != ourPlayerNumber);
int bestETA = 500;
SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate ourBSE = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
if (ourPlayerData.getTotalVP() < 5) {
if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) {
Iterator<SOCPossibleCity> posCitiesIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleCities().values().iterator();
while (posCitiesIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleCity posCity =;
D.ebugPrintln("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
D.ebugPrintln("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
D.ebugPrintln("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("CITY" + posCity.getCoordinates());
brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posCity.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
favoriteCity = posCity;
bestETA = buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY];
// score the possible settlements
scoreSettlementsForDumb(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT], ourBSE);
// pick something to build
Iterator<SOCPossibleSettlement> posSetsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements().values().iterator();
while (posSetsIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleSettlement posSet =;
if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("SETTLEMENT" + posSet.getCoordinates());
brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of stlmt at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posSet.getSpeedupTotal());
brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + posSet.getETA());
Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = posSet.getRoadPath();
if (roadPath != null) {
Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> rpIter = roadPath.iterator();
while (rpIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
brain.getDRecorder().record("Road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(posRoad.getCoordinates()));
if (posSet.getETA() < bestETA) {
bestETA = posSet.getETA();
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
} else if (posSet.getETA() == bestETA) {
if (favoriteSettlement == null) {
if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
} else {
if (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteSettlement.getSpeedupTotal()) {
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
if (favoriteSettlement != null) {
// we want to build a settlement
D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite settlement at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteSettlement.getCoordinates()));
if (!favoriteSettlement.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
// we need to build roads first
Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = favoriteSettlement.getRoadPath();
while (!roadPath.empty()) {
} else if (favoriteCity != null) {
// we want to build a city
D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteCity.getCoordinates()));
} else {
if ((game.getNumDevCards() > 0) && !forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
// buy a card if there are any left
D.ebugPrintln("Buy a card");
SOCPossibleCard posCard = new SOCPossibleCard(ourPlayerData, buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CARD]);
} else {
// we have more than 4 points
int choice = -1;
// consider Largest Army
D.ebugPrintln("Calculating Largest Army ETA");
int laETA = 500;
int laSize = 0;
SOCPlayer laPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLargestArmy();
if (laPlayer == null) {
// /
// / no one has largest army
// /
laSize = 3;
} else if (laPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber) {
// /
// / we have largest army
// /
D.ebugPrintln("We have largest army");
} else {
laSize = laPlayer.getNumKnights() + 1;
// /
// / figure out how many knights we need to buy
// /
int knightsToBuy = 0;
if ((ourPlayerData.getNumKnights() + // OLD + NEW knights
ourPlayerData.getInventory().getAmount(SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT)) < laSize) {
knightsToBuy = laSize - (ourPlayerData.getNumKnights() + ourPlayerData.getInventory().getAmount(SOCInventory.OLD, SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT));
D.ebugPrintln("knightsToBuy = " + knightsToBuy);
if (ourPlayerData.getGame().getNumDevCards() >= knightsToBuy) {
// /
// / figure out how long it takes to buy this many knights
// /
SOCResourceSet targetResources = new SOCResourceSet();
for (int i = 0; i < knightsToBuy; i++) {
laETA = ourBSE.calculateRollsFast(ourPlayerData.getResources(), targetResources, 100, ourPlayerData.getPortFlags());
} else {
// /
// / not enough dev cards left
// /
if ((laETA < bestETA) && !forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
bestETA = laETA;
choice = LA_CHOICE;
D.ebugPrintln("laETA = " + laETA);
// consider Longest Road
D.ebugPrintln("Calculating Longest Road ETA");
int lrETA = 500;
Stack<?> bestLRPath = null;
int lrLength;
SOCPlayer lrPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
if ((lrPlayer != null) && (lrPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber)) {
// /
// / we have longest road
// /
D.ebugPrintln("We have longest road");
} else if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_0RVP)) {
if (lrPlayer == null) {
// /
// / no one has longest road
// /
lrLength = Math.max(4, ourPlayerData.getLongestRoadLength());
} else {
lrLength = lrPlayer.getLongestRoadLength();
Iterator<SOCLRPathData> lrPathsIter = ourPlayerData.getLRPaths().iterator();
int depth;
while (lrPathsIter.hasNext()) {
Stack<?> path;
SOCLRPathData pathData =;
depth = Math.min(((lrLength + 1) - pathData.getLength()), ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD));
path = (Stack<?>) recalcLongestRoadETAAux(ourPlayerData, true, pathData.getBeginning(), pathData.getLength(), lrLength, depth);
if ((path != null) && ((bestLRPath == null) || (path.size() < bestLRPath.size()))) {
bestLRPath = path;
path = (Stack<?>) recalcLongestRoadETAAux(ourPlayerData, true, pathData.getEnd(), pathData.getLength(), lrLength, depth);
if ((path != null) && ((bestLRPath == null) || (path.size() < bestLRPath.size()))) {
bestLRPath = path;
if (bestLRPath != null) {
// calculate LR eta
D.ebugPrintln("Number of roads: " + bestLRPath.size());
SOCResourceSet targetResources = new SOCResourceSet();
for (int i = 0; i < bestLRPath.size(); i++) {
lrETA = ourBSE.calculateRollsFast(ourPlayerData.getResources(), targetResources, 100, ourPlayerData.getPortFlags());
if (lrETA < bestETA) {
bestETA = lrETA;
choice = LR_CHOICE;
D.ebugPrintln("lrETA = " + lrETA);
if ((ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) && (buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY] <= bestETA)) {
Iterator<SOCPossibleCity> posCitiesIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleCities().values().iterator();
while (posCitiesIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleCity posCity =;
if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("CITY" + posCity.getCoordinates());
brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posCity.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
favoriteCity = posCity;
bestETA = buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY];
choice = CITY_CHOICE;
if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) > 0) {
scoreSettlementsForDumb(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT], ourBSE);
Iterator<SOCPossibleSettlement> posSetsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements().values().iterator();
while (posSetsIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleSettlement posSet =;
if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("SETTLEMENT" + posSet.getCoordinates());
brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of stlmt at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posSet.getSpeedupTotal());
brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + posSet.getETA());
Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = posSet.getRoadPath();
if (roadPath != null) {
Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> rpIter = roadPath.iterator();
while (rpIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
brain.getDRecorder().record("Road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(posRoad.getCoordinates()));
if ((posSet.getRoadPath() == null) || (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) >= posSet.getRoadPath().size())) {
if (posSet.getETA() < bestETA) {
bestETA = posSet.getETA();
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
} else if (posSet.getETA() == bestETA) {
if (favoriteSettlement == null) {
if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
} else {
if (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteSettlement.getSpeedupTotal()) {
favoriteSettlement = posSet;
if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI) || game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_WOND)) {
if (scenarioGameStrategyPlan(bestETA, -1f, false, (choice == LA_CHOICE), ourBSE, 0, forSpecialBuildingPhase))
// <--- Early return: Scenario-specific buildingPlan was pushed ---
switch(choice) {
D.ebugPrintln("Picked LA");
if (!forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
for (int i = 0; i < knightsToBuy; i++) {
SOCPossibleCard posCard = new SOCPossibleCard(ourPlayerData, 1);
D.ebugPrintln("Picked LR");
while (!bestLRPath.empty()) {
SOCPossibleRoad pr = (SOCPossibleRoad) bestLRPath.pop();
D.ebugPrintln("LR road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(pr.getCoordinates()));
D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteCity.getCoordinates()));
D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite settlement at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteSettlement.getCoordinates()));
if (!favoriteSettlement.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
// we need to build roads first
Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = favoriteSettlement.getRoadPath();
while (!roadPath.empty()) {
SOCPossibleRoad pr = roadPath.pop();
D.ebugPrintln("Nec road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(pr.getCoordinates()));
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotDM method calcWGETABonusAux.
* Helps calculate WGETA bonus for making a move or other change in the game.
* The bonus is based on lowering your bot's WGETA and increasing the leaders' WGETA.
* @param originalWGETAs the original WGETAs; each player's {@link SOCPlayerTracker#getWinGameETA()} before the change
* @param trackersAfter the playerTrackers after the change;
* call {@link SOCPlayerTracker#updateWinGameETAs(HashMap) SOCPlayerTracker.updateWinGameETAs(trackersAfter)}
* before calling this method
* @param leaders a list of leaders (players winning soonest);
* the player(s) with lowest {@link SOCPlayerTracker#getWinGameETA()}.
* Contains only one element, unless there is an ETA tie.
private float calcWGETABonusAux(final int[] originalWGETAs, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackersAfter, Vector<SOCPlayerTracker> leaders) {
int[] WGETAdiffs = new int[game.maxPlayers];
int bestWGETA = 1000;
float bonus = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < game.maxPlayers; i++) {
WGETAdiffs[i] = originalWGETAs[i];
if (originalWGETAs[i] < bestWGETA) {
bestWGETA = originalWGETAs[i];
Iterator<SOCPlayerTracker> trackersAfterIter = trackersAfter.values().iterator();
while (trackersAfterIter.hasNext()) {
SOCPlayerTracker trackerAfter =;
final int pn = trackerAfter.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber();
WGETAdiffs[pn] -= trackerAfter.getWinGameETA();
D.ebugPrintln("$$$ win game ETA diff for player " + pn + " = " + WGETAdiffs[pn]);
if (pn == ourPlayerNumber) {
if (trackerAfter.getWinGameETA() == 0) {
D.ebugPrintln("$$$$ adding win game bonus : +" + (100 / game.maxPlayers));
bonus += (100.0f / game.maxPlayers);
if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("Adding Win Game bonus :" + df1.format(bonus));
if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("WGETA Diffs: " + WGETAdiffs[0] + " " + WGETAdiffs[1] + " " + WGETAdiffs[2] + " " + WGETAdiffs[3]);
if ((originalWGETAs[ourPlayerNumber] > 0) && (bonus == 0)) {
bonus += ((100.0f / game.maxPlayers) * ((float) WGETAdiffs[ourPlayerNumber] / (float) originalWGETAs[ourPlayerNumber]));
D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ our current bonus = " + bonus);
if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("WGETA bonus for only myself = " + df1.format(bonus));
for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
Enumeration<SOCPlayerTracker> leadersEnum = leaders.elements();
while (leadersEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
final int leaderPN = leadersEnum.nextElement().getPlayer().getPlayerNumber();
if ((pn == ourPlayerNumber) || (pn == leaderPN))
if (originalWGETAs[pn] > 0) {
final float takedownBonus = -1.0f * (100.0f / game.maxPlayers) * adversarialFactor * ((float) WGETAdiffs[pn] / (float) originalWGETAs[pn]) * ((float) bestWGETA / (float) originalWGETAs[pn]);
bonus += takedownBonus;
D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ added takedown bonus for player " + pn + " : " + takedownBonus);
if (((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) && (takedownBonus != 0)) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("Bonus for AI with " + pn + " : " + df1.format(takedownBonus));
} else if (WGETAdiffs[pn] < 0) {
float takedownBonus = (100.0f / game.maxPlayers) * adversarialFactor;
bonus += takedownBonus;
D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ added takedown bonus for player " + pn + " : " + takedownBonus);
if (((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) && (takedownBonus != 0)) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("Bonus for AI with " + pn + " : " + df1.format(takedownBonus));
// take down bonus for leaders
Enumeration<SOCPlayerTracker> leadersEnum = leaders.elements();
while (leadersEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
final SOCPlayer leader = leadersEnum.nextElement().getPlayer();
final int leaderPN = leader.getPlayerNumber();
if (leaderPN == ourPlayerNumber)
if (originalWGETAs[leaderPN] > 0) {
final float takedownBonus = -1.0f * (100.0f / game.maxPlayers) * leaderAdversarialFactor * ((float) WGETAdiffs[leaderPN] / (float) originalWGETAs[leaderPN]);
bonus += takedownBonus;
D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ added takedown bonus for leader " + leaderPN + " : +" + takedownBonus);
if (((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) && (takedownBonus != 0)) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("Bonus for LI with " + leader.getName() + " : +" + df1.format(takedownBonus));
} else if (WGETAdiffs[leaderPN] < 0) {
final float takedownBonus = (100.0f / game.maxPlayers) * leaderAdversarialFactor;
bonus += takedownBonus;
D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ added takedown bonus for leader " + leaderPN + " : +" + takedownBonus);
if (((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) && (takedownBonus != 0)) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("Bonus for LI with " + leader.getName() + " : +" + df1.format(takedownBonus));
if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
brain.getDRecorder().record("WGETA bonus = " + df1.format(bonus));
return bonus;
use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCRobotNegotiator method considerOffer2.
* consider an offer made by another player
* @param offer the offer to consider
* @param receiverNum the player number of the receiver
* @return if we want to accept, reject, or make a counter offer
* ( {@link #ACCEPT_OFFER}, {@link #REJECT_OFFER}, or {@link #COUNTER_OFFER} )
public int considerOffer2(SOCTradeOffer offer, final int receiverNum) {
// /
// / This version should be faster
// /
D.ebugPrintln("***** CONSIDER OFFER 2 *****");
int response = REJECT_OFFER;
SOCPlayer receiverPlayerData = game.getPlayer(receiverNum);
SOCResourceSet receiverResources = receiverPlayerData.getResources();
SOCResourceSet rsrcsOut = offer.getGetSet();
SOCResourceSet rsrcsIn = offer.getGiveSet();
if (!(receiverResources.contains(SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN) || receiverResources.contains(rsrcsOut))) {
return response;
final int senderNum = offer.getFrom();
D.ebugPrintln("senderNum = " + senderNum);
D.ebugPrintln("receiverNum = " + receiverNum);
D.ebugPrintln("rsrcs from receiver = " + rsrcsOut);
D.ebugPrintln("rsrcs to receiver = " + rsrcsIn);
SOCPossiblePiece receiverTargetPiece = targetPieces[receiverNum];
D.ebugPrintln("targetPieces[" + receiverNum + "] = " + receiverTargetPiece);
SOCPlayerTracker receiverPlayerTracker = playerTrackers.get(Integer.valueOf(receiverNum));
if (receiverPlayerTracker == null) {
return response;
SOCPlayerTracker senderPlayerTracker = playerTrackers.get(Integer.valueOf(senderNum));
if (senderPlayerTracker == null) {
return response;
SOCRobotDM simulator;
if (receiverTargetPiece == null) {
Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> receiverBuildingPlan = new Stack<SOCPossiblePiece>();
simulator = new SOCRobotDM(brain.getRobotParameters(), playerTrackers, receiverPlayerTracker, receiverPlayerData, receiverBuildingPlan);
if (receiverNum == ourPlayerNumber) {
} else {
if (receiverBuildingPlan.empty()) {
return response;
receiverTargetPiece = receiverBuildingPlan.peek();
targetPieces[receiverNum] = receiverTargetPiece;
D.ebugPrintln("receiverTargetPiece = " + receiverTargetPiece);
SOCPossiblePiece senderTargetPiece = targetPieces[senderNum];
D.ebugPrintln("targetPieces[" + senderNum + "] = " + senderTargetPiece);
SOCPlayer senderPlayerData = game.getPlayer(senderNum);
if (senderTargetPiece == null) {
Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> senderBuildingPlan = new Stack<SOCPossiblePiece>();
simulator = new SOCRobotDM(brain.getRobotParameters(), playerTrackers, senderPlayerTracker, senderPlayerData, senderBuildingPlan);
if (senderNum == ourPlayerNumber) {
} else {
if (senderBuildingPlan.empty()) {
return response;
senderTargetPiece = senderBuildingPlan.peek();
targetPieces[senderNum] = senderTargetPiece;
D.ebugPrintln("senderTargetPiece = " + senderTargetPiece);
int senderWGETA = senderPlayerTracker.getWinGameETA();
if (senderWGETA > WIN_GAME_CUTOFF) {
// see if the sender is in a race with the receiver
boolean inARace = false;
if ((receiverTargetPiece.getType() == SOCPossiblePiece.SETTLEMENT) || (receiverTargetPiece.getType() == SOCPossiblePiece.ROAD)) {
for (SOCPossiblePiece threat : receiverTargetPiece.getThreats()) {
if ((threat.getType() == senderTargetPiece.getType()) && (threat.getCoordinates() == senderTargetPiece.getCoordinates())) {
inARace = true;
if (inARace) {
D.ebugPrintln("inARace == true (threat from sender)");
} else if (receiverTargetPiece.getType() == SOCPossiblePiece.SETTLEMENT) {
for (SOCPossibleSettlement conflict : ((SOCPossibleSettlement) receiverTargetPiece).getConflicts()) {
if ((senderTargetPiece.getType() == SOCPossiblePiece.SETTLEMENT) && (conflict.getCoordinates() == senderTargetPiece.getCoordinates())) {
inARace = true;
if (inARace) {
D.ebugPrintln("inARace == true (conflict with sender)");
if (!inARace) {
// /
// / see if this is good for the receiver
// /
SOCResourceSet targetResources = receiverTargetPiece.getResourcesToBuild();
if (targetResources == null)
SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate estimate = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(receiverPlayerData.getNumbers());
SOCTradeOffer receiverBatna = getOfferToBank(targetResources);
D.ebugPrintln("*** receiverBatna = " + receiverBatna);
int batnaBuildingTime = getETAToTargetResources(receiverPlayerData, targetResources, SOCResourceSet.EMPTY_SET, SOCResourceSet.EMPTY_SET, estimate);
D.ebugPrintln("*** batnaBuildingTime = " + batnaBuildingTime);
int offerBuildingTime = getETAToTargetResources(receiverPlayerData, targetResources, rsrcsOut, rsrcsIn, estimate);
D.ebugPrintln("*** offerBuildingTime = " + offerBuildingTime);
if (offerBuildingTime < batnaBuildingTime) {
response = ACCEPT_OFFER;
} else {
response = COUNTER_OFFER;
return response;