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Example 1 with SOCLRPathData

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method smartGameStrategy.

 * Plan building for the smart game strategy ({@link #SMART_STRATEGY}).
 * use player trackers' Win Game ETAs (WGETA) to determine best move
 * and update {@link #buildingPlan}.
 * For example, if {@link #favoriteSettlement} is chosen,
 * it's chosen from {@link #goodSettlements} or {@link #threatenedSettlements}.
 * Some scenarios require special moves or certain actions to win the game.  If we're playing in
 * such a scenario, after calculating {@link #favoriteSettlement}, {@link #favoriteCity}, etc, calls
 * {@link #scenarioGameStrategyPlan(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean)}.
 * See that method for the list of scenarios which need such planning.
 * <LI> Determine our Win Game ETA, leading player's WGETA
 * <LI> {@link #scorePossibleSettlements(int, int) scorePossibleSettlements(BuildETAs, leaderWGETA)}:
 *      For each settlement we can build now (no roads/ships needed), add its ETA bonus to its score
 * <LI> Build {@link #goodRoads} from possibleRoads' roads & ships we can build now
 * <LI> Pick a {@link #favoriteSettlement} from threatened/good settlements, with the highest
 *      {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getScore() getScore()}  (ETA bonus)
 * <LI> Pick a {@link #favoriteRoad} from threatened/good, with highest getWinGameETABonusForRoad
 * <LI> Pick a {@link #favoriteCity} from our possibleCities, with highest score (ETA bonus)
 * <LI> If {@code favoriteCity} has the best score (best ETA if tied), choose to build the city
 * <LI> Otherwise choose {@code favoriteRoad} or {@code favoriteSettlement} based on their scores
 * <LI> If buying a dev card scores higher than the chosen piece, choose to buy one instead of building
 * <LI> Check for and calc any scenario-specific {@code buildingPlan}
 * @param buildingETAs  the ETAs for building each piece type
 * @see #dumbFastGameStrategy(int[])
protected void smartGameStrategy(final int[] buildingETAs) {
    D.ebugPrintln("***** smartGameStrategy *****");
    // If this game is on the 6-player board, check whether we're planning for
    // the Special Building Phase.  Can't buy cards or trade in that phase.
    final boolean forSpecialBuildingPhase = game.isSpecialBuilding() || (game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() != ourPlayerNumber);
    // save the lr paths list to restore later
    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<SOCLRPathData>[] savedLRPaths = new List[game.maxPlayers];
    for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
        savedLRPaths[pn] = new ArrayList<SOCLRPathData>();
    int ourCurrentWGETA = ourPlayerTracker.getWinGameETA();
    D.ebugPrintln("ourCurrentWGETA = " + ourCurrentWGETA);
    int leadersCurrentWGETA = ourCurrentWGETA;
    Iterator<SOCPlayerTracker> trackersIter = playerTrackers.values().iterator();
    while (trackersIter.hasNext()) {
        SOCPlayerTracker tracker =;
        int wgeta = tracker.getWinGameETA();
        if (wgeta < leadersCurrentWGETA) {
            leadersCurrentWGETA = wgeta;
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) > 0) {
        scorePossibleSettlements(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT], leadersCurrentWGETA);
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) > 0) {
        Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> posRoadsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleRoads().values().iterator();
        while (posRoadsIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
            if (!posRoad.isRoadNotShip())
                // ignore ships in this loop, ships have other conditions to check
            if ((posRoad.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) && (!threatenedRoads.contains(posRoad)) && (!goodRoads.contains(posRoad))) {
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP) > 0) {
        final SOCBoard board = game.getBoard();
        final int pirateHex = (board instanceof SOCBoardLarge) ? ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPirateHex() : 0;
        final int[] pirateEdges = (pirateHex != 0) ? ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getAdjacentEdgesToHex_arr(pirateHex) : null;
        Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> posRoadsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleRoads().values().iterator();
        while (posRoadsIter.hasNext()) {
            final SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
            if (posRoad.isRoadNotShip())
                // ignore roads in this loop, we want ships
            if (posRoad.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() && (!threatenedRoads.contains(posRoad)) && (!goodRoads.contains(posRoad))) {
                boolean edgeOK = true;
                if (pirateEdges != null) {
                    final int edge = posRoad.getCoordinates();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pirateEdges.length; ++i) {
                        if (edge == pirateEdges[i]) {
                            edgeOK = false;
                if (edgeOK)
    /// check everything
    Enumeration threatenedSetEnum = threatenedSettlements.elements();
    while (threatenedSetEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      SOCPossibleSettlement threatenedSet = (SOCPossibleSettlement)threatenedSetEnum.nextElement();
      D.ebugPrintln("*** threatened settlement at "+Integer.toHexString(threatenedSet.getCoordinates())+" has a score of "+threatenedSet.getScore());
      if (threatenedSet.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() &&
	  ! ourPlayerData.isPotentialSettlement(threatenedSet.getCoordinates())) {
    Enumeration goodSetEnum = goodSettlements.elements();
    while (goodSetEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      SOCPossibleSettlement goodSet = (SOCPossibleSettlement)goodSetEnum.nextElement();
      D.ebugPrintln("*** good settlement at "+Integer.toHexString(goodSet.getCoordinates())+" has a score of "+goodSet.getScore());
      if (goodSet.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() &&
	  ! ourPlayerData.isPotentialSettlement(goodSet.getCoordinates())) {
    Enumeration threatenedRoadEnum = threatenedRoads.elements();
    while (threatenedRoadEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      SOCPossibleRoad threatenedRoad = (SOCPossibleRoad)threatenedRoadEnum.nextElement();
      D.ebugPrintln("*** threatened road at "+Integer.toHexString(threatenedRoad.getCoordinates())+" has a score of "+threatenedRoad.getScore());
      if (threatenedRoad.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() &&
	  ! ourPlayerData.isPotentialRoad(threatenedRoad.getCoordinates())) {
    Enumeration goodRoadEnum = goodRoads.elements();
    while (goodRoadEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
      SOCPossibleRoad goodRoad = (SOCPossibleRoad)goodRoadEnum.nextElement();
      D.ebugPrintln("*** good road at "+Integer.toHexString(goodRoad.getCoordinates())+" has a score of "+goodRoad.getScore());
      if (goodRoad.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty() &&
	  ! ourPlayerData.isPotentialRoad(goodRoad.getCoordinates())) {
    D.ebugPrintln("PICKING WHAT TO BUILD");
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) > 0) {
        for (SOCPossibleSettlement threatenedSet : threatenedSettlements) {
            if (threatenedSet.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$$$ threatened settlement at " + Integer.toHexString(threatenedSet.getCoordinates()) + " has a score of " + threatenedSet.getScore());
                if ((favoriteSettlement == null) || (threatenedSet.getScore() > favoriteSettlement.getScore())) {
                    favoriteSettlement = threatenedSet;
        for (SOCPossibleSettlement goodSet : goodSettlements) {
            if (goodSet.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$$$ good settlement at " + Integer.toHexString(goodSet.getCoordinates()) + " has a score of " + goodSet.getScore());
                if ((favoriteSettlement == null) || (goodSet.getScore() > favoriteSettlement.getScore())) {
                    favoriteSettlement = goodSet;
    // restore the LRPath list
    D.ebugPrintln("%%% RESTORING LRPATH LIST %%%");
    for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) > 0) {
        for (SOCPossibleRoad threatenedRoad : threatenedRoads) {
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$$$ threatened road at " + Integer.toHexString(threatenedRoad.getCoordinates()));
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
                brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("ROAD" + threatenedRoad.getCoordinates());
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate value of road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(threatenedRoad.getCoordinates()));
            // see how building this piece impacts our winETA
            float wgetaScore = getWinGameETABonusForRoad(threatenedRoad, buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.ROAD], leadersCurrentWGETA, playerTrackers);
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
            D.ebugPrintln("wgetaScore = " + wgetaScore);
            if (favoriteRoad == null) {
                favoriteRoad = threatenedRoad;
            } else {
                if (threatenedRoad.getScore() > favoriteRoad.getScore()) {
                    favoriteRoad = threatenedRoad;
        for (SOCPossibleRoad goodRoad : goodRoads) {
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$$$ good road at " + Integer.toHexString(goodRoad.getCoordinates()));
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
                brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("ROAD" + goodRoad.getCoordinates());
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate value of road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(goodRoad.getCoordinates()));
            // see how building this piece impacts our winETA
            // TODO better ETA scoring for coastal ships/roads
            final int etype = ((goodRoad instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && !((SOCPossibleShip) goodRoad).isCoastalRoadAndShip) ? SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.ROAD : SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SHIP;
            float wgetaScore = getWinGameETABonusForRoad(goodRoad, buildingETAs[etype], leadersCurrentWGETA, playerTrackers);
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
            D.ebugPrintln("wgetaScore = " + wgetaScore);
            if (favoriteRoad == null) {
                favoriteRoad = goodRoad;
            } else {
                if (goodRoad.getScore() > favoriteRoad.getScore()) {
                    favoriteRoad = goodRoad;
    // restore the LRPath list
    D.ebugPrintln("%%% RESTORING LRPATH LIST %%%");
    for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; pn++) {
    // /
    if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) {
        HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker> trackersCopy = SOCPlayerTracker.copyPlayerTrackers(playerTrackers);
        SOCPlayerTracker ourTrackerCopy = trackersCopy.get(Integer.valueOf(ourPlayerNumber));
        int[] originalWGETAs = new int[game.maxPlayers];
        int[] WGETAdiffs = new int[game.maxPlayers];
        Vector<SOCPlayerTracker> leaders = new Vector<SOCPlayerTracker>();
        int bestWGETA = 1000;
        // int bonus = 0;
        Iterator<SOCPossibleCity> posCitiesIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleCities().values().iterator();
        while (posCitiesIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCPossibleCity posCity =;
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
                brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("CITY" + posCity.getCoordinates());
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate value of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
            // see how building this piece impacts our winETA
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
            // TODO refactor? This section is like a copy of calcWGETABonus, with something added in the middle
            Iterator<SOCPlayerTracker> trackersBeforeIter = trackersCopy.values().iterator();
            while (trackersBeforeIter.hasNext()) {
                SOCPlayerTracker trackerBefore =;
                final int pn = trackerBefore.getPlayer().getPlayerNumber();
                D.ebugPrintln("$$$ win game ETA for player " + pn + " = " + trackerBefore.getWinGameETA());
                originalWGETAs[pn] = trackerBefore.getWinGameETA();
                WGETAdiffs[pn] = trackerBefore.getWinGameETA();
                if (trackerBefore.getWinGameETA() < bestWGETA) {
                    bestWGETA = trackerBefore.getWinGameETA();
                } else if (trackerBefore.getWinGameETA() == bestWGETA) {
            D.ebugPrintln("^^^^ bestWGETA = " + bestWGETA);
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
            // place the city
            SOCCity tmpCity = new SOCCity(ourPlayerData, posCity.getCoordinates(), null);
            float wgetaScore = calcWGETABonusAux(originalWGETAs, trackersCopy, leaders);
            // remove the city
            D.ebugPrintln("*** ETA for city = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
                brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
            float etaBonus = getETABonus(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY], leadersCurrentWGETA, wgetaScore);
            D.ebugPrintln("etaBonus = " + etaBonus);
            if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
                brain.getDRecorder().record("WGETA score = " + df1.format(wgetaScore));
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Total city score = " + df1.format(etaBonus));
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$  final score = " + posCity.getScore());
            D.ebugPrintln("$$$$$ possible city at " + Integer.toHexString(posCity.getCoordinates()) + " has a score of " + posCity.getScore());
            if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posCity.getScore() > favoriteCity.getScore())) {
                favoriteCity = posCity;
    if (favoriteSettlement != null) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### FAVORITE SETTLEMENT IS AT " + Integer.toHexString(favoriteSettlement.getCoordinates()));
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH A SCORE OF " + favoriteSettlement.getScore());
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH AN ETA OF " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT]);
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH A TOTAL SPEEDUP OF " + favoriteSettlement.getSpeedupTotal());
    if (favoriteCity != null) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### FAVORITE CITY IS AT " + Integer.toHexString(favoriteCity.getCoordinates()));
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH A SCORE OF " + favoriteCity.getScore());
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH AN ETA OF " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH A TOTAL SPEEDUP OF " + favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal());
    final int road_eta_type = ((favoriteRoad != null) && (favoriteRoad instanceof SOCPossibleShip) && // TODO better ETA calc for coastal roads/ships
    !((SOCPossibleShip) favoriteRoad).isCoastalRoadAndShip) ? SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SHIP : SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.ROAD;
    if (favoriteRoad != null) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### FAVORITE ROAD IS AT " + Integer.toHexString(favoriteRoad.getCoordinates()));
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH AN ETA OF " + buildingETAs[road_eta_type]);
        D.ebugPrintln("###   WITH A SCORE OF " + favoriteRoad.getScore());
    // piece type, if any, to be pushed onto buildingPlan;
    int pick = -1;
    // use ROAD for road or ship, use MAXPLUSONE for dev card
    // getScore() of picked piece
    float pickScore = 0f;
    // /
    if ((favoriteCity != null) && (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) && (favoriteCity.getScore() > 0) && ((favoriteSettlement == null) || (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) == 0) || (favoriteCity.getScore() > favoriteSettlement.getScore()) || ((favoriteCity.getScore() == favoriteSettlement.getScore()) && (buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY] < buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT]))) && ((favoriteRoad == null) || (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(favoriteRoad.getType()) == 0) || (favoriteCity.getScore() > favoriteRoad.getScore()) || ((favoriteCity.getScore() == favoriteRoad.getScore()) && (buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY] < buildingETAs[road_eta_type])))) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### PICKED FAVORITE CITY");
        pick = SOCPlayingPiece.CITY;
        pickScore = favoriteCity.getScore();
    } else // /
    if ((favoriteRoad != null) && (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(favoriteRoad.getType()) > 0) && (favoriteRoad.getScore() > 0) && ((favoriteSettlement == null) || (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) == 0) || (favoriteSettlement.getScore() < favoriteRoad.getScore()))) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### PICKED FAVORITE ROAD");
        // also represents SHIP here
        pick = SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD;
        pickScore = favoriteRoad.getScore();
    } else if ((favoriteSettlement != null) && (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) > 0)) {
        D.ebugPrintln("### PICKED FAVORITE SETTLEMENT");
        pick = SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT;
        pickScore = favoriteSettlement.getScore();
    // /
    // / if buying a card is better than building...
    // /
    // see how buying a card improves our win game ETA
    float devCardScore = 0;
    if ((game.getNumDevCards() > 0) && !forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
        if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
            brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate value of a dev card");
        possibleCard = getDevCardScore(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CARD], leadersCurrentWGETA);
        devCardScore = possibleCard.getScore();
        D.ebugPrintln("### DEV CARD SCORE: " + devCardScore);
        if ((brain != null) && (brain.getDRecorder().isOn())) {
        if ((pick == -1) || (devCardScore > pickScore)) {
            D.ebugPrintln("### BUY DEV CARD");
            pick = SOCPlayingPiece.MAXPLUSONE;
            pickScore = devCardScore;
    if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI) || game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_WOND)) {
        if (scenarioGameStrategyPlan(pickScore, devCardScore, true, (pick == SOCPlayingPiece.MAXPLUSONE), new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(ourPlayerData.getNumbers()), leadersCurrentWGETA, forSpecialBuildingPhase))
            // <--- Early return: Scenario-specific buildingPlan was pushed ---
    switch(pick) {
        case SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD:
            D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING " + favoriteRoad);
        case SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT:
            D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING " + favoriteSettlement);
        case SOCPlayingPiece.CITY:
            D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING " + favoriteCity);
        case SOCPlayingPiece.MAXPLUSONE:
            D.ebugPrintln("$ PUSHING " + possibleCard);
Also used : SOCBoard( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) Vector(java.util.Vector) SOCBoardLarge( SOCCity( SOCLRPathData(

Example 2 with SOCLRPathData

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method recalcLongestRoadETA.

 * Calculate the longest road ETA.
 * Always 500 or more if {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_0RVP} is set.
 * Updates fields for {@link #getLongestRoadETA()} and {@link #getRoadsToGo()}.
public void recalcLongestRoadETA() {
    // TODO handle ships here (different resources, etc)
    D.ebugPrintln("===  recalcLongestRoadETA for player " + playerNumber);
    final int roadETA;
    SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate bse = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(player.getNumbers());
    roadETA = bse.calculateRollsFast(SOCGame.EMPTY_RESOURCES, SOCRoad.COST, 500, player.getPortFlags());
    roadsToGo = 500;
    longestRoadETA = 500;
    int longestRoadLength;
    SOCPlayer lrPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
    if ((lrPlayer != null) && (lrPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == playerNumber)) {
        // /
        // / we have longest road
        // /
        // D.ebugPrintln("===  we have longest road");
        longestRoadETA = 0;
        roadsToGo = 0;
    } else if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_0RVP)) {
        if (lrPlayer == null) {
            // /
            // / no one has longest road
            // /
            longestRoadLength = Math.max(4, player.getLongestRoadLength());
        } else {
            longestRoadLength = lrPlayer.getLongestRoadLength();
        Iterator<SOCLRPathData> lrPathsIter = player.getLRPaths().iterator();
        int depth;
        while (lrPathsIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCLRPathData pathData =;
            depth = Math.min(((longestRoadLength + 1) - pathData.getLength()), player.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD));
            int minRoads = recalcLongestRoadETAAux(pathData.getBeginning(), pathData.getLength(), longestRoadLength, depth);
            roadsToGo = Math.min(minRoads, roadsToGo);
            minRoads = recalcLongestRoadETAAux(pathData.getEnd(), pathData.getLength(), longestRoadLength, depth);
            roadsToGo = Math.min(minRoads, roadsToGo);
    D.ebugPrintln("--- roadsToGo = " + roadsToGo);
    longestRoadETA = roadsToGo * roadETA;
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) SOCPlayer( SOCLRPathData(

Example 3 with SOCLRPathData

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method dumbFastGameStrategy.

 * Plan building for the dumbFastGameStrategy ({@link #FAST_STRATEGY}).
 * uses rules to determine what to build next
 * and update {@link #buildingPlan}.
 * For example, if {@link #favoriteSettlement} is chosen,
 * it's chosen from {@link #ourPlayerTracker}{@link SOCPlayerTracker#getPossibleSettlements() .getPossibleSettlements()}.
 * Possible cities and settlements are looked at first.
 * Find the city with best {@link SOCPossibleCity#getSpeedupTotal()}, then check each possible
 * settlement's {@link SOCPossiblePiece#getETA()} against the city's ETA to possibly choose one to build.
 * (If one is chosen, its {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getNecessaryRoads()}
 * will also be chosen here.)  Then, Knights or Dev Cards.
 * Only then would roads or ships be looked at, for Longest Route
 * (and only if we're at 5 VP or more).
 * This method never directly checks
 * {@code ourPlayerTracker}{@link SOCPlayerTracker#getPossibleRoads() .getPossibleRoads()}, instead
 * it adds the roads or ships from {@link SOCPossibleSettlement#getNecessaryRoads()} to {@link #buildingPlan}
 * when a possible settlement is picked to build.
 * Some scenarios require special moves or certain actions to win the game.  If we're playing in
 * such a scenario, after calculating {@link #favoriteSettlement}, {@link #favoriteCity}, etc, calls
 * {@link #scenarioGameStrategyPlan(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean)}.
 * See that method for the list of scenarios which need such planning.
 * @param buildingETAs  the ETAs for building each piece type
 * @see #smartGameStrategy(int[])
protected void dumbFastGameStrategy(final int[] buildingETAs) {
    D.ebugPrintln("***** dumbFastGameStrategy *****");
    // If this game is on the 6-player board, check whether we're planning for
    // the Special Building Phase.  Can't buy cards or trade in that phase.
    final boolean forSpecialBuildingPhase = game.isSpecialBuilding() || (game.getCurrentPlayerNumber() != ourPlayerNumber);
    int bestETA = 500;
    SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate ourBSE = new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(ourPlayerData.getNumbers());
    if (ourPlayerData.getTotalVP() < 5) {
        if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) {
            Iterator<SOCPossibleCity> posCitiesIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleCities().values().iterator();
            while (posCitiesIter.hasNext()) {
                SOCPossibleCity posCity =;
                D.ebugPrintln("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
                D.ebugPrintln("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
                D.ebugPrintln("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
                if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
                    brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("CITY" + posCity.getCoordinates());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
                if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posCity.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
                    favoriteCity = posCity;
                    bestETA = buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY];
        // score the possible settlements
        scoreSettlementsForDumb(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT], ourBSE);
        // pick something to build
        Iterator<SOCPossibleSettlement> posSetsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements().values().iterator();
        while (posSetsIter.hasNext()) {
            SOCPossibleSettlement posSet =;
            if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
                brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("SETTLEMENT" + posSet.getCoordinates());
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of stlmt at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posSet.getSpeedupTotal());
                brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + posSet.getETA());
                Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = posSet.getRoadPath();
                if (roadPath != null) {
                    Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> rpIter = roadPath.iterator();
                    while (rpIter.hasNext()) {
                        SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
                        brain.getDRecorder().record("Road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(posRoad.getCoordinates()));
            if (posSet.getETA() < bestETA) {
                bestETA = posSet.getETA();
                favoriteSettlement = posSet;
            } else if (posSet.getETA() == bestETA) {
                if (favoriteSettlement == null) {
                    if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
                        favoriteSettlement = posSet;
                } else {
                    if (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteSettlement.getSpeedupTotal()) {
                        favoriteSettlement = posSet;
        if (favoriteSettlement != null) {
            // we want to build a settlement
            D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite settlement at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteSettlement.getCoordinates()));
            if (!favoriteSettlement.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
                // we need to build roads first
                Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = favoriteSettlement.getRoadPath();
                while (!roadPath.empty()) {
        } else if (favoriteCity != null) {
            // we want to build a city
            D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteCity.getCoordinates()));
        } else {
            if ((game.getNumDevCards() > 0) && !forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
                // buy a card if there are any left
                D.ebugPrintln("Buy a card");
                SOCPossibleCard posCard = new SOCPossibleCard(ourPlayerData, buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CARD]);
    } else {
        // we have more than 4 points
        int choice = -1;
        // consider Largest Army
        D.ebugPrintln("Calculating Largest Army ETA");
        int laETA = 500;
        int laSize = 0;
        SOCPlayer laPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLargestArmy();
        if (laPlayer == null) {
            // /
            // / no one has largest army
            // /
            laSize = 3;
        } else if (laPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber) {
            // /
            // / we have largest army
            // /
            D.ebugPrintln("We have largest army");
        } else {
            laSize = laPlayer.getNumKnights() + 1;
        // /
        // / figure out how many knights we need to buy
        // /
        int knightsToBuy = 0;
        if ((ourPlayerData.getNumKnights() + // OLD + NEW knights
        ourPlayerData.getInventory().getAmount(SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT)) < laSize) {
            knightsToBuy = laSize - (ourPlayerData.getNumKnights() + ourPlayerData.getInventory().getAmount(SOCInventory.OLD, SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT));
        D.ebugPrintln("knightsToBuy = " + knightsToBuy);
        if (ourPlayerData.getGame().getNumDevCards() >= knightsToBuy) {
            // /
            // / figure out how long it takes to buy this many knights
            // /
            SOCResourceSet targetResources = new SOCResourceSet();
            for (int i = 0; i < knightsToBuy; i++) {
            laETA = ourBSE.calculateRollsFast(ourPlayerData.getResources(), targetResources, 100, ourPlayerData.getPortFlags());
        } else {
        // /
        // / not enough dev cards left
        // /
        if ((laETA < bestETA) && !forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
            bestETA = laETA;
            choice = LA_CHOICE;
        D.ebugPrintln("laETA = " + laETA);
        // consider Longest Road
        D.ebugPrintln("Calculating Longest Road ETA");
        int lrETA = 500;
        Stack<?> bestLRPath = null;
        int lrLength;
        SOCPlayer lrPlayer = game.getPlayerWithLongestRoad();
        if ((lrPlayer != null) && (lrPlayer.getPlayerNumber() == ourPlayerNumber)) {
            // /
            // / we have longest road
            // /
            D.ebugPrintln("We have longest road");
        } else if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_0RVP)) {
            if (lrPlayer == null) {
                // /
                // / no one has longest road
                // /
                lrLength = Math.max(4, ourPlayerData.getLongestRoadLength());
            } else {
                lrLength = lrPlayer.getLongestRoadLength();
            Iterator<SOCLRPathData> lrPathsIter = ourPlayerData.getLRPaths().iterator();
            int depth;
            while (lrPathsIter.hasNext()) {
                Stack<?> path;
                SOCLRPathData pathData =;
                depth = Math.min(((lrLength + 1) - pathData.getLength()), ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD));
                path = (Stack<?>) recalcLongestRoadETAAux(ourPlayerData, true, pathData.getBeginning(), pathData.getLength(), lrLength, depth);
                if ((path != null) && ((bestLRPath == null) || (path.size() < bestLRPath.size()))) {
                    bestLRPath = path;
                path = (Stack<?>) recalcLongestRoadETAAux(ourPlayerData, true, pathData.getEnd(), pathData.getLength(), lrLength, depth);
                if ((path != null) && ((bestLRPath == null) || (path.size() < bestLRPath.size()))) {
                    bestLRPath = path;
            if (bestLRPath != null) {
                // calculate LR eta
                D.ebugPrintln("Number of roads: " + bestLRPath.size());
                SOCResourceSet targetResources = new SOCResourceSet();
                for (int i = 0; i < bestLRPath.size(); i++) {
                lrETA = ourBSE.calculateRollsFast(ourPlayerData.getResources(), targetResources, 100, ourPlayerData.getPortFlags());
        if (lrETA < bestETA) {
            bestETA = lrETA;
            choice = LR_CHOICE;
        D.ebugPrintln("lrETA = " + lrETA);
        if ((ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.CITY) > 0) && (buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY] <= bestETA)) {
            Iterator<SOCPossibleCity> posCitiesIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleCities().values().iterator();
            while (posCitiesIter.hasNext()) {
                SOCPossibleCity posCity =;
                if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
                    brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("CITY" + posCity.getCoordinates());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posCity.getCoordinates()));
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posCity.getSpeedupTotal());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY]);
                if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posCity.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
                    favoriteCity = posCity;
                    bestETA = buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.CITY];
                    choice = CITY_CHOICE;
        if (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT) > 0) {
            scoreSettlementsForDumb(buildingETAs[SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.SETTLEMENT], ourBSE);
            Iterator<SOCPossibleSettlement> posSetsIter = ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements().values().iterator();
            while (posSetsIter.hasNext()) {
                SOCPossibleSettlement posSet =;
                if ((brain != null) && brain.getDRecorder().isOn()) {
                    brain.getDRecorder().startRecording("SETTLEMENT" + posSet.getCoordinates());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Estimate speedup of stlmt at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(posSet.getCoordinates()));
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("Speedup = " + posSet.getSpeedupTotal());
                    brain.getDRecorder().record("ETA = " + posSet.getETA());
                    Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = posSet.getRoadPath();
                    if (roadPath != null) {
                        Iterator<SOCPossibleRoad> rpIter = roadPath.iterator();
                        while (rpIter.hasNext()) {
                            SOCPossibleRoad posRoad =;
                            brain.getDRecorder().record("Road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(posRoad.getCoordinates()));
                if ((posSet.getRoadPath() == null) || (ourPlayerData.getNumPieces(SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD) >= posSet.getRoadPath().size())) {
                    if (posSet.getETA() < bestETA) {
                        bestETA = posSet.getETA();
                        favoriteSettlement = posSet;
                        choice = SETTLEMENT_CHOICE;
                    } else if (posSet.getETA() == bestETA) {
                        if (favoriteSettlement == null) {
                            if ((favoriteCity == null) || (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteCity.getSpeedupTotal())) {
                                favoriteSettlement = posSet;
                                choice = SETTLEMENT_CHOICE;
                        } else {
                            if (posSet.getSpeedupTotal() > favoriteSettlement.getSpeedupTotal()) {
                                favoriteSettlement = posSet;
        if (game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI) || game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_WOND)) {
            if (scenarioGameStrategyPlan(bestETA, -1f, false, (choice == LA_CHOICE), ourBSE, 0, forSpecialBuildingPhase))
                // <--- Early return: Scenario-specific buildingPlan was pushed ---
        switch(choice) {
            case LA_CHOICE:
                D.ebugPrintln("Picked LA");
                if (!forSpecialBuildingPhase) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < knightsToBuy; i++) {
                        SOCPossibleCard posCard = new SOCPossibleCard(ourPlayerData, 1);
            case LR_CHOICE:
                D.ebugPrintln("Picked LR");
                while (!bestLRPath.empty()) {
                    SOCPossibleRoad pr = (SOCPossibleRoad) bestLRPath.pop();
                    D.ebugPrintln("LR road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(pr.getCoordinates()));
            case CITY_CHOICE:
                D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite city at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteCity.getCoordinates()));
            case SETTLEMENT_CHOICE:
                D.ebugPrintln("Picked favorite settlement at " + game.getBoard().nodeCoordToString(favoriteSettlement.getCoordinates()));
                if (!favoriteSettlement.getNecessaryRoads().isEmpty()) {
                    // we need to build roads first
                    Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> roadPath = favoriteSettlement.getRoadPath();
                    while (!roadPath.empty()) {
                        SOCPossibleRoad pr = roadPath.pop();
                        D.ebugPrintln("Nec road at " + game.getBoard().edgeCoordToString(pr.getCoordinates()));
Also used : Stack(java.util.Stack) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) SOCPlayer( SOCResourceSet( SOCLRPathData(

Example 4 with SOCLRPathData

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCRobotDM method recalcLongestRoadETAAux.

 * Does a depth first search of legal possible road edges from the end point of the longest
 * path connecting a graph of nodes, and returns which roads or how many roads
 * would need to be built to take longest road.
 * Do not call if {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_0RVP} is set, because
 * this method needs {@link SOCPlayer#getLRPaths()} which will be empty.
 * Combined implementation for use by SOCRobotDM and {@link SOCPlayerTracker}.
 * @param pl            Calculate this player's longest road;
 *             typically SOCRobotDM.ourPlayerData or SOCPlayerTracker.player
 * @param wantsStack    If true, return the Stack; otherwise, return numRoads.
 * @param startNode     the path endpoint, such as from
 *             {@link SOCPlayer#getLRPaths()}.(i){@link SOCLRPathData#getBeginning() .getBeginning()}
 *             or {@link SOCLRPathData#getEnd() .getEnd()}
 * @param pathLength    the length of that path
 * @param lrLength      length of longest road in the game
 * @param searchDepth   how many roads out to search
 * @return if <tt>wantsStack</tt>: a {@link Stack} containing the path of roads with the last one
 *         (farthest from <tt>startNode</tt>) on top, or <tt>null</tt> if it can't be done.
 *         If ! <tt>wantsStack</tt>: Integer: the number of roads needed, or 500 if it can't be done
static Object recalcLongestRoadETAAux(SOCPlayer pl, final boolean wantsStack, final int startNode, final int pathLength, final int lrLength, final int searchDepth) {
    // D.ebugPrintln("=== recalcLongestRoadETAAux("+Integer.toHexString(startNode)+","+pathLength+","+lrLength+","+searchDepth+")");
    // We're doing a depth first search of all possible road paths.
    // For similar code, see SOCPlayer.calcLongestRoad2
    // Both methods rely on a stack holding NodeLenVis (pop to curNode in loop);
    // they differ in actual element type within the stack because they are
    // gathering slightly different results (length or a stack of edges).
    int longest = 0;
    int numRoads = 500;
    Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>> bestPathNode = null;
    final SOCBoard board = pl.getGame().getBoard();
    Stack<Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>>> pending = new Stack<Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>>>();
    // Holds as-yet unvisited nodes:
    // Pair members are <NodeLenVis, null or node-coordinate list of all parents (from DFS traversal order)>.
    // Lists have most-distant node at beginning (item 0), and most-immediate at end of list (n-1).
    // That list is used at the end to build the returned Stack which is the road path needed.
    pending.push(new Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>>(new NodeLenVis<Integer>(startNode, pathLength, new Vector<Integer>()), null));
    while (!pending.empty()) {
        final Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>> dataPair = pending.pop();
        final NodeLenVis<Integer> curNode = dataPair.getA();
        // D.ebugPrintln("curNode = "+curNode);
        final int coord = curNode.node;
        int len = curNode.len;
        final Vector<Integer> visited = curNode.vis;
        boolean pathEnd = false;
        if (len > 0) {
            final int pn = pl.getPlayerNumber();
            SOCPlayingPiece p = board.settlementAtNode(coord);
            if ((p != null) && (p.getPlayerNumber() != pn)) {
                pathEnd = true;
            // D.ebugPrintln("^^^ path end at "+Integer.toHexString(coord));
        if (!pathEnd) {
            // check if we've connected to another road graph of this player
            Iterator<SOCLRPathData> lrPathsIter = pl.getLRPaths().iterator();
            while (lrPathsIter.hasNext()) {
                SOCLRPathData pathData =;
                if ((startNode != pathData.getBeginning()) && (startNode != pathData.getEnd()) && ((coord == pathData.getBeginning()) || (coord == pathData.getEnd()))) {
                    pathEnd = true;
                    len += pathData.getLength();
        if (!pathEnd) {
            if ((len - pathLength) >= searchDepth) {
                pathEnd = true;
        // D.ebugPrintln("Reached search depth");
        if (!pathEnd) {
             * For each of the 3 adjacent edges of coord's node,
             * check for unvisited legal road possibilities.
             * When they are found, push that edge's far-end node
             * onto the pending stack.
            pathEnd = true;
            for (int dir = 0; dir < 3; ++dir) {
                int j = board.getAdjacentEdgeToNode(coord, dir);
                if (pl.isLegalRoad(j)) {
                    final Integer edge = new Integer(j);
                    boolean match = false;
                    for (Enumeration<Integer> ev = visited.elements(); ev.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                        Integer vis = ev.nextElement();
                        if (vis.equals(edge)) {
                            match = true;
                    if (!match) {
                        Vector<Integer> newVis = new Vector<Integer>(visited);
                        List<Integer> nodeParentList = dataPair.getB();
                        if (nodeParentList == null)
                            nodeParentList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
                            // clone before we add to it
                            nodeParentList = new ArrayList<Integer>(nodeParentList);
                        // curNode's coord will be parent to new pending element
                        // edge's other node
                        j = board.getAdjacentNodeToNode(coord, dir);
                        pending.push(new Pair<NodeLenVis<Integer>, List<Integer>>(new NodeLenVis<Integer>(j, len + 1, newVis), nodeParentList));
                        pathEnd = false;
        if (pathEnd) {
            if (len > longest) {
                longest = len;
                numRoads = curNode.len - pathLength;
                bestPathNode = dataPair;
            } else if ((len == longest) && (curNode.len < numRoads)) {
                numRoads = curNode.len - pathLength;
                bestPathNode = dataPair;
    if (!wantsStack) {
        // As used by SOCPlayerTracker.
        int rv;
        if (longest > lrLength)
            rv = numRoads;
            rv = 500;
        // <-- Early return: ! wantsStack ---
        return new Integer(rv);
    if ((longest > lrLength) && (bestPathNode != null)) {
        // D.ebugPrintln("Converting nodes to road coords.");
        // Return the path in a stack, with the last road (the one from bestPathNode) on top.
        // Convert pairs of node coords to edge coords for roads.
        // List is ordered from farthest parent at 0 to bestPathNode's parent at (n-1),
        // so iterate same way to build the stack.
        Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> path = new Stack<SOCPossibleRoad>();
        int coordC, coordP;
        List<Integer> nodeList = bestPathNode.getB();
        if ((nodeList == null) || nodeList.isEmpty())
            // <--- early return, no node list: should not happen ---
            return null;
        // append bestPathNode
        nodeList.add(new Integer(bestPathNode.getA().node));
        final int L = nodeList.size();
        // root ancestor
        coordP = nodeList.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < L; ++i) {
            coordC = nodeList.get(i);
            path.push(new SOCPossibleRoad(pl, board.getEdgeBetweenAdjacentNodes(coordC, coordP), null));
            coordP = coordC;
        return path;
    return null;
Also used : NodeLenVis(soc.util.NodeLenVis) SOCBoard( SOCPlayingPiece( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Stack(java.util.Stack) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SOCLRPathData( Vector(java.util.Vector) Pair(soc.util.Pair)


SOCLRPathData ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)2 List (java.util.List)2 Stack (java.util.Stack)2 Vector (java.util.Vector)2 SOCBoard ( SOCPlayer ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCCity ( SOCPlayingPiece ( SOCResourceSet ( NodeLenVis (soc.util.NodeLenVis)1 Pair (soc.util.Pair)1