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Example 1 with SOCFortress

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleSIMPLEREQUEST.

 * Handle the "simple request" message.
 * @param c  the connection
 * @param mes  the message
 * @since 1.1.18
private void handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, Connection c, final SOCSimpleRequest mes) {
    final String gaName = ga.getName();
    SOCPlayer clientPl = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
    if (clientPl == null)
    final int pn = mes.getPlayerNumber();
    // probably required for most request types
    final boolean clientIsPN = (pn == clientPl.getPlayerNumber());
    final int reqtype = mes.getRequestType();
    final int cpn = ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber();
    // if true, reply with generic decline (pn = -1, reqtype, 0, 0)
    boolean replyDecline = false;
    switch(reqtype) {
        case SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK:
                final SOCShip adjac = ga.canAttackPirateFortress();
                if ((!clientIsPN) || (pn != cpn) || (adjac == null) || (adjac.getPlayerNumber() != cpn)) {
                    c.put(SOCSimpleRequest.toCmd(gaName, -1, reqtype, 0, 0));
                    // <--- early return: deny ---
                final int prevState = ga.getGameState();
                final SOCPlayer cp = ga.getPlayer(cpn);
                // in case some are lost, we'll announce that
                final int prevNumWarships = cp.getNumWarships();
                final SOCFortress fort = cp.getFortress();
                final int[] res = ga.attackPirateFortress(adjac);
                if (res.length > 1) {
                    // lost 1 or 2 ships adjacent to fortress.  res[1] == adjac.coordinate
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCRemovePiece(gaName, adjac));
                    if (res.length > 2)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCRemovePiece(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayingPiece.SHIP, res[2]));
                    final int n = cp.getNumWarships();
                    if (n != prevNumWarships)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPlayerElement(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.SCENARIO_WARSHIP_COUNT, n));
                } else {
                    // player won
                    final int fortStrength = fort.getStrength();
                    srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPieceValue(gaName, fort.getCoordinates(), fortStrength, 0));
                    if (0 == fortStrength)
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCPutPiece(gaName, cpn, SOCPlayingPiece.SETTLEMENT, fort.getCoordinates()));
                srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleAction(gaName, cpn, SOCSimpleAction.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK_RESULT, res[0], res.length - 1));
                // check for end of player's turn
                if (!handler.checkTurn(c, ga)) {
                    handler.endGameTurn(ga, cp, false);
                } else {
                    // still player's turn, even if they won
                    final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
                    if (gstate != prevState)
                        // might be OVER, if player won
        case SOCSimpleRequest.TRADE_PORT_PLACE:
                if (clientIsPN && (pn == cpn)) {
                    final int edge = mes.getValue1();
                    if ((ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM) && ga.canPlacePort(clientPl, edge)) {
                        final int ptype = ga.placePort(edge);
                        // PLAY1 or SPECIAL_BUILDING
                        srv.messageToGame(gaName, new SOCSimpleRequest(gaName, cpn, SOCSimpleRequest.TRADE_PORT_PLACE, edge, ptype));
                    } else {
                        // client will print a text message, no need to send one
                        replyDecline = true;
                } else {
                    srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, "reply.not.your.turn");
                    replyDecline = true;
            // deny unknown types
            replyDecline = true;
            System.err.println("handleSIMPLEREQUEST: Unknown type " + reqtype + " from " + c.getData() + " in game " + ga);
    if (replyDecline)
        c.put(SOCSimpleRequest.toCmd(gaName, -1, reqtype, 0, 0));
Also used : SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress(

Example 2 with SOCFortress

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardAtServer method startGame_putInitPieces.

 * For scenario game option {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_PIRI _SC_PIRI},
 * place each player's initial pieces.  For {@link SOCGameOption#K_SC_FTRI _SC_FTRI},
 * set aside some dev cards to be claimed later at Special Edges.
 * Otherwise do nothing.
 * For {@code _SC_PIRI}, also calls each player's {@link SOCPlayer#addLegalSettlement(int, boolean)}
 * for their Lone Settlement location (adds layout part "LS").
 * Vacant player numbers get 0 for their {@code "LS"} element.
 * Called only at server. For a method called during game start
 * at server and clients, see {@link SOCGame#updateAtBoardLayout()}.
 * Called from {@link SOCGameHandler#startGame(SOCGame)} for those
 * scenario game options; if you need it called for your game, add
 * a check there for your scenario's {@link SOCGameOption}.
 * This is called after {@link #makeNewBoard(Map)} and before
 * {@link SOCGameHandler#getBoardLayoutMessage}.  So if needed,
 * it can call {@link SOCBoardLarge#setAddedLayoutPart(String, int[])}.
 * If ship placement is restricted by the scenario, please call each player's
 * {@link SOCPlayer#setRestrictedLegalShips(int[])} before calling this method,
 * so the legal and potential arrays will be initialized.
 * @see #getLegalSeaEdges(SOCGame, int)
public void startGame_putInitPieces(SOCGame ga) {
    if (ga.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI)) {
        // Set aside dev cards for players to be given when reaching "CE" Special Edges.
        final int cpn = ga.getCurrentPlayerNumber();
        // to call buyDevCard without giving it to a player
        drawStack = new Stack<Integer>();
        final int n = FOR_TRI_DEV_CARD_EDGES[(ga.maxPlayers > 4) ? 1 : 0].length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) drawStack.push(ga.buyDevCard());
    if (!ga.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI))
    final int gstate = ga.getGameState();
    // prevent ga.putPiece from advancing turn
    final int[] inits = PIR_ISL_INIT_PIECES[(ga.maxPlayers > 4) ? 1 : 0];
    // lone possible-settlement node on the way to the island.
    int[] possiLoneSettles = new int[ga.maxPlayers];
    // vacant players will get 0 here, will not get free settlement, ship, or pirate fortress.
    // iterate i only when player present, to avoid spacing gaps from vacant players
    int i = 0;
    for (int pn = 0; pn < ga.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
        if (ga.isSeatVacant(pn))
        SOCPlayer pl = ga.getPlayer(pn);
        ga.putPiece(new SOCSettlement(pl, inits[i], this));
        ga.putPiece(new SOCShip(pl, inits[i], this));
        ga.putPiece(new SOCFortress(pl, inits[i], this));
        possiLoneSettles[pn] = inits[i];
        ga.getPlayer(pn).addLegalSettlement(inits[i], false);
    setAddedLayoutPart("LS", possiLoneSettles);
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress(

Example 3 with SOCFortress

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress.

 * For scenario {@code _SC_PIRI}, update the player's ship closest to their Fortress.
 * Assumes no ship will ever be west of the fortress (smaller column number).
 * Must be called after adding or removing a ship from our player's {@link SOCPlayer#getRoads()}.
 * @param ship  Ship that was added or removed, or {@code null} to check all ships after removal
 * @param shipAdded  True if {@code ship} was added; false if {@code ship} or any other ship was removed
 *            or if we're updating Closest Ship without adding or removing a ship
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code shipAdded} is true, but null {@code ship}
 * @since 2.0.00
void updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress(final SOCShip ship, final boolean shipAdded) throws IllegalArgumentException {
    if (shipAdded && (ship == null))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    if ((scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress == null) && (ship != null)) {
        if (shipAdded)
            // closest by default
            scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress = ship;
        // <--- Early return: no other ships to compare ---
    if (!shipAdded) {
        if ((ship != null) && (scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress != null) && (ship.getCoordinates() != scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress.getCoordinates()))
            // <--- Early return: Not the closest ship ---
    // may be null towards end of game
    final SOCFortress fort = player.getFortress();
    // If fort's null, we can still compare columns, just not rows, of ship coordinates.
    final int fortR = (fort != null) ? (fort.getCoordinates() >> 8) : -1;
    if (shipAdded) {
        final int shipEdge = ship.getCoordinates(), prevShipEdge = scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress.getCoordinates();
        final int shipR = shipEdge >> 8, shipC = shipEdge & 0xFF, prevR = prevShipEdge >> 8, prevC = prevShipEdge & 0xFF;
        if ((shipC < prevC) || ((shipC == prevC) && (fortR != -1) && (Math.abs(shipR - fortR) < Math.abs(prevR - fortR)))) {
            scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress = ship;
    } else {
        // A ship has been removed.  We don't know which one.
        // So, check all ships for distance from fortress.
        Enumeration<SOCRoad> roadAndShipEnum = player.getRoads().elements();
        SOCShip closest = null;
        int closeR = -1, closeC = -1;
        while (roadAndShipEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            final SOCRoad rs = roadAndShipEnum.nextElement();
            if (!(rs instanceof SOCShip))
            final int shipEdge = rs.getCoordinates();
            final int shipR = shipEdge >> 8, shipC = shipEdge & 0xFF;
            if ((closest == null) || (shipC < closeC) || ((shipC == closeC) && (fortR != -1) && (Math.abs(shipR - fortR) < Math.abs(closeR - fortR)))) {
                closest = (SOCShip) rs;
                closeR = shipR;
                closeC = shipC;
        // null if no ships
        scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress = closest;
Also used : SOCShip( SOCFortress( SOCRoad(

Example 4 with SOCFortress

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCPlayerTracker method getScenario_SC_PIRI_shipDistanceToFortress.

 * For scenario {@code _SC_PIRI}, get the distance of this player's closest ship from their
 * {@code SOCFortress}. Since ships aren't placed diagonally, this is the distance along rows + columns.
 * The edge (r,c) has node (r,c) as its left end, at distance 0.
 * @param ship  Any ship, including {@link #getScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress()}
 * @return row distance + column distance based on piece coordinates;
 *     or 0 if no fortress which would mean the fortress was reached
 *     (distance 0) and defeated already.
 * @since 2.0.00
public int getScenario_SC_PIRI_shipDistanceToFortress(final SOCShip ship) {
    // may be null towards end of game
    final SOCFortress fort = player.getFortress();
    if (fort == null)
        return 0;
    final int fortNode = fort.getCoordinates(), shipEdge = ship.getCoordinates();
    final int fortR = fortNode >> 8, fortC = fortNode & 0xFF, shipR = shipEdge >> 8, shipC = shipEdge & 0xFF;
    return Math.abs(fortR - shipR) + Math.abs(fortC - shipC);
Also used : SOCFortress(

Example 5 with SOCFortress

use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.

the class SOCBoardPanel method drawBoard.

 * Draw the whole board, including pieces and tooltip ({@link #hilight}, {@link #hoverTip}) if applicable.
 * The basic board without pieces is drawn just once, then buffered.
 * If the board layout changes (at start of game, for example),
 * call {@link #flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint()} to clear the buffered copy.
 * @see #drawBoardEmpty(Graphics)
private void drawBoard(Graphics g) {
    Image ebb = emptyBoardBuffer;
    if (scaledMissedImage || ebb == null) {
        if (ebb == null) {
            ebb = createImage(scaledPanelW, scaledPanelH);
            emptyBoardBuffer = ebb;
        drawnEmptyAt = System.currentTimeMillis();
        // drawBoardEmpty, drawHex will set this flag if missed
        scaledMissedImage = false;
        if (scaledMissedImage && (scaledAt != 0) && (RESCALE_MAX_RETRY_MS < (drawnEmptyAt - scaledAt)))
            // eventually give up scaling it
            scaledMissedImage = false;
    // draw ebb from local variable, not emptyBoardBuffer field, to avoid occasional NPE
    g.drawImage(ebb, 0, 0, this);
    // ask for antialiasing if available
    if (g instanceof Graphics2D)
        ((Graphics2D) g).setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
    final boolean xlat = (panelMarginX != 0) || (panelMarginY != 0);
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(panelMarginX, panelMarginY);
    final int gameState = game.getGameState();
    if (board.getRobberHex() != -1) {
        drawRobber(g, board.getRobberHex(), (gameState != SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER), true);
    if (board.getPreviousRobberHex() != -1) {
        drawRobber(g, board.getPreviousRobberHex(), (gameState != SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER), false);
    if (isLargeBoard) {
        int hex = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPirateHex();
        if (hex > 0) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, hex, -2, (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_PIRATE), false, false);
        hex = ((SOCBoardLarge) board).getPreviousPirateHex();
        if (hex > 0) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, hex, -3, (gameState == SOCGame.PLACING_PIRATE), false, false);
     * draw the roads and ships
    if (!game.isGameOptionSet(SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI)) {
        for (SOCRoad r : board.getRoads()) {
            drawRoadOrShip(g, r.getCoordinates(), r.getPlayerNumber(), false, !(r instanceof SOCShip), false);
    } else {
        for (int pn = 0; pn < game.maxPlayers; ++pn) {
            final SOCPlayer pl = game.getPlayer(pn);
            // count warships here, for efficiency, instead of calling SOCGame.isShipWarship for each one
            int numWarships = pl.getNumWarships();
            for (SOCRoad r : pl.getRoads()) {
                final boolean isShip = (r instanceof SOCShip);
                final boolean isWarship = isShip && (numWarships > 0);
                drawRoadOrShip(g, r.getCoordinates(), pn, false, !isShip, isWarship);
                if (isWarship)
                    // this works since warships begin with player's 1st-placed ship in getRoads()
             * draw the player's fortress, if any
            SOCFortress fo = pl.getFortress();
            if (fo != null)
                drawFortress(g, fo, pn, false);
     * draw the settlements
    for (SOCSettlement s : board.getSettlements()) {
        drawSettlement(g, s.getCoordinates(), s.getPlayerNumber(), false, false);
     * draw the cities
    for (SOCCity c : board.getCities()) {
        drawCity(g, c.getCoordinates(), c.getPlayerNumber(), false);
    if (xlat)
        g.translate(-panelMarginX, -panelMarginY);
     * draw the current-player arrow after ("above") pieces,
     * but below any hilighted piece, in case of overlap at
     * edge of board. More likely on 6-player board for the
     * two players whose handpanels are vertically centered.
    if (gameState != SOCGame.NEW) {
        drawArrow(g, game.getCurrentPlayerNumber(), game.getCurrentDice());
    if (player != null) {
        if (xlat)
            g.translate(panelMarginX, panelMarginY);
         * Draw the hilight when in interactive mode;
         * No hilight when null player (before game started).
         * The "hovering" road/settlement/city are separately painted
         * in {@link soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip#paint()}.
        switch(mode) {
            case MOVE_SHIP:
                if (moveShip_fromEdge != 0)
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, moveShip_fromEdge, -1, false, false, moveShip_isWarship);
            case PLACE_ROAD:
            case PLACE_INIT_ROAD:
            case PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP:
                if (hilight != 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, !hilightIsShip, (moveShip_isWarship && (moveShip_fromEdge != 0)));
            case PLACE_SETTLEMENT:
            case PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawSettlement(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, false);
            case PLACE_CITY:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawCity(g, hilight, playerNumber, true);
            case PLACE_SHIP:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, playerNumber, true, false, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_SETTLEMENT:
            case CONSIDER_LT_SETTLEMENT:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawSettlement(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), true, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_ROAD:
            case CONSIDER_LT_ROAD:
                if (hilight != 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), false, true, false);
            case CONSIDER_LM_CITY:
            case CONSIDER_LT_CITY:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawCity(g, hilight, otherPlayer.getPlayerNumber(), true);
            case PLACE_ROBBER:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRobber(g, hilight, true, true);
            case PLACE_PIRATE:
                if (hilight > 0) {
                    drawRoadOrShip(g, hilight, -2, false, false, false);
            case SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT:
        if (xlat)
            g.translate(-panelMarginX, -panelMarginY);
    if (superText1 != null) {
    if (superTextTop != null) {
Also used : SOCSettlement( SOCBoardLarge( SOCCity( SOCShip( SOCPlayer( SOCFortress( Image(java.awt.Image) BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) SOCRoad( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)


SOCFortress ( SOCShip ( SOCPlayer ( SOCRoad ( SOCSettlement ( SOCVillage ( SOCBoardLarge ( SOCCity ( Image (java.awt.Image)2 BufferedImage (java.awt.image.BufferedImage)2 Graphics (java.awt.Graphics)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 SOCBoard ( SOCGame ( SOCPlayingPiece (