use of in project JSettlers2 by jdmonin.
the class SOCGameMessageHandler method handleMOVEROBBER.
// / Robber/pirate robbery ///
* handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate).
* @param c the connection that sent the message
* @param mes the message
* @since 1.0.0
private void handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame ga, Connection c, SOCMoveRobber mes) {
try {
SOCPlayer player = ga.getPlayer(c.getData());
* make sure the player can do it
final String gaName = ga.getName();
final boolean isPirate = ga.getRobberyPirateFlag();
final int pn = player.getPlayerNumber();
// negative for pirate
int coord = mes.getCoordinates();
final boolean canDo = (isPirate == (coord < 0)) && (isPirate ? ga.canMovePirate(pn, -coord) : ga.canMoveRobber(pn, coord));
if (canDo) {
SOCMoveRobberResult result;
SOCMoveRobber moveMsg;
if (isPirate) {
result = ga.movePirate(pn, -coord);
moveMsg = new SOCMoveRobber(gaName, pn, coord);
} else {
result = ga.moveRobber(pn, coord);
moveMsg = new SOCMoveRobber(gaName, pn, coord);
srv.messageToGame(gaName, moveMsg);
final List<SOCPlayer> victims = result.getVictims();
* only one possible victim
if ((victims.size() == 1) && (ga.getGameState() != SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE)) {
* report what was stolen
SOCPlayer victim = victims.get(0);
handler.reportRobbery(ga, player, victim, result.getLoot());
} else {
final String msgKey;
* no victim
if (victims.size() == 0) {
* just say it was moved; nothing is stolen
// "{0} moved the robber" or "{0} moved the pirate"
msgKey = "robberpirate.moved";
} else if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) {
* only one possible victim, they have both clay and resources
msgKey = "robberpirate.moved.choose.cloth.rsrcs";
// "{0} moved the robber/pirate. Must choose to steal cloth or steal resources."
} else {
* else, the player needs to choose a victim
msgKey = "robberpirate.moved.choose.victim";
// "{0} moved the robber/pirate. Must choose a victim."
srv.messageToGameKeyed(ga, true, msgKey, player.getName(), ((isPirate) ? 2 : 1));
// victims there, just send the prompt from here:
if (ga.getGameState() == SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) {
final int vpn = victims.get(0).getPlayerNumber();
srv.messageToPlayer(c, new SOCChoosePlayer(gaName, vpn));
} else {
srv.messageToPlayerKeyed(c, gaName, ((coord < 0) ? "robber.cantmove.pirate" : "robber.cantmove"));
// "You can't move the pirate" / "You can't move the robber"
} catch (Exception e) {
D.ebugPrintStackTrace(e, "Exception caught");